"Sorry, I was wrong."

Although it is said that the mouth here is very happy, but Tony's current predicament is still unable to get rid of, and now he urgently needs someone to help him get out of the predicament.

On the other hand, the exchange between Godzilla and the old sword has almost come to an end.

It's very simple. When life is threatened, even Godzilla will stop a lot, and when he stops, he can communicate a lot.

Although it is said that Godzilla cannot understand human language, and the old sword cannot speak Godzilla's language, some actions can still be understood. For example, after the old sword took action, the space carrier did not hesitate to directly Run away from the battlefield or something.

The old sword is at the bottom, and Amakusa, as a consultant, will naturally tell Fury what to do next. If Fury, a bald head, is still obsessed with killing Godzilla, then he is really a sand sculpture, so Amakusa told him After running quickly, the space carrier immediately abandoned Newton, made a sharp turn, and then ran away like the wind, leaving the old sword here to face Godzilla.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it can be recalled through the command spell, if it is impossible, send a Quinjet fighter to recover it!

Godzilla watched the space carrier leave, but he couldn't help it. Although he really wanted to do it, he couldn't do it. The knife was still on his neck, so he had to take it easy.

After the Helicarrier disappeared, Old Sword removed his broadsword from Godzilla's neck and disappeared in front of Godzilla.

This completely unscientific and completely unphysical behavior stunned Godzilla.

Fuck, what did I just see? Why can this human being disappear by itself? It’s fine if he can counteract his strongest attack. At least after he stops threatening, he can fuck him again, but why can he disappear by himself!

For a while, Godzilla lost all his attack targets and was very angry, but he had no choice but to track the Helicarrier like Muto.

Glancing at Raton, who was still lying on the ground and screaming constantly, Godzilla rushed over and kicked Raton to vent his anger.

This kick landed on Raton's body, and it kicked directly, and it spat out a mouthful, vomiting out a red guy.

"Oh, it's finally out..."

Someone who got spit out was very thankful.

Chapter 45. Fury is still surrounded by Hydra today

The period of the monster crisis is over like this, because Godzilla has no enemies, so he went back temporarily, and went back to where he came from.

Walked back to the west coast of the United States from the nuclear bomb test site, plowed an artificial river on the ground again, and then returned to the Pacific Ocean.

Raton, who kicked before taking it away, finally got rid of the strange thing stuck in his throat, so Raton screamed Xyaaa a few times, and happily followed Godzilla to the Pacific Ocean.

But not long after flying, Godzilla yelled: Your home is under the volcano, not under the sea.

Raton replied Oh!Then he turned his head and left, ignoring the steel trio standing on the ground from the beginning to the end.

The Iron Trio was perfectly ignored. It seems that since the Holy Grail War, Tony has a halo, that is, no matter what happens, as long as Tony is present, then that matter will end soon. In short, it is Tony's armor Constantly upgrading, but so far in this book, he has not fully acted forcefully for a while. This is a very embarrassing thing. The famous Tony Stark is keen to act forceful but can't act forcefully.

So the steel trio almost crossed the entire United States and came to the nuclear bomb test site, then left the nuclear bomb test site again and returned to New York. He really wanted to find his own king, but because the old sword disappeared so suddenly, Lancelot was very helpless, so he could only go back to New York with Tony for the time being. After returning to New York, he asked Amakusa about the situation. There is only one master in the world, Amakusa, so if the old sword appears as a servant, then it must be the servant of Amakusa, and it must be right to find Amakusa.

Fortunately, this time the monster crisis has been resolved, the west coast of the United States has not been ruined, and the San Francisco Bridge has not been demolished as a landmark building again. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

On the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., Amakusa was sitting at the round table as a consultant drinking the coffee brought by Coulson, and the old sword next to him was also drinking coffee. He had a good exercise just now, so now he has to rest rest.

Fury stood on the podium, staring at the big screen in front of him, and the satellite image of Godzilla was broadcast on the video screen. Although Fury was no longer in front of Godzilla, his heart was always watching Godzilla, the other screen is naturally the picture of Raton, these two super monsters, no matter which one is very annoying to him, so he has to keep an eye on it.

Then he saw that Godzilla, escorted by the US Pacific Third Fleet, disappeared after a dive in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, while Raton flew back to his own small volcano, then lowered his head, and plunged directly into it Yes, that action looks like drilling into the water, but it's flowing magma!Drilling into magma is the same as drilling into water, and Fury's eyelids twitched at that action.

