Its flight path has no rules, obviously to guard against the golden eagle in the sky.

However, the golden eagle just watched and didn't act, which made Han Changsheng's hanging heart drop half.

The rainbow landed on Han Changsheng's shoulder, and he said crisply: "Master, you have to talk to Sister Jin Diao again, otherwise she won't agree to film for you."

Han Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and looked up: the golden eagle hovering in the sky touched Rainbow's little head, "Did you not make a deal?"

Rainbow shook his head, "It's only half of the talk, because I can't give the golden eagle sister food, you have to take out the food, the golden eagle sister will believe it."

"Okay, I'll talk to it."

Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi and Di Lireba, "Mi Mi, Fat Di, stay away first, don't get hurt."

Yang Mi hesitated for a moment, "Be careful, once the golden eagle attacks, attack immediately."

Di Lireba said: "Leave the bow and arrow, at can protect yourself."

"Don't worry! I will be fine."

Han Changsheng kissed the two cubs, then walked to the side of the open space.

He still has a certain degree of confidence in his own skills. Even if he can't kill the golden eagle, at least... he won't be injured.

After all, this golden eagle is only the overlord in the air, and if it really lands on the ground, half of its martial arts will be useless.

And the rainbow is more flexible at low altitudes, and it can also clean up the golden eagle.

Huang Bo and the others were stunned when they saw the scene of Han Changsheng, Yang Mi and Di Lireba leaving separately.

"What is Brother Han going to do? He doesn't really want to negotiate with that golden eagle, does he?"

"From what he said just now, it should be that, and the rainbow has already fallen, it is estimated that there will be negotiations!"

"But... the golden eagle is a bird of prey! Who can guarantee that there will be no mistakes?"

"Brother Qian, you have raised so many animals, you should know something about this golden eagle, right?"

Yu Daqian shook his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the golden eagle in the sky, "I only know about eagles, but I have never raised this golden eagle, but since Brother Han has the confidence to negotiate, there should be no danger. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Daqian added: "Even so, we have to be prepared, once the golden eagle starts to attack, we will charge up together, if there are too many people, even the golden eagle will be afraid. "

Huang Bo got on the horse directly, and said with concern: "Don't worry, I often ride horses these days, the duration can't be guaranteed, and a short-term impact can still be done."

Seeing this situation, Sha Yi and the others jumped on their horses in a similar manner, their eyes were always on: the golden eagle in the sky and Han Changsheng in the distance wandering around, ready to save people at any time.

Seeing this situation, the surrounding tourists took pictures one after another, and even started a small video.

What's more, the live broadcaster directly turned on two machines, aiming at the golden eagle in the sky and Han Changsheng on the ground.


Under the attention of all the people, the golden eagle hovering in the air uttered a cry, and flew down in a circle.

However, this golden eagle did not fall down in a straight line, but circled and danced in circles.

A pair of eagle eyes are also watching the surroundings in case of dangerous situations.

It flew for about three minutes, and saw that it didn't sense anything threatening it, so it landed on Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng held Shengying's bow tightly, and kept his vigilant eyes on the golden eagle, ready to attack at any time.

He doesn't know how to read minds, God knows whether the golden eagle really flew down to negotiate, or took him as prey.

Yang Mi and the others got nervous, and the golden eagle landed three meters away from Han Changsheng.

It tilted its head and stared at Han Changsheng with its sharp eagle eyes.

Its wings have not yet been closed, its claws are grasping the ground, and its half-squatting posture shows that it will flap its wings and fly high at any time.

Han Changsheng stared blankly at the golden eagle, not at all false.

In the animal kingdom, not daring to look at each other is equivalent to cowardice.

If it is placed on the food chain, it is likely to be attacked by the opponent and treated as food.

So the most important thing for him to do now is... to stare directly at this golden eagle until the sharp eyes of the other party soften.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... until five minutes later, the eyes of the golden eagle finally became less sharp.

As a token of sincerity, Han Changsheng also carried Shengying's bow and arrow sheath behind his back.

At this time, the golden eagle finally calmed down when looking at Han Changsheng, but it was still in a state of half vigilance and half alert.

Han Changsheng signaled that he had nothing on his hands, and then said loudly to the golden eagle in front of him: "I think you should have talked to Rainbow, I can provide you with food, you just need to fly in the low air for a while, let us shoot for ten minutes time."

Rainbow twittered to translate for Han Changsheng, and then for Jin Diao.

Golden Eagle: "Where is the food? I can't see the food. I don't believe any of your words."

Han Changsheng yelled at Yang Mi, and quickly brought back a... sheep that had just been slaughtered and hadn't been processed yet.

He threw the sheep on the open space in front of him, and said to the golden eagle: "Your food is here, you can check it, but don't think about leaving here with the food, I think your flying speed under the load must not be enough." Rainbow Fast."

The Golden Eagle checked the safety of the food and honked, agreeing to Han Changsheng's terms of exchange.

Han Changsheng turned around and went to get the camera equipment from a distance, Yang Mi led Tong Liya and the others and jumped on him directly.

The Seven Sisters checked up and down carefully before relaxing.

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