The big yurt where the eight people lived was not very quiet.

Di Lieba pinched her waist with her left hand, pointed at Yang Mi with her right hand, and said angrily: "Sister, why are you robbing me of my kumiss! I haven't had enough! Don't rely on you being the eldest of our family, just take it as you like." Bully my youngest!"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, "You're not allowed to drink if you haven't had enough. The master stipulates that you can only drink one bag of kumiss, and you can drink more!"

Di Lieba pouted with a chubby red face, stomped her feet and said coquettishly, "Why did I drink too much? I'm still sober! I can recite the nine-nine multiplication table from beginning to end, and every word is good!"

Tong Liya walked over and gave Di Lireba a slap, angrily and funnyly said: "You are very sober now, but whether you have drunk too much or not, it is up to the master to judge."

Di Lieba jumped right in front of Han Changsheng, pulling his clothes and shaking them constantly, "My lord, I'm drunk, am I drunk? Tell me quickly! Am I drunk or not?"

Han Changsheng looked up at Pang Di's...cute chubby face, and shook his head helplessly, "You are now in a state of half-drunk and half-awake, or in a state of excitement over alcohol."

He was also really speechless.

He has seen Fatty not drunk, and he has seen Fatty drunk.

But it was the first time he encountered Fatty's half-drunk and half-awake state.

Fatty in this state is really a double headache.

You say she is crazy about drinking, she is not confused at all.

But if you say she is sober, it’s called a lot, and it’s called a secret.

That mouth is like a machine gun, and it's endless, the fighting power of one person is more than Mimi's six 66.

"Look and see! The master said I didn't drink too much! Big sister! Boss Han! Yang Mi! Hurry up and return my kumiss, or don't blame me for my trick!"

When Di Lieba heard Han Changsheng's diagnosis, she immediately went insane.

She went up and snatched the kumiss in Yang Mi's hand, and when she didn't get it, she started chasing Yang Mi all over the room, making the room full of people on their backs and chickens flying like dogs.

"Oh, Fat Di! I was putting on a mask, and you got me on the floor!"

"Pang Di, can you stop running wildly, my footbasin was kicked over by you!"

"Dili Reba! Give me back the water I used to wash my hair!"

Gu Li Nazha and Liu Sisi took the lead in condemning Di Li Reba, seeing that the chubby Di was still crazy, they took the lead and killed him.

Then you punched me and kicked Fatty directly.

And then stuffed him into the quilt, pressing him tightly from head to toe.

Di Lieba struggled for a while, but still couldn't break free from the six mountains on her body.

Seeing this situation, she quickly tapped Han Changsheng's leg with her toe, crying for help, "Master, help me! Big sister and the others are all bullying me!"

Han Changsheng scratched Fatty's little feet, and said with a smile, "Little Fatty! These six young ladies are too tough to fight, I dare not save you, so you should just lie down under Liuti Mountain and have a good time." Go to sleep!"

He will not save Fatty.

Compared with Fatty's crazy state, the current situation is better.

Not only is there no more crazy chatter, Mimi and the other six 66 have no time to pester him, it's simply...killing two birds with one stone.

"Tears are a little salty and a little sweet, your fierce chest kisses my side face.

Looking back at the snow you stepped on, it slowly melted into a grassland..."

When the house was commotion, Liu Sisi's cell phone rang.

The girl jumped off the ground, ran to the table in her slippers, and saw "Catherine" on the screen of her mobile phone

three words.

Liu Sisi connected directly, and said with a smile: "Sister Catherine, you have good news."

Catherine's gentle and elegant voice sounded, "Sisi, although I know it's past 11 o'clock at your place, I don't think you're asleep yet, after all, you said that you will attend a grand bonfire party at night."

Liu Sisi smiled and said, "Sister Catherine, you are right, the bonfire party has just ended, and we haven't rested yet."

Catherine: "Then my call is not intrusive. The matter I told you this morning has been resolved. The organizing committee of Lundu Fashion Week will send you a special invitation letter. You can bring no more than ten people. More than 10 guests will enter the fashion week, and there will be a separate fashion exhibition stand."

Liu Sisi was overjoyed immediately, "Thank you sister Catherine for your help!"

A separate fashion exhibition stand, this is the treatment only the world's top fashion designers have.

Of course, this is not the main thing, the main thing is the special invitation letter.

There are only eight members of their family, with this special invitation, the whole family can enter this fashion week to watch her personal fashion exhibition.

Catherine smiled and said, "Sister Sisi, you don't have to be polite. Compared with Mr. Han's help, these are small things."

Liu Sisi still persisted and thanked again, chatted with Catherine for a while, and then hung up the phone.

Yang Mi looked at Liu Sisi's beaming smile and asked curiously, "Sisi, why are you so happy when you got a call?"

Liu Sisi shook her phone with a smile, and said happily: "Sister Catherine's phone number, she helped me get a special invitation letter, our whole family can fly directly to Lun Pier, and participate in the fashion week held there."

"The Pier Fashion Week"

Di Lieba under the five mountains heard this and immediately struggled violently, "I'm going, I'm going! I want to be a model for Sixth Sister!"

Liu Sisi saw that the five 55 sisters seemed to be unable to bear it, so she hurried over and patted Fatty's head, "You can go if you want, but you have to be quiet and play tricks on me." If you're crazy, I'll leave you alone at home."

Di Lieba was stunned, then she became quiet for a moment, and she showed a cute smile to Liu Sisi, "Don't worry, Sixth Sister, I, Fat Di, are the best and best in our family!"

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