A string of black letters appeared in the center of the screen: Darkness is coming~ The elves from darkness are coming!

"Dark Elf? Is this...Thor 2?"

But now it is the plot of Iron Man 3, why is Thor 2 refreshed by the system?

Amakusa was puzzled, but suddenly received the news from the contract.

The messengers were Arthur and Lancelot who had just gone to England not long ago. The knights of the round table told Amakusa that they found all the strange places in England.

Chapter 8. The Third Infinity Stone

Amakusa would never have imagined that when Iron Man Tony Stark started the plot of Iron Man 3, Arthur and Lancelot, who went to England to see the scenery, would directly start the plot of Thor 2 .

What is the story of Thor 2 about? It is about the reality gem among the infinite gems in the universe. The dark elves once again provoked the war.

All in all, this is another Infinity Stone coming out, so someone needs to do something about it.

But now, Jane did not discover that ether particle, but Arthur and Lancelot discovered that thing first.

In London, England, in an abandoned suburban factory, Arthur and Lancelot were standing on the middle floor of a building. They were standing one after the other, looking at the empty stairwell.

The two of them are Britons. Although they have become servants, they still want to see the scenery of their hometown. Although Lancelot seems to be a Frenchman before his death, as the king chef, King Arthur came He will follow wherever he goes, there is no problem with that.

When they came to the UK, they went to Stonehenge to have a look, but they didn't see any relics left by huge robots, and then they went to London for a stroll, but they found something wrong.

Outside this factory, they found that gravity has lost its effect. Anyone here can directly lift something weighing several tons, such as a heavy truck, such as a boulder, and only need an easy force, and then they can do it.

And in this factory, the stairwell, although there is gravity, but it has another different place, the space here is very unstable.

"Sir Lancelot, please give me a stone."


Lancelot picked up a stone from the ground nearby and handed it to Arthur.

Arthur took the stone and threw it directly towards the stairwell, and the stone began to fall directly after being thrown.

But it disappeared suddenly when it fell halfway, and it reappeared less than a while after disappearing, but the address that appeared was not from the ground below, but from the sky above, as if someone dropped it from above. Passed the field of vision in front of Arthur and Lancelot, and then fell down again.

When it fell to the bottom, it disappeared again, and then appeared and fell from the top again. In this way, it appeared and disappeared in a continuous cycle, and then appeared and disappeared again. The speed became faster and faster until it reached a stable speed. And so on and on.

"This is?"

"The space is overlapping. Although I don't know the reason, the space here forms an overlapping closed loop. If there is no external force, I am afraid that this stone will continue to repeat infinitely like this."

After Arthur finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed the stone that passed in front of him again, held the stone in his hand and observed it carefully.

"There is no loss, but there seems to be a different breath on the top, and when it disappeared below, it didn't appear on the top immediately. There was a period of disappearance in the middle, and it is not clear where it went during the disappearance."

"Wang, do you want to go over and see the situation? There may be unknown dangers on the other side."

Lancelot came to Arthur's side and asked in a low voice.

"Judging from the current situation, the closed loop of this space is stable, so even if there is danger, as long as we are fast enough, we should be able to shuttle directly there, and then come back here. If it doesn't work, the master can use the command spell to pull us away. go back."

"As long as we make an agreement with the master in advance."

This is the reason why they contacted Amakusa before, and because of this, after receiving it, Amakusa refreshed the system screen in front of him and refreshed a new activity.

Although the plot of Iron Man 3 is also starting, compared to the plot of Iron Man 3, the system believes that the most correct activity should be Thor 2. The reason is very simple, the current Iron Man has far exceeded what he should have in this period. The power of twelve stoves, plus three red overloads, and backpack weapons and equipment, the strength of this Iron Man is much stronger than the Iron Man in the original Iron Man 3.

Therefore, the plot of Iron Man 3 does not require anyone to participate, and Tony Stark can solve it perfectly by himself.

