"Invitation? What does the Pentagon want me to do? Do you want me to be a consultant? I don't think they can afford me."

"Well, they hope to invite you, and Lancelot, plus me, our three-person steel squad, to become a special squad of the US military."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Tony frowned, he had an ominous premonition.

Chapter 48. Appearing from behind is the basic operation of servant

Power should be restrained!

For some people in power, such thoughts will appear in their minds at the right time, for example, when some powerful forces appear in front of them.

Since World War II, the world has become uneasy. The development of science and technology has brought about the appearance of super soldiers, that is, the Captain America who can be invincible with a shield.

World War II ended with the emergence of some super weapons and super soldiers. After that, technology has always been the main force.

But now, the supremacy of science and technology that normal people on earth are proud of, new technologies have emerged. Tony Stark’s technology belongs to the supremacy of science and technology, and it can be said that it is almost the same as the technology that the US military chooses to master. levels.

Moreover, because of his special status, Tony, who possesses these technologies, is not under the control of the US government.

Although he lives in the United States, Tony can wear his own armor and fly freely in the sky through the cooperation with the military. On the radar of the US Air Force, a dot will suddenly appear at every turn. Such a guy not only affects the military The reconnaissance and flight of the United States have also affected the civil aviation of the United States. You must know that civil aviation airliners carry passengers, and they are all passengers. Once they accidentally hit something, it will cause heavy losses. Basically, there will be no survivors in this kind of accident. .

In the early stage of Iron Man, he was basically constantly developing his own equipment, and then wearing it everywhere. Although he always rushed to the place where there was something to do, but basically nothing happened. Tony seemed to have his own aura , as long as it is a place where he goes, the matter in that place will either be resolved, or the game will be over, so that although Tony has high technology, he has not shown much.

Therefore, because of S.H.I.E.L.D., the military did not pay that much attention to Tony, but paid more attention to those non-technical powers, such as magic, for example, the group of aliens with power.

Although it is said that the publicity is a gas explosion, the military still knows something inside, but they are not easy to intervene in the investigation.

But this time was different. The crisis of the Pentagon and the crisis of the president were resolved by Tony alone. Although Rhodes said that it was because of his arrangement that Tony acted, this did not affect the Pentagon's evaluation of Tony.

I have been researching it before, this time with brand new equipment, I solved the Pentagon crisis, even in front of the live broadcast.

This made Tony, who had already attracted much attention from the public, all of a sudden, even more attention from the public. After all, Iron Man was originally a superhero, and now he has really done what a superhero should do. He directly in the live broadcast. Defeated the terrorists who endangered the security of the United States and helped the president resolve the crisis.

In the seriousness of ordinary people, Tony was handsome before, but now he has become even more handsome. No, it should be said that Iron Man has become even more handsome.

But in the eyes of the Pentagon, what they found was different from that of ordinary people. They felt that Tony's technology was more advanced, which meant that Iron Man was more powerful.

Because of Amakusa, although Tony has more powerful technology than the original book, but it is much less than the original book, which makes the US military not pay so much attention to him, so he did not file a lawsuit against him for "owning" the weapon .

This time, Tony's performance was a bit impressive, and they had to deal with the following.

They will not ignore Tony Stark just because Stark Industries said that they will close the weapons department and no longer produce weapons. Iron Man is more deterrent than all the weapons produced by Stark Industries before.

But due to the face of Stark Industries, they chose to give courtesy first and then soldiers, and first let Rhodes ask Tony if there is a possibility of entering the US military system.

Although Tony Stark said that his father is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is not under the control of the U.S. military, he is not from S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited him, but he never Bird Fury the black egg.

So this is an attempt by the U.S. military.

But unfortunately, even though Rhodes said that Tony, him and Lancelot were only allowed to join the U.S. military as a special team, Tony still disagreed.

"I never trust those guys from the military. Just take the guy you know, General Ross. Isn't that guy's trouble too small? He just put the experimental subject on the streets of New York."

"But Tony, if you don't agree, the Pentagon may take measures against you."

"Take measures against me? What measures can they take against me, do they still want to sue me?"

"I don't know about this, but I think they will definitely do something to your armor. My armor has actually been dismantled by them, but because they don't know some of the principles of maneuver design, they dare not dismantle it completely It’s just a matter of dismantling some of the attached armor and studying the real overall skeleton.”

"Oh, then let them dismantle it. Anyway, what I gave you is my first-generation product, and it is the worst kind of product. My own doesn't know how many generations ahead of you."

Tony didn't care, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"...Tony, you know, I really want to beat you up now, although I already knew that your armor is much more advanced than mine, and mine was also given by you, but I really I really want to beat you."

"If you think you can beat me in armor."


Rhodes was silent, and Rhodes could not refute.

"In short, I'm just here to ask you. If you don't agree, I'll reply to you as you said. Then you have to be careful and be careful of their plans for you."

"Thanks for worrying buddy, but don't worry, I'll make it right."

After Tony answered confidently, he hung up the phone.

Looking at the new equipment that he had researched halfway in front of him, Tony gave up on continuing the research, because now he had to think about how those guys in the Pentagon, and possibly even members of the US Congress, would target him.

Although Stark Industries said that it supported the current presidential campaign at the beginning, at that time, Stark Industries was basically in charge of the external affairs of Stark Industries, and Tony was only in charge of research and development, and did not care about interpersonal relationships.

Now that Opadry is finished, he made Pepper the CEO, so he needs to be careful.

"Heh~~~ It seems that you have encountered some troubles."

Tony was startled by the sudden voice behind him.

