"Not bad, not bad, as expected of me, Amakusa Shiro, this Tachie is beautiful."

In the battle model of male servants, Amakusa only liked two at the beginning, one was Amakusa Shiro, and the other was the only man in the game whose back was facing the player, but there was no Amakusa when he played the game.

With the captain, the next step is the follow-up team members. According to the idea of ​​the game, Amakusa can be the main output of a single core, and then a few turns will be needed. Not to mention some young and beautiful Miss Skadi.

If you have to count abduction, Shakespeare should be the only one, right?

Bring Shakespeare?What about Shakespeare's ability? Although it seems useless in frontal battles, backcourt support is still somewhat useful. At least I helped Amakusa do a lot of things in the game. After all, there is no red card era without Kong Ming and Merlin. Shakespeare And it's a very good charging abduction.

"The most important thing is that once it's gone, there won't be much pity. This is very important."

Selling abductees, selling Kongming and selling Merlin will feel very uneconomical, but selling a Shakespeare doesn't feel like a pity at all!

Thus, the second member was designated as Shakespeare.

In this way, the main output force is there, the auxiliary Shakespeare is there, and the next is the control person.

But it's a pity, when it comes to control, people with the role of a caster are better at it. Amakusa doesn't know how to activate magic and release people at the same time in the game, so there are some flaws in the control aspect.

"Needs someone on the defensive side."

If you can't control it, you can only choose to resist beatings. When it comes to resisting beatings, in the current Amakusa BOX, I am afraid that there is no job agency that can resist beatings more than the shield rank. Matthew Xuemei chose it!

The third member also went up successfully.

"In this way, the three-person starting team will be successful, and the next three positions will not be available for the time being."

Do an experiment for the first time. After all, there is no instruction for this system at all. You need to explore everything by yourself. If you are called for support by others and you get to a dangerous place, you can sell Shakespeare and retreat with Matthew. Come back, as long as Matthew can resist the first round of outbreaks, Amakusa can bring Matthew back together, as for Shakespeare, just sell it.


The right hand clicked on the confirmed option, and the support organization was temporarily arranged by Amakusa. A support team consisting of ruler Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, caster Shakespeare, and Shielder Matthew Kyrielight was formally formed.

Chapter 3. Kanzaki Fireweave

The city of London, as one of the world's major financial centers, is also a center of faith. In Europe, the most widespread belief is Christianity, especially the Roman Orthodox Church in the Vatican, which is the largest branch of Christianity in Christianity. , and also considers itself the most orthodox Christianity.

Believers of the Roman Orthodox Church are widely distributed in continental Europe and North and South America, covering 113 countries. In a broad sense, there are as many as two billion believers, accounting for nearly one-third of the world's population, but the United Kingdom is different. The United Kingdom believes in Although religion is also Christianity, Puritanism is relatively new among Christianity. Those who believe in Puritanism are called Puritans, and they are also called heresies by the Roman Orthodox Church!

Since the emergence of Puritanism, the Roman Orthodox Church has been in various conflicts and frictions with Puritanism. There have been many wars, large and small, but until the [-]st century, Puritanism has been preserved steadily, and even more and more It has grown and developed to the point where it can compete positively with the Roman Orthodox Church to a certain extent.

Because of beliefs, many magicians were born on the land of Europe, and various magics derived from various beliefs and the Bible led to various miraculous magic battles between different factions and different magicians.

The Roman Orthodox Church has their fighting force, the Right Seat of God, and the English Puritans also have their fighting department - the Church of Necessary Evil.

Kanzaki Kaori is a battle magician who belongs to the Church of Necessary Evil. Although she is only an eighteen-year-old girl, she is already ranked among the top ten magicians in London. She is one of the few Christians in this world. One of the "sages" up to twenty, very powerful.

Some people may wonder, Kanzaki Kaori's name does not sound like a British, or a European name, but more like an oriental Japanese.

In fact, she is a Japanese, but as a Japanese, she became a battle magician in the British Puritanism, which has something to do with her other identity.

The Amakusa-style Cross Church is an underground church organization established in the era of the Japanese shogunate. In that era, the shogunate ruled Japan, and the peasants lived in poverty. So a Christian believer launched an uprising and called on the farmers to overthrow the rule of the shogunate. Unfortunately, Because of the betrayal of the traitors, the uprising failed and was brutally suppressed.

However, after the suppression, the Amakusa-style cross desolate religion has been preserved, and has been lurking in the dark, and Kanzaki Kaori is the former female pope of the Amakusa-style cross desolate religion in this era!

Although British Puritanism has always been suppressed by the Roman Orthodox Church, it has a certain ability to resist. The scale of the Amakusa-style Cross Church is too small to be able to fight against the Roman Orthodox Church, so it is very helpless. Kanzaki Kaori, who is the pope, paid for the Puritanism's protection of the Amakusa style at the cost of turning to the British Puritanism.

This is why Kanzaki Kaori, who is a Japanese, became a battle magician in the Puritan Church in London, England.

