Kamijou Touma couldn't help questioning this girl he didn't know at all.

"You still have the face to ask me why I attacked you."

"Is there any problem with you? You attack me when you come up suddenly, and I still have a bunch of things in my hand, and even if you want to do it, can't you wait until I throw these things away?"

"You still want to throw something?"

Misaka Mikoto's eyes widened, Guatai didn't have many in her hand, and this person had a bunch of them hanging on his body, so forget it, but he still wanted to throw it away!

"Take it, Lightning Spear!"

Misaka Mikoto raised her right hand, touched her bangs, touched all her hair to the back and turned it into a big back. At the same time, the electric light condensed in the palm of her hand, forming a blue-white light intensity, and then she turned it upwards The strips were thrown out.

The blue-white light gun passed through the distance between Misaka Mikoto and Kamijou Touma in an instant, and hit Kamijou Touma's right hand. In other words, Misaka Mikoto aimed at Kamijou Touma's right hand from the beginning and released it, otherwise Touma would not There will be no response time and it will be hit.

This was caused by Misaka Mikoto's persistence. Her attack was blocked by this right hand before, so she thought that the opponent's ability must be displayed through the right hand, so what she had to do was to defeat the opponent's right hand head-on and let the opponent understand His ability is much stronger than the opponent, and he can easily defeat the opponent.

However, Misaka Mikoto was quickly disappointed. Her lightning spear did not defeat Kamijou Touma's attack, but was blocked by his right hand again.

"Hey, why are you attacking me again? Didn't I just say that I still have so many things on me?"

"I just want to attack you, what's the matter, do I need a reason to attack you?"

Originally, it was because Guatai wanted to beat Kamijou Touma, but now it is not, now it is simply because the other party clearly blocked his attack, but he looked calm and calm.

Whose attack did he think he blocked, it was the attack of the electromagnetic gun, the LV5 of Academy City, and it was also the third-ranked electromagnetic gun! ! !

Chapter 19. Amakusa Construction Company

Railgun, the third place in LV5, the strongest and invincible Dengeki Princess, the trump card of Tokiwadai!

With so many famous names, Misaka Mikoto's status in Academy City is not low, especially after being a LV5 for a while, she also has her own arrogance, and now she is treated so easily by others, which makes her very uncomfortable Ah, what to do if you are upset, that is to fight!

As a result, Misaka Mikoto and Kamijou Touma began to get entangled together, while Shakespeare kept watching from the sidelines, while studying the power system of superpowers and what happened to Kamijou Touma's right hand.

At the same time, in another corner of the academy city, Amakusa and the others are also taking action.

"Father Amakusa, what are we going to do?"

"What to do? Naturally, find a spare place."

"A vacant place? In this city, it's hard to find a vacant place, and Father Amakusa, our priority should not be to find a vacant place."

Kanzaki is very anxious. She has a mission to come here. Although she has found Index, finding Index is only the beginning. After that, she still has very important things to do. Kesi's memories of this year.

"Index's time is almost up, today is the deadline, if you don't go back to erase Index's memory before 12 o'clock tonight, she will die because her brain can't bear too much memory of."

"Death due to too much memory? This is a saying that I have never heard before."

Amakusa was not in a hurry, and continued to wander around looking for an open space, while answering Kanzaki Kaori.

"The human brain is unexpectedly powerful. At present, human beings have not fully developed the brain, and there is a lot of room for further development."

"But Index's situation is different. She has a very special and complete memory ability. She will write down everything she sees, even if she sees it inadvertently. This makes her The memory in the brain is filled very quickly, if it is not cleaned up regularly, there will be accidents."

Although he knew this statement a long time ago, after hearing it from Kanzaki's mouth, Amakusa still found it a little funny, because it was too fake, this kind of statement.

"This kind of statement is not credible, girl."

Amakusa Shiro smiled and stretched out his right index finger and shook it.

One hundred and three thousand books are a lot. It sounds like a lot, but in fact, in the human brain, these are not many, really not many. There are more than one hundred and three thousand books in a slightly larger library. Qianben, there are always a few guys among human beings who can read so many books, and may not remember them completely like Index, but it is still no problem to remember most of them.

So there is no such thing as saying that after memorizing [-] magic books, the memory capacity of the brain will be greatly reduced.

"The human brain, to be precise, no one knows how much it can remember. At least [-] magic books are no problem at all. Even if her owner has a complete memory, she can remember another [-], or even two One hundred and six thousand copies is nothing."


