Following the direction of Fafnir's line of sight, Heizhen saw a black object approaching from the horizon. Heizhen, who has no clairvoyance, couldn't see clearly what it was, but her intuition told her that it was the enemy!

"Fafnir, get ready to fight!"

Hei Zhen stood on Fafnir's head, ready to fight, but just as he stood firmly, two things fell from the black thing, one was a green person, which seemed to be a human being, and the other was a A round thing with a red five-pointed star in the middle.

And the red five-pointed star disc directly hit Hei Zhen, hitting Hei Zhen who had just stood firmly on Fafnir's head!

Chapter 5. Is this also in your calculations!

Shield bash!

Captain America used control skills to successfully repel Heizhen and attract hatred, Heizhen immediately became angry, and the effect was outstanding!

"who are you!"

Hei Zhen grabbed the flag with her left hand and the long sword with her right, pointing at Captain America standing behind Fafnir like her, holding a shield.

It was the shield just now that smashed Heizhen off Fafnir's head, and after smashing Heizhen off, it even bounced back by itself and returned to Captain America's hands. I don't know that Heizhen's chest is very Elastic, or this shield can really ignore the rules of physics.

"Steve Rogers!"

Captain America directly reported his name. For so long, he has been facing some strange combat objects. Captain America’s appearances have become less and less. There is no way, because those are not occasions where he can appear. In other words, there was no chance for him to play, and this time it was finally time for their Avengers team to handle the matter, so he had to report his name properly no matter what.

"Although I don't know who you are, I suggest you lay down your weapons and accept arrest!"

Blocking his shield in front of himself, the captain ordered to Heizhen.

"Hahaha, this is really a big joke. You actually asked me to put down my weapon and surrender? Why don't you come here and kill yourself, or I will let you die a miserable death!"

"It seems that there is no way to communicate."

The captain sighed helplessly, ready to fight.

To be honest, when I heard about the dragon at the beginning, the captain thought it might be a giant creature this time, very similar to Godzilla, but after I saw it, I realized that it was completely different, because the dragon came There is one person, that is the Black Joan in front of him now.

The captain, who had been in contact with Amakusa several times, immediately had an idea in his mind, that is, Heizhen in front of him is a servant!

Outfits that are different from the era, behavior habits that are inconsistent with the era, and the weapon that obviously does not belong to this era.Obviously, the other party fits the characteristics of a servant very well.

"Let me just ask, are you a servant?"

Although I don't really want to fight with servants who have all kinds of strange abilities, but now that everyone has arrived, the captain can only bite the bullet and fight, especially when the opponent is still destroying the city.

"Huh? You know servant, it seems that you are not an ordinary human, magician?"

"No, I'm not a magician, but I know something about magicians."

"In this case, you are considered a relevant person, so let me tell you!"

Hei Zhen waved her own flag, and the flag that was originally rolled up for the battle unfolded directly, revealing the black dragon-shaped coat of arms inside.

"I'm indeed a servant, and my employment agency is **enger!"


The captain frowned. The squad he led was the Avengers squad. Every time he took action, he shouted back: Let's go, ****engers!

Unexpectedly, there is a job agency of **enger among the servants.

The captain, who has done some magic education about servants and churches, has some knowledge about job introductions, but basically what he knows is 7 job introductions. He didn’t expect a new job introduction to pop up now. This made him feel a little puzzled.

But no matter what is going on with this job agency, he needs to fight the opponent now, because the opponent is using a giant dragon and is still destroying the city!

"No matter what kind of servant you are, everything you're doing is wrong, so I'm going to arrest you!"

The righteous warrior Captain America rushed forward with his shield in hand, wanting to fight Heizhen.

"Hmph! Cricket humans! Even magicians"

Hei Zhen sneered, and then rushed up with the flag in his left hand and the sword in his right.

The captain also took turns with his own shield and rushed towards Heizhen.

The two collided together, and the flag and the long sword smashed at the shield in the captain's hand. In an instant, the two became deadlocked through the shield.

Hei Zhen looked at the captain in surprise, because she never expected that this human being who seemed to have no magic power could catch her own attack!

Although Hei Zhen said that as a servant, her attributes may not be the best, but her strength is also A-level. With A-level strength, it is easy to lift a car, and it is also easy to demolish some high-strength buildings. , plus it has been strengthened by the Holy Grail, and it can even go head-to-head with Berserker.

But such a powerful force was easily blocked by ordinary human beings in her eyes!joke!

Moreover, Hei Zhen pushed hard, and found that the captain was still as stable as Mount Tai, not moving at all, which made him suspect that the captain was not an ordinary human at all, but a servant, and he was of that kind of strength.

But there was no sign of magical power on the captain, which made her deny this idea again.

"You guy, who the hell are you? I've never heard of humans being able to do this."

"This kind of thing, who knows."

Because I have never fought with servants before, I am afraid of the power of servants simply because I saw the battle between servants, but now I really fought with servants, and the captain felt inexplicably that servants were not very good.

Suddenly there is a confident captain, a little less nervous, of course, not relaxed, this is fighting a monster, but, the captain is very smart to choose a hidden way to make Hei Zhen afraid of him.


Hei Zhen really did what the captain thought, and became jealous of the captain. From her point of view, the captain is obviously hiding something. This guy is not simple, he is definitely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Jumping back, distanced from the captain, Hei Zhen greeted her helper.