As a senior battle magician of the Church of Necessary Evil, Kanzaki Kaori basically has nothing to do, and basically stays in the girls' dormitory of the church. Lie Huozhi is relatively free most of the time.

But this leisure was recently broken by an incident.

A few days ago, something strange suddenly appeared in Kanzaki Kaori's mind, a strange magic circle, which looked very strange. As a magician, Kanzaki Kaori was very familiar with all kinds of magic. Zhi Zhi went through her memory but couldn't find what magic this magic circle corresponds to, and this magic circle just appeared in her mind, which made her very disturbed.

A magician suddenly has a strange magic circle in his mind, what will come to his mind immediately?Naturally, it is the enemy's attack!I don't know when the enemy secretly cast a concealment spell!And it has been lurking in my mind for quite a while before I discovered it!

This situation made Kanzaki Kaori nervous. She wanted to break this spell, but she didn't dare to act rashly. Every spell has its own rules of operation, unless you have a magic spell that makes all spells lose their effect instantly. Otherwise, it's best not to act rashly, because once the operation method of the spell is mistaken, the consequences may be more serious.

And this magic circle belongs to the blind spot of Kanzaki Kaori's knowledge. She really doesn't know what kind of magic formula this magic circle is, and since she doesn't know how it works, she naturally dare not break it easily.

Looking for help from others?

Kanzaki Kaori has also thought about this. She has a high level of knowledge in magic, but she dare not say that she understands all the magic formulas in the world. Among my friends or friends, there is no one who is more powerful than her. People who are more comprehensive in magic than her, either I don’t know them, or they are not in London during this time. It’s a coincidence.

Kanzaki Kaori, who had no one to ask, could only be left alone, thinking about how to deal with what might happen next.

The enemy knows all the knowledge and information he has?Are your powers controlled by the enemy?Or his own power was directly sealed by this strange magic circle?

All of this is possible. Magic is so unreasonable. Some powerful magicians can even pull down angels. I don’t know how these magicians do it.

While thinking about how to deal with the situation, Kanzaki Kaori also analyzed this unfamiliar magic circle. The so-called magic circle is composed of many fixed elements, which can be inferred from the combination of elements. Unfortunately, no matter what Kanzaki Kaori Zhizhi couldn't deduce it no matter how she deduced it, because although there were some elements she was familiar with in this magic circle, there were also many things she couldn't understand at all.

Just when Kanzaki Kaori couldn't figure it out and was thinking about whether to ask the Pope for help, the magical magic circle lit up with rainbow-colored light.

The sudden mutation surprised Kanzaki, but her own qualities made her immediately calm down and take it seriously. Observe the changes in the magic circle in her mind. In her opinion, this is the reason why the magic circle was set up for her in the first place. The master activated this spell, and the enemy's intentions are about to be revealed!

After the colorful light, a picture suddenly appeared in her mind. The picture had a golden frame and a painting in the middle. On the background of burning flames, a dark-skinned young man with long white hair stood smiling while holding a samurai sword. The young man was wearing a black priest's uniform, with a red shawl on his shoulders, and a string of characters below the young man: ruler Amakusa Shiro Tokisada

What?Amakusa Shiro Tokisada! ?

Kanzaki Kaori's surprised pupils shrank slightly, feeling very shocked.

Because, the founder of the Amakusa-style cross desolate religion where she was, or the first pope, was the famous saint Amakusa Shiro Tokisada in history!

Chapter 4. Xingyue's English is harmful!

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, in Kanzaki Kaori's memory, is a very great saint.

Kanzaki Kaori, who has been in the Amakusa-style cross desolate religion since birth, can be said to have grown up listening to the legends of Amakusa.

Leading the oppressed people to resist the plunder of the shogunate. In that era, the shogunate ordered all civilians who had not given up their faith to be executed. The shogunate was an absolute symbol of power in that era. No one dared to resist them, and everyone did not know What to do.

At this time, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada appeared, this talented young man appeared, at only sixteen years old, he led the peasants against the shogunate, with [-] people against the [-] regular troops of the shogunate, but continued to gain victory.

It is a pity that the victory did not last long. After a year, he was suppressed because of the betrayal of his helpless allies, and Shiro Amakusa was killed by the shogunate.

This is recorded in the book, and it is also recorded in the scriptures of the Amakusa-style cross religion, but the details are not clear. After all, Amakusa Shiro was called a saint in history. The official recognition, especially the Roman Orthodox Church does not recognize him at all, but in the eyes of the Amakusa-style Cross Church, this legendary boy is a saint.

And now, the relevant information and portrait of this saint appeared in Kanzaki Kaori's mind.

"Ruler? This should be English, ruler? Ruler? Or something else?"

I was puzzled by Amakusa Shiro Tokisada and Kanzaki Kaori that appeared in my mind. When she was emitting light in the magic circle, she was already ready to fight. After that, what appeared was something like a card.

The young man Kanzaki Kaori could understand the content on the card, and she could also understand the words Amakusa Shiro Tokisada below, but she didn't quite understand the English word ruler in front of it.

Living in the UK, Kanzaki Kaori can naturally speak English. Although the whole world speaks Japanese, she does not need to speak English at ordinary times, but in fact many words in Japanese are directly translated into English.

