"No, not at all. I only found out after listening to you."

Stan Lee waved to Amakusa as he spoke.

"Okay, then I have also come to the church to say hello, Father Amakusa, I will go back first, and I will come here to listen to the lecture as before from tomorrow on."

"Okay, Mr. Stan Lee, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!"

Watching Stan Lee leave the church, Amakusa immediately began to think.

The man in black outside, Amakusa knows that there is a man in black outside. Because of Lancelot, he is on the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention list, but because of his and Matthew's identities, it can be said to be perfect. People, especially Stan Lee, can testify for him, so he and Matthew were not affected much, but because Lancelot has been here twice, and there is also a daughter Matthew, so God It is a matter of course for the Shield Bureau to observe here.

But when it comes to observation, usually one or two come to observe, what happened to a group of people outside today?Did they find something?Amakusa thinks that nothing has been exposed, and isn't Lancelot very good at Tony's place? Recently, there have been news reports about what happened to Iron Man and Iron Knight. In this case, a group of them surrounded the church because they wanted to What to do?

No, isn't it the S.H.I.E.L.D., the one from Hydra?

Amakusa thought of this possibility, and it is still a very probable possibility, because SHIELD is SHIELD on the surface, but in fact many of them are hydra inside, and even the director of the previous generation of SHIELD is a nine-headed snake. People with snake heads, if SHIELD pays attention to themselves, even Hydra must know that SHIELD doesn't do anything, but Hydra doesn't necessarily.

Thinking of Amakusa here, he felt troublesome. He didn't want to fight with Hydra so early. Nick Fury didn't have the ability to catch Hydra yet. Is the head snake fighting?Although it is not afraid, but it is very troublesome, no matter what, it is a large organization on a global scale. If Hydra controls SHIELD and turns itself into a hostile force, it will be annoying day and night.

However, Amakusa would never have thought that the current situation was not caused by Hydra coming to him, but because Lancelot felt that it had nothing to do with it and directly told Tony about the Holy Grail War.

In this world, there is no Holy Grail War, no Holy Grail, and even the concept of servant, so Lancelot thinks it’s okay to say it, and Amakusa has allowed him to move freely on Tony’s side before, so he has nothing to do in Amakusa. After a phone call at the behest, Amakusa was sold directly, because Matthew's current identity is his daughter.

When Coulson went to the church, the information he got was that Matthew was the daughter of Lancelot, and Lancelot was the saber of the Holy Grail War. He was a servant, a dead historical figure, how could the historical figure be in the If there is a daughter in modern times, there is only one possibility. The father-daughter relationship is temporary, and the church is actually a hidden place. The so-called daughter is not a daughter, but a magician, and it is likely to be the master of this saber!

There is also that little girl who suddenly appeared. No news about her has been found in the whole of the United States, so she must not be a normal person. judging people's abilities.

While Nick Fury led people to Tony Stark, recalling the information Coulson brought back, he directly called back Coulson, who was still tracking down the whereabouts of the Hulk, and asked him to lead people to surround this mysterious place. church.

Of course, they just encircle first and don’t do anything, because Nick Fury doesn’t know what the other party’s abilities are. The power that Hercules showed on the streets of New York was not just for fun, so they have to deal with it carefully , especially there is an unknown magician behind it, all of this is unknown, and they SHIELD is facing a completely unknown field.

After Amakusa, who didn't know this situation, armed himself, slowly opened the door of the church and came outside.

The first second he came outside the door, a familiar person appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Meet you again, Father Amakusa, do you still remember me, I am Phil Coulson who came to you last time."

Chapter 41. Actually, I am the Supervisor

"Father Amakusa, what do you think of magic?"

"Is it that kind of magic show? I think it's amazing. Although they know it's fake, they can show those things very wonderfully."

"No, what I'm talking about is not the kind of performing magic, I'm talking about the magic you know, such as magic, servant, Holy Grail War."


Knowing from Stan Lee that a group of people in black came outside the church, Amakusa thought it was Hydra coming to trouble him, but when he opened the door, he saw Coulson. When he received Coulson, he thought Coulson When I asked him about Lancelot, what he asked was about the magician and the Holy Grail. All of this was beyond Amakusa's expectations, especially what Coulson mentioned, magic, servant, How did he know about the Holy Grail War?

He can understand magic, because Amakusa told Little Spider that he was a magician before, and Amakusa would not be surprised if Little Spider missed so many words, but servants, and the Holy Grail War, they How do you know it? It's impossible for people who know a little about Xingyue world to know this kind of thing.

But Coulson asked directly what was going on in this situation.

