Rhode stopped Tony who was about to leave.

"I've helped you so much, shouldn't you show it? It's just our relationship."

"Yes, as far as the relationship between the two of us is concerned, there is no need to thank you, right!"

"Hey! Is this how you treat me?"

"Okay, okay, I know what you want, I already knew you were greedy for my armor, don't worry, I've already made a pair for you, let it be your reward for helping me this time!"

Speaking, Tony smiled and threw the Ark reactor in his hand to Rhodes.

"Here is the key, I gave it to you in advance!"

Chapter 50. De Angel, bombard the target!

A large area of ​​the armor is white, and a small part of the armor is black. The whole body looks very strong, yes, very strong, so strong that it makes people feel scary, even if the thick armor is A single armor-piercing projectile from a tank in the front will probably be fine. The position on the chest is still the same as before, and a white "light bulb" is constantly emitting a soft light there.

With the help of the robot arm, the new armor was assembled like this.

"Cool! This feels so good! But why doesn't it feel as good as yours?"

"Is there? I don't think so. I think this armor is much stronger than mine."

Looking at Rhodes who was moving his body to familiarize himself with the armor, Tony said indifferently.

"You know, the armor inside you is almost exactly the same as mine, but it's a little thinner. This is my prototype, and considering that you, an air force colonel, are not suitable for melee combat, So I made some enhancements to you, adding a thick layer of armor on the original basis, but rest assured, it will not affect your flying experience, because even so, it is much lighter than F22, let alone His output power is much higher than that of the F22 engine, and those additional armors are detachable, that is to say, you can take off the outer armor and directly become like me, if you like close combat. "

"Besides that, I installed two double-mounted Gatlings on your shoulders. When combined, there are a total of 4 guns, which can be controlled separately or together. Of course, you can't see it now. Because I haven't put it on for you yet, there is an ammunition backpack, and I have machine guns on your arms, both arms, and even both legs. As for how to use it, you let Jiawei In general, from the perspective of firepower, this armor has a total of 8 machine guns, 4 on the shoulders and 4 on the body, I think you should be satisfied."

"And in order to give you other options, I also prepared special accessories for you, that is, the 4 Gatlings on your shoulders can be turned into 8 miniature rocket launchers. In this case, you can also directly carry out For rocket bombing, you can install up to 4, don’t worry, the rockets are all from our company’s previous inventory, enough for you to use for a while, of course, I have nothing to do when they run out, you have to find a way to replenish the ammunition yourself.”

"How about it, do you think this special shooting armor is weak?"

"No, not weak at all!"

After listening to Tony's introduction, Rhodes shouted excitedly.

Unlike Tony, who likes melee combat, Rhodes doesn't have much desire for melee combat. Even in melee combat, he probably shoots with machine guns at close range. This is very close combat, isn't it? 8 machine guns are exactly what he likes.

"As long as you like it."

Tony clapped his hands.

"Jarvis, help Rhodes equip all the weapons, but lock them first, and then let him experience the feeling of flying, and talk about other things later, remember not to let him use up all the energy, his I didn't put any backup energy on the armor."

"Yes sir, I've made a note of it all."



"Let's have a good experience."

A smile appeared on Tony's face, making Rhodes under the mask laugh too.

"Of course!"

The robot hand installed all the accessories on Rhodes' thick-looking armor, and a fully-armed robot appeared. If Amakusa were here, he would probably exclaim De Angel directly, except that the shoulder cannons on both sides of the shoulders are not GN. Particle cannon, others are almost the same as De Angel, oh yes, there is no GN position yet.

I have to say that Tony is a very imaginative person. His current armor looks like an Angel. On the basis of an Angel, he conducted a development. The new armor he made is very similar to an Angel, but the armor needs to be It was much weaker and more flexible, but he felt that it was unnecessary, so he added a thick layer of armor on the outside, which was almost exactly the same as De Angel's design.

Under Tony's watchful eyes, the thick German angel slowly flew up in the air and then began to move outward at an accelerated speed.

Seeing Rhodes gesturing to himself that everything was OK, Tony suddenly spoke as if thinking of something.

"Oh, by the way, Rhodes, I forgot to tell you. I haven't registered this armor with the Air Force, so you may be targeted by the Air Force after you go out. Remember to be careful and don't damage the Air Force's F22. I won't pay for it this time. .”

"What! Why didn't you say earlier, Hey! Stop! Stop!!"

Rhodes inside the armor screamed in fright, but it was useless for him to shout, because the armor accelerated out of the basement together, flew directly into the sky, and appeared on the air force's radar in an instant.

Tony wasn't worried about Rhodes, he just shrugged nonchalantly, then turned around and left the villa, driving his sports car towards the hospital in Los Angeles.

After returning from Monaco, Tony took Rhodes back to see the armor he gave him, and Lancelot was entrusted by him to take Ivan who was seriously ill to the hospital, and asked the hospital to continue Ivan's stay, and then Waiting for him to see the situation, so now Lancelot is waiting for him to pass in the hospital.

Regardless of the F22 sent by the air force in the sky to chase the German Angel, Tony drove directly to the hospital and saw Lancelot who was chatting with the beautiful nurse outside the ward.

