As for the caster, I'm sorry, but Amakusa doesn't think that his treasure, the original giant, can be completely immortal after a period of preparation, but the premise is that no one can destroy it directly at once.

For this kind of big guy, Amakusa can be said to be the best target method, because the system is huge, so the speed of action will definitely not be too fast. This is the target for releasing the treasure for Amakusa. The best way to deal with this big guy.

And the other party's berserker Kenniang, in Amakusa's view, is also one of those who don't need to worry about at all. She has no fighting skills and is very berserker. Although the treasure is terrible, she can be solved as long as it is consumed remotely. .

Therefore, apart from keeping Siegfried for consuming Karna, Chiron for fighting Argyrus, and other black servants, Amakusa is no longer worried.

Oh no, there's another little Assassin Jack who didn't come, so let her be handed over to the Saber team who are also wandering around in the town of Tulipas.

Speaking of which, compared to these guys on the black side, the Saber team is a bit troublesome combination.

Because the Saber team doesn't listen to Amakusa's orders, and things have developed to this point, and Joan of Arc has come out, and Amakusa's plan will also be affected to some extent, so the Saber team was originally a relatively small threat, but now it has risen a little.

But that's a threat to rule out later, because now Amakusa is going after the Great Grail.


Leaving the battlefield, he used enlightenment on Heizhen while leaving. Although he had never met him, Amakusa was very familiar with Heizhen. Amakusa didn't have her at the beginning, but for this character who has been very popular since his debut, it is impossible to know her at all.

The result of the revelation came out soon. In Amakusa's field of vision, the town where her church was located appeared. Heizhen stood on the head of the dragon Fafnir, looking at her church below with a grinning face.

Ok? ? ?

Amakusa was stunned for a moment, what's going on?

Chapter 21. Actually, Amakusa and Heizhen also had an affair?

Although Amakusa's church is located in Romania, it is not in Tulifas. The Church of the Holy Church has stations all over the world. It is a super organization distributed all over the world, especially to supervise the magicians. Churches were built wherever there were magicians.

Although it looks like a church on the surface, it is actually not very open to the outside world, because the Church of the Holy Church needs to ensure the timeliness of its actions and prevent too many outsiders from disturbing them.

Of course, sometimes it will be opened to the public like a normal church, for example, Amakusa likes to do this.

But, does this have anything to do with Joan of Arc taking Fafnir to his church with Amakusa Shiro?

I don't understand, the picture of the apocalypse is not false, although it is not happening now, but it means that Hei Zhen will take Fafnir to her church in the near future, which is very miraculous.

Regardless of the matters on the battlefield, Amakusa directly opened the portal and returned to his church, then pushed open the door of the church and walked out, looking up at the sky, searching for traces of the dragon.

The weather here is similar to that of Tulifas. The weather here is clear, and there will be a few clouds in the sky occasionally, but the volume of the cloud is not enough to cover the traces of a pure-blooded dragon and a large group of wyverns.

Therefore, there is still some time before Hei Zhen's attack.

Although I don't know the exact time, Amakusa must start preparing.

Because unlike Tulifas, the base camp of the black side is on the outskirts of Tulifas. The church in Amakusa is in the small town. Once a war breaks out, the whole town will suffer. Funer, one fire can blow up a large area, plus so many wyverns, the number is too large, even with anti-army treasures, it cannot be completely eliminated. Once they enter the town, they will destroy sex blow.

As the guardian of humanity, Amakusa naturally couldn't let this kind of thing happen, which was different from Yiyilai's strategy of avoiding civilian casualties.So Amakusa had to find a way.

No way, this is the limitation of Enlightenment. Although Enlightenment can see the future situation, sometimes it is impossible to clearly judge where the enemy is. After all, it is not a global GPS positioning magic.

"Master, what's the matter, this is the first time I see you in such a hurry."

While Amakusa was looking at the sky and thinking about how to deal with it, the assassin Semiramis, who had also cleared the portal, also came out and came behind Amakusa, looking at Amakusa with some doubts.

Just like the first time she saw Amakusa shaken by her plan before, this was the first time she saw Amakusa in such a state of anxiety.

"Yes, I am really anxious, because this town may turn into a sea of ​​flames."

Amakusa's face did not have the gentle smile that he had always had before. After all, this is a matter of life and death for tens of thousands of people. Compared with his plan, he has the confidence to solve this matter well. Obviously, he has no plan to deal with it now.

