Di Lieba's eyes widened curiously, "Why?"

Han Changsheng said with a light smile: "The main ingredient of bath beans is active alkali, which can remove oily dirt and dead skin on the skin.

If you eat meat every day, the amount of grease will be too much, which will reduce the effect of bath beans."

Di Lieba was stunned, "It's real or fake"

Yang Mi nodded and said: "What the master said is indeed true. I checked the information and found that the legendary bath bean has the same effect as most of the shower gels on the market, but the main content of the bath bean is pure natural traditional Chinese medicine. , so bath beans are more effective, healthier and safer.”

Tong Liya waved her hand, "In that case, let's just be vegetarians.

Anyway... we have one day a week to be vegetarian, this time we can gather all the vegetarian meals for a month on these few days."

Tang Yan nodded in agreement, "Second sister is right. A few days ago, on the prairie, every day except... the whole lamb banquet was... roasted whole lamb, or... all kinds of skewers, I am tired of eating Panic."

Zhao Liying: "What the third sister said is what I want to say. In those few days, I wanted to grab the grass in the ground and eat it as vegetables."

Guli Nazha: "Then let's experience a five-day full-vegetarian healthy life!"

Liu Sisi stepped on her feet and kissed Han Changsheng, "That's right... I'm going to make my master become a vegetarian with us."

Han Changsheng waved his hands with a smile, "I'm fine, I don't need skin care like you, I can still eat some meat."

After saying that, Han Changsheng turned around and went into the kitchen, and brought out a large plate of buns stuffed with mutton and green onion, and a large bowl of wontons stuffed with fresh shrimp.

What he wants is to cheat seven girls. If he cheats himself, doesn’t that mean he hurts the enemy by one thousand and himself loses eight hundred? He is not that stupid! The seven sisters looked at the vegan food in front of them, and then looked at Looking at Han Changsheng's fragrant steaming meat buns and wontons, I suddenly felt that the food in my mouth was a bit like tasteless wax.

That one eats meat, they eat grass, this crit damage is simply not too strong! Han Changsheng took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun lightly, and showed the glowing mutton and green onion stuffing in front of the eyes of the seven girls, "What are you looking at, hurry up! Eat something! If you don't... this breakfast will be cold."


The seven sisters gritted their teeth and ate their steamed buns, rice porridge and pickles in suspense.

It's too unhealthy to eat meat, it's better to be vegetarian! At least, the entrance of this steamed bun is a little sweet, and the entrance of pickles: a little salty.

In the case of one sweet and one salty, the seven sisters ate much less food than before, and they could barely have what they had before.

But Fatty eats even less, half a steamed bun and a bowl of porridge, plus a few small pickles...  

after breakfast.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying changed into the slim executive outfits, took their small briefcases, kissed goodbye and went to work.

The remaining five 55 have no activities, and all rest at home.

Tong Liya and Tang Yan were doing yin and yang fists, while Gu Li Nazha and Liu Sisi stretched their legs and stretched their waists, playing yoga.

Dili Reba curled up on the sofa, humming and haha ​​controlling Yuji to kill enemies and die in various ways.

Han Changsheng lay next to Fat Di, and patted it casually, "Little Fatty, Yaya and the others are insisting on exercising, why are you being lazy?"

Dili Reba looked at the opponent's hero, pouting and said: "I ate too much just now, so let's take a rest first, and after a while...then exercise."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "A steamed bun and a bowl of porridge is also called more than your previous meal, which is not even half! And your short time...is it from [-]:[-] in the morning to [-]:[-] in the evening? !"

Di Lieba blushed, and lay directly in Han Changsheng's arms, and pecked at his mouth, "If you don't tell the truth, you are still my good master!"

Han Changsheng patted it lightly, and said with a smile: "You seem to have said that if you see through it, you can say that it's a good couple."

"Did I say that?"

"Didn't you say that?"

"Did you say that?"

"Don't play tongue twisters with me here! Go exercise!"

Han Changsheng glared at Fatty, and the strength of patting her back suddenly became stronger, "With your lazy energy of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, do you want your waist to be as thick as a bucket after you are forty?"

"Go and go! Hmph! When I become the best figure in our family, you can't eat it every day!"

Di Lieba wrinkled her little nose, got up with her mouth pouted, and ran to the side to practice yoga.

Yin-Yang Fist is so slow, running is still tiring, now it seems that yoga is the most relaxing, at least... lying down and sleeping is also called yoga.

Liu Sisi kicked Dili Reba's foot, angrily and amusedly said: "Fatty Di, what are you doing lying here, isn't it practicing sleeping yoga?"

Di Lieba opened her eyes and looked at Liu Sisi sideways, said with her mouth curled up: "You don't understand, to practice yoga you have to stretch your limbs first, stretching your limbs standing up is easy to hurt your body, it's healthier for me to stretch my limbs lying down."

After saying that, Di Lieba stretched her waist, then raised her hands and kicked her legs, which was regarded as a stretching exercise before yoga practice.

And then, it was motionless again.

Tong Liya took a look, and shook her head speechlessly, "Little Fatty, just be lazy! I'll see what you can do when a swimming ring appears on your waist!"


Di Lieba didn't answer, and continued to lie down comfortably.

Half an hour later, Tong Liya, Tang Yan, Gu Li Nazha and Liu Sisi went to wash up after exercising, and Di Lireba was still there: lazing comfortably on the yoga mat.

Then she was comfortable and comfortable, and she fell asleep on her back.

After sleeping for about ten minutes, Di Lireba frowned fiercely.

Her eyes snapped open, and she hugged her right leg and shouted loudly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, help me, master! My right leg is cramping!”

"It's just a cramp, what a normal thing, do you need to call for help!"

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