Tong Liya put on her sunglasses and looked at the big sun in the sky, and said crisply: "Master, I want to go..."

"You are not allowed to go to the amusement park, or you will be locked at home directly!"

Before Tong Liya could say where she wanted to go, Han Changsheng immediately interrupted what she was about to say, with warning eyes in his eyes.

"Chi Chi..."

Tong Liya glanced at Han Changsheng, her eyes fluttered, and she covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

The master's appearance immediately reminded her of all the funny things that happened last year.

Han Changsheng pinched Yaya's smiling face, "What are you laughing at, didn't you hear my warning?"

Tong Liya wrinkled her little nose, and said with a grin: "I heard that! Don't worry, I will definitely not go to the playground again, nor will I drag you to the women's restroom."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "How dare you say it! Believe it or not, I will punish you right now:, and then lock you at home."

"Believe it, I absolutely believe it!"

Tong Liya held back a smile and replied, without waiting: Han Changsheng moved his hands and told him his plan for today.

"I accepted a shampoo endorsement a few days ago, why don't you accompany me to shoot that advertisement today.

I want you to see our usual working status, don't always think that we are also very relaxed on weekdays."

"It's your birthday, so you are the biggest, and everything is up to you."

Tong Liya's Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, and opened the garage door with his mouth curled.

Is it obviously insincere to listen to her and not allow her to go to the playground?

Chapter 718

Tong Liya got into the car, took off the crystal high heels and put them on the back seat, put on the spare flat shoes, and then kicked the accelerator to start the car.

Han Changsheng became curious and stared at Tong Liya's delicate little feet, "You know you have to drive, why do you have to wear high heels to go out, and then change into flat shoes? It's too troublesome!"

Tong Liya skillfully turned the steering wheel, subconsciously said: "Wearing flat shoes will inadvertently hunched over when going out, and no matter how beautiful they are, they will look dispirited.

But it’s different when you wear high heels, when you walk, your waist will be straight, your curves will be fully displayed, and you will look more elegant and temperamental.”

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "What kind of temperament do you want to go out with me, so I can't see it alone!"

"Yes, yes, I just want you to watch it alone.

But women want to please themselves, so I wear high heels because I want you to see me more beautiful."

Tong Liya looked at Han Changsheng's jealous face, and tried not to laugh.

The master's personality is ever-changing, and sometimes he is like a child.

He protects them like food, and doesn't allow anyone to look at them, even just a glance.

I can't put this feeling into words, anyway... I'm very happy.

Han Changsheng patted Yaya's thin legs, "Concentrate on driving, don't you know that my safety is in your hands!"

"Yes, yes, I will drive honestly.

But someone had better take back his hand, otherwise I'm afraid that if I slam on the brakes, someone will be thrown out."

Tong Liya glanced at the unretractable hand on her leg, and looked at Han Changsheng with a half-smile.

Knowing that he was driving and talking to himself, isn't the master just distracting himself? Han Changsheng curled his lips, put his hands away, and sat down with peace of mind.

He's just... just a random shot, and he didn't intend to take advantage of it, so he needs to be reminded by pointing and scolding! The headquarters of Liushen is in Shanghai, but the branch in the capital is not small, and an office building with more than [-] floors occupies it. three floors.

"Hello, Goddess Tong, Hello, Director Han!"

The lady in charge of receiving Liushen was also a little surprised when she saw Han Changsheng.

She knew that Tong Liya's advertisement was going to be filmed today, so she thought it was... Tong Liya and her assistant.

Unexpectedly, it was this couple who came hand in hand, which surprised her.

When Han Changsheng docked, the waiting lady nodded with a smile and said nothing else, but handed over the home to Yaya.

His task is to accompany Yaya to complete her work today, as his little assistant, so he has to treat Yaya as a goddess.

Tong Liya laughed and chatted with the lady at the reception, then took Han Changsheng's arm and followed the female staff to the Liushen branch.

When they arrived at the place, Tong Liya exchanged pleasantries with the people from Liushen, and the female director who shot the advertisement almost fainted when she saw Han Changsheng was so excited.

Directors are also divided into levels, and the highest is naturally Zhang Guoshi... who can direct the large-scale opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

The next level is...…directing various large-scale evening shows such as the Spring Festival Gala, or directing various documentaries, operas and dramas such as the director of "The White-haired Girl".

And then there are... film directors, TV drama directors, directors.

Last but not least is the advertising director.

It's not that commercial directors are not good, it's that there are not many good people.

Han Changsheng used to be... just a film director, but since "Bite of the Tongue" became popular, his rank has risen to the second echelon.

Presumably, if I can direct a large party or film a few dramas in the future, I will probably be able to stand firmly in the second echelon.

After a group of people waited for the pleasantries, Tong Liya quickly entered the working state.

And it wasn't until this time that Han Changsheng knew exactly how the shampoo commercial was filmed.

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