His magic can't be done, his magic can't be done, and his servants can't do it either, because he doesn't know where Hei Zhen is, and he doesn't know Fafnir and the twins brought by it. Where is the wyvern.

If he knew, Amakusa might be able to attack first, so that the opponent would not have the opportunity to come to this town, but he didn't know, just like the black side in front because they didn't pay attention to the modern communication of the TV, and thus the lack of information was overshadowed by Amakusa. Similarly, Amakusa is now in a passive situation due to lack of information.

"I kind of miss S.H.I.E.L.D. now."

This made Amakusa couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although all of S.H.I.E.L.D. is full of Hydra people, their technology is real, and they are all over the world. In the Marvel world, S.H.I.E.L.D. is really good at finding things, especially As long as a big guy like Fafnir dares to act, the spy satellite will take a picture!That's it!

Amakusa doesn't believe that Fafnir can also transform into a spirit body.

It is a pity that there is no S.H.I.E.L.D. in this world, and although the magicians have some collusion with superficial forces, they are far from being fully utilized.

Can't these idiot magicians make good use of the power of modern technology?In this regard, Amakusa said that his head hurts.

Amakusa's soliloquy made Semiramis very confused, because she had no idea what the so-called S.H.I.E.L.D. was, an organization of magicians?A subsidiary organization of the Church behind Amakusa?

Or something else?Anyway, Semiramis couldn't figure it out.

"Master, are you worried about this small town?"

"Yeah, the battle will happen in this small town, or the guy who took away the Great Holy Grail will attack here, although I don't know the reason, but she will attack here, so I am worried about the development of this small town." Ordinary residents."

"Master, did you see it?"

Semiramis questioned Amakusa.

"I see, what's the matter?"

Amakusa looked at Semiramis with some doubts, because he heard some doubts from Semiramis' tone.

"What I mean is, Master, you are so worried about the residents of this town, so have you seen the residents of this town being killed? Have you seen this town turn into a sea of ​​flames?"

"I haven't seen these words."

Amakusa shook his head in denial.

"Then, it means that this town has not become what you see, Master. Let me ask one more thing, Master, have you seen the residents in this town?"

This question stunned Amakusa.

Because in the picture of the revelation, Amakusa really didn't see any residents of the small town. What he saw was only Joan of Arc standing on Fafnir's head, and then looking down at the church from a high altitude, and then It was the sinister smile on Hei Zhen's face.

But from beginning to end, no one else appeared.

"Could it be that?"

Amakusa looked down at the cross hanging on his chest, made a seal with both hands, and slowly pulled it apart in front of the cross. The seal on the side of the gem of reality facing outward was opened, and the black and red light began to overflow slowly.

Seeing this scene, Amakusa finally showed a smile on his face.

"I forgot about the Infinity Stones."

I didn't plan to use the infinite gems so early before, so Amakusa instinctively ignored the infinite gems, but it should be used when it is time to use it.

Especially this gem of reality, but it has the power to change everything in reality.

Chapter 22. This is the strongest illusion of the Uchiha clan!

Reality Gem, a member of Infinity Gem, like other Infinity Gem, it has infinite energy, and on the basis of infinite energy, it also has the ability to rewrite reality.

A strong man from a family with pink eyes said well, the strongest illusion is that even reality can be rewritten!

The Reality Gem is, in a way, like this illusion.

Through the gem of reality, everything can be easily modified, turning life into non-life and non-life into life, and after the modification, it can be easily modified back. The user only needs to drive the other party according to his own wishes. Everything is like a mirror image.

In the very popular movie "Thanos: Infinity War", Thanos used the reality gem to successfully fool Gamora. Amakusa has naturally seen that scene.

So now, Amakusa also intends to use the Reality Gem to fool a wave of coming Heizhen.

However, before that, he still needs to learn how to use it.

As the head of the dark elves, Malekith has held the Reality Gem for many years, but he has not used its ability to change reality properly. He just uses its original form of ether particles to strengthen his army. To use a weapon of mass destruction is simply a waste of the reality gem.

Amakusa will not use it indiscriminately like that. He wants to make deep use of the Reality Gem, and use magic to refine the power of the Reality Gem.

Using the magic learned from Ancient One, Amakusa drew out the power of the Reality Gem with both hands, and began to draw the magic circle.

