Infinity gems, all six are here, he finally collected them all!

For so many years, the dream he has been pursuing has finally come true at this time.

"Your efforts are not in vain, because you have indeed caused me a huge loss. For now, I have lost too much."

Thanos, who got the gloves, was not in a hurry to snap his fingers. He chose to stand there for a while, pretending to be aggressive, because there was no one around him who could fight him, who could fight him, They were all far away from him at this time, and he was confident that he snapped his fingers before the other party reached him.

"Everything you have done is wrong, this universe needs to be reshaped, and only reshaping can save this universe!"

"And I am the one who is destined to complete this reshaping task!"

After saying these words, Thanos looked at Amakusa who was smiling at him not far away. Amakusa's smile made him very puzzled, and even the smile on his face disappeared.

"why are you laughing?"

Intuition made Thanos feel that there was something wrong with Amakusa, the passing priest. He obviously had the Infinity Gauntlet and all the gems in his hands, but Amakusa was laughing!

Amakusa didn't answer him, but still smiled and looked at him with kind eyes.

"Laugh while you can, because you won't be able to laugh anytime soon."

No matter why Amakusa laughed, and it was very weird, now Thanos just wants to snap his fingers.

"I am destiny!!"

Saying what he thought was the most proud line, Thanos snapped his fingers with his right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

But unfortunately, there is only the sound of metal collisions, and there is no explosion of energy from the Infinity Stones, nothing happened.

Those Avengers who were desperate to see Thanos snapping their fingers stopped one by one, touched their bodies to see if there was any problem, but it turned out that there was no problem, and then they looked at each other in confusion. To Thanos.

Stared at by everyone present, Thanos was also puzzled, he looked at his gloves, no problem, all 6 gems are there, but...***...Why! ?

Thanos, who didn't believe in evil, snapped his fingers again, and there was still the crisp sound of metal collisions, but there was nothing else.

Thanos felt something was wrong at this time, he suddenly raised his head to look at the smiling Amakusa opposite.

"Is you!"

At this time, Amakusa finally had some reaction. He slowly raised his right hand and opened his palm. One, two, three, four, five, six, six gems shining with different colors of light appeared in his hand.

"Thanos, when did you have the illusion that there are infinite gems on that glove?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the six shining gems on Thanos' gloves disappeared instantly.

Amakusa's identity is passing by the priest, but at the same time, he is also the holder of the Reality Gem!And the power of reality gems, the simplest is to rewrite reality!Create the most realistic illusion!

After Banner used the Infinity Gauntlet to save everyone, Amakusa took out all six gems, and used the power of the Reality Gem to make the Infinity Gauntlet look like it still has six gems.

From the very beginning, the glove that Thanos and the others fought for was really nothing more than a glove!

Chapter 28. Do you want to die once?

Thanos turned into ashes, together with his five dark generals and the few remaining war beasts, turned into ashes and dissipated, and even the remnant of the huge Dark Temple No. [-] followed Dissipated, because those things were also judged to belong to Thanos' gang.

Just like when Thanos snapped his fingers and killed half of the life in the universe, now Thanos is also under the power of the infinite gem, turning into ashes and disappearing, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

The one who used the Infinity Gems is naturally not Iron Man Tony Stark. This iron can is still lying on the ground. It was beaten by Thanos with his fists, and he hasn’t gotten up yet, so this time he didn’t get up because of the blow. finger and die.

Ashes were everywhere, and Shiro Amakusa slowly recovered from the energy shock.

When she came to this world, Amakusa had already become a servant. Although it sounds strange to become a servant before she died, it is indeed Amakusa's servant clone in this world, but her thoughts are here.

This body is used to withstand the impact of energy, even if it fails, it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as you go back, there will be nothing left.

"But this power is really scary. Just because the energy was used once, the body immediately began to collapse."

Amakusa's body can withstand the power of a single Infinity Gem, and it can also be used, but if six Infinity Gems are used together, the energy impact it will suffer is really terrifying. Amakusa is not arrogant enough to withstand such a violent impact .

Therefore, at the cost of sacrificing the servant's body, Amakusa used the Infinity Stone once, turning Thanos and his men into ashes.

The entire battlefield became calm, and everyone put down their weapons, because there was no need to fight anymore, and their enemies had disappeared.

Everyone turned their attention to Amakusa who had used up the energy of the infinite gem.

"How did he do it, he obviously didn't have gloves, and he didn't snap his fingers."

Hawkeye helped Captain America up while looking at Amakusa puzzled.

"I don't know, I don't even know him, I only know that he brought infinite gems to help us, but I didn't expect that he could display the power of infinite gems without gloves."

"This is normal, all you want to use is the power of the Infinity Stone."

Gundam Tony flew over from not far away and landed beside Captain America.

