"So, you just wait for me to kill..."


Before Xiao Mo could finish her arrogant speech, another beam of light blasted directly at her, forcing her to dodge.

The light cannon directly bombarded the ground, causing the ground to melt and explode in an instant, plowing a deep ravine, and because of his intuition, Xiao Mo survived this bombardment again.

However, after dodging, Xiao Mo's back was covered in cold sweat.

"Just kidding, doesn't this guy need a magic charge! Or just take the life of his master!"

Looking at the sky garden that was shining again in the sky, Xiao Mo was stunned.

Like Hei Zhen who had experienced this kind of encounter before, she couldn't understand why this kind of thing happened.

Chapter 36. Sabie, Substitution!

Whether it was during his lifetime or after his death as a Heroic Spirit and being summoned as a Servant, Xiao Mo had never experienced such an aggrieved situation.

The huge magic cannon seemed to need no stagnation at all. Once it was fired, it immediately followed up with another shot.

Xiao Mo, who originally wanted to rush over and knock down the sky courtyard, could only dodge the attack continuously, and it was impossible to move forward.

This made her very angry, yes, very angry.

But she has nothing to do, because dodging the attack has made her very tired, and when she is injured, she has to turn on the magic release, and the speed of the magic power to recover the wound cannot keep up, let alone rush in. Not everyone brings their own Holy Grail.

After avoiding for a period of time, the area where Xiao Mo is located has become the scene of a world-ending disaster, with large pits, as if the place has just experienced a meteorite rain, but unfortunately no one accompanied Xiao Mo to watch the meteorite rain.

Amakusa was not in a hurry to trouble Mo, after seeing her being perfectly pinned down by Semiramis, Amakusa focused on the battle between Achilles and Chiron.

Because the battle between Siegfried and Karna was over, the grandiose scene was replaced by magic cannons constantly firing from the courtyard in the air. Achilles and Chiron also understood that the battle of Karna had been divided Win or lose.

So now that the teammates have already decided the winner, they can no longer wrestle and procrastinate like this.

Both Achilles and Chiron chose to use their own treasures to end the battle.

Comet running method VS Scorpio shooting, whether you run fast or I shoot accurately, success or failure depends on it.

So, just like the original plot, Achilles really ran fast and punched through Chiron's spiritual core, but was also shot directly in the heel by Chiron's Scorpion after that.

The immortality that can resist divinity disappears directly because of this. Although he is not dead, he also loses his shield against non-divine attacks.

Therefore, when he lost this shield, Amakusa directly opened the portal and made a forward stab at Achilles. If he wanted to ask why it was a forward stab, it was because Amakusa was worried about Achilles' speed.

Although it has lost its immortality, Achilles is still very fast in terms of speed, so first open the portal behind Achilles, let Achilles move forward alertly, and then instantly open the portal Transfer to the front of Achilles, and directly pierce his spiritual core from the front.

Just like when Karna was pierced, Achilles was also very shocked, but unlike Karna, although Achilles was shocked, he didn't think about it easily like Karna. The reason why Amakusa attacked him was understood.

In short, Achilles is resolved, but in this feud, it can be regarded as the end.

After solving two servants in a row, and they were both god-like bosses, things will look much simpler after that.

At this point, Amakusa no longer continued to hide in the sky garden, he directly opened the portal and came to the ground.

And the place where Amakusa landed was no other place, but the chatting trio around the battlefield, Shakespeare, and Ah Fu and the black caster who were dragged by him one by one.

The sudden appearance of Amakusa made Ah Fu feel panic. After all, Ah Fu was hacked by him before, and Amakusa also hacked Brother Ji to death in front of Ah Fu. This made him a little scared while hating Amakusa Amakusa.

But the courage of being the twelve warriors of Charlemagne still made him draw out his big gun at Amakusa.

"The master of the red side!"

Because of Ah Fu's vigilance, even Caster became vigilant. Although they didn't fight much, Caster still attaches great importance to Amakusa's ability.

"The rider of the black side, and the caster of the black side, we meet again."

Although being alerted by the other party, Amakusa still looked at them with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here again!"

But even the greeting with a smile caused a backlash from Ah Fu. He was like a cat with fried hair, staring at Amakusa, trying to keep an eye on his every move.

However, Amakusa just glanced at him with a smile, and then looked at Shakespeare next to him.

"Caster, how was your chat?"

"Oh!! Wonderful, very wonderful!"

Even at this moment Shakespeare used his arias.

"Because we live in different times, we have different opinions on many things, which inspires me a lot! Moreover, although we live in different times, we have the same opinions on some things , This also gave me a lot of inspiration, if it wasn't because I really felt rude, I should have taken out the paper and pen to create at this time!"

"Should I say that it's you, I can't help but want to create at this time, but as you said, it's really rude."

Amakusa replied with a smile, but she was complaining in her heart. Back in the woods, when I was cutting with Joan of Arc, I didn’t see how rude you were, didn’t you just take out your pen while crazy BB beside you? Washi started to create directly on the spot, and I still don't know what this guy wrote down.

"That's right, so even if my head is full of inspiration, I am not excited to record it with paper and pen. I rely on my poor memory to force it to memorize, but it is best to be able to record it with pen and paper earlier. !"

When Shakespeare said this, he walked directly to Amakusa.

"Father Amakusa, just as you are here, send it back for me, I can't help but start creating."

"That's it, no problem, I'll take you back."

Amakusa nodded with a smile, turned his right hand behind him, and the portal appeared again, but this time the portal opened did not go to the church, but to the sky garden.

