"Sir, this is Mr. Opadry Stein."

"What? Is it him?"

Tony was shocked, but also puzzled, but right now he wanted to do something else.

"Jarvis, contact Pepper and ask her to come to my place in a few hours. I have to go out first and open the garage door."

"Sir, you haven't been tested yet, and the performance of this armor is not sure yet."

"Then confirm the performance in actual combat!"

After speaking, Tony activated the thrusters, and the thrust made him leave the ground, and began to accelerate out of the villa and fly directly into the sky.

After reaching a certain height, he directly activated the overload operation of the reactor, and the reactor on his chest lit up immediately, causing the propeller to explode instantly, breaking through the speed of sound at three times the design speed, and rushing towards the west.

Red, horned, triple speed!

Chapter 22. European Amakusa

When the western hemisphere welcomes the morning sun, Afghanistan in the eastern hemisphere has already ushered in night.

A convoy of black cars was galloping across the desert of Afghanistan, towards a base hidden in a mountain depression.

Opadry Stein is sitting in the heaviest middle car with an indifferent expression. He is the director of the Stark Group and a partner of Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries. He can be said to be looking at Tony Stark. Ke grew up, and even took good care of Tony, but this care did not make him willing to be inferior all the time.

After Howard Stark's death, Opadry Stan, who had always been sitting in the second place, began to want to master Stark Industries. He thought of getting the highest power, but Tony's sudden rise made his dream come true. In ashes, he was once again reduced to second in command.

He felt unwilling, but Tony Stark was indeed a cash cow. He was always able to research the latest weapons, making Stark Industries the largest arms technology company in the world. This situation made him very helpless. After many years, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he wanted to master Stark Industries.

So there was the previous kidnapping of Tony, which was supposed to be an assassination, but because Lancelot pushed Stark out and was recognized by terrorists, they did not assassinate, but kidnapped.

What the terrorists want is simple, weapons!Advanced Weapons!They want to get the best weapons and rule Afghanistan!Even rule the Middle East!On a whim, instead of cooperating with Opadry, they kidnapped Tony and let Tony make it, so there was a kidnapping.

But they didn't expect that Tony would create a terrible weapon and kill them directly. Now Opadry is here to deal with the mess.

Especially yesterday, a red and white armor came here, destroyed the Jericho missiles that Opadry gave them, and injured many of them, which led to their urgent need for additional weapons.

It's just that Opadry came here this time, not to give them weapons, but to solve their troubles. By the way, he came here to accept a design drawing, a design drawing drawn by Tony himself.

At the same time, in Brooklyn, New York, Amakusa is also busy with new things.

What is Amakusa Shiro busy with? After getting Lancelot to throw the design drawings that came out of his whim to Tony and get 5000 million, Amakusa began to look at the stock every day.

As an FGO player, what is the most important psychology?That's right, it's a gamble!

Those who have mines at home may not feel much, but as a prostitute, the most needed psychology is the gambler's psychology. After finally getting together 30 holy crystals, you can come to ten times in a row. At this time, the activity will start, look at the pool Don't you want to take a gamble on the five-star UP you want?

After signing in, I got a call sign, and seeing the five-star UP in the pool, don’t you feel that you have the hope of the future in your hands?

This is the psychology of a gambler. After the two orders failed, Amakusa became a prostitute party, and then started all kinds of gambling.Maybe it is precisely because of this that he is so wrong. He didn't get a gold card follower, even if he was UP in many activities, he didn't have one or even a 5-treasure Emiya.

After buying all the 5000 million shares of Stark Industries, Amakusa's gambler mentality became obvious. Even knowing that the shares of Stark Industries would soar after Tony announced his identity as Iron Man, but He still can't help but check the Internet every day to see how the stock situation is, hoping that the 5000 million will soar, and then break through [-] million or something.

"Senior, are you looking at stocks again?"

Matthew was still working as an assistant as usual, helping the church with some out-of-the-box purchases. Matthew, who had just come back from the outside, saw Amakusa sitting on a bench and watching stocks online on his mobile phone.

"Well, because I'm relatively free recently, when I have nothing to do, I can't help but want to take a look."

Facing Matthew's inquiry, Amakusa could only put down the phone and respond with a smile.

"After all, there are no believers here today, so I need to explain the Bible, don't you?"

"Yes, it's true that no one came here today, but senior, you probably haven't signed in today."

