"Originally I wanted to go by myself, but I didn't succeed, it was all my fault."

"Barton, what happened!?"

A group of people immediately gathered around and looked at Hawkeye, waiting for his explanation, but he just held his head in pain.

"That guy said that soul gems must be sacrificed, one life for another, in order to get soul gems, Natasha exchanged her life for soul gems."

"It should be mine, it should be mine."

Hawkeye hugged his head and wept bitterly. The sacrifice had already occurred before the rescue was completed. This made everyone present feel very uncomfortable, but they had reached this point and they had to persevere.

"Sorry, we have a problem here too."

After Hawkeye finished crying, there was also a problem on the other side.

Fat Thor and Raccoon Rocket drooped their heads. The two of them were responsible for returning to Asgard to collect ether particles, which are the gems of reality. In their memory, ether particles appeared for the first time. Jane was absorbed, so Thor took Jane to Asgard, and asked Odin to find a way to take out the ether particles in her body, but unfortunately, this time Thor and the rocket in the past did not find the ether particles.

Not to mention the ether particles, Thor never saw Jane at all, and the whole of Asgard was fine at all, and no dark elves were going to come out at all, which made Thor and Rocket look confused, completely unaware of what happened. What's going on, and they are infiltrators, so they don't know what to do.

"Thor, what's going on with you?"

"I don't know what's going on. There are some problems in Asgard. We didn't find Jane there, let alone the news of ether particles. We even checked the news specially, and there was no movement at all."

Thor couldn't help scratching at his messy hair.

"We couldn't find ether particles at all, and we even wanted to use the Rainbow Bridge to look for them on Earth, but unfortunately, we were discovered and hunted down by Asgard's soldiers before we took any action. The only way is to come back first."

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, I really tried my best, but I have no choice but to go back first."


This time, the other people felt even more uncomfortable. It was hard for them to lose one member, but now another one has not found the gem. In this case, it is useless even if everyone else finds the gem, because it will One is missing!

"If this is the case, you don't have to worry, because you can't find the reality gem for sure, or you can't find the reality gem."

Iron Man Tony patted Thor's shoulder to reassure him.

"No, I should be able to find it, it's impossible not to find it, I have to find it."

"No, Thor, I mean, you can't find it, because the Reality Stone isn't in Asgard."

"Not in Asgard? Tony, what do you mean by that?"

Thor was a little confused by Tony's words.

"Everyone, although there is nothing wrong with our time setting, we made a mistake when we traveled. That is the world we travel through, not our world."

"What do you mean?"

Tony acted as an old driver, explaining to them and letting them understand what a parallel world is.

"So, the world we travel through is not our past, but the past of the parallel world?"

"That's right, in that parallel world, there are also infinite stones, but the development track is different from what we know. For example, the reality stone was not brought to Asgard by Thor's ex-girlfriend Jane, but on the earth. One of the people absorbed it."

"But the point now is not who took the Reality Gem, but that we didn't get the Reality Gem. If we didn't have the Reality Gem, we wouldn't be able to snap our fingers."

The Rockets steered the conversation in the right direction.

"Yes, it stands to reason, but we don't need to worry because we found the Reality Gem."


Tony stretched out his right hand, spreading four fingers.

"I mean, we found four gems, the space gem, the mind gem, the time gem, and the reality gem."

There were six gems in total. Tony's group found four directly, leaving only two. One soul gem was brought back by Hawkeye, and the other power gem was brought back by Colonel Rhodes.

So, six gems and that's it.

"So, Tony, where are the gems you brought back?"

Hawkeye stretched out his right hand, with the Soul Gem in the palm, Rhodes took out a metal ball with the Power Gem in the center, and everyone looked at Tony.

"Uh...the gem is not with me."

Tony spread his hands helplessly, and everyone turned their attention to the captain beside him. If it wasn't in Tony's hands, it must be in the captain's hands. The captain also shrugged helplessly. In Banner's hands?Everyone then shifted their eyes to Banner and got the same shaking of their heads.

"Didn't your gems come back?"

"It was brought back, but it wasn't us who brought it back, it was brought back by the person who borrowed the gem."

"The person who borrowed it?"

Tony nodded.

"It should be almost time, they should come."

As soon as Tony finished speaking, the ground suddenly lit up, and a circular pattern that looked very magical appeared on the ground, emitting a blue light.

The Servant summoning array unique to the Xingyue world appeared directly under their feet, and those who used the FGO system to travel through it naturally descended in the Xingyue way.

The light made everyone present couldn't help raising their hands to cover their eyes. After the light, four figures appeared in their field of vision.

Chapter 14. What to do if Loki is too popular

On the glass platform, the magic circle left by the light before was still emitting a faint light, and even left a mark of the magic circle on the glass platform, the kind that couldn't be rubbed off even with your feet.

Everyone in the Avengers happened to be standing on the edge of the magic circle, and at the center of them were four figures accompanying the arrival of the magic circle. Naturally, these four people were Amakusa Shiro and the others, Amakusa, Tony and Tony who followed Amakusa Er, and Loki brought over by Thor.

