No, Kamijou Touma's character design should be dull, not a straight man of steel!Although the two are similar, they are fundamentally different.

"Isn't the reality wrong? I'm a very unfortunate person. It's pretty good to be able to live an ordinary and normal life. Do I have to fantasize about other things? And what's the point of being a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations?" Isn't it right?"

Kamijou Touma's rhetorical question made Shakespeare unable to answer for a while.

What's the matter, what's the matter with this young man, he doesn't want to open a harem!I just want to live a peaceful life, what's your situation!

Shakespeare felt a little difficult about this situation. The pre-set protagonist suddenly changed his character, which made it difficult for him to write the next script. Obviously the script was almost finished, and now suddenly changed the protagonist, the script would have to be Re-edited ah.

"It's really distressing."

Opening the book full of scripts with his left hand, and covering his head with his right hand, Shakespeare became entangled by himself.

When Ma watched Shakespeare talking to himself, he felt very speechless.

"That's what I said, although you are very busy, can you leave my room first, this is my room after all, it's not appropriate to come in like this all the time."

Because it was unfamiliar and troublesome, especially not a beautiful girl, Touma didn't want Shakespeare to stay in his room all the time.

"Is that so...if that's the case!"

Shakespeare reacted from the entanglement, watching Kamijou Touma suddenly snapped his fingers.

"Young man, since you don't believe it, then I will let you believe it."

"What? Believe in what?"

"Believe what you saw just now, yes it does exist!"

It is impossible to change the script. As a playwright, how could Shakespeare modify his own script casually? What he has to do should not be to modify the script, but to guide the protagonist to follow his own script.

"No, no, no, I don't want to believe it at all, why should I believe what you said, and Mr. Caster, why did you appear by my side? I always feel like you're staring at me all the time?"

"Because I've taken a fancy to you, boy."

"Please don't look at me."

Dang Ma waved his hands again and again, even stretched out his right hand, full of resistance.

"That can't be done. I have made all the plans. If you suddenly refuse, I will be very disappointed."

Why do you suddenly have strange expectations of others?

Touma wanted to complain very much.

"However, young man, you are very resistant now. It is obvious that you are in a state where you cannot see the details. It is normal for you to not understand in this state. I will let you understand, just like before."

Shakespeare stood up, just like in the morning, stood up on his own, and then walked to the door.

"Hey, Mr. Caster, where are you going again, and what's the same as before."

"I, of course, have to make preparations. As for what happened before, it depends on what you can think of, young man!"

Shakespeare finished speaking without looking back, and left Touma's room directly, making Toma scratch his head there.

"Should I change the lock, I always feel that the door is completely unsafe now."

Chapter 26. Aleister: The product I recommend turning into

London, England, the cathedral of London, the main position of Puritanism, is clearly in broad daylight, but the interior is very dark, it looks like an unlit secret room, but there is still some brightness, for example, on the wall Candles, a little light brought very dim vision. In this dim environment, a girl with long blond hair, so long that it dragged to the ground and even folded once, was pressing the phone in her hand vigorously.

"It's really not easy to get in touch with you."

"Oh? It's my honor that the chairman of Academy City contacted me in a hurry."

"Because the signal there is really bad enough, it's even more difficult to contact you once."


The girl who had a smile on her face suddenly became stiff.

Laura Stewart, the highest trotter of the "Necessary Evil Church" in the zeroth parish of the British Puritan Church, is actually the highest authority of the British Puritan Church, with fair skin, blue eyes, and a length almost She has blond hair that is 2.5 times her own height. She looks like an eighteen-year-old girl, but her actual age is a mystery. Just like a priest who looks like a teenager, she is a woman who is very good at hiding herself. , and it was she who restrained Index, imprisoned her, and cast a takeover magic called automatic secretary, and it was she who ordered Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl to hunt down Index , but she didn't know that there were a few more people beside Kanzaki Kaori.

And the person on the other side of her phone is the founder of Academy City, Aleister, the chairman of Academy City.