Amakusa looked at Coulson suspiciously, and Coulson was just like Amakusa last time, smiling all the time.

"What's the matter, Father Amakusa, you should be aware of these things."

Although he said he was smiling, Amakusa is sure that Coulson must be a little nervous now. If he is so sure that he knows, it seems that he already knows something clearly, but he doesn't know that he knows about himself. how many.

"Yes, I do know."

It's useless to deny it. Instead of denying it, it's better to admit it directly, but besides admitting it, it is also necessary to confirm how much Coulson knows and where he learned it from.

Amakusa's direct confirmation surprised Coulson, although Nick Fury deduced that some of Amakusa and Mash in this church might have something to do with the Holy Grail War, especially the one who said she was the daughter of Lancelot. Xiu, but the information on the two of them is too complete. All the elders in this community can testify that they grew up in this church, and there is nothing suspicious about them.

But this tentative question was directly admitted by Amakusa, which made Coulson surprised and surprised.

"Then, Mr. Phil, can you tell me how you know these things? You know, these things are impossible for ordinary people to know. As far as I know, magicians hide them very well, and Has there been any exposure?"

"You really are a magician."

Coulson looked at Amakusa and fell into silence for a short while. After a short silence, he spoke again.

"Father Amakusa, let me introduce myself again. My name is Phil Coulson, and I am from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. We are different from the FBI, CBI, and the police department. We are a special department that is mainly responsible for dealing with some common problems. Events that humans cannot handle, and magicians are events that ordinary people cannot handle, so we are here."

As Amakusa expected, Coulson directly questioned and even drew his gun did not happen, but an introduction instead, which made him sure that Coulson and the others didn't know much.

"I know that you magicians have been passed down for many years, even hundreds of years. We won't interfere too much with your magicians' affairs, but I hope you don't want to involve too much ordinary people, because ordinary people are very important to you. This transcendent power does not have much resistance, so regarding your Holy Grail War, I hope you can introduce it to us, and let us confirm that your Holy Grail War is safe enough for ordinary people."

"What if it's not that safe enough?"

"Then we may take some special measures."

Although he said good things, he also expressed his serious attitude.

S.H.I.E.L.D. does not know about magicians, nor does it know about the Holy Grail War. Judging from the information they have received so far, the magicians have fought the Holy Grail War four times, and the history of magicians has been hundreds of years. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is now a huge It is a global organization, but in terms of age, it is not as old as these magicians. Under such circumstances, they dare not act rashly, so Coulson’s coming here is considered to be a negotiation. At the same time, just like what he just said Yes, he also wants to express the determination of SHIELD. Even though the magicians are very old and secretive, SHIELD also has their own determination.

"It seems that I have to show some sincerity."

A smile appeared on Amakusa's face again.

"Please sit down, we may have to sit down and talk slowly."

The two who hadn't been standing all this time finally sat down, one on the left and the other on the right bench and started talking face to face.

Coulson took out the news that Natasha got from Lancelot, told Amakusa about the Holy Grail War, and then waited for Amakusa's statement.

"You already know the basic rules of the Holy Grail War, what do you want to know now?"

"Which group of these 7 groups are you, and who is your servant."

"Why can't I be a servant?"

"Because you grew up in New York, we are sure that you are not a famous person in history. Although your name is indeed similar to a certain revolutionary uprising leader in Japan, we think that is just a similarity. Growing up You are not the same thing as a servant."

Well, it seems that my identity certificate is really strict.

"Sorry, I'm not the master."

Although it is true that he is a master, he is not a master who participated in the Holy Grail War, so here Amakusa denies it.

"you are not?"

Coulson couldn't believe it.

"Then Miss Matthew is the master?"

"Her words, neither, neither of us."

Amakusa shook his head, maintaining a smile all over his face. As Amakusa Shiro, what is he best at?Smiling and flickering of course!

"You should know what our place is. This is a church. We belong to the Holy Church and are the supervisors of the Holy Grail War."

"Holy Church? Overseer of the Holy Grail War?"

"Yes, we have reached an agreement with the Association of Magicians. In order to prevent magicians from causing too much influence on ordinary people, we will act as a supervisory party to supervise those magicians and prevent magicians from affecting the lives of normal people."

Another new force, the magician, the Church of the Holy Church, Coulson felt that the things he came into contact with recently became more and more bizarre.

In his ear, on the opposite side of the headset, on the plane, Nick Fury, who was rushing from Washington to California, has been learning about the situation here in real time through Coulson. This new information made him frown again.

"I'm not going to California anymore, I'm going to New York first, I want to meet this priest in person."

The Quinjet fighter turned around in mid-air and flew towards New York.

