
Shakespeare looked at Amakusa in surprise.

"With all due respect, ma..."

"Just call me Father Amakusa."

Amakusa interrupted Shakespeare's words and kept his master status. He didn't want the little spider to know too much, because his mouth was too broken.

"Understood, Father Amakusa, with all due respect, I did smell something from Father Amakusa, those are indeed very interesting stories when they smell, however!"

Shakespeare pointed at Amakusa and said in a trembling voice.

"In this body, there is no experience of love at all! I am afraid that Father Amakusa has never tasted the taste of love so far. How could he help you!"

This time, both Amakusa and Parker stared wide-eyed.Amakusa himself had no experience in love, but he didn't expect Shakespeare to say it so directly. Parker heard Amakusa said that he was in his seventies and had a lot of experience, but he didn't expect Shakespeare to say that he had no experience at all.

The scene suddenly became extremely awkward.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Father Amakusa, have you ever experienced love?"

"Caster, I'm really sorry that I didn't experience love."

"It's okay, don't be ashamed of it! If you want, I can help you paint the most exciting love story!"

"No, I'll go through this myself."

Gritting her teeth slightly, Amakusa answered with a smile on her face.

Although he wants to hit someone, Amakusa still has to maintain his image in front of Parker, and Shakespeare is Shakespeare after all, this guy has such a character, if he accidentally kills him, he will call someone else to take the role of caster again Introduce, so in the absence of a new substitute, let's keep it for now, if he dares to do this in the future, beat him when the substitute comes!

"I thought you had a lot of experience."

Parker approached Amakusa with a strange expression on his face.

"But no, otherwise I would have no wife and children by now?"

"Didn't you say that you want the two ladies I mentioned last time to be your wife and daughter?"

"I'm just talking! And Matthew can be a wife, but how should Ilya be a daughter? She has parents. What if she comes over one day."


"Nothing, I didn't say anything."

Seeing Amakusa's expression that he didn't want to mention it again, Parker retracted his head helplessly, and Shakespeare immediately intervened when he saw this.

"Young man, do you want to listen to it now? If you are not satisfied with the story I have described, I can personally describe the love you expect! Until you are satisfied!"

"you can help me?"

Parker looked at Shakespeare suspiciously, full of distrust.

"For the time being, I am also a caster, am I so untrustworthy?"

"Are you a magician too?"

Although Parker was asking Shakespeare, he looked at Amakusa, his magician friend.

"He is indeed a magician. Although his magic skills are not very high, to a certain extent, his magic is very strong."

Amakusa's confirmation made Parker's eyes shine.

"I'm interested now, come tell me about it!"

The corners of Shakespeare's mouth raised as if the plot had succeeded, he put his arms around Parker's shoulders, and walked out with his arms around him.

"Let's go as we go, I can't wait to share my story with you."

Seeing Parker and Shakespeare embracing each other, Amakusa suddenly felt that something was wrong. Shakespeare had obviously listened to his hint just now and understood how to operate it. Something happened, and what happened was not Shakespeare, but the little spider. After all, Shakespeare is a guy who is good at making troubles.

Do you want to bind it with a command spell?

Feeling the command spell on the back of his hand, Amakusa thought about it, but after thinking about it, he thought of something else.

Looking at the back of Shakespeare and the little spider leaning against each other, Amakusa took out a gift dress he got when he was smoking Shakespeare, the book of false ministers!


Chapter 47. Tony, who doesn't know the situation yet, is excited

The Book of False Ministers can be made by transferring command spells to transfer the control of servants to magic dresses, and Amakusa has drawn a total of 7 of these dresses!

I felt nothing when I saw this number before, but now, Amakusa feels that this number is crazily implying himself, 7!

He himself arranged a holy grail war with the black bald head of S.H.I.E.L.D., so for this holy grail war, he has to prepare 7 servants. Now he can take out, saber Lancelot, caster Shakespeare, berserker Herac Les.

Although it is said that Illya is also a caster, Amakusa intends to let her appear as the master. Isn't Uncle B just behind her? The cup provides magic power, Hercules doesn't have to worry about magic power, Illya's words are more effective than command spells!

Then the remaining Master Amakusa needs to find a way to find someone to replace it.

Shakespeare and the little spider got so close all of a sudden, and the little spider also knows about the magician, why don't you let him be Shakespeare's master?

As for Lancelot, Tony Stark?But that Tony probably won't believe it. According to Lancelot's previous situation, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. You have to find someone else to be the master. These books of false ministers can just be used. Amakusa doesn't need to worry about the quantity, because although there are only three Command Seals in his hand, he can restore one command spell every day, so the quantity can be said to be very sufficient. that is.