"Ah, I forgot this. I really haven't signed in today. Thank you for reminding Mash."

At Matthew's reminder, Amakusa opened the system interface that only he and Matthew could see, and signed in on the interface.

After signing in, Amakusa showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Saint Quartz, have you saved up to 30? But it's been less than 20 days since the last ten times."

"Senior, it seems that you forgot that during the event, the main task is to give some rewards according to each stage. There will be corresponding rewards for every section. Senior Lancelot Knights have completed nearly one-third of it. The main task of the second is now, so these rewards will naturally go to the hands of the seniors, plus the weekly tasks that the seniors went out to do during this time, the total has already gathered 30 stones."

"Is that so, I really forgot about this."

Amakusa couldn't help but shook his head. He used to remember to dig free mines, but he forgot that the mainline mines were also mines.

"Then senior, do you want to summon?"

While speaking, Mash had already pulled out her shield, and she looked like she wanted Amakusa to draw a card. She looked like a cheating girl.And Amakusa was moved when he saw Mash's shield, but he still asked a question before making a decision.

"Maxiu, do you know the setting of this summoning system, for example, will there be events later, who will be up in the future?"

"I'm sorry senior, I don't know about this. I only know that UP exists, but it may have something to do with the rhythm of this world. Senior, when you draw cards, the objects you draw are likely to be able to cope with the rhythm of this world. Servant or dress."


Although I don't quite understand what Mash's words mean, but one thing is understandable, that is, this summoner has UP, but Amakusa can't see this UP, so it's not easy to save stones if you can't be sure who is up.

So as I said before, Amakusa is a whoring party, and the whoring party is a gambler. Now Amakusa holding 30 Saint Quartz will have a thought in his mind: What if it is shipped?

"Come and summon!"

Amakusa believed in his own luck, so he transmigrated to become Amakusa Shiro, and then drew the Holy Grail to give him infinite magic power. Every time ten companies have a super practical 5-star, he is definitely a European, so as a European, he can bet!

"Good senior."

Hearing Amakusa's decision, Mash was also very happy, and put the shield in place directly, and the summoning began.

Looking at the shield lying on the ground, Amakusa dropped the 30 colored apples in his hand.

As soon as it landed on the shield, a colorful circle of light appeared, and there were only three words in Amakusa's mind: Shipped!

Chapter 23. Coulson's work report

Phil Coulson is a level 8 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., a model of American agents, and one of the most powerful subordinates of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury. This ordinary person in a universe full of superheroes is also a supermodel worker in a universe full of superheroes, because once something related to a superhero is encountered, he must be the one to appear on the stage.

This model worker, who is trusted by the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has been busy with Tony Stark's affairs recently.

Since Stark was kidnapped, Coulson began to investigate the process of Tony's kidnapping, and then investigated Lancelot, the strange man who appeared next to Tony in armor.

The investigation of Lancelot went smoothly. Using the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson easily found out that Lancelot first appeared in the United States in New York, and then came out of a small church in Brooklyn , So they set their sights on Amakusa's church.

Matthew with "strange" hair color next to Amakusa caught Coulson's attention, because the guy in armor has a strange hair color, purple, and this girl is pink, although there is no evidence that the two of them have the same hair color. A necessary connection, but Coulson's intuition told him there should be a connection.

Facts have proved that Coulson guessed correctly, there is indeed a connection, not only a connection, but even a big connection. The girl claimed to be in a father-daughter relationship with that man, but Coulson is not sure if this is true. , because the girl doesn't seem to care about that man at all.

After getting some useful information, Coulson did not give up monitoring the church in Amakusa, because there was a girl who claimed to be the daughter of the suspect, and the suspect entered and exited the church twice, and the security was not complete. There will be a third time.

So while Coulson sent people to look for Lancelot outside, he still sent people to stare at the church of Amakusa, but they didn't focus on it. The important focus was on Tony Stark, the church Here we just sent 2 people to watch in turn to see if there is any change.

As usual, Coulson, who is far away in Los Angeles, has been wandering around Tony, and then receives information from various places every day from various subordinates, including the information from Amakusa.

"5000 million? 5000 million has been transferred from Tony Stark's private account to the church account? And tell the bank that it is his own account?"

Looking at the news in the latest report, Coulson was a little puzzled, but doubts belonged to doubts, so he continued to read.