"However, it is understandable that the communication facilities in London are backward, and there is not even a signal network in the subway. It seems to be isolated from the world."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. After all, you people don't know anything about modern technology, and it's normal to be behind."


"Of course, I can give you some support. It just so happens that the ten municipal governments of London are also attracting investment and maintenance. As a partner, I can help you build some signal base stations within the church area. However, we in Academy City don't have much research in this area. , so I recommend Tianchaohuawei’s equipment, which is relatively cheap and has excellent performance, and the London Metro is planning to use their company’s products.”

Aleister on the other side of the phone suddenly recommended electronic products, which made Laura feel a little stiff. The topic changed a little too quickly, and she didn't know how to reply.

"No, forget it, I'm not very familiar with electronic equipment, and we don't have much need here."

"That's right, that's a pity. It seems that we still need to depend on fate to find you in the future. I don't know when we will be able to contact you."


Laura felt that Aleister was a bit strange today, so she called and said some strange things.

"Do you want to say something, don't always say something strange like this, just say it."

"It seems that you are very clear, then I will say it directly, you don't seem to be very fancy about our cooperation, and you don't seem to care about the plan we have discussed."

"Oh? How should I put it, I am very serious about implementing the plan we discussed. Kanzaki and Stiyl have already been dispatched by me. She should have arrived in Academy City today. According to Kanzaki's habit, She should be taking action tonight."

A confident smile appeared on Laura's face again. Her plan would never go wrong, especially when a holy man like Kanzaki was dispatched. Naturally, the plan must be perfect. Let alone the fact that Amakusa Shiki needs Puritan care, Index is also Kanzaki's good friend, so naturally there is no problem.

"That's right, if I told you that Kanzaki arrived in Academy City last night, and waited for the list of banned books to arrive at the airport, and arrested her immediately after the list of banned books landed, and moved her outside of Academy City."

"I knew Kanzaki could do it perfectly...Wait, you said that Kanzaki caught the list of forbidden books this morning and took her out of Academy City?"

Laura was quite happy when she heard that Kanzaki caught Index, but after hearing that, she felt something was wrong.

"Yeah, the five people you sent over are really more surprising than one."

"Five? No, I just sent Kanzaki and Steele over there. I should have notified you of their identities and asked you to prepare for the pass."

"It is true that you gave me the information of two people, but five people came here, and the way they came here was still using a space teleportation technique that I have never heard of. I think you should know what is going on. ...but now it seems that you don't know it, it's really an interesting situation."

Aleister was still expressionless, but Laura could hear from Aleister's words that the other party was teasing her, which made Laura feel a little angry, but her years of experience as a superior made her calm down. , did not show it, but responded with a smile again.

"Yes, it's a very interesting situation. Why are there three extra people besides Kanzaki? Where are these three people from? They also master the space teleportation technique that I don't know about, and Kanzaki never reported this situation to me from the beginning to the end, it seems that my little Kanzaki still hides many secrets that I don't know about."

Although it was a smile, Aleister could also feel that Laura took a skeptical attitude towards Kanzaki Kaori, and Aleister was not in a hurry. Although his plan was affected to a certain extent, But he has plenty of ways to pull the cheap back on track with his plans, so he's in no rush.

Everything that happens in Academy City is under his observation. Although there is an extra priest who is very mysterious and possesses many unknown spells, Aleister wants more than the damage this priest will bring. Knowing what benefit this priest would bring to his plan.

Unknown spells, as well as unknown powers, can bring new influences to the academy city, especially when the other party seems to know of his own existence. Aleister doesn't know how much information the other party has about him, but he doesn't know Mind, because no one can fully know his intentions, so he only needs to go through trials to understand how capable Amakusa Shiro is, and then he can use Amakusa. This is Aleister's favorite way.

Aleister's calmness made Laura a little annoyed, and such an unresponsive performance made Laura not quite clear about Aleister's attitude.

"So, what are you going to do next, recall Kanzaki?"

Under Laura's gaze, Aleister asked a new question with a blank expression.