After watching the picture of the two monsters coming home, Fury let out a long sigh. He felt that he was ten years older these days.

The Church of the Holy Church, the Holy Grail War, the Society of Magicians, the alien invasion, the alien monster invasion, and the earth-native monster war. Everything starts with the kidnapping of Tony Stark. So many things happen one after another, and the tension is frightening. Let him have no time to prepare and slowly digest.

After finally getting the space gem, I have to hand it over again, because there is also an alien prince. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is really tired now.

"Father Amakusa, you know, I even think about retiring now."

"That's a good idea. According to surveys, in the United States, the work pressure of civil servants is higher than that of 90% of occupations in the United States. It is normal for you to want to retire, so do you plan to retire now?"


One of his own complaints was exchanged for a very serious complaint from Amakusa, and Fury felt very speechless.

"No, I can't retire until the mess on the earth is cleaned up. I still need to find out the monsters on the earth and find a way to deal with them. I also need to find a way to make the earth resist aliens. Importantly, I also need to find those damn Hydras! Then kill them all!"

Fury's heartfelt words caught the attention of all Hydra members on the scabbard, and everyone stared at him immediately after hearing it.

With so many eyes gathering behind him, Fury, who is naturally vigilant, immediately turned his head and looked at all the Hydra employees present.

"Is that so, do you think so too? I didn't expect that you young guys have never experienced a battle with Hydra, and you also think the same as me."

Just like Coulson misunderstood the group of hydras before, Fury also misunderstood them, because he would never have thought that on the entire bridge, apart from him, there would be Colson Hill who was still the Avenger The members of the squad, the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D., are actually Hydra.

Even if Fury knew that there were hydra inside S.H.I.E.L.D., he would not have thought that all of them were to this extent.

"So, will Chief Fury's next actions still focus on Hydra?"

"That's right, Hydra is the priority. I know that aliens are staring at the earth now, but I don't think the Holy Church represented by Father Amakusa should not sit idly by. Before that, I think for After being able to deal with external threats wholeheartedly, we SHIELD needs to eliminate the threat of Hydra first. Because no one wants internal turmoil during foreign wars, which is something that everyone does not want to see Arrived!"

Gao Yi, Director Ferry!Resolve internal conflicts before going out to the outside world, so that you can go all out to the outside world!

"In this case, then Director Fury, please come on."

Compared with the previous Captain America who struggled against Hydra alone, this time Fury took the lead, and there was even a Hulk behind him. It shouldn't be like Amakusa saw it, dismantle S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. was pretty good when it was there, especially those three spacecarriers, they were really cool, even if you don’t want them, you don’t have to smash them directly, you can give me one to play with, although I play magic and summoning, If you can't beat it, you can hug Illya's thigh directly, but you still want to collect something as cool as the space carrier.

If it doesn't work, just help out at that time, even if there is no plot script, it should be no problem to get one from the space carrier.

Amakusa thought so.

"By the way, master, I forgot to tell you when I retreated just now. Godzilla has already targeted the space carrier. According to the character of this kind of monster, it will concentrate its hatred on one thing for a long time, so the space carrier , or similar things in the future, it is best not to appear on the sea, it is best not to appear within its perception range, otherwise it will attack immediately."

Mmp, in this case, I dare not drive out after getting the space carrier!

Chapter 1. Tony Stark is a Genius

At this time, three months have passed since the earth-native monster incident.

In the past three months, the earth has become extraordinarily peaceful.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has been frantically looking for Hydra internally for the past three months. In order to suppress the Hydra headquarters, Fury even asked Hill to drive the Helicarrier to the Trident headquarters in Washington, and even invited Amakusa and Old Sword to follow along. In the past, as a restraining force, it suppressed the entire Trident headquarters.

But it's a pity that they didn't find any hydra in the Trident headquarters. The hydra was so well hidden that they didn't find any of them, even with the help of Amakusa.

Because Amakusa discovered that there were more Hydras than he had imagined, Amakusa could use the Soul Stone to understand everyone's inner thoughts, thus distinguishing those people as Hydras, but when he found that there were many Hydras in the entire headquarters After Hydra, he gave up.

In the movie, one-third of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a member of Hydra, but now, only a quarter of the entire headquarters is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Just kidding, if Hydra is killed.Killed, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is closed.

Very helpless, it is different from what Amakusa knows, so Amakusa can only temporarily give up helping S.H.I.E.L.D., well, let Captain America find out, this muddy water cannot be touched for the time being.

the other side.