"5000 million to buy all the shares of Stark Industries? This... What are you doing? Open a vest to control your own company? Or use the vest to increase your own company's stock to keep your company's stock from falling?" Too much? But it’s not much, only 5000 million, Stark Industries can’t be influenced by 5000 million, right, and why should it be from this church’s account?”

You must know that this church has something to do with that suspicious man. Why did Tony get involved with this church? What happened to that man in armor?Who is it?Lancelot, Coulson can't believe that someone has such a name.

Apart from doubts, Coulson continued to look at the following part of the report.

"Two days later, there was another person in the church, a little girl with silver hair, and she started to go to a school near the church? The origin is unknown, I don't know how to enter the church, and this child was not found on the US population data , the child was not found on the orphan, so it is judged not to be an American, but maybe a European. What's going on here?"

The situation of this church made Coulson feel a little confused. Suddenly Tony gave them 5000 million, and then bought 5000 million shares of Stark Industries. Now there is another little girl who may be European. This The church seems to be hiding secrets that it does not know.

"Agent Phil, here's a new report."

Just when Coulson was wondering, his subordinates sent another report.

"New report?"

"Yes, within Stark Industries, we found something related to the recent news. We think it may have something to do with Tony Stark's kidnapping."

Hearing what his subordinates said, Coulson immediately took over the report and read it.

The report is very short, and the general content is that Opadi Stein has suspicions, especially the recent arms sale to terrorists in Afghanistan.

"Quick, send a few agents over immediately, we are going to Stark Industries."

Opadry Stein may be able to hide some things inside Stark, but the outflow of a large number of arms must not be completely without clues. SHIELD can still find out, and these arms were arranged by Opadry, so naturally There is suspicion.

At the same time, Opadry, who has been discovered by many parties, is also taking action.

When he came back from Afghanistan, he took the blueprint that Tony had left in the cave, and immediately let the factory start research and production, because Tony’s blueprint technology is mature, and it can be produced with only minor modifications. So at this time the huge iron armor has been manufactured.

However, it is a pity that although the iron armor was produced, the energy supply was not produced. This situation annoyed Opadry, the Ark reactor, he knew that the energy source was that thing, Tony showed him once, He knew what it was when he saw it, but he couldn't make the huge ark reactor miniaturized, and neither could his research team. In the words of his researchers: they are not Tony Star gram.

In desperation, Opadry was about to tear his skin apart, and he also knew that Tony had already doubted himself, and there was no need to keep hiding.

So, Opadry came to Tony's villa, and without Tony's knowledge, he directly used the method of controlling the leader in Afghanistan to bring down Tony, and took away the Ark reactor that he had been carrying close to him. .

Because Tony was not injured, he would not die due to the lack of the Ark reactor, so Opadry dragged Tony directly to the bathing pool of his villa and threw him into the bathing pool.

After speaking cruelly to Tony, Opadry turned on the faucet to let Tony drown slowly, and then left by himself.

Tony, who couldn't move physically, could only watch as the water slowly submerged his body, and finally reached his mouth and nose. It was not until the last moment that Tony was dragged out of the water.

Looking at the purple-haired man in armor in front of him, Tony didn't want to curse for the first time, but laughed instead.

"Really, this is the first time I'm so happy that you can directly ignore my door and come in, really!"

Chapter 24. Since ancient times, red and blue have appeared...

Of course, Lancelot didn't really just come in from Tony's house. He had actually been in Tony's villa all along, but he had always been in a spirit form.

These days, he has been on standby in Los Angeles. He occasionally comes outside Tony's villa to see if there is any danger. If there is no danger, he will go to the streets of Los Angeles to see the beautiful women on the road.

But now is the critical moment, so Lancelot has been in Tony's villa, he watched Opadry enter the villa, watched Opadry put Tony down, watched Opadry take Tony's body The reactor then throws Tony in the bath to drown him to create the illusion of suicide.

Lancelot did not stop Opadry, but let Opadry go on, and then rescued Tony at a critical moment. All this is what Tony needs to go through.

After being rescued for more than ten minutes, Tony also gradually recovered his ability to move. Standing up from the ground, Tony looked at Lancelot sincerely.

"Thank you very much. Although you always scared me and pissed me off before, thank you this time. If you hadn't appeared suddenly, I would have been drowned."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do as a knight."

Out of politeness, Lancelot is humble.

"Okay, that's what you said."

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