Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't just stare at the TV station. Can you try media advertisements? There are more netizens than people watching TV. Sometimes, media advertisements are more effective than TV advertisements."

Sometimes, this is a key word.

If they are all 15-second commercials, it is naturally better for TV stations.

After all, the propaganda power of traditional media such as TV advertising is still very strong.

But if it's the kind of... ten-minute, twenty-minute-long documentary-type advertisement, it's better to put it on the Internet.

There are many people who are curious and want to show off. When they see different shampoo documentaries, they will share them.

Once spread to ten, ten to a hundred times, the effect of this advertisement will explode soon.

This is the same as Maotai spending money to film a documentary advertisement for the winery.

When everyone thought it was a documentary, it was actually... an advertisement.

The staff of Liushen reported the news to the head office, and soon got approval instructions.

Shooting a documentary commercial like this is tantamount to revealing the secrets of the shampoo production process, which will offend my colleagues, but then... so what? Everyone is a competitor.

After all, a dead fellow Daoist never dies a poor Daoist.

The proposal was approved, without various special effects of silky hair, the shooting progress has indeed been accelerated a lot.

Wash your hair, and then show the effect of washing and blow-drying to complete.

Han Changsheng also appeared here, but it was his hands washing Yaya's hair.

Liushen Company is also very interesting, and has added money to Han Changsheng's hands and his ideas.

In addition, a new contract was signed, saying that if the advertising effect of this documentary becomes popular, 1% of the profit of Liushen Shampoo will be given to Han Changsheng.

However, the money was added to Yaya's advertising fee in the end...

Han Changsheng followed Tong Liya into the car, and said angrily, "Obviously it was money for me, why did it get charged to your card?"

It doesn't matter if it's money or not, what's important is how to give money like this, how do you feel that Yaya is the head of the family? Is it mine?"

Han Changsheng insisted: "That's different, the money I earn has to support seven of you, and playing your card is equivalent to supporting one of you. How about this, the money is my birthday present today."

"No! How can you take money as a birthday present!"

Tong Liya shook her head like a wave drum, pointed at the main road ahead, and said crisply: "If you don't mention it, I forget that you haven't bought me a birthday present. Let's go shopping in Sanlitun now!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

He is so good that he has to talk too much about birthday presents! This is all right, not to mention the loss of money, and he has to go shopping with Yaya with tired legs.

Han Changsheng was decadent for a few minutes, tugging at Tong Liya's hair curiously, "Yaya, why do you use big brand shampoo to wash your hair but can't you use bath beans? That thing is more natural and healthier?"

"Because the formula of bath beans has been lost long ago, otherwise don't mention us, even the royal family wants to use that thing to wash their hair and bathe."

After Tong Liya answered subconsciously, she mechanically turned her head and stared at Han Changsheng with bright eyes, "Master, you know the formula of Bath Beans"

The master doesn't ask questions casually, if he can ask such a question, he will definitely be able to make bath beans! "I don't know!"

"No! You must know!"

"I really do not know!"

Tong Liya stared into Han Changsheng's eyes for a few seconds, took out her bank card and shook it, biting the two dimples at the corner of her mouth and smiling sweetly.

"How about it, master, as long as you help me make bath beans, I'll take it as my birthday present, and we don't have to go shopping.

In addition, the extra money I earned today will be returned to you as your pocket money, and I will never tell the elder sisters!"

When Han Changsheng heard this, his heart was moved immediately.

Money is not important, the most important thing is not to go shopping.

Although Yaya is the weakest in the family, she is the craziest. This can be seen from her two previous trips to the playground.

Once she goes shopping, she is tireless.

If he doesn't stop her, she can wander from day to night, and when she walks to him, a big man will have sore legs.

Tong Liya noticed Han Changsheng's slight expression, and secretly called Youmen.

She rolled her eyes and said with a sweet smile: "That's good, you make bath beans, and I'll pay you again."



"A word is a deal!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

"The hook is hanged, and it cannot be changed for a hundred years!"

After the agreement was reached, Han Changsheng waved his hand, "Go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine first, and I'll get you bath beans."

It's just bath beans, I searched casually on the Internet in my previous life, and there are all kinds of recipes.

This thing is really not an advanced thing, at most it is... the production process is a bit complicated, "Okay!"

Tong Liya smiled sweetly at Bai Meisheng, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight to the nearest pharmacy.

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