"Sir, new test and readiness, when will it be conducted."

"Don't wait, start now."

On the Stark Tower, Tony is experimenting with new armor, in order to equip his armor with new capabilities.

Tony Stark is a genius. Once again, Tony Stark is a genius. After Amakusa gave him the design ideas and verbal theory about the Gundam Solar Furnace for the first time, everything after that was developed by Tony himself. .

Moreover, his development was done without Amakusa's participation again, that is to say, without Amakusa's help to instill some so-called theories again, he achieved independent development by himself.

For example, he developed a double furnace system by himself. Although it is not a solar furnace, it is still a furnace. The most important thing is that Tony easily let the double furnace system handle it, directly 1+1>2.

Then, in a whimsical way, he thought that the output of the double furnace system would be weak after overloading, so he directly used his banknote ability to turn the double furnace machine into a ten furnace machine, so that Tony could maintain uninterrupted overload attacks.

Even beam sabers were developed, as well as beam linear guns.

But it is a pity that every time Tony researches new equipment, he has no chance to show it. As a person who likes to join in the fun, he has been letting Jarvis pay attention to the situation in the world, and even invaded Aegis for it. Bureau internal network, get news from within SHIELD.

But even so, he still didn't have many opportunities to show off his armor.

Really, every time you show up, either someone else is high and it's over in front of Tony, or it's over by the time he arrives.

But even so, Tony Stark is still carrying out this redevelopment, and his armor research and development has never stopped.

Not only his interest in research and development, but also that he hasn't beaten Lancelot yet.

Seriously, if he had focused those research and development on long-range attack and flight, he might have beaten Lancelot long ago.

But Tony was so impressed by this guy Lancelot who showed his big sword in front of him at the beginning, so he went further and further on the road of close combat. Looking at Tony's recent performance, Amakusa even felt that he There may be another name, called Setsuna F Qingyin, I am afraid that in the end Sun Furnace researched it and directly became a purebred reformer.

Now, Tony has not yet simulated the Jupiter environment for making solar furnaces, so he is helpless. He can only upgrade other configurations, such as simplifying his armor again.

Tony has already studied the convenience of armor before, but now he is studying how to make the armor modular.

Although it was possible to fly the armor from a distance and assemble it on the body in the past, it was a complete set. Now he is studying how to make the armor come out piece by piece and fly to him to assemble it. This modularity has an advantage , That is, once a part is broken, for example, a part on a leg is broken, instead of replacing the whole leg directly, you only need to replace that part.

And, not only that, Tony also made another modification this time, which is the backpack system. He only used the Seven Swords equipment for a while, and then the backpack was discarded by Tony, mainly using the dual swords.

But now he has used it again. As for the reason, it is naturally because of Raton before.

When facing Raton before, he was chased miserably. After being chased miserably, he chose to fight back, but after the counterattack, he fell into the embarrassing situation of being stuck in the opponent's esophagus. Even when he finally came out, he didn't find a way out by himself. , but was vomited out by the opponent, and even came out, and his two swords were still stuck in the opponent's esophagus, but the two swords inserted there had no effect on Radon at all.

So after the goal of beating Lancelot, Tony has a new goal, that is, the next time he meets Raton, he must beat him hard!

For this reason, he made a new backpack, which is a detachable assembled backpack. There are two swords, two swords that look ordinary, but these two swords can be combined to form a large double-edged sword. sword.

These two swords usually look like swords, but when they are combined, they will become a powerful weapon, which is a super energy attack, yes, that is a giant beam saber!

Tony even installed a reactor on these two swords to supply energy for this purpose, plus the ten reactors on Tony himself, together, Tony has become a twelve furnace warrior.

With twelve reactors and a high-power super beam saber, this time, even if he meets Raton, Tony Stark will not be afraid!

"Beginning to overload."


Along with the buzzing sound, a red light burst out from the place where the two great swords joined together, forming a beam of light about two meters long, pointing directly at the ceiling.

"OK, report the current output power."

"Sir, the current output power is 5%."

"Estimate how far it can go under 100% conditions."

"Sir, according to the index situation, considering the energy loss, the effective killing range of the beam is 108,56 meters."

"That is to say, I can have a [-]-meter broadsword?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, that would be nice."

Yep, the beam saber, the way Tony thought of the attack after watching satellite shots of old swords and Godzilla's on-wave fights.

Chapter 2. Go further and further on the road of Gundam



Waving the super sword in his hand, Tony Stark shouted while waving in his research room, as if he was cheering for himself.

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