Yang Mi took a deep breath of the fragrance of the sun in her nose, and praised: "No wonder the Naadam conferences all over the prairie are held in July and August when the grass is green and the flowers are red, and the sheep are fat and the horses are strong. It turns out that the prairie is the most beautiful at this time. look."

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "The Naadam Convention is the golden season for tourism. Naturally, we must choose the most beautiful scenery to entertain tourists from all over the world. Otherwise, who would willingly spend money to play?"

Tang Yan agreed with a sweet smile, "This statement makes sense. With the beautiful scenery here, people who come here are still willing to spend money if they don't rip off customers."

Those who have spare money to travel may not necessarily be rich, but they will definitely be willing to spend money.

As long as the money is spent comfortably, tourists will not care about those three melons and two dates.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is...don't take the tourists for a fool, don't make any things like sky-high priced yurts or sky-high food.

While chatting and laughing, Han Changsheng carried the suitcases of eight people into the big yurt.

The Seven Sisters began to tidy up their living quarters, while Han Changsheng went to the grassland to the west.

Uncle Balth is not at the racecourse. He is the oldest person of the Ying family, so he has to go to the Yingwu Ranch to work on the Naadam meeting.

Taxue is not in the stable, not even the big red dates, obviously he was taken out to play by the spiritual Taxue.

Fluttering... The rainbow flew back from the west, landed on Han Changsheng's shoulder and chirped: "Master, master, you are back from stepping on the snow."

Tread, tread....Amidst the dense trampling sound, Taxue ran back cheerfully, followed by the docile mare such as Dahongzao, and the foals such as Xiaohongzao.

As descendants of Treading Snow, Xiaohongzao obviously inherited the agility of Treading Snow.

Running to Han Changsheng, he let Han Changsheng touch the horse's head, not only did not dodge, but also narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Treading Snow is... becoming more and more like a father. After a group of children had spoiled Han Changsheng, it walked up to Han Changsheng and gave him a horseback.

Seeing this situation, Han Changsheng didn't know what Taxue was thinking, so he got on his horse and galloped across the green prairie...

Valiant Ranch.

The elders of the British clan, such as Balth and Bart, were sitting on the grass outside, beside them were other clans living on the Xilamuren prairie, as well as the officials in charge of the prairie's yamen.

Balth touched the grass beside him, and said to Barth: "Balter, this conference is held in your ranch, you must be responsible for this safety work, and there must be no mistakes."

Barter thumped his heart, "Brother, don't worry, the men in the clan will be responsible for the safety of the tourists!"

"That's good. In addition, health issues must be taken care of. Grasslands are the foundation of our lives. We can't let them be polluted by all kinds of rubbish."

"Brother, don't worry, Gerrig and the others will take the children to pick up the trash on the grassland, and make this place still beautiful."

Balth nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I would like to invite Mr. Han to be the guest performer at the opening of the conference. What do you think?"

Balter hesitated, "I agree, but as Mr. Han, can he agree?"

Balth said: "I'll discuss it with Mr. Han. With Mr. Han's generous personality, it should be fine."

At this time, a government official next to him said suspiciously: "Uncle Bart, what Mr. Han are you two talking about?"

Balth covered his heart and said respectfully, "Mr. Han's name is Changsheng, and he is the great benefactor of my Ying clan."

The official of Han Changsheng's yamen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Of course he knew this Han Changsheng, not because the other party was a big star, but because he heard that this... the Lord was the first person to find the silver knife guard.

It's just...the yamen official pointed to Barthe's son, the burly man Borig, "The hot guests need superb equestrian and archery skills, Han Chang...can Mr. Han compare to Borig?"

Before Balth was about to say something, his eyes suddenly lit up. He stood up and pointed to the black lightning not far away, "Mr. Han's horsemanship is good, just look at it."

The yamen official looked suspiciously, and then stared blankly at the black lightning flashed across the grass in front of him, passed an off-road vehicle, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"That's... a horse"

"Yes! The name of the horse...Treading Snow!"


The yamen official opened his mouth, not quite believing what he heard.

He has worked in the grassland for more than [-] years, and he has never seen that horse run so fast.

That speed does not mean exceeding the speed of off-road vehicles, but several times the speed of off-road vehicles.

Balth bowed to the distance, and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Han's snow-treading horse is the fastest and most intelligent horse on the prairie. Prefect Xiong should not be surprised."

Prefect Xiong: "..."

The speed of the horse was as fast as thunder, he would be surprised if he wasn't surprised.

"Then I wish Uncle Balth can invite Mr. Han."

"I think so."


An hour later, Han Changsheng rode back to the horse farm on Treading Snow.

Before I got off the horse, I saw Yang Mi and the six 66 sisters talking around Fatty, and each of the seven 7 girls held a brand new recurve bow in their hands.

Han Changsheng jumped off the snow, frowned and walked over, "What are you doing?"

Tong Liya waved her pink recurve bow with a smile, "Learn archery from Fat Di, our bow is very beautiful!"

Han Changsheng took the recurve bow from Tong Liya's hand and tested its strength, "Where did you get so many recurve bows?"


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