Ruler has several meanings in English, the simplest one is ruler, and then there is the meaning of ruler and ruler, but none of these meanings seem to have anything to do with Shiro Amakusa, right?Kanzaki Kaori couldn't understand, and even began to think, isn't this word English?Is it another language?

Just as Kanzaki Kaori was thinking, the magic circle turned again, this time flashing golden light, which forced Kanzaki Kaori to give up thinking and shift his attention again.

After the golden light flickered, another golden card appeared. The card was turned over, and it also had a golden frame, but the background turned into a blue sky and white clouds and a silver-white ground. A girl with pink hair and a black armor was holding a huge shield. Standing there, there is also a line of words below her: Shielder Matthew Kyrielight

Another English word with a strange meaning, and the name of this person, I have never heard of it, and I don’t know it at all compared to the previous Amakusa Shiro.

Kanzaki Kaori did not think about it in detail, because the light continued, this time it was white light, three white halos flashed, and a brass-colored card appeared. After flipping it over, it was still a picture .

The background looks like a library, or a study room, in Western style, a middle-aged *** with a bushy beard in a green top and a half cape, holding a book in his hand, and he There is also a line of words under the portrait: caster, William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare?The playwright Shakespeare?But what happened to the caster?pitcher?assist?Or a cruet?

Kanzaki Kaori knew all the characters after that, but the strange words before each name, Kanzaki Kaori said that she didn't understand what was going on. If it was English, she did know these English words, but the meaning of these English words had nothing to do with these people. Just have no contact!

At this time, in fact, random FGO players, or people who know a little about Xingyue can understand the meaning of these words, but it is not possible for Kanzaki Kaori here.

This is the problem of translation and usage habits in various places, Japanese English, or the type moon is harmful.

After all three cards came out, no light appeared again, and three cards appeared side by side above the magic circle. Amakusa Shiro was the first, Mash was the second, followed by Shakespeare, and then there was no movement. .


For some reason, Kanzaki Kaori felt that something was wrong with this situation. She always felt that there was something missing behind this thing, and she always felt that there should not be only three.

But now the focus is not on the numbers, but on why this is happening, what is going on here?

Strange magic circle, strange cards coming out of the magic circle, after the cards come out, there is no movement.

Wait, it seems that I have overlooked something.

In the corner of the picture in his mind, Kanzaki Kaori noticed that there was a blue dot emitting a faint blue light all the time.

Do you want to go down?

Kanzaki Kaori couldn't help but come up with such an idea, because she was curious!Although as a magician, she clearly knew that she must be cautious when facing unknown magic, but Kanzaki Kaori really wanted to click on it, and in the end she couldn't hold back her curiosity and clicked on it.

After the blue light spot was tapped, the magic circle that had calmed down began to rotate again, and disappeared immediately after a while of rotation, and the three cards also disappeared, which made Kanzaki Kaori a little confused, are they gone?Suddenly gone?

However, before Kanzaki Kaori was stunned for a few seconds, the magic circle appeared again in front of her, this time on the ground!

A huge magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground, emitting a blue light.

"not good!"

At this moment, Kanzaki Kaori came to his senses, and took out his sword "Seven Heavens and Seven Swords" from behind, and placed it in front of him, ready to attack at any time.

On the magic circle, the blue light was bright, and directly turned into a blue beam of light, instantly illuminating the small church where Kanzaki Kaori was located.

"Such a huge impact of magical power, how is this possible, this is the level that can only be achieved by a large-scale ceremony, what kind of spell is this!"

The sudden burst of magic power surprised Kanzaki Kaori very much, and at the same time made her even more nervous. This burst of magic power was too strong, which made her feel that she had brought in a very terrible enemy. base camp.

But the light quickly dissipated again. After the light dissipated, three figures appeared.

"Come on, come on, this speed is too fast, the support I just set up was summoned, and I was not given time to react at all."

The leader is a dark-skinned white-haired boy, exactly the Amakusa Shiro Kanzaki Kaori saw on the card just now!

Chapter 5. Here, the contract is established

"Oh!!! Father Amakusa, long time no see!"

"Well, it's true that we haven't seen each other for a while, caster."

"What's going on here? I feel like I've been summoned again. I obviously didn't respond to anyone's plans. Just when I was about to help Peter Boy arrange a plan to attack the girl who had a crush on him in the lower grades, I was suddenly summoned again!"

"Well, that's true, we were summoned by people from another world."

"That's right, that's really interesting! You can summon again in a situation where you have already summoned, ignoring the rules of the Throne of Heroes, and it's still in a different world, O'Mailroy!"

"I'm more concerned about what you just said about helping Peter win over his junior."

"Hahaha, this is what I've been doing recently, Father Amakusa, let me tell you, I have captured three girls in Peter's unconscious state without Peter knowing it at all! And when he doesn't know at all, I plan to help him with more strategies, and finally see his choices when facing those girls, hahaha!!!"


"Senior, I don't think we should discuss this with the caster now, we should discuss what is going on with us here?"

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