"Is this the future? But...why should I follow here!?"

As soon as he landed, Loki looked around curiously, but within a short while he realized why he had to follow!

"Loki, I have to bring you here, or you'll be running around again!"

"No, you can send me back to Asgard first, and then you come here, there is no need for me to come here with you."

"That seems to be the case, but it doesn't matter, anyway, you are here, Loki, you can't go back alone, so you can go back with us."

Thor explained very perfunctorily, leaving Loki speechless.

Tony and Amakusa next to them lowered their heads and carefully checked their bodies.

"What's the situation, I feel that there are some strange things in my head, and my body seems to be different."

Tony looked at his hands, frowning.

"Yes, because we didn't come over from the body, but our consciousness came over, and shaped this body with magic power at the same time."

Amakusa explained Tony's doubts.

"Do you remember the Holy Grail War? Heroic spirits came to the world and became servants. The body they possess is a magical body, and we are now in a state similar to servants. You feel a very strange state, that is, your body has become The magical body can be transformed into a spirit body."

Although none of these four people died, when Amakusa used the system to bring them over, Amakusa and the others all became spirit bodies. The main body was still in the Marvel world, but the consciousness came to this world. Just like the summoning of heroes, the four of them have also become spirit bodies, so they don't have to worry about their own death. Even if they die, the body will disappear, and then their consciousness will return to the Marvel world.

The system does a good job in terms of security, just like the spiritual transfer of the protagonist and his party in FGO, but it is even safer than the spiritual transfer.

"Er... Stark?"

Colonel Rhodes looked at the four people in front of him, especially Rocky and Tony, two characters he was very familiar with, and questioned Iron Man Tony next to him.

"Is this you?"

"Yes, this is me."

"You brought back the old you?"

"To be precise, I didn't bring them back, but they came here by themselves. You should know that we don't have enough Pym particles to bring people back, and we don't have enough equipment, so they came here by themselves. "

Tony's explanation surprised Rhodes and everyone else around him. It took them quite a long time to research time travel, and now Tony just jumped over by himself?Tony, no matter how talented you are, you have to have a degree.

People here are surprised, and on the other side, Thor, the god of thunder, has already rushed directly.


Thor in the world of Avengers has become a Thor in a fat house. He went up one by one and hugged Loki who was speechless because of Thor's words. The inertia brought by the terrible weight directly brought him Loki rushed out from the side of the other three people, startled Amakusa and the others, and Loki was directly thrown to the place by Thor.

Thor's weight of more than 200 kilograms pressed on Loki's body, causing Loki to open his mouth in an instant, squeezing all the air out of his lungs, and the terrifying suffocation made Loki flush instantly.


"Oh, Loki, I didn't expect you to come here too. You know, I didn't even find you in Asgard."

The obese Thor hugged Loki tightly. Although he was obese, his powerful force strangled Loki's body, making Loki unable to breathe at all. Loki's flushed face became more and more serious, and even his eyes were bloodshot. .


Thor, who followed, quickly pulled the fat man Thor up from the ground so that Loki could breathe. If he was slower, Loki might be strangled to death by Thor.

"Cough cough cough-"

Loki, who was unbound, coughed crazily, and his flushed face finally got some relief.

"Loki, are you alright?"

"Cough cough cough-"

Loki wanted to speak, but he coughed continuously as soon as he was panting, making him unable to speak at all. He just wanted to say, this is really terrible. He was directly plugged in and strangled to death just after crossing over.

"Who are you, you dare to attack Loki? Do you know who you are attacking? You are attacking the prince of Asgard, Odin's..."

Seeing Loki's constant coughing, Thor turned angrily and was about to trouble the fat man, but when he stood up, Thor was stunned, because the other man looked exactly like him... fat!

No, Thor is not fat, but swollen from being beaten, but the other party looks really fat, and he is completely fat!

"who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Thor, your future self."

Thor, the fat man, has a relatively gentle temper. Not only did he not get angry when he was sprayed like this by his past self, he even felt a little ashamed.

"Are you the me from the past? No, I remember that the me from the past wasn't so fat."

Five years after the death of Thanos, Thor didn't exercise, drank beer, ate junk food and played games every day, so he became a fat man. But during the Battle of New York, Thor was a muscular man, why? Will it become like this?

"Um, I'm not fat, I'm just... I drink too much water and my body is swollen, yes, because I drink too much water, and then I don't sleep well, so my body is swollen."

"Oh, yeah..."

Fat Man Thor felt a little puzzled, but he didn't intend to delve into it, and once again threw himself at Loki, who had finally stood up with a smile on his face.

"Loki! It's great, it's great to see you, it's great."

As a brother-in-law, Thor has always blamed himself for Loki's death in front of him. He just defeated the goddess of death, took everyone out of Asgard, and became the king of Asgard. Become a king, reconcile with his younger brother, and let his younger brother die in front of him. This really makes him desperate.

Now that he finally saw his younger brother again, he couldn't help but pounce on him.

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