Kanzaki was stunned for a moment, she was a very powerful magician, but she didn't know much about science, really not much.

"In the world of ordinary people, this should be considered a relatively simple thing on the scientific side. Many people understand it. Don't you understand it?"


"Being a magician also keeps pace with the times, instead of just knowing magic all the time, ignoring that the world is always moving forward, and it's already the [-]st century."

In Amakusa's tone, there was some feeling of indifference.


Kanzaki was a bit embarrassed by what Amakusa said, but she is also a saint, one of the strongest combat powers on paper in this world, so it would be a bit too much to be preached like this.

"Wait, Father Amakusa, you are a follower, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter? I have already introduced my identity."

"According to the truth, for us, you should be an ancient person, a figure from the Japanese shogunate era. Even if you have become a servant and come to modern times, why do you feel that you understand modern life better than me, and even say If we are in the [-]st century, I feel that we are the ancient people, but Father Amakusa, you are the modern people."

Kanzaki wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but never had the chance. Now I finally have the chance to ask it. He is obviously an ancient person, but he is not good at modern times. When he was at the airport, that skillful operation, It's just a modern person who often travels by plane.

"Ah, isn't this simple? Even if we are ancient people, we still have to keep pace with the times. When we came, we had already been imported with some modern knowledge, so we still understand modern knowledge. Some."

"No, no, I don't think this can be said to be understood, it is clearly very familiar, even more familiar than us as modern people."

Stiyl couldn't help complaining beside him.

"But you magicians don't know anything about modern knowledge at all. The children in this city may know more than you."

Amakusa's answer made Stiyl shut up, because he felt very ashamed. After all, he lived in the [-]st century, and it turned out like this.

"In short, no matter what, the human brain cannot be so weak that after memorizing [-] magic books, it can't squeeze other things."

Amakusa stopped walking as he spoke, and looked back at Kanzaki.

"Have you ever thought of another possibility?"

"Another possibility?"

"That's right, [-] magic books are such a precious resource. This is a quantity that can affect a huge force. If the Roman Orthodox Church or the Russian Orthodox Church get so many magic books, then their power will suddenly increase. increase, there will be a direct war between religions.”

"Index is power. If you don't control her, you should understand what the consequences will be."

"So, clear memory is just for controlling effect, so that she doesn't know too much knowledge, so that everything she knows is limited to a certain range, there is no long-term relationship, and there is no purpose. This is the most perfect Tool of."

If you don't understand this time, Kanzaki is an idiot, Amakusa has already made it clearer than ever.

"Oh, I found it. This open space is not bad."

Amakusa Shiro did not continue to talk to Kanzaki, but instead focused all his attention on the open space in front of him. This is a construction site with a large area of ​​hundreds of square meters. I don't know what to use next. What to do here, but it doesn't matter, Amakusa has already determined what to do with this land.

"I want this land, I want to build a church here, no problem."

With a smile, Amakusa said this to the air, no matter if anyone answered after speaking, he held his right hand again, and black-red energy appeared. The construction site that looked deserted was instantly covered by black-red energy. The red energy protruded from the ground, and after the black and red light dissipated, a church appeared directly.

This speed is actually impossible for any construction team, not even the Celestial Dynasty!

Chapter 20. 14 years old is an age to know everything

The Reality Gem is really useful in architecture. Thanos even used it to transform Titan Star in front of Strange, allowing Strange to see the prosperity of Titan Star in the past, but that is after all. Illusion, without the support of the power of the Reality Gem, will still disappear.

But reality gems can also be permanently modified, such as concentrating power and directly building a church in one place. Small modifications of this level are still completely achievable.

A church was simply built successfully. As for the interior details, it is naturally exactly the same as Amakusa’s church in Brooklyn, New York. After you get used to it, you don’t need to modify it very much. Strange.

Watching Amakusa conjure a church out of thin air, and even change the surrounding environment together, turning it into a wall and a small garden, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl don't know what to say.

"Looks very much like Alchemy's Apex Golden Link."

"But these are real, not fake, and there is no enchantment attribute in them."

The two magicians immediately thought about how the church came out, because among the spells they knew, there was indeed such a powerful spell, such as the gold alchemy most respected by alchemists. , can instantly change the reality, but the specific operation is more complicated. Generally speaking, the more powerful the art in this world, the more complicated it is. , the operation is completed, this is simply unreasonable, it is too much!

