"Yes sir, it's done."

"Then let's start, the design is done, the next thing to do is to make things!"

The floating cannon backpack designed with Jarvis before now has a controller, so you can directly make it.

There is a factory under Stark Industries, so after Tony gave the order, the manufacturing work started there immediately. Under the control of Jarvis, the fully automatic factory quickly manufactured Tony's new combat backpack. , and even painted it, then assembled it and put it together in front of Tony.

Tony didn't talk nonsense, and directly placed Hello on the reserved round hole above. The round hole just caught half of Hello's ball, allowing Hello to be stable in it, and even turn his head and body. Look around.

So, the hello backpack for combat is done like this. Tony specially installed two reactors on it, which can perform double furnace resonance and overload, but it is basically not needed at ordinary times. The existence of the double furnace is mainly In order to replenish the energy of the twelve attacking units, and at the same time allow the backpack to fly stably, there is no other use for it.

Everything is ready, Tony Stark began to conduct combat training with Hello, although there is a well-designed combat method, but experience is always the most important, Jarvis can evolve into this, it is the constant experience upgrade!

Then, as an auxiliary artificial intelligence for combat, the most suitable place for him to upgrade is naturally the battlefield, and as an auxiliary artificial intelligence for combat against servants, the most suitable place for him to upgrade is naturally the battlefield for fighting servants!

"Jarvis, is the guy from the Statue of Liberty still around?"

"Yes sir, Lancer is still fishing there."

"Then, let's go find him!"

The computer screen exploded again

Sorry, I went back to my hometown, and I can only bring my small computer, and the screen of the small computer blew up again today. The Tian brand notebook is becoming more and more unstable now. It started to shake within half an hour after turning on the computer to type. It is acceptable, but there is a little ghosting, and then it starts to shake crazily, and then it directly becomes high-frequency tremor. Even if I maintain the same frequency of tremor as the screen, I can't see the screen clearly. You can feel it.

I'm not used to codewords with my mobile phone, so...it's uncomfortable

Chapter 30. A gas explosion under the Statue of Liberty?

Cu Chulainn was very speechless, looking at the red tin woodman in front of him, he felt very speechless.

"What are you doing again?"

"I'm here to fight with you!"

"Fight me, didn't you just fight yesterday?"

"Yeah, I played yesterday, but I haven't played today."

? ? ? ?

Hearing Tony's words, Cu Chulainn was stunned. What does it mean that you fought yesterday and haven't fought today? Are you doing a daily task in front of you?Fight every day?

"I don't want to fight with you. You took my gun yesterday. I have nothing else to do."

Because of Amakusa's request, it was impossible for Cu Chulainn to use the Anti-Army Noble Phantasm and the powerful and dynamic rune magic for no reason.

"No, no, it's okay. I think it was luck to catch your gun the last time I fought with you. It's hard to catch the second time. So I can't agree with your attitude, so I ran over to fight you again. Give it a try, don’t worry, I’m ready for today.”

Tony is also possible. After fighting with Cu Chulainn yesterday, he understood Cu Chulainn's attitude, so he did not stick to yesterday's attitude, but eased it up a bit. After all, he still needs Cu Chulainn, who he considers a defeat in his eyes. , to help him test hello.

"I can see that you are preparing, because there are more things behind you."

Cu Chulainn looked behind Tony. The previous melee backpack had been replaced by a backpack that looked like pieces. Besides that, there were several backpacks floating in the sky.

Yes, Tony brought a full set of equipment this time, in order to collect enough data!

"Although I don't think it should be what you said, but if I don't fight with you, you probably won't leave, and you may even take the initiative to attack me."

Saying so, Cu Chulainn stood up from the ground, and the fishing rod in his hand turned into a spear again. He held the spear with both hands, and then pointed the tip of the spear to the ground.

"Oh~~ Good morning, brother!"

Just when Tony was about to draw the knife, a sudden voice from the side made both of them startled, and then turned their heads to look aside together.

An old man with white hair and glasses was standing there with a fishing rod in one hand and a Mazarga bucket in the other, looking at them with a smile.

"Oh~~ Isn't this the old man, good morning."

Cu Chulainn saw that he was an acquaintance, and immediately said hello. He and Stan Lee are friends who fished and even competed together.

"What are you doing, um...how does this person look so similar to the guy named Tony Stark in the magazine, oh no, this person should be called Iron Man."