Chapter 42. Knight Lancelot!

"Our Holy Church organization has been born for more than 2000 years. Since the birth of Christianity, our Holy Church has been born."

"Since then, we have been responsible for dealing with some incidents that ordinary people should not, should not contact, and cannot deal with. We are such an organization, the most special organization in the church, and the most secret organization. Even There are only a handful of people in the church who know about us, and with the passage of time, even the pope doesn’t know about us anymore, and we can even be said to be a completely independent special department.”

"From the end of the 5th century AD, the end of the Age of Gods, modern magicians began to appear, and quickly began to grow, but at the beginning, they developed in all parts of the world, and they were not uniform until a person called a jeweler After his appearance, the magicians began to unite under his leadership. They gathered together to establish an organization of magicians, which is the Magicians Association. This association governs magicians around the world, and our Church of the Holy Church , It was also used to monitor and manage magicians, after the establishment of the Magicians Association, they had their own management organization, so we cooperated with them and became supervisors."

"About more than 200 years ago, the three major families under the jurisdiction of the Magician Association, the Einzbern family, the Tohsaka family, and the Maqili family gathered together and developed the system of the Holy Grail War. They originally wanted to monopolize it. But the Association of Magicians did not allow it, so they gave some places and expanded the number of places to 7, that is, the current 7 groups of masters and servants, and our Holy Church, according to the cooperative relationship with the Association of Magicians, still In charge of supervisory duties in the Holy Grail War."

"And I, Amakusa Shiro, belong to the Eighth Secret Society of the Church of the Holy Church, and I am the supervisor in charge of this Holy Grail War."

After a series of introductions, Amakusa looked at the one-eyed black bald head with a gentle smile, waiting for his response.

The current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. heard what Amakusa said in mid-air. He originally wanted to go to Lancelot, but immediately compared the importance of the two sides, and then turned directly to New York.

It’s terrible to come here. He suddenly heard more exciting things and more profound things, which really gave him a headache. He originally thought that these magicians were only a few hundred years old. An organization that was established 2000 years ago, and magicians have a history of 1500 years, what is this, they have never been in contact with it before.

"So, what kind of cooperation do you S.H.I.E.L.D. want?"

The black bald head was silent, and Amakusa took the initiative and offered cooperation to Fury. Although it is still unclear how the magic was exposed, it is obvious that he has successfully fooled Fury and the others. As long as he continues to fool , then it is very easy to figure out where they got the news from.

Judging from the current situation, only Shiro Amakusa and a few people around him should be the only ones who know this, and the people around him should not be exposed, so who would be the one who exposed this information?Could it be that there are other traversers?Or is there something wrong with this system and what tasks are there?Anyway, let's talk.


For Amakusa's question, Fury did not answer immediately, but instead became suspicious of Amakusa's name for their organization.

"That's right, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, will reduce the whole process, isn't it SHIELD? SHIELD is much better than the original long string of names, isn't it?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D., a good name, let's just say it."

Fury accepted the title immediately, and looked at Amakusa with his hands clasped.

"About our cooperation, our S.H.I.E.L.D. has a global deployment, but we don't know you or the magician, so I want to know as much as possible about you and the magician, otherwise it's cooperation, We can't cooperate either, so please tell us about you and the magicians. Of course, the most important thing now is that we want to know the most important thing right now, that is, all the matters of the Holy Grail War. "

"Yes, do you want to know more about the Holy Grail War?"

Amakusa still had a gentle smile on his face.

"Of course there is no problem. To be honest, as the supervisor, we, the Church of the Holy Church, help clean up the magicians every time they cause trouble. It has always been quite troublesome. Although the Magicians Association is said to be a manager, but Their management agencies basically don't work at ordinary times, so they all rely on us, but now, with the development of technology, it is more and more prone to problems. Sometimes we spend a lot of money to cover up the traces of those magicians. It takes quite a lot of time and means, and with your help, it feels pretty good, at least some of your technological means are more powerful."

"However, I really want to know, this time you have heard the news, which magician was exposed? At least tell me which family's magician was exposed, so that I can deal with the situation."

"It's the steel knight who's been hot on the news recently."

"Iron Knight?"

The smile on Amakusa's face gradually disappeared.

"That's right, from your expression, you should know him too, after all, he is the Saber of this Holy Grail War, isn't he, and he has been to this church several times, you should know him very well, he is the one who told us about the Holy Grail War news, that’s why we found you here, fortunately our judgment is correct, so now, tell me all the information about this Holy Grail War, this is the first step of our cooperation, okay?”

Amakusa, who understood everything, had a smile on his face again, with a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes slightly squinted.

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