"As long as the energy of the Infinity Gem can be used normally, why use gloves? The priest didn't use gloves when he used the Reality Gem, didn't he? As for the use of energy, it's just a way of using it. There's no need to snap your fingers."

Tony used to be BB with Thor in a low voice, but now he saw Amakusa exerting his strength directly with the six gems in his hands, he said it directly, looking at the expressions of Captain America and the others, it can be said that he is full of Contempt!

A group of brothers, who came up with the operation method of snapping their fingers to use energy, why not pull the trigger?

"However, that priest looks a little bad."

It used to look like a living person, but now cracks began to appear on his body, just like the dry earth, full of cracks!

Gundam Tony activated the thrusters behind him and flew to Amakusa's side, and Thor, the God of Thunder, also flew over.

"Hey, Father, are you all right?"

"Well, it's nothing."

Amakusa's face was indifferent.

"Then what's the matter with your body?"

"It looks like this, I'm probably going to die."


Thor and Tony looked confused, what nonsense did this man say, why did he say it so calmly when he was about to die.

"Sure enough, you can't bear the energy of the infinite stone."

Thunder God, the local fat house, landed beside Amakusa, and shook his head repeatedly looking at the cracks on Amakusa's body.

"Even Banner, after snapping his fingers, was seriously injured because his body couldn't bear the strength. Your body is not as good as Banner's, and you can't bear this level of energy impact at all."

"Well, I know that."

"Then you still use the power of the gem?"

"Because I think it's time for this war to end."

Amakusa still had the same gentle smile on his face as before, as if it wasn't him who was going to die at all.

"I will accept these six gems."

"No, no, these six gems need to be sent back to the original time and space. If they are not sent back, there will be problems in the original time and space, and even bigger troubles will be brewed at that time."

"If this is the case, don't worry, I will be responsible for returning these stones to their original places."

"You? Aren't you going to die?"

Thor was puzzled.

"Your Highness Thor, do you still remember the self-introduction when we first appeared?"

Thor froze for a moment, remembering Amakusa's self-introduction, servant, ruler.

"When the four of us traveled across the world and came here, we were in the bodies of servants. Our bodies are actually still in the original world, and we can go back at any time. This body is just a temporary means of action."

Speaking of which, Amakusa's clothes and the red holy relic cloth have begun to break, and the broken parts are directly agreed to turn into light spots and dissipate in the sky, just like after the hero shot the meteor before.

"We are servants. After a servant dies in battle, he will exit with the attitude that a servant should have. Now is the time for me to exit. After I exit, I will return to our world. These six gems, let me return Just drop it."

After realizing that Amakusa is not really dead, both Thor and Tony are comfortable, but something is wrong with this comfortable situation.

"Wait, you went back, what shall we do? How shall we go back?"

Tony and Thor came here with Amakusa, Amakusa has gone back now, how did they go back?When they came over, Amakusa pulled them, and then a magic circle appeared under their feet and came over. Amakusa didn't say a word about the way to go back?

"Ah, going back is actually very simple. You are servants like me, so you just need to go back as servants."

"So what is the posture of the Servant going back?"

"It's very simple, just die."

After Amakusa finished speaking, his body quickly disintegrated, shattered into pieces, and then dispersed into a large number of light spots that dissipated in the sky.

It hurts, this feeling of the body being crushed by energy.

But you can't shout pain, not only can't shout pain, but also keep smiling!

Under the horrified gaze of Thor and Tony, Amakusa smiled and died, turning into a spot of light and disappearing.

After Amakusa completely disappeared, Tony and Thor looked at each other.

"Is what he said true?"

"Do you really want to die?"

"How about we try, you stand still, I'll give you a hammer on the head to see?"

"Do you want to die once!"

Chapter 29. Loki, stand still and let me poke it

On the roof of the Stark Industrial Building, Shiro Amakusa slowly opened his eyes. The severe pain that moved around inside his body made him unable to move for a while.

If you can't act, you can't act. Anyway, there is nothing else, and everything is over. The final battle of Thanos finally ended with Thanos' exit.

Amakusa Shiro looked at the three people beside him while feeling the sharp pain in his body.

Up to Tony Stark, Thor, and his brother Loki.

Oh, speaking of Loki, Amakusa almost forgot about him, and obviously took him there, but he didn't notice him at all during the war, should he be said to be the guy who was judged as an assassin job agent? This ability to naturally reduce one's own sense of existence is really powerful, it has to be said that it is an assassin!

Not long after Amakusa opened his eyes, Loki suddenly opened them.


Loki, who opened his eyes, immediately lay on the ground clutching his chest and panting continuously, which surprised Amakusa. What's going on?What happened all of a sudden?

Why did you suddenly get down?

Soon after Loki fell, Thor and Tony also fell down, one clutching his head, while the other clutching his chest, both looked very painful.


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