Unless Amakusa was already preparing the spell when talking to them, it took so long to end with a fist, but this is too unbelievable, it was done under the nose of a talented young magician and a saint Is such a huge technique really possible?

So Kanzaki and Stiyl can only come to one conclusion in the end, that is: the ancients are awesome!Ancient people 666!The wisdom of the ancients is indeed beyond our comprehension!

After all, sometimes the wisdom of the predecessors is indeed not so easy to understand, otherwise there would not be so many powerful magic books, and those magic books were all written by the predecessors.

Aleister also saw Amakusa's movements. He saw the whole process of Amakusa building the church through the air loop. From the beginning to the end, he did not detect any fluctuations in magic power, which means that all of this did not rely on magic power. , the same is true for the blue portal before, only the golden portal with sparks splashing around felt some magic fluctuations, but the way of the magic fluctuations is also different. Generally speaking, the current display of Amakusa All the tricks were never seen by him who was the strongest magician.

Interesting, very interesting, the body driven by magic power uses a non-magic-driven technique, it is definitely not a super power, but it is definitely not magic, so it must be some special technique, space, reality, this Everything is so interesting.

Most importantly, the other party knew of his existence!Just before the church was built, when he said that he wanted that piece of land, he was asking himself for it, and the tone was straightforward!

Aleister is not sure that no one in this world knows that he is hiding in Academy City, but those who know his news are definitely not some rubbish. Didn’t see Kanzaki as a saint? It's the controller behind a power, or those old guys, the Amakusa in front of me obviously doesn't fit any of them, interesting!

Therefore, Aleister was not angry about Amakusa's sudden demand for a piece of land. Instead, he happily issued an order to take back the ownership of that piece of land and put it in his own hands. The piece of land was temporarily handed over to Amakusa. Anyway, no one will go to Amakusa to trouble him.

As for what effect the existence of Amakusa will play, Aleister has already begun to think about it. After all, in his opinion, everyone can be used, everyone in this city, and everyone in this world. , everything is in his layout.

Therefore, how to use Amakusa who disrupted his plan so that the plan can be restored to its original state is Aleister's important goal now.

Amakusa didn't know what Aleister was thinking, and he didn't intend to know, and he didn't even want to see Aleister. Under normal circumstances, a transmigrator should go to Aleister's place to pretend to be tough, but Amakusa I'm too lazy to pretend, I was just introduced, relying on my treasure and the energy of the six gems, Amakusa is very strong, but not strong enough to pretend to be casual in this world, the six Amakusa can use the energy of gems, but it is not as powerful as the original gems. After all, it is just after the energy overflows, just like Aunt Surprise.

Moreover, Aunt Surprise is a complete use of energy. Amakusa is different. She has the Great Holy Grail, and Amakusa who walks the law system does not lack energy. Amakusa is more inclined to use abilities. It is boring to simply use energy bursts. , reality, power, soul, these abilities are more interesting, aren't they?

However, there is a more important point now, Amakusa wants to get rid of the shackles on Index.

"As a catalog of banned books, there will definitely be shackles to prevent Index from losing control. Therefore, we must find the shackles and destroy the shackles, so that Index will regain freedom because of loss of control. There's no need to erase the memory every year."

"We've also thought about that kind of thing, but we didn't find any traces of spells on Index's body."

"Didn't find it on me?"

Amakusa looked at Steele who was talking, and was very surprised. This big guy with a height of almost 2 meters is actually only 14 years old now, a complete junior high school student, but he smokes, drinks, burns his head and does everything. The most important thing is What's more, he actually said that he checked Index's whole body!

"Yes, young man, you have a bright future."

Amakusa couldn't help admiring that he could play at such a young age. When he was 14 years old in his previous life, he was still struggling to prepare for the high school entrance examination.

"Since you have checked the surface of Index's whole body, have you checked the parts that are not the surface?"

"Could it be that the confinement is not on the surface of the body, but on it?"

When Stiyl said this, he suddenly stopped, and then his face turned red instantly.

"That's too exaggerated."

Stiyl blushed suddenly, and Amakusa was stunned.

Wocao, what exaggeration did you say, brat, what did you think of!Are you really only 14 years old!

Chapter 21. Medea and Kojiro and the gate of Ryudoji Temple

The restriction in Index's body is right at her throat. Because it's not on the surface of the body, ordinary people generally don't notice it, and it's also not inside the body, so it can't be detected by detection techniques. Who would? The thought of the ban was in her mouth.

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