Compared with the plot of Iron Man 3, Thor 2, which has nothing to do with people on earth, is what Amakusa should do now, and that is another infinite gem.

"go in."

Arthur and Lancelot nodded to each other, then jumped up and fell down together, and when they fell, they kept falling side by side, so that it was convenient for them to take the next step.

The two fell to the ground together and disappeared together.

In just an instant, their field of vision changed from the previous stairwell to a ruined area.

They fell from the top of the ruins and fell towards the bottom.

"King, what's over there."

Lancelot, who was in charge of the division of labor and observed left and right, found something. Compared with the surrounding ruins like gravel areas, the stone pillar looked a bit out of the ordinary, so Lancelot directly regarded the stone as An important discovery point.

"Go over there."

Arthur responded, and then started to operate with Lancelot.

The two who had been falling side by side immediately kicked each other at the same time, and the two who kept falling side by side suddenly separated from each other and fell to both sides.

But not far away, Lancelot swung his cloak suddenly, a rope chain was thrown towards Arthur, Arthur grabbed the rope chain, and was pulled by Lancelot over his shoulder past.

The two fell towards the huge stone pillar not far away, and landed firmly on the ground.

"There seems to be something inside this stone pillar, and it is a huge force."

There is a small gap in the middle of the stone pillar, and there is a little red light shining in the middle of the gap, and it is this red light that Arthur observed.

"I've felt this feeling before."

Although it was said to be red, Arthur felt it.

"The master has something similar to this, but the color is different, and it gives me a slightly different feeling. Compared with the one on the master, this one gives me a more unstable feeling."

Yes, because they are both infinite gems, so ether particles and mind gems, in essence, there is no difference in feeling to a certain extent.

"The one on the master looks softer."

While speaking, Arthur reached out and touched the red light spot.

And the red light spot, at the moment Arthur stretched out his hand, suddenly rushed towards Arthur.

Chapter 9. I am Saber, is my father there?

In the ruin-like space, next to the huge stone pillar, Arthur was frowning. His hands were being entangled with red and black substances, and these substances were about to enter his body. This situation made Lancelot behind him Very worried.

"King! Be careful!"

"Lancelot, don't come here!"

Arthur stopped Lancelot from approaching. Although the red and black thing was entering his body and entangled his right hand, Arthur could feel that although this thing possessed great power, But it didn't have any effect on him, and most importantly, after this thing entered his body, it was rapidly absorbing his magic power.

If an ordinary servant is invaded by this kind of thing, I'm afraid it will be frightening, because they rely on magic to exist, but is Arthur an ordinary servant?Of course he is!But he has a master who can provide unlimited magic power.

Amakusa, who owns the cup of heaven, can supply unlimited magic power, so this behavior of absorbing magic power has no effect on Arthur, but the ether particles enter Arthur's body, and for Arthur , there is still a little influence, that is, as a servant, he cannot transform into a spirit body.

Unlike King Dumb, because he became a servant before he died, King Dumb couldn't transform into a spirit body, but Arthur was not. Arthur became a servant after death, and was tricked by Meili to become the guardian of the world Or, so he can transform into a spirit body, but now, after being invaded by ether particles, he can't.

Now he seems to be forcibly materialized and cannot be transformed into a spirit body. Of course, the instant summoning of the command spell can still be done.

After the ether particles completely entered Arthur's body, Arthur finally freed his hand. He retracted his hand and shook it slightly. There was nothing wrong with it. Feeling his body, he could feel a powerful force. The power of wandering in his body.

"It's a wonderful thing. I can feel that powerful force, but I still don't know how to use it or how to control it."

Arthur turned his head to look at Lancelot behind him, expressing his thoughts to him.

"King, is that thing harmless?"

"If it is harmful, it is probably absorbing my magic power constantly, but the amount is not much, and we do not lack magic power, so this kind of thing is harmless to us for the time being."

Arthur's judgment was very accurate, and he quickly judged that the situation was not dangerous.