However, Fafnir has no time to take care of her. Fafnir is fighting his enemy at this time. Its enemy is the Hulk who jumped off the fighter jet with Captain America.

Considering a guy like the dragon, the captain can't deal with it, so Banner can only turn into a Hulk to deal with this big guy.

Although the dragon is powerful, Hulk's speed is also very fast. When the dragon did not fly, on the ground, Hulk directly confronted the dragon on the ground with his own strength.

Although Fafnir possessed wisdom, he didn't think of the method of lifting the Hulk from the ground in a short period of time, so he was in a stalemate all the time. Even if Heizhen called it, it didn't care about it.

Seeing that Fafnir was not in the mood to pay attention to herself, Hei Zhen felt even more troublesome, because she and the captain were standing behind Fafnir now, so she could not use her own treasure, which would include Fafnir of.

"Even this is fine! Human!"

The angry Hei Zhen could only let out his own roar.

Chapter 6. On Hei Zhen's Brain Supplement Ability





On Fafnir's broad back, the sound of metal clashing crazily resounded.

As the attacking party, Heizhen kept using the flag in her hand to attack Captain America, using the flag at a long distance, and using the sword in her hand at close range, but no matter how she attacked, Heizhen couldn't break through the captain's defense , which made Heizhen very annoyed.

Because she couldn't imagine that she was actually attacking the captain's shield subconsciously, no matter what direction the attack was, it would be concentrated on the captain's shield in the end.

She didn't realize this at all, just like those hydra who were beaten down by the captain, the moment they saw the captain, their eyes were focused on the captain's shield, and they couldn't move away. When attacking, For example, when shooting, for example, when using a knife, all hit the shield.

And now Heizhen is probably like this, she was deeply ridiculed by the shield, and she just wanted to smash the shield, although in her view, this is beating the captain, but every attack hits the shield, In fact, it can't cause any harm to the captain.

No way, this shield is too buggy. In the Marvel world, especially the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this shield is an artifact that makes Captain America and anyone [-]/[-]. It can absorb any attack at a critical moment. It can also be difficult to block any attack at any time.

And now, it belongs to the moment that can absorb any attack.

All of Hei Zhen's attacks, although very forceful, really couldn't break through the shield's defense.

But even so, Hei Zhen kept attacking the shield, in her eyes, only the shield!

"You bastard, who the hell are you!"

"As you can see, it's just someone who came to stop you from destroying the city!"

"No, you are definitely not a simple guy! Could it be that this kind of defensive ability, you are a guy with a special job!"

"Who knows, maybe I'm a special job agency?"

The captain, a very upright guy, has a rare black belly. This performance makes Heizhen feel extremely angry, but there is nothing he can do. He and Fafnir seem to be entangled by the captain. Can't go.

Especially Fafnir, who just got into a fight with the Hulk, and he had no intention of intervening in the battle between Heizhen and the captain.

So, Hei Zhen is now at an impasse.

Hei Zhen wanted to leave Fafnir's back to fight with the captain, but every time she wanted to evacuate, the captain would directly raise his shield, and Hei Zhen would involuntarily hit the captain's shield with a flag .

I can't control this hand!

If Amakusa were here, he would probably be stunned in surprise, because the captain's shield is now simply a taunting treasure.

In fact, from the captain's point of view, Hei Zhen is very belligerent.

Every time Heizhen wants to act, the captain has to defend, raise the shield in his hand, and prepare to defend, and every time he raises the shield, Heizhen will directly attack, let the captain know that his choice is correct, otherwise he will be afraid is to be attacked.

In short, the captain successfully used the taunt to hold Hei Zhen back without knowing that his shield had a taunting effect.

Heizhen's actions never left Fafnir's back.

"do not care!!!"

He knocked on the shield again, and then nothing happened, Hei Zhen's anger reached its peak.

"Fafnir! Hold back!"

Hei Zhen, who is at the peak of anger, will release the treasure automatically, that's right!She doesn't care about your current situation, I'm so angry!

Of course, he will exercise restraint, and will not really burn Fafnir.

Angry flames burst out from Heizhen's banner and charged directly at the captain.

Although it is said to be Joan of Arc, but like Joan of Arc, as a ruler, Joan of Arc can transform herself into a red lotus saint, and use the flag to release the flame of the red lotus. Can be turned into a red lotus witch!Then set fire to it with a flag!

Faced with this kind of fan-shaped AOE attack, the captain couldn't stand up and block it with a shield. The shield didn't have such a large area. He just squatted down, shrunk his body together, and let his body be blocked by the shield as much as possible.

Then, put the shield in front of yourself to resist the flames.

The orange-red flame directly impacted the shield, and then separated due to the shield's blocking, spreading out from the air, and the air was instantly scorched by high temperature.

Although this magical shield can isolate the temperature and prevent the captain from being harmed in front of him, the flames passing through the surroundings instantly turn the air into a high temperature, which still makes the captain feel very uncomfortable.

However, Heizhen's flames are not only facing the captain, but also facing the area where the captain is, and the area where the captain is is Fafnir's back!

Fafnir felt as if his back was about to be roasted suddenly, and finally gave up on entanglement with the Hulk, and turned into the air, throwing Hei Zhen and the captain down, and at the same time kept away from the Hulk.

This time, both the captain and Hei Zhen fell to the ground together, and the captain was finally able to avoid the flames this time, if the flame continued, the captain would really be burned.

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