After greeting Cu Chulainn, the old man looked at Tony next to him, and couldn't help but complain.

"Although I think Tony Stark just likes stinky farts. If he wears iron skin, he is called Iron Man. Should I be called Casual Man when I wear casual clothes?"

"Hey, old man, I want to remind you, I am the Tony Stark you call."

Tony couldn't help but take off his mask after being complained by Stan Lee, revealing his face to face him.

"Oh, you turned out to be the real Tony Stark."

After Stan Lee saw Tony's face, he was a little surprised. He had seen Tony Stark in magazines before. Although he knew that this guy was on the Stark Tower in Manhattan, New York, people who really saw him were regarded as It's pitiful, of course, the ones on TV don't count.

"Yes, I am Tony Stark, the superhero you dream of seeing."

"No, no, I don't want to see you at all."

Regarding Tony's narcissistic words, the old man dismissed them without any face, which made Tony's expression freeze.

Although it is said that sometimes, some people do not give him face, but it has never been like this. Tony Stark feels that his face is a bit unbearable. Old man Bai, although Tony Stark is very willful, he still takes good care of the elderly, so Stan Lee hates him, and it is hard for him to say anything, so he can't be called a bully of ordinary old people.

"Hey, little spearman, let's change to another place, and fight slowly in another place."

"Although I also want to change places, but where do you want to change to?"

Cú Chulainn was carrying his long gun, and asked Tony, while looking around, as if he was looking for a good place to fight.

"Oh? Are you guys going to fight? Are biubiubiu's fighting everywhere as reported on TV?"

Stan Lee seemed to be interested and looked at the two excitedly.

"If that's the case, you can stay here directly. I don't mind. The reports on TV are always unclear. Why don't you try it in front of me. Brother Lancer, I like you. Give me a good beating." This stinking bastard!"

"Oh, old man, no problem!"

After all, we have been playing together for a while. Stan Lee has a good sense of Cu Chulainn, and Cu Chulainn has a very good sense of the old man, so it is no problem for the two of them to greet each other. Instead, Tony Stark, both of them unfamiliar.

"If that's the case, then there's no need to change places, just stay here, and it won't cause any trouble anyway."

Tony pointed to the Statue of Liberty with his right hand, and then issued an order to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, it's still the same as last time."

"Okay sir, hacking into the Statue of Liberty's security system...successful, start sounding alarms, get visitors to disperse."

Cu Chulainn looked at the communication between Tony and his assistant, Jarvis, a little speechless. The Statue of Liberty was fine, and suddenly issued a security alert. It was the same as last time. Otherwise, the battle will definitely affect those tourists.

However, New Yorkers are used to it, especially about gas explosions. New Yorkers even talk about it, especially Stan Lee, who likes to watch news and discuss one of them. Even when there is a gas explosion in Europe, they also There will be a lot of fun talking about it.

"Okay, there is no problem now, let's have a good fight!"

Tony put up a stance, and Cu Chulainn also put up a stance, ready to fight in front of Stan Lee.

"So, let me introduce you to my new assistant, hello!"

"Hello! Hello!"

Heeding Tony's call, a backpack deformed, and then scattered directly into pieces, flying into the sky one by one, and then aimed at Cu Chulainn on the ground.

"Huh? What kind of thing is this that I haven't seen before?"

Chapter 31. Referee: Stan Lee!

Although the number of floating cannons does not necessarily represent firepower, the more the number, the better, because a large number can form a huge firepower suppression network.

Therefore, for this kind of thing, when the single attack is sufficient, the more the number, the better, and the more control modes, the better. In terms of quantity, the 12 controlled by Hello is already considered an upper-middle number. When this kind of weapon first came out, the number was still very small, but later, as the technology became more and more mature, it began to increase in number, and its power, speed, and even shape and use began to change.

For example, the back of a guy coated with a layer of gold can even form a large light shield, which is no problem to trap a battleship. Similarly, the back of a certain white guy can also form a light shield to protect himself.

Even later, a reformer controlled hundreds of GN floating blades to slash opponents crazily by relying on quantum waves in his brain.

Therefore, the advantage in quantity is still needed, but it is only a preliminary design, so Tony Stark will not be so frantic that he will directly sell hundreds of units. Twelve is enough for one operation. It's over.

In a sense, Cu Chulainn is actually very restrained from long-range attacks. He has a powerful passive skill, the protection of contempt!