Chapter 27. Times have changed!

Whether or not Kanzaki Kaori should be recalled is a question that Laura should think about, because the current situation has exceeded her expectations too much, and there are many conflicts with her plan, so some corrections must be made.

Aleister can use her own information advantages to modify the plan. Compared with Laura, she has more geographical advantages, but Laura is more troublesome. She usually relies on her own plans and inferences. There will be backhands in unexpected situations, but this time the backhands seem to be difficult to play a role. The situation is a bit too abrupt, and the place where the unexpected situation occurs is not within the scope of magic, but in name. Me, but it is actually the mysterious Academy City of Me, that place is too far away from London, beyond reach!Even if you want to deal with the operation, you can't do it in time. The British Puritans, who don't have much technological ability, can't do it in time at all in terms of information processing. To describe it in one sentence: Sir, the times have changed!

The era when all kinds of information were not timely and magicians involved each other in various ways has passed. Now the information can be transmitted to another person half a world away in the next second after it happens, so that the other party can give Feedback, which has always maintained the previous habit, is obviously not working anymore.

After hanging up Aleister's phone call, Laura began to think about whether some changes should be made. For a long time, Puritanism has maintained a confrontation with the Roman Orthodox Church, especially in the past few decades. Basically, they didn't care about the Academy City in the Far East, because neither the Roman Orthodox Church, the British Puritanism, or even the Russian Orthodox Church thought that there would be any future for that place. As a result, Academy City has developed into a Quite a huge force, especially the means of the other side to connect the world, using the development of science and technology, in terms of information collection, it is not a star and a half strong, and the super power system developed by Academy City is also very novel and magical, although from the magic side The so-called super powers are not very powerful, but it cannot deny the magic of this power system, can it?

The most important thing is that unlike the major forces on the magic side, the forces on the magic side are all in the dark and don't show much on the surface, but Academy City's capabilities and connections are all on the bright side. The world knows Academy City is developing superpowers, and their superpower combat is even somewhat legal.

Imagine that when a war breaks out, the superpowers in Academy City can go to the battlefield openly, but they have been staying on the magic side in the dark. Once the magic ability that has been hidden and does not want ordinary people to know is exposed. What would it look like in the eyes of ordinary people.

I'm afraid those ordinary people and politicians will be very afraid of the magic side. After all, without knowing it, there is such a big force hidden around me, especially the Roman Orthodox Church, which is said to have two billion believers, the largest magic side. , but this so-called largest magic side force is impossible to unify between countries. Now it is not the Middle Ages when religion unified the European continent to a certain extent. It is still the same sentence: Times have changed, my lord.

Laura is different from the idiots in the Roman Orthodox Church in her eyes. She is a person who is willing to change. In this era of rising technology, if Puritanism still looks down on other people like the Roman Orthodox Church, it will suffer sooner or later. This is why she The reason for choosing to cooperate with Academy City to fight against the Roman Orthodox Church is that the Roman Orthodox Church is too conceited, and it doesn't feel that modern technology can do anything to itself.

Kanzaki Kaori, a saint, is one of the top ten magicians in London. He is very powerful in combat, and he is also very knowledgeable about spells. During the time he joined the Puritan Church in England, he completed every task beautifully. Of course The reason for this is that Laura uses the Amakusa style, but more often, it is Kanzaki Kaori who is really responsible, so Laura also likes Kanzaki as a thug, and gives Kanzaki a high status.

But now, without his knowing, this saint secretly raised three people outside, and he also mastered a technique that he didn't know, the group space teleportation technique, and not only a space teleportation technique This kind of energy is more powerful than that of a saint. The space teleportation technique is not a bad street thing. If a saint is a top fighter in a battle, then a space teleportation master is a magician in a battle. A tactical player, but also a tactical or even strategic player in a war, especially a magician who can easily open a group portal, which is even more important.

In the information given by Aleister, there is no information about the remaining two people, but this special teleporter has already shown enough weight, so no matter what Kanzaki thinks now , Laura only had one thought, and that was to see this teleportation spell.