"excuse me?"

Seeing Lancelot talking and laughing with the beautiful nurse, Tony didn't see him at all, so Tony had no choice but to interrupt.

"Oh, Mister Stark?"

"Yes, it's me, I want to talk to my friend, can you leave first?"

"Ok, no problem."

Under Lancelot's regretful eyes, the beautiful nurse smiled and left, leaving the two of them alone.

"Well, I admit that this nurse is pretty, but don't you like married women more?"

"What? I like married women more."

"Guinevere, the queen of King Arthur, isn't she a wife?"

"This... Guinevere she..."

When Guinevere was mentioned suddenly, Lancelot suddenly got stuck.

"Okay, the topic can be changed, how is the Russian now?"

Tony didn't intend to talk about this kind of topic all the time, he didn't come here to chat.

"He's inside. No one has ever gone in, except for the emergency doctor at the beginning. I don't know if he's awake now."

"Thank you, I'll go in and take a look."

Patting Lancelot on the shoulder, Tony passed Lancelot and approached the ward, and saw Ivan Vanke lying on the hospital bed wrapped in bandages. After a period of treatment, he was already awake Come here, at this moment he opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling, as if he had lost his ideal.

Chapter 51. Kiss her if you love her!

Early morning is often the time when people are most energetic. As the saying goes, the plan for a day lies in the morning. Peter Parker's morning is also the same. As a superhero with super physical fitness, he got up early. At this time Get on the bus to school.

Although it is said that he is on the bus, he is not alone. There is another person beside him.

"Listen boy, you need to change! If that lady didn't like you before, then you need to change. Only by changing can you attract her attention."

"Um... how do I change?"

"Become different from before!"

"So...how do I change?"

"It's very simple, don't do what you have done before, but do what you have never done before and will never do!"

"That's it? But I did what Father Amakusa said before, and I did something I had never done before. Is there any difference?"

"It's a big difference, because I'm going to make you do something different from that, and that's it! As for the aftermath, I'm still thinking, I need to see that lady named Liz to help you figure out what's next Things to do."

"Well...well, that's it for now, but is it really okay for you to follow me to school like this?"

"No problem! No problem at all. We are servants. As a servant, this ability is completely fine. Just don't worry!"

Caster Shakespeare, after hooking up with the little spider, he has not returned to the church, and has been hanging around the little spider, as if he is a close friend. He seems to be quite skilled in the environment of modern society. Looking at it this time , much better than Lancelot, worthy of Shakespeare!

Peter Parker, the little spider, is only 14 this year. He has just entered high school. He is considered a very, very young superhero. Even though he is only [-] years old, he already possesses super powers. Then he fell in love with a girl in school. His classmate Liz.

Yep, not Gwen or Mary Jane, but Liz.

But Parker's appearance belongs to the kind of very thin and thin. Although he is full of strength, he looks really thin on the outside. Among his classmates, he belongs to the kind of short and thin. But it is much more exaggerated. For girls, probably only Japanese high school girls can keep pace with the United States.

In addition, Parker's character is not too bold, except for Spiderman, so he has always belonged to the kind that is easily overlooked in school, and it is impossible for Liz to pay attention to him.

Shakespeare, unlike Amakusa back then, did not tell Parker what to do, but followed Parker directly, teaching him how to do it.

With this new love mentor, Parker came to the school, and did not encounter anything that needed help on the way.

As soon as he got off the bus, Parker met his good friend Ned Leeds in normal life, a chubby guy with Asian descent.

"Hey, Peter! Did you read the news last night?"

"Last night's news? What news?"

Peter who was greeted looked puzzled.

"It's a UFO! Yesterday on the west coast of California, a UFO appeared. He appeared suddenly, and then the US military sent a whole flying team to chase after it, but what I didn't expect was that the UFO and a The little one fought for a long time, and even almost brought down an F22, it was an F22!"

"What? Is there any news of that kind?"

"That's right, I suspect that UFO is an alien spaceship!"

"Alien spacecraft?"

Peter did not believe Ned's speculation.

"It can't be an alien spaceship. I would rather believe that it is a magical creature. There are magicians. How could there be an alien spaceship? You must know that there are no aliens in the worldview of magicians."

"What? What magician, I'm talking about the UFO yesterday!"

"No, it's nothing, let's go to the classroom quickly."

Interrupting Ned's question, Peter walked directly into the classroom first, and Shakespeare directly transformed into a spirit body when he got off the car, so he followed Peter all the way into the classroom, and began to observe the students in this school by the way Come.

"Caster, are you there?"

Peter, who sat in his seat, just put down his schoolbag, and began to speak into the air in a low voice, but did not get any response.


"Oh boy, I'm here, what's the matter?"

"Why didn't you reply to my words just now?"

"Oh, that's because I'm observing the building and the people in it. You know, as a creator, you have to observe the things around you before you create. Do you know what this is called?"


"Materials! That's right! It's materials! The prototypes of all stories come from life, and only those who observe everything in their own lives carefully are qualified to be excellent creators! Only the stories created can be loved by everyone. Agreed, now I want to create a brand new love story for you, so naturally I have to make some preparations for you before that, observing everything around is a must."

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