As defense against projectiles, Cu Chulainn's innate ability is considered to be able to dodge any long-distance attack as long as he confirms the target with his eyes.

In addition, it can handle most projectiles even if it is in a state where it cannot see the object with the eyes.In the latest theatrical version, when Cu Chulainn fought Hassan Sabah, he also nullified the thrown sword released from the dark.As long as it is a throwing attack, even a Noble Phantasm can dodge it, but it cannot obtain this protection when facing a wide-range attack whose attack range is a weapon that explodes when shot, or a direct attack from a simple long-range weapon. Effect.

So the beam weapon, in a sense, is exactly the weapon that makes Cu Chulainn's passive unable to activate, because the attack is a beam!It can be regarded as a simple long-range attack weapon!

It's a pity that at the beginning, Hello only caused a certain degree of trouble to Cu Chulainn at the beginning. After Cu Chulainn got used to it, especially when Hello didn't have many offensive modes, Ku Chulain Lin completed the counter-suppression. Although Tony Stark could deal with Cu Chulainn's attack, his counter-attack could not have any impact on Cu Chulainn. Therefore, this fight ended with neither side being able to do anything to the other. Of course, when Cu Chulainn is restricted to a certain extent.

Stan Lee, who watched the whole battle, said that the performance was great!Give enough applause.

Then Tony left, the security alarm on the Statue of Liberty was lifted, and the tourists returned to play under the Statue of Liberty again.

Then the next day, Tony Stark improved Hello's attack mode so that he could have more attack modes, and then took Hello to fight Cu Chulainn again, and then was killed by Cu Chuan Lin forced a tie with his new adaptability.

On the third day, Tony Stark increased the number of floating cannons, refined Hello's control mode again, and then went to Cu Chulainn to fight, and was tied by Cu Chulainn again.

On the fourth day, Tony Stark further strengthened Hello's combat ability, making Hello's computing power close to that of Jarvis, and even configured new weapons before Hello, and was tied again by Cu Chulainn. Chu Chulin even fought against Tony and Hello alone, and it was still an advantageous situation. Although it ended in a tie, Cu Chulain had the advantage in the situation.

Then the fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day, the eighth day.

Every day, Tony brought Hello to find Cu Chulainn, constantly fought with Cu Chulainn, and then kept being tied by Cu Chulainn, and finally went back to strengthen Hello.

Every day, Tony would have Jarvis hack into the Statue of Liberty's security system, sound the alarm, and let the surrounding tourists leave.

The first three times were okay. On the fourth day, some New York locals were familiar with the situation. After all, they were New Yorkers who were used to gas explosions. From the fourth day onwards, even though Jarvis issued an alarm, they still played their own game. Even on the fifth day, they found Tony and Cu Chulainn fighting nearby, and then joined the ranks of watching the battle!

Stan Lee, who was the first spectator, has been in charge of being an spectator these days, even as a judge to make some comments, for example, let me talk about where the two of them played well in today's battle, and where they didn't perform well. What.

What surprised both Cu Chulainn and Tony was that Si Ran was a legendary hero and the other was a technology giant, but they both felt that the comments made by Stan Lee were correct, that is to say, Stan Lee Anyone who feels that they are not performing well is really not performing well, and there is a real mistake in that place.

The pride of being a great hero and the pride of a super scientist make them not think that they will make mistakes, but when they do make mistakes, they also feel quite ashamed, so it is not easy to refute, and even gradually, they get used to this ordinary The old man's comments, especially Tony Stark, he even hoped that the old man could see how to make his armor beat the servant.

Therefore, with the help of Stan Lee, Tony Stark made rapid progress and perfected his hello.

Today, Tony Stark is still strengthening Hello and himself, and then he came to fight with Cu Chulainn, and was surrounded by Stan Lee.

But, before the battle started, many people had already arrived at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, and they were chatting happily.

"Hey friend, how do you think today will be?"

"What else, Iron Man will definitely be tied by the little brother who is fishing. I have watched it for 3 days. Iron Man must still be the same today. First, he will come up a little bit harder, and then he will be forced by the fishing brother." flat."

"Although you are right to say that, haven't you noticed that Mr. Stark is stronger every time than the day before? His armor is always stronger than before. The two of them fought yesterday. It's been a long time, and maybe today is the time for Mister Stark to win."

"Are you a Tony Stark fan?"

"Uh... yes."

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