As the highest authority of the Puritan Church in England, Laura has always acted for the benefit of the Puritan Church. A group space teleportationist can bring a lot of visible benefits to the Puritan Church.

Using Kanzaki's relationship and Index, Laura felt that she could draw the other party into the Puritan camp, and even if she didn't, she could still make the other party reach a cooperative relationship with Puritanism.

Considering Kanzaki's current position, Laura intends to ease her attitude. Index's identity is still very important. Although the space magician is very important, the magic book is [-] times more important, so it is necessary to collect it from the side. Just look at Index's current status information, and don't take the initiative to ask directly.

Then ask about the situation of the five Kanzaki through Kanzaki, judge the current situation of the space magician through the other party's situation, and then formulate actions against the space magician. If there is really no way, Laura can even Make a move in person to meet this space magician. As long as you succeed, the distance will no longer be a problem, and returning to London will be easy, right?

"Send new team members to Japan Academy City."

Laura, who had come up with a plan, immediately gave orders to the nuns beside her.

"I don't need combat power, what I need is concealment and collection, and then I will inform Her Majesty the Queen that I may go to Japan in the next few days."

As the highest authority of Puritanism, replacing the Queen of England to rule Puritanism, once he leaves, he must first report to the Queen, otherwise the bishop suddenly disappears, and Puritanism may be messed up.

Chapter 28. The one with the surname Tu Mimen is an Onmyoji. Is this the basic setting?

Although the number of members of the British Puritan special forces "Church of Necessary Evil" is not as large as that of the Roman Orthodox Church in the Vatican next door, it is impossible to have only two people, Kanzaki and Steele, but as a saint, Kanzaki is the Church of Necessary Evil It’s nothing more than the high-end combat power in the middle, plus Stiyl, a genius magician who is only 14 years old, formed a very special partner, a strong immediate combat power and another combat power that will be very powerful in the future, whether it is now or in the future It is an advantage for Puritanism.

Now that Kanzaki and Steele are both in Academy City, in order to investigate the situation around her without being discovered by Kanzaki, it is necessary to send people there again. A spy hiding in Academy City.

Tsuchimikado, a surname that represents Onmyoji in countless works, especially in the type of Onmyoji works, symbolizes the most orthodox Seimei-style Onmyoji, a descendant of the Abe family, and Tsuchimikado Motoharu with this surname is indeed An onmyoji who is good at Japanese-style mystic arts.

No one would have thought that the name is very Japanese, and the personality is very Japanese. The superpower Japanese high school student belonging to Academy City is actually an onmyoji behind his back, and he is obviously a Japanese onmyoji, but he belongs to the British Puritanism behind his back. this foreign organization.

This teenage high school student, except for his blond hair that doesn't look Japanese at all, looks very ordinary, especially his hairstyle, which is the same as Kamijou Touma, a hedgehog enough!And because he was born in Chiba, Japan, he also has the unique attributes of Chiba people, sister control, especially his sister who is not related by blood, so this is very Chiba, Japan!

In short, Tsuchimikado Motoharu is a very good spy, and also very capable. He has both magical and scientific abilities. Oh no, according to Amakusa's understanding, it should be the magical and mysterious abilities. Garden City acts as a spy for Puritanism.

Moreover, this young spy is not standing in an ordinary position. He is in the same high school as Kamijou Touma, the protagonist of the magic ban, and is still in the same class. Places are next door to each other.

Originally, Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who had been in a dormant state and was not awakened, lived a very ordinary life as a high school student. Together with Kamijou Touma and another person, he was called the Big Three in school. Curious about Kamijou Touma's life as his friend.

Although it was summer vacation, Kamijou Touma did not leave Academy City, but stayed in the city, and Tsuchimikado Motoharu lived next door to him, so he naturally knew about his situation. To make him, a person with multiple identities, curious, something strange seems to be happening in Kamijou Touma's house.

Who is Mr. Caster?Why do you always talk about this person