As Amakusa explained, he made a seal on his chest with his hands, and then slowly pulled it away. The Reality Gem with the cross facing outwards opened, and a black and red light lit up. Amakusa started to paint in the air with both hands, a black and red strange magic circle , quickly formed in front of him, and the whole process was watched by Semiramis, which surprised Semiramis who thought he knew Amakusa relatively well, because it was something she hadn't seen before. I have never seen this kind of energy use in the magic circle before.

"Not through chanting, nor through engraving and loading, but directly through painting, master, you are hiding a surprise that surprised me."

After confirming that the magic can be used, Amakusa dispersed the magic circle and sealed the Reality Gem again.

Just after Amakusa completed the seal, the door of the church was suddenly pushed open.

"Horse! Give me a horse!"

"If you give me a horse, I am willing to exchange the whole kingdom!"

Semiramis, whose back was facing the direction of the gate, was stunned by the sudden sound, and then turned around angrily to stare at the visitor.

"Please stop saying inexplicable things like always, caster!"

That's right, William Shakespeare, the caster of the Red Party of the Holy Grail War, is here!

After seeing Shakespeare, Amakusa probably understood that it was Berserker Ai-chan who went to trouble Black Fang, and the story began.

Chapter 4. The War of the Heroes

"berserker went to black square's castle."


"It means literally. Beerserker went to the black castle's castle. Suddenly he rushed to himself.

"What kind of metaphor are you talking about! Ah~~ Why do you always have such troublesome things, Saber, Berserker, and your caster!"

In the church, beside Amakusa, Semiramis and Shakespeare were arguing, while Amakusa smiled happily, and even nodded in agreement with Shakespeare's metaphor.

"Master, why don't you say something to him, this guy is really annoying, let me poison him to death, anyway, he is useless to the Holy Grail War!"

It has to be said that Semiramis wanted to kill Shakespeare when she saw Shakespeare in the church for no reason. From the preparation stage of the Holy Grail War, she was very annoying to Shakespeare, and even wanted to kill him.

"Empress of Assyria, you really hurt my heart by talking like that. The works are the soul of my Shakespeare. How can you kill my favorite!"

Shakespeare didn't seem worried that Semiramis would kill him, instead he justified Semiramis with a smile on his face.

Amakusa also nodded slightly.

"Assassin, the caster is still very helpful to us, so let's not talk about killing the caster."


Semiramis held his forehead helplessly, not knowing what to say.

"However, since the berserkers have gone berserk and directly attacked the opponent, let's also organize the response."

"Yes, we have to deal with it. Cater, are you coming? If there is a battle, you may need to pay attention to your own safety."

Originally, Amakusa Shiro shouldn't care about this matter, but this time, Amakusa doesn't intend to leave it alone.

Especially in this Holy Grail War, there is another target that Amakusa is very interested in.

"No problem! Don't look at me as a caster who doesn't know much about magic, but ah, I still know a thing or two about escaping."

As a servant, Shakespeare was not ashamed of his words at all. This was probably the first time he had seen a servant who knew a thing or two about escaping.

"In this case, let's wait for a while, wait for the arrival of the last partner, and then set off."

It's still daytime, Amakusa is not in such a hurry to follow, because the battle will happen at night, Amakusa still needs to wait for the last teammate, Lancer from the red side, Karna from the son of the sun god, absolute thigh from the red side Characters, when he also arrives, they can set off together, and they can reach Tulifas in just a moment, because Amakusa has a portal!

As for the original book asking Karna to intercept Joan of Arc who was descended by the Great Holy Grail as a ruler in the Holy Grail War, Amakusa did not intend to stop it, because even if it was blocked, it would be useless, and Karna could not stop Joan. Germany enters the arena, this village girl who ran for an unknown amount of time will still rush to the scene when the battle happens, so Amakusa doesn’t think sending Karna to gank the opponent is a useful operation, and maybe it’s OK Let the opponent's saber go for nothing.

It is better to directly pull Karna to the frontal battlefield, directly increase the combat effectiveness of the frontal battlefield, so as to directly gain a frontal advantage.