Looking back, I saw the person who spoke, the guy who knew how to throw gold for nothing, Gilgamesh, the hero king of Uruk.

"Damn it, why did you suddenly appear from behind again, don't you servants all have this kind of virtue!"

Chapter 49. Tony Stark Bows to Gold

The hero king Gilgamesh has a very elegant title, that is, the collector. His king's treasure contains the prototypes of all the treasures of the event, and he also proudly believes that everything in this world is his own. An evolution of a collectible.

It's just that in this high-tech society, he found that there are many things that are different from the things he collected.

For example, Jarvis, the functional housekeeper!

"Tell me, how much do you want?"

"I told you, Jarvis, I won't sell it to you."

dong dong——

This is the sound of a string of gold bricks hitting the floor of Tony's studio.

"Are these enough?"

"I said, I won't sell Jarvis, and do you know what Jarvis is for?"

"This king naturally knows what is useful. This king has said that I have eyes that can see through everything."

"That's not OK."

dong dong dong-

It was the sound of a string of gold bricks falling to the ground, and Tony's eyelids twitched.

"I told you all, Jarvis is not for sale!"

dong dong dong-

"How much money do you have? Even if you are a servant, you can't be so rich, right? Was there so much money in the Middle East 5000 years ago? So much gold is too much, how much land have you robbed!"

"You don't need to worry about this, this king's wealth is beyond your imagination! You just need to answer this king, whether you want to sell it or not!"

Gilgamesh's eyes that confirmed that he could buy it made Tony's mouth twitch.

"Not for sale!"

Tony was firm.

Boom, boom, boom———

This time, there are more strings of gold bricks.

In addition to the gold bricks dropped by Gilgamesh, there are already several piles in Tony's studio.

Because the floor of Tony's studio is very smooth marble floor tiles, now the gold bricks are slippery everywhere, and Tony seems to be standing in the middle of a piece of gold.

"Okay, can you tell me exactly what you want Jarvis to do?"

Tony felt that he was about to lose to Gilgamesh. If he was an ordinary person, he wouldn't care at all, but this guy in front of him is not an ordinary person at all. Of course, the ordinary means an ordinary human being.

Ordinary humans, even if the president of the United States came, he would not care, but the Gilgamesh in front of him was not an ordinary person, he was a servant, after experiencing Lancelot and the Holy Grail War, Tony was right I became interested in the completely unscientific existence of servants, but without any magic skills, he couldn't easily figure out what a servant is.

Especially for the servant's ability, Lancelot's ability to instantly lose control of his equipment as long as he grabs it, really makes him feel uncomfortable. For a person like him who relies on technological products to pretend Said, nothing makes him feel more depressed than all his equipment fails, without equipment, what else can he play!

As for the guy in front of him, he has space equipment that is still an unknown technology to Tony, and he can suddenly disappear and appear suddenly, which makes him feel very helpless.

There was nothing he could do about Lancelot back then, one of which was that he always appeared behind him suddenly, making Tony unable to deal with it!Tony didn't want to be constantly worried about someone popping out from behind, and maybe a sudden burst of golden light would blind his eyes.

So, he wanted to know what was the purpose of this guy being so persistent with Jarvis.

"Hmph, isn't that a matter of course! I can see that this world is very interesting, even more interesting than the world I have seen before, so I want to go around and have a look, but although I can see through Everything, but you don’t want to see it all the time, it’s too boring, so naturally you need a helper, your smart butler can just help me do these things!”

In other words, the hero king Gilgamesh thinks the Marvel Cinematic Universe is huge and wants to see it!But I don't want to take care of everything by myself, so I let someone help me, but I'm too lazy to find someone, so it's just right to find a smart housekeeper!

After all, in this high-tech era, everything can be purchased through telephone shopping or online shopping, and all arrangements can be made through the network system. Jarvis can say that he can do almost everything, except for things that must be done by himself. He can arrange everything for you properly!

Gilgamesh took a fancy to this, so he wanted a Jarvis.

"That is to say, you want to have a smart housekeeper to help you take care of some things?"

"That's right!"

Gilgamesh replied proudly.

"If that's all it takes, I can give you a Jarvis subroutine, but..."

dong dong dong-

Halfway through Tony's words, another pile of gold bricks fell out.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, this king is not short of money!"

This is not a question of money, but what I want to give you must be a castrated version, and the server must be set up here so that I can monitor your movements.

"It's just that I will make some cuts to your functions. After all, you just need a simple smart housekeeper. You shouldn't use many things, and those things are very important to me, so I want to make some cuts. Briefly In other words, it is a weakened version."

"No problem, this king doesn't care about those things, but you have to make sure that what you give this king is exactly what this king needs."

"Don't worry about this, I will let your smart butler connect to our Stark Industries network, so that no matter where you are on the earth, you can ensure communication and let your smart butler serve you globally. "

That's right, the things produced by Stark Industries are absolutely top-notch, and the service will be globalized. There is no signal in the elevator, and there is no signal in the mountains. This kind of thing is impossible!

"That's the best!"

Gilgamesh is very satisfied with the after-sales service that Tony said, the one that doesn't require him to worry about it himself is the best.

"In this case, you wait here, and I will get it now."

Looking down at the gold everywhere in the studio, Tony shook his head helplessly. Tony Stark has never bowed his head like others in his life, because he is rich and powerful, but today, he bowed his head to the gold everywhere. up.

Just to make a statement, he definitely didn't sell it because Gilgamesh gave him enough gold, but to keep Gilgamesh from bothering him all the time, so it's not a question of money!

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