"Oh! Great, Father Amakusa, your ability is really convenient."

While speaking, Shakespeare walked directly into the portal and arrived at the sky courtyard.

"Oh, by the way, Father Amakusa, I will trouble you to entertain these two. After all, I have chatted with them for so long, and I am sorry to walk away suddenly. I need your help to take care of them."

"No problem, leave them to me."

Amakusa nodded very politely, and Shakespeare also smiled with satisfaction, everything was said in silence.

Among all the red square servants, if there is one person who does not need to be killed, then this person is Shakespeare. Although he is very used to making troubles and annoying, he is really easy to use, especially his position It's on Amakusa's side.

Sending Shakespeare away with a smile, Amakusa turned his head to look at the black square rider and caster standing together opposite him, with a smile still on his face, but it made the opposite feel very horrified.

"Then, I will receive the two of you next."

This smile, in the eyes of Ah Fu and Caster, is really terrifying.

Chapter 37. Ah Fu, go whereabouts for 30 minutes!

"Rider, and caster, I personally don't recommend that you resist. Of course, you can resist, but I don't recommend that you run to other places, because I personally think that you can't escape."

The only good place around the battlefield, Amakusa and the black side's rider and caster are facing each other.

Shakespeare perfectly completed the task of one person holding two people down. Although Amakusa didn't let him do this, he perfectly cooperated with Amakusa to complete this duty.

Although the caster is not that important, it is very important that Ah Fu, the shit-stirring stick, is held back by him. The frontal combat power is very weak among servants, but Ah Fu has many treasures, but The shit stirrer of the shit stirrers.

During the period when Amakusa performed the backstab, Ah Fu didn't do anything, which is very good.

Now that the backstab is complete, Amakusa can take care of these two guys by himself. One is the maker of golems, who knows few magic tricks. It doesn't matter, anyway, Amakusa will kill him before the golem comes. As I said before, his treasure giant is really useless to Amakusa.

The other Ah Fu, as long as his range of action is ensured, Amakusa will not be afraid even if she is asked to open a treasure.

"The master of the red side!"

Ah Fu raised his spear and aimed at Amakusa.

"No matter what you want to do, I will definitely defeat you this time."

Well, it feels different from before.

Amakusa is a little puzzled, this Ah Fu's state changes are a bit strange, it looks like he is about to explode... wait?

Amakusa raised his head slightly to look at the sky.

"I see, is it the night of the new moon?"

According to the legend, the reason of the hero Astolfo was taken away by the moon, which is the reason why Afu has been hanging a rationality to evaporate.

Then, on the night of the new moon, before the moon comes out at night, he will regain his rationality and become the current hero Astolfo, temporarily losing his rationality and evaporating his passivity.

"Is that so, the real hero Astolfo?"

Amakusa looked at Ah Fu in front of him and nodded slightly, because the most troublesome thing is this rational Ah Fu, this Ah Fu is the shit-stirring stick that Amakusa was worried about before, he can use his treasure crazily.

But, Amakusa already thought of a way to deal with him.

Indeed, his treasure is very troublesome, it can even be said to be very troublesome. In the riding state, the chicken can be quantized. !” Just like the guy, he can be quantized when he is attacked, and then appear in another place, and this move can be used continuously, as long as he has enough magic power to support it.

This endowed him with a super-survival ability.

Then there is the magic book, just holding it will have a super high level of magic resistance. If it is released, it can even resist the light cannon in the sky garden head-on, which is very annoying.

In general, Ah Fu, who has regained his rationality and started to use props flexibly, is a servant with a super life-saving ability. Maybe he can't bring you too much threat to your life safety, but he can annoy you. No way.

Facing such a servant, the most important thing is not to let him run around!

Facing Ah Fu who didn't sit on the mount in front of him, but stood on the ground and faced him with a gun, Amakusa raised his right hand with a smile on his face.

This action made both Ah Fu and Caster nervous, and Caster squatted down and buried a core in his hand into the soil, and in an instant two puppets appeared in front of him.

Although I know this thing is useless, but if you can delay it for a while, delay it for a while, it's better than standing still.

Watching the movements of the two, Amakusa still smiled, and then started to draw circles towards Ah Fu.

Ah Fu has seen Amakusa use this move. This is the opening move of the portal. After realizing that Amakusa is going to open the portal, Ah Fu immediately began to pay attention to the surroundings to prevent Amakusa from raiding from around.

But the surrounding portals were not seen, but suddenly Ah Fu felt that his feet were empty, and a sense of weightlessness came from under his feet.


In a daze, Ah Fu fell directly into the portal Amakusa opened under his feet, and the whole person disappeared suddenly.

After Ah Fu fell in completely, Amakusa immediately closed the portal, then opened another portal and ran away, leaving caster and two golems standing there facing the empty ground.


Although he was wearing a mask, Caster's current expression was a black question mark.

what's going on?Just now when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, suddenly the rider on my side fell down, and then Amakusa also ran away, what does it mean to leave me alone?Look down on yourself, don't you?what! ?

Although very speechless, Caster turned around and ran away after being confused.

He doesn't want to stay here, it doesn't make any sense at all!

Let the puppet carry him to the area where the castle was originally located. Next to the castle, there is a huge natural lake. In that lake, hides the treasure he has prepared for a long time, which is the original giant.

Although he didn't know where Amakusa and rider went, he felt that this was an opportunity.He wants to take advantage of this time to activate the giant, so that he can have the strength to fight in this war.

So where did Amakusa go? Amakusa went to find Ah Fu's master.

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