Tong Liya walked over, glanced at Fatty's lying posture, and shook her head speechlessly, "Little Fatty, if you catch something that doesn't suit your taste, you should eat less, and if you encounter something delicious, you will eat it all the time. With your method of overeating, you can't use it." It won't be long before you have to gain weight!"

Di Lieba pulled her face unconvinced, "How can I gain weight? I'm eating healthy, okay?"

"Only eating only seven percent of your full meal is a healthy diet like the master.

And you..."

Tong Liya pointed to Han Changsheng, and then to Di Lireba, "You ate three 3-billion rice buns for this dinner, and you couldn't even walk! I think at least you have to gain five catties. "

"Impossible! I won't get fat!"

Di Lireba said something hard, then clutched her stomach and got up guiltily, and ran towards the electronic scale beside her.

She had just stepped on the electronic scale with her two feet, her pupils staring at the screen suddenly dilated, and her voice was so high-pitched that it was somewhat sharp, "I... why did I gain three catties! This is impossible!"

Han Changsheng plucked his ears, turned his head helplessly, "What else could it be? It's because you're full."

Dili Reba pursed her lips, and looked at Han Changsheng with aggrieved eyes, "Master, actually scolded me, didn't you spoil me?"

Han Changsheng was so dazed that he was at a loss, "I scolded you, what did I scold you for?"

Dili Reba squeezed her little milk and said aggrievedly: "You said I'm full!"

Han Changsheng helplessly raised his forehead, "I'm talking about weighing scales, not overstretched! Your current weight is the weight you weigh just after eating, and of course it's three catties heavier than usual."

Fat Di, this girl is not only confused at ordinary times, her blood doesn't flow to her head after she is full, she can even become a little fool.

Tong Liya covered her mouth with a broken smile and said, "Fat Di, the master is right. The rice bag you eat is two catties, and the juice is one catty. The total is almost exactly three catties."

"Is that so"

Di Lieba let out a long breath, letting go of the heart that was raised in her throat.

She rubbed her stomach and walked back to the living room, standing in front of Tong Liya, "Second Sister, let me go?"

Tong Liya hugged Han Changsheng's right arm tightly, raised her eyebrows at Fat Di, "Why should I let you?"

"But I was lying here just now."

"You also said that it was just now, but I am the one lying here now."

Dili Reba suddenly realized and pointed at Tong Liya, "Okay, second sister, I said you said about your weight for no reason, so it was to trick me out of the arms of the master!"

Tong Liya waved her hand calmly, "You can't say that, according to our family's regulations, the position on the right side of the master is my territory, and you can grab it casually when I'm not at home.

Since you girl is not conscious, I can only use a trick."


Di Li Reba pointed at Tong Liya, opened her mouth, but still couldn't say anything.

She is unreasonable in terms of rules, and she can't compare with the second sister in terms of means, except... run to the side and lie down, what can Han Changsheng do? , you have eaten so much, can you walk for 10 minutes before lying down?"

Di Lireba pouted, "But I can't walk now!"

Han Changsheng: "If you can't walk, just walk slowly like before, you will feel comfortable lying down now, but your gastrointestinal motility will slow down.

You ate so much at night, if you don’t digest all of it, stomach pain is a trivial matter, but if you have diarrhea, you will suffer.”

Diarrhea Dili Reba got up quickly when she thought of the tragic scene.

Then he wandered slowly in the living room, occasionally blocking Tong Liya's view of watching TV.

It doesn't matter if you can't beat the second sister, just hang around in front of her, and make trouble for her to make you feel better.

"This little Fatty!"

Tong Liya looked at Fatty who was dangling in front of her eyes, and suddenly felt angry and funny.

Among the seven sisters, the reason why Pang Di is everyone's happy fruit is because this girl will make such extremely naive behaviors from time to time.

But it is also because of Fatty's naivety that she is everyone's favorite Han Laoqi.

Chapter 727 Because I'm Shameless

Yang Mi looked at the figures flickering back and forth on the TV, and suddenly turned to Han Changsheng and asked, "Master, what shall we have for breakfast tomorrow?"

Swish, swish, swish... As soon as these words came out, Tong Liya's sixth sister's eyes also fell on Han Changsheng.

After a day of steamed buns, steamed buns and rice buns, they are very afraid that there will be another kind of vegetarian food tomorrow morning.

If it's really unfortunate, send Nazha, Sisi and Fatty to entangle the master's hands and feet, and then they make breakfast by themselves.

Hehe... These girls are really scared! Seeing this situation, Han Changsheng secretly smiled, and asked without answering, "What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

"Soy milk, deep-fried dough sticks."

"Buns, wontons."

"Anyway... it doesn't matter if it's just a cornbread!"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "I'll bake pancakes for you tomorrow, and besides... normal pickles, I'll make you a soup."

"Then I want scallion pancakes!"

"Sugar Cookies."

"Red bean cake."

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