"Let's see if there is anything else. If not, let's go back. We can't make the master wait too long."


After the discussion, Lancelot and Arthur separated. Lancelot went to the surrounding ruins to see if there was anything that needed attention, while Arthur studied the stone pillar, which was nothing at first glance. Simple things, with such a large energy object hidden in the middle, the stone pillars that seal those energy objects should have very powerful power.

It's a pity that this stone pillar looks very solid. Although the middle one is empty, it can keep it stable in the air, and Arthur can't move even if he pushes hard. It seems that he can't move, so Arthur Se also had no choice but to give up.

After a simple search and nothing was found, Arthur and Lancelot gathered again, and then jumped together to the open space below, directly below the place where they fell down before.

As Arthur predicted, before the two of them landed, the scenery in front of them changed and they returned to the previous corridor well.

Just like when they fell into the ruined space before, Arthur and Lancelot moved together again, pushing each other away in the air, and then Lancelot pulled Arthur over with his own rope chain, and the two landed together. up the next stairs.

Looking at the empty stairwell, Arthur picked up a stone again and threw it down.

This time, the stone did not appear in an infinite loop. Instead, it fell directly on the ground below. After bouncing three times, it rolled to the ground without any movement.

"It seems that this closed-loop space has been broken."

"Yes, the space may not be as stable as we thought, but fortunately we came out."

"No, I don't think it's because the space is not so stable, but something that stabilizes the space was brought out by us."

Arthur raised his hand and clenched his fist slightly, and Lancelot immediately understood what Arthur meant.

"So that's the case, is that something that made this place change?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing. After all, this energy is huge, but we don't know anything about it. We can only go back and ask the master. There is something similar on the master's body. He should know what it is. thing."

"Indeed, Master should know what this is, so shall we return to New York now?"

"Don't be in a hurry for now, don't worry... There are still many places in the UK that we haven't visited yet. I want to go after reading it. For a while, I don't think there will be any problems."

"I obey the king's arrangement."

After finally coming to the UK and returning to his former country, how could Arthur not look at it at all, although the former Great Britain was not only within the scope of the UK, but the UK must be within the scope of Great Britain, yes, come and have a look It's okay to think about people.

In particular, in England, there is also a tomb of King Arthur, that is his tomb of King Arthur. He doesn't know where he is buried, so he wants to go and see it. Unexpectedly, Arthur came to England But I checked the travel guide!

Going out of this abandoned factory that has gradually lost its special situation, Arthur and Lancelot are going to go to the tomb of King Arthur to see the situation and see their own tomb. What kind of feeling is this, especially when Arthur sees the situation? Amakusa didn't know what it would be like after arriving at the pit with a wooden cross on it.

Amakusa now only knows that Arthur and others will see the people around him, and he should have an unusually exciting expression.

"Saber, Mordred is here too! Is your father there?"

After the event started this time, the stone that Amakusa had been signing in for the past three months was finally useful, and after throwing it down, the stone that was summoned was like this Servant, with red and white armor all over his body, and a helmet like a cow's head. The bad attitude and the unique opening lines reveal the identity of this servant.

King Arthur's son, Knights of the Round Table Mordres debut! !

Chapter 10. Arthur: Really fragrant warning!

"I, Arthur Pendolagon, hate Mordred the most. If I see this traitor again! Or if he becomes a servant and appears in front of me, I will definitely cut him down with a sword without hesitation!"

Once, Arthur said this in front of Amakusa, but now, if he were to say it again, especially in front of Mordred, the result might be different.

While recalling Arthur's indignant expression when he said this, Amakusa imagined Arthur's surprised expression when he saw Mordred not long after. Unknowingly, Amakusa smiled happily. .

"Hey~~master, what kind of smile is that on your face, it feels like a villain's success."

Xiao Mo who was following looked at Amakusa and suddenly laughed inexplicably, feeling a chill down his back.

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