Tulifas, a small town in Romania, from the perspective of tourism, this town has a very obvious Eastern European style, coupled with very good green maintenance, it is a good tourist destination.

But for people outside, this place is relatively remote. After all, Romania is not a very big country, so there are not many tourists here.

The Yugdomirenia family is in this small town, and their stronghold is the castle on the outskirts of this town. In that castle full of medieval style, all the masters of the black side and their servants live. .

wrong.It should be said to be 6, because there is still an assassin, and there is no collection.

But the location of the battle, it can be said that it must be within the scope of this small town.

After nightfall, in the castle on the outskirts, the masters headed by Danic, the head of the Yugdomirenia family, were gathering in their main hall, watching the picture transmitted back by their familiar.

The Ugdomirenia family, which controls the entire territory of Romania, has already covered the entire territory of Tulifas with eyeliner, and no disturbance can escape their sight.

"From the current information, a total of two riders from the red side have entered Tulipas, one of which is a combination of Servant and Master, whose job description is unknown, while the other group is a Servant who rushed over alone, and Day and night, even during the day, he has no intention of concealing his identity, from this point, I deduce that he should be the berserker of the red side."

Danik stood beside the throne, explaining to everyone present.

There were not only the masters present, but also their respective servants, because Amakusa did not send Karna to gank Joan of Arc, so it was unexpected that Saber Siegfried was not sent to meet him. Joan of Arc, it seems that at the beginning of this Holy Grail War, both sides ignored the additional fifteenth servant ruler who appeared this time.

"Your Majesty, do you want to test their strength?"

The man that Danic called His Majesty was the famous ruler in Romania history, Vlad III, the man who was called the Impaler, that is, the famous Dracula in history.In this Holy Grail War, he was summoned as a lancer.

Because the location of the war was Romania, he, who had the highest popularity bonus, became the center of the black side in this war.

"Then, let's test the strength of the masters and servants of that team. As for that Berserker, who ignores the rules of the Holy Grail War and is so reckless, there is no need to worry about this kind of opponent."

I'm not afraid that a reckless man has a knife, but I'm afraid that a reckless man has a brain. No matter how strong a reckless man is, he will be easily killed if he has no brains.

"Yes, according to your will."

When Danic was dealing with the king, he was able to keep his attitude to the minimum. Under unavoidable circumstances, he would never turn his back on the king, unlike some elegant man who used orders on the first night. The curse offended the king he summoned.

After receiving the order, Danic immediately passed it down.

"Order the android team in Tulifas Town to start besieging the combination of the red master and servant!"

"Then let the artificial man test that group, and let's meet that Berserker for a while."

On the throne, Vlad III stood up from his seat.

"Although I don't know what the strategy of the red side is, so that their forces are so dispersed, but we must seize the opportunity, this berserker, just accept it."

"Yes, His Majesty's righteousness will surely win!"

Danic still echoed competently, and the Holy Grail War, the war of heroes, officially began.

Chapter 5. Goal Siegfried!

Late at night, the town of Tulifas is different from big cities like New York. After nightfall, there is not such a bustling night market. At most, in the evening, there will be some restaurants or hotels that are more lively. Outside of that, basically Everyone stays behind closed doors.

In this holy grail war, the red party saber combination, the master Shi Jie Jieli and his servant, saber Mordred, are walking on the streets of the town, but they are soon surrounded, surrounded by them, it is The artificial humans and puppets sent by the Yugdomirenia family began to fight.

I have to say that the idea of ​​the magician family is really strange.

In this era of common modern technology, their artificial humans still choose to use bows, arrows, long guns or even long swords when fighting, and none of them use automatic rifles or even pistols.

Magicians who use pistols are even called heretics, like a certain magician-killer called a heretic.

It is obvious that one shot can kill a master, but they insist on attacking with long spears and bows, so that the opponent can easily dodge as long as they are faster. Although it is a temptation, this temptation is really too "probing". It's just giving away, it can't force the other party to use any real skills at all.

Therefore, under Mordred's Wushuang's magic release throughout the whole process, the golems were wiped out directly, and the androids were basically slaughtered because they were basically sending them away, and a unique trial ended like this.

On the other side, the battle against Berserker has just begun.

Berserker is Tuliphas who ran all the way in the forest, so the battle takes place in the forest.

After entering the territory of Tulifas, the berserker has been attacked by the golem that the black side had ambushed in advance. Although this kind of thing is not so powerful even against magicians, it can't help but have a large number, so much that it can rub against it. The degree to which you will die.

Of course, this is just a way to entangle Berserker, and Black's servant will arrive during this time.

Berserker's real name is Spartacus. Those who know him nicknamed him Aijiang. This is a very useful dog food thug. The self-improving magic blaster can do it all in one go.

His Noble Phantasm is a very powerful type in melee, but in fact, he has no intention of opening it now, so he should be regarded as a mobile power unit, just a brainless brat.

The first thing to deal with him was the rider who used the action of running. He obviously had a mount, but it was useless. Instead, the rider who ran over was also a servant Amakusa was very familiar with, Astolfo.

In this Holy Grail War, Astolfo, who descended as a black square rider, took the lead, using the spear in his hand to touch and fall, causing Berserker to lose the ability to move his legs.

Then the lancer Vlad III who arrived, directly used his capital punishment king to stab the Berserker directly, and the Berserker who had not opened the treasure was pierced like this and lost synchronization.

After the black side's series of actions ended, the red side directly lost the servant of the berserker, and it was not beheaded, but directly taken away by the opponent.

With the berserker taken away as a signal, the servant battle between the red side and the black side really began.

The red rider and archer following the berserker fought with the black berserker, saber, and archer. This battle fully demonstrated their combat and destructive power as servants.

And all of this was seen by Amakusa.

Amakusa, who is far away in the church, can clearly know where the berserker is through the positioning of the berserker, and the same is true for the archer and rider. As a piece of magic power was transmitted to the screen, it appeared in front of Amakusa, or in front of everyone brought by Amakusa.

"Should we just watch here?"

The last partner who came, Lancer from the red side, Karna, the son of the sun god, stood behind Amakusa in full armor, looking at the picture in front of Amakusa blankly, and questioned Amakusa.

"Yes, the loss of the Berserker actually doesn't have that much impact on us. After all, an uncontrollable Berserker might be even more troublesome to hold in our hands."

"But you don't have to worry, Lancer, we will rush to the battlefield, as long as it is the right time."

"appropriate time?"

Karna remained expressionless, looked at Amakusa, and then looked at the magic power transmitted to the screen. Although my speed is fast, it will take quite a while to rush from here to the battlefield, unless the command spell is directly summoned there. Is my master there?

"No, of course not. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to use Command Seals to travel? We have more convenient and faster travel channels."

"Since you said so."

Karna no longer asked, but still looked at the screen expressionlessly, watching the next development.

Because of the lone saber and the loss of the berserker, the red side now only has two cavalry on the battlefield, the archer and the rider. This is a disadvantage in terms of numbers. As long as it is not a divine attack, it cannot hurt him, but the archer opposite happens to have a divine nature, and it is also Chiron, the idler in Greek mythology, who is responsible for teaching Argyrus the fighting skills.

So Agrus was perfectly suppressed.

As for Archer's Atta, unfortunately, this archer is a real archer!She is not the kind of guy who just grabs a pair of knives and slashes at the opponent without saying a word, nor is she the kind of guy who throws away the bow and arrow and wrestles with the opponent directly, and she is not the kind of guy who directly holds a samurai sword in her hand In this case, the guy who claims to be Archer.

She's a bit underwhelming in melee combat, unless using a Noble Phantasm she doesn't intend to use.

Obviously, she didn't want to use that treasure now, so she was suppressed by the close enemy berserker.

Both cavalry were suppressed, and their rationality made them choose to retreat. Therefore, the red side's active invasion battle ended with the red side's retreat.

"It seems that we don't need to rush to the battlefield."

Karna watched Archer and Rider retreat and made a comment.

"Yes, there is indeed no need for us to rush to the battlefield."

"Then where are we going?"

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