While transferring a Command Seal to the Book of False Ministers, Amakusa began to think about the other masters.

At the same time, on a private plane flying from California to Europe, Tony was ordering the stewardess next to him to help open the wine bottle, while staring at Natasha who was sitting opposite him.

"Why are you here? This is my plane, what am I doing on my plane?"

"Why can't I be on your plane?"

"You're not my friend, and I didn't invite you, why are you on my plane?"

"I was ordered to supervise Knight Lancelot, not to find you, Mr. Stark. And Knight Lancelot is on this plane."

"What the hell!"

Tony glared at Natasha viciously, turned around and picked up the glass that had been poured by the stewardess and took a sip, then coughed repeatedly from choking.

Tony, who already understood Lancelot's identity, saw Lancelot's downcast that day, and as a good friend, he wanted to help him relax, so he looked at his recent schedule, There happened to be an itinerary to Europe, not only to Europe, but even to an F1 race in Monaco.

So he told Lancelot that he was going to take Lancelot to participate in the F1 race car. All in all, this time he came out to play with Lancelot and participate in some activities by the way. As the CEO, Pepper Even the preparatory work has been done in the past.

And he flew there with Lancelot, but he didn't expect that Natasha, the black widow, would also run up. If the plane didn't take off, he would definitely throw her down, but Natasha had been hiding in the plane Inside, she didn't come out until the plane took off and sat on the sofa, which was very helpless.

"Hey! That's my drink!"

Looking at the black widow who just picked up a glass of wine and drank it, Tony was a little upset, but it's a pity that he doesn't hit women.

The annoyed Tony looked at Natasha, and then at Lancelot beside him.

"Oh my friend, can I ask you a question?"

"Tony, what do you want to ask?"

"You made my clothes stop rockets in Afghanistan. How did you do that?"

"That's my treasure, it's easy to do."

"Then can you strengthen a person's clothes so that they can fall from a height of [-] meters? For example, her."

Pointing at the black widow who was drinking, Tony asked, making Natasha's eyes widen.

"Tony, are you... serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious."

"This... I haven't tried it. In theory, it should be possible, but many conditions need to be met, but in the current situation, it seems that I don't know which conditions are met, and, for a beautiful woman That's not what a knight would do for a lady."

"Okay, forget it, but man, although this guy has a bit of a face, it's better not to touch her."

Natasha glared at the helpless Tony. He was discussing with Lancelot just now about throwing her off in the middle of the flight, but now that she is on Tony's plane, she is not easy to get angry. Yes, if it was on the ground, she would definitely give Tony a shoulder throw herself.

Seeing that Natasha had a bad expression, Tony laughed instead. Yes, he and Lancelot said this to deliberately anger Natasha, because Natasha made him unhappy, so he wanted to make Natasha accurate.

"Oh brother, you know what, this time we are going to Monaco, where the F1 race is currently being held!"

"F1 race?"

Although he has received a lot of modern knowledge, especially because he was around Tony and was exposed to various advanced technologies, Lancelot has never been in contact with F1 games.

"Yes, the fastest race on the surface, your motorcycle can drive more than 300 kilometers, and those cars can easily do it!"

Tony patted Lancelot on the shoulder and introduced him personally.

"Did you know that my company sponsored the team. Although it was only sponsored by one team, I sponsored another team just for you."


Lancelot was a little curious, what was meant for him again.

"It's very simple, because I want to compare with you!"

Tony shook the wine glass in his hand with a smug expression on his face.

"I admit that I can't beat you so far, but it doesn't mean that I can't beat you in everything. For example, I have a brain that is much smarter than you, and I have more skilled driving skills than you! How dare you Do you want to compete with me? On the F1 field!"

Defiantly, Tony squinted at Lancelot.

Lancelot thought for a while, then asked back.

"From what you're saying, that F1 race should be a racing car?"

"That's right, it can be said to be the fastest racing competition on the ground. How about it? Aren't you very good at driving motorcycles? Dare you come?"

Seemingly convinced that Lancelot could only drive a motorcycle, Tony continued to mock.

"If that's all it is, I have no problem."

Lancelot immediately nodded and agreed. Although in Tony's eyes, there was a big gap between riding a motorcycle and an F1 car, but in Lancelot's eyes, there seemed to be no difference.

"Okay! You just wait to be thrown by me so that you can't even see the taillights!"

However, Tony didn't know it, and his face was still full of excitement, because he was finally able to win Lancelot next.

Chapter 48. I just hit something


"Did you hear that, shit!!!"

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