Different magic arrays use different magic powers, but the power of infinite gemstones is much easier to use than the magic power extracted from multiple spaces, because it can be mixed into the user's consciousness.

Quickly draw the magic circle, and then shoot it on the ground, centering on the place where Amakusa is, the power of the Reality Gem begins to spread, covering the church, the hillside where the church is located, and then spread to the town, the whole town is covered is covered.

When the entire town was covered, the town that was originally full of European style from the sky began to become blurred, and then gradually disappeared, until finally, only a few roads and a few trees remained, and the whole town The location of the city has become a green grassland that is very common in Europe.

Looking at the black-red energy covering the ground, Amakusa nodded in satisfaction.

The residents of the small town are still carrying on their normal lives, but the appearance of this small town to the outside world has been modified by Amakusa. From the outside world, there is no small town, no church, and no group of People live here.

But the people inside the town can't see it. From their point of view, life is still the same as usual, and just like the town can't be seen from the outside world, the sky above the town is also arranged by Amakusa. As long as they didn't pass through the energy layer of the Reality Gem and looked at the sky in the small town, even if Fafnir was screaming there, they wouldn't know it.

That's the Reality Gem in action!Compared with Malecase's simple and crude use of the infinite energy of the Reality Gem, it's not so good.

Of course, this is only the first step, and Amakusa will naturally not end like this, he still needs to take the second step.

"Assassin, open your Noble Phantasm."

With the cover of the Reality Gem, even if it is daytime, Amakusa doesn't have to worry about Semiramis' treasure being discovered by the opponent, so Semiramis can openly open his own treasure.

Possessing infinite magic power and the Reality Gem, Semiramis originally needed a day or two of ritual chanting to complete the large-scale Noble Phantasm Sky Garden, which can be summoned in a very short period of time.

The huge sky garden that once appeared on the western Atlantic Ocean, this time appeared in Romania.

With the church as the center, a large piece of land rose up, directly turning into a huge courtyard and rising to the sky.

"Even if it's not the first time I've seen this sky garden, I still can't help but sigh. Sometimes the wisdom of the ancients is really amazing."

Standing in the most important place in the courtyard, Amakusa, seeing the inside of the courtyard again, couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, Semiramis didn't hear it, otherwise she would be confused again. This is obviously her first time. It's right to open the treasure for the first time.

After ascending beyond the energy layer of the Reality Gem, he began to move forward slowly, towards the outskirts of the town far away from the road.

After ensuring a considerable distance away from the town, even if the anti-army and the city treasures bombard it, it will not affect the town in the slightest, the sky garden began to descend, and landed just right on the ground.

After the courtyard stopped, Amakusa started his third step.

On the cross on the chest, the seal of the Reality Gem is still open, and has not been closed. Using the energy of the Reality Gem with both hands, he starts to draw the magic circle again. After drawing the magic circle easily, he pats the magic circle on the ground again .

The entire courtyard in the air was quickly surrounded by a magic circle. With the black and red energy, it gradually turned into a hill, which was exactly the same as the hill where Amakusa's church was located before. With the spread of the hill, a small town exactly the same as the next door Appeared, the streets and buildings were all intact and kept the same model, the only difference was that there was no one in this town!

No, Amakusa should be considered a human being, so in this new town, there is only Amakusa.

Seeing the perfect formation of the whole town, Amakusa finally completed all his preparations.

That's right, this is Amakusa's plan, because he doesn't know where Heizhen is and why he came to attack his church, so he can only stay home and wait for Zhen, but he can't let the residents of his small town be affected.

So he chose to directly use reality gems to build a small town. Anyway, with infinite energy, it is easy to create a small town. Even Amakusa felt that what he saw was the town he created, because in the revelation, In that small town, there was no one, only a large area of ​​buildings.

And this town is not an ordinary town, its center is the sky garden of Semiramis, you must know that the sky garden is a moving fortress!Air defense or something, no problem at all!

In this way, Heizhen can't see the town where she was originally, and only the town created by Amakusa can be seen from a high altitude, so there is no problem.

Looking up at the sky, there is still no cloud in the sky, and the vision is very good. As long as there are big guys passing by, they can be seen from far away.

"Next, just wait for the other party to come to your door."

Resuming the same gentle smile as before, Amakusa folded his hands together, looked at the sky, waited and looked forward to it.

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