In Nepal, Gu Yi was teaching Amakusa about the use of the mirror space, but Amakusa started to be in a daze halfway through Gu Yi's speech, which made her feel puzzled, so she couldn't help asking.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Master Ancient One, I just received a message, and I'm a little distracted."

Amakusa, distracted, quickly apologized.

"Is your companion contacting you?"

Gu Yi asked curiously. Because of learning magic, Gu Yi also saw the command spell in Amakusa's hand. It can be hidden in front of ordinary people, but it cannot be hidden from Gu Yi's eyes, so Amakusa and Gu Yi I said something about Command Seals, but I explained to Gu Yi that this is a channel to maintain the relationship with servants and then communicate with them.

"Yes, they say S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to be in trouble."

"S.H.I.E.L.D., it seems you're busy again."

Gu Yi laughed.

"Yeah, I might need to go there, just like last time."

"Then go ahead. You have learned enough about the mirror space. If you practice a lot, you should have no problem. However, the control of the mirror space depends on how much you can do."

Mirror space, the magic that Amakusa learned today, about the mirror space, Amakusa still learns very quickly, can open the mirror space, and even control the transformation of the mirror space through magic.

It's just that, in terms of control, it's obviously not at home, because I'm not proficient, and I don't have enough magic control over the space.

Of course, when facing enemies who don’t know how to do this, Amakusa will definitely be able to achieve complete control, but once facing other mages, if Amakusa opens the mirror space, he will instead fall into a passive position, such as Mage Ancient One, on this earth, no one can control the mirror space better than her. If you open the mirror space, she can seize control in an instant, because she has the highest level of power.

Therefore, Amakusa still needs a certain degree of practice.

And what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D. this time, in Amakusa's view, is the best practice opportunity.

Looking at the distorted space interface around him, Amakusa tilted his head, pinched his chin with his left hand, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"If this trick is used in a servant, will it be regarded as an inherent enchantment?"

Anyway, let's see what trouble S.H.I.E.L.D. has run into first.

Amakusa opened the portal and came directly to the location of Coulson told by Lancer, Paris, France!

Jeanne of Arc, Black Jane, and Amakusa from the Holy Grail War gathered in France again.

Chapter 11. Coulson: Gas explosion again!



"There's a black guy with a flag, and then there's a guy who calls himself Joan, also with a flag?"


"Okay, I probably know what's going on."

When I came to Amakusa in France, after meeting with Coulson, I just had a brief understanding and understood what was going on.

"I didn't expect Hei Zhen and Jeanne of Arc to appear in this world, and they were still in France. Could it be the singularity of the Hundred Years' War?"

With Heizhen and Baizhen, Amakusa did not immediately think of the Holy Grail War, but instead thought of the Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon, because that is the most obvious feature. After all, the Heizhen in FA that Amakusa encountered was just It's just random entry, and it's impossible for Amakusa to think that Hei Zhen would jump into this world because of him.

"Well, although I don't know what Father Amakusa is talking about, the Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon, but there is one thing that we find very strange, that is, that Joan of Arc seems to know you, Father."


Amakusa was stunned for a moment, knowing her own Joan of Arc, that is to say, that is FA's Joan of Arc, so Hei Zhen... should also be FA's Hei Zhen.

So here comes the question, why did Hei Zhen and Joan of Arc appear here?

In the Holy Grail War, although Amakusa thinks that everyone is an enemy, as long as the Holy Grail War can be ended, then everything is not a problem, so Joan of Arc and Hei Zhen, Amakusa did not take care of it.

But now, these two guys who didn't care, jumped out with him.

Opening her own system interface, Amakusa wanted to see if there were any scripts or activities, but unfortunately, there were no scripts or activities, not even a hint.

"Well, if that's the case, it's a bit of a loss...well, forget it, it's better to help solve it, Hei Zhen and Fafnir are both big troubles, if Marshal C also comes over, it's better It's even more troublesome, he is an unruly person."

After finishing talking to himself, Amakusa looked at Coulson.

"Colson, where are they now?"

"The black one, and the giant dragon, are currently being tracked by our satellites, and Joan and the captain are also chasing the dragon on the Quinjet fighter jet."

"In other words, you currently have full control over the movements of the two of them."


Coulson handed over a tablet to Amakusa, which was displaying a satellite picture, with a dot moving rapidly, and a name beside the dot: Fafnir.

"In this direction, where are they going? Where did they start?"

"They fought in Orleans before, but where they're going now, we don't know yet."

"Then just wait."

Because you don't know where the other party is going, it's not easy to intercept, especially if the other party is still in the sky, Amakusa can't fly.

"Okay, I'll let you know as soon as they land."

Coulson responded, took the tablet from Amakusa's hand, then turned and left. He wanted to continue monitoring with satellites, and then use a series of clues to determine Fafnir's destination. It can only be intercepted when it lands, but landing means disaster, so Coulson still has to deduce Fafnir's destination as much as possible, and then let Amakusa go there in advance to prepare.

Amakusa naturally thought so too, so when Coulson turned to leave, Amakusa reminded him from behind.

"Kolson, you know that the white guy is Joan of Arc, then let me tell you, the black one is also Joan of Arc, a blackened Joan of Arc, you can understand it as the incarnation of revenge for Joan of Arc because of the unjust anger .”

Hearing Hei Zhen's identity, Coulson was shocked, and then nodded knowingly.

Back in the satellite monitoring room, Coulson asked his subordinates to continue monitoring, and at the same time began to use the tablet in his hand to inquire about Joan of Arc's news.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has conducted research on various myths to a certain extent, Joan of Arc and the others have not done much research, because this character is relatively close, just like Tesla and the others. How did I study it, so I was very surprised when I met him.

Soon, Coulson used the tablet to find all the news about Joan of Arc, such as when she was born, where she lived, how she became famous, and how she died. In short, all the news about Joan of Arc, They were all found by him.

Then, the smart Coulson realized that the place where Captain America fought them was Orleans, where Joan of Arc was famous, and after that, Fafnir took off and flew towards another place , where Joan of Arc died, Rouen was just in front of Fafnir's flight path!

Therefore, Hei Zhen is likely to go to Rouen!

Rouen is located in the northwest of France, on the lower reaches of the Seine River, 110 kilometers away from the sea and 140 kilometers away from Paris. It is the third largest commercial port in France.Rouen is not far from Orleans. After all, France is only that big, and the continents of Europe are just that big. As one of the many countries in Europe, France is not that big.

The distance between Rouen in the northwest and Orleans in the middle is more than 100 kilometers, and it will be there soon.

So the time left for Coulson is running out!

"Father Amakusa!"

Coulson, who basically guessed Heizhen's destination, quickly came out of the satellite monitoring room and found Amakusa who was overlooking the scenery of Paris outside the base.

"Why, do you already know where Hei Zhen is going to land?"

"Yes, although she hasn't landed yet, based on her performance so far and the records about Joan of Arc in history, I deduce that her next destination should be the city of Rouen in the northwest!"

" it the place where Joan of Arc died? It is indeed possible, so let's set off quickly. I remember that it is a port city with a large population. If Fafnir is allowed to land, it will definitely Cause a lot of panic."

Amakusa also understood what Coulson was worried about.

"Mr. Coulson, hurry up and give me some photos about the city of Rouen, and I will open the portal."


Coulson directly handed over his tablet to Amakusa. On the tablet was the information about Rouen that was displayed during the investigation of Joan of Arc. Naturally, there were photos in the information.

As long as there are photos, Amakusa can open the portal there. After all, when the portal is opened, the opener needs to imagine the place he wants to open.

So, Amakusa brought Coulson to Rouen, and Coulson walked out of the portal. When he saw the Rouen Cathedral, he had a gratified smile on his face.

"Now, it's a gas explosion again."

Chapter 12. Look, That's a Wild Fafnir

Coulson is very happy, because the gas can explode again.

Because he really thinks that following Amakusa to deal with things, the excuse of using gas to explode is very useful, because for some reason, every time Amakusa says that, the local gas company will take over the pot, even if it is simply It's not a gas explosion, they all instinctively think it's a gas explosion, and then hold a media conference to admit their mistakes or something.

Coulson felt very headache when encountering this giant dragon attacking France. He felt that it was the same as the time in the Pacific Ocean and could not be covered up. However, the arrival of Amakusa gave Coulson hope again!

In Rouen, a city in the northwest of France, outside the Rouen Cathedral, which is very similar to that of the Dean of Notre Dame, Amakusa and Coulson are looking at the sky in the southeast direction together. If Fafner wants to come, he must fly from that direction Come here, unless it's idle and wants to go around the corner.

Moreover, Coulson was still holding the tablet computer in his hand, and the satellite monitoring screen on it also showed that the other party was flying straight towards this side.

Therefore, what Amakusa has to do is to wait for the opponent to appear in the field of vision, and then intercept the opponent!

As for the method of interception, it is very simple, as long as the opponent is close to the ground, directly give the opponent an inherent enchantment-mirror space!


Beside Amakusa, Coulson, who had been staring at the tablet in his hand, reported to Amakusa when he saw the moving point on the satellite map reach the suburbs of Rouen.

"Well, I can already see it."

Although it is not an archer and does not have clairvoyance, Amakusa's vision is not bad, and Fafnir's size is also very large, so Amakusa can see a black dot approaching in the far southeast direction.

"Let's go and meet them. We can't wait for them to land too low before stopping them. That's not good."

Amakusa said and opened a portal directly in front of him, leading to the southeast direction several kilometers away, the tallest building that Amakusa could see.

Taking Coulson to the tallest building together, Amakusa can see bigger black spots. From a distance, the dragon Fafnir looks like a swallow.

"This distance is fine, no matter how close it is, there is no place to stand."

Amakusa raised his hands, facing the sky, ready to open the mirror space.

Under Coulson's gaze, the swallow got bigger and bigger, until it looked very close, Amakusa suddenly pushed his hands to the sides, and in Coulson's vision, the whole world suddenly began to turn upside down , Originally he was supposed to stand on the building, but now he felt that the building was about to collapse suddenly, and the sense of balance in his brain caused his body to shift quickly.

Fortunately, when Amakusa controlled the mirror space, he also prepared a foothold for himself and Coulson, so after being unable to adapt for a short time, Coulson quickly gained a firm foothold. Immediately, he opened his mouth in surprise.

Because now in his view, the original ground has become the sky, the original sky has become the ground, and the whole world is turned upside down, and he is standing on a floating floor tile with Amakusa superior.


"This is the mirror space of the world. Here, only the people I put in will come in. Therefore, fighting here will not affect any ordinary people."

Amakusa's explanation made Coulson feel amazing.

"Be careful, I turned the world upside down, Fafnir will lose his balance for a while, and now he is coming."

The inversion of the world in the mirror space, in principle, is like keeping the gravitational field of the world fixed, but all the matter is upside down.

The sudden gravity disturbance caused Fafnir to keep flying at a high altitude, but turned his belly up, and then began to point to the sky and fall. This situation obviously made him a little panicked. The huge body rotated in the sky, and then While maintaining his balance, he used his claws to grab Hei Zhen who also fell from his back due to the sudden weightlessness.

After inverting his body, he flapped his wings vigorously to let his body rise towards the ground. Although it seemed strange, it was indeed like this, it was rising towards the ground.

"Okay, now that they've been locked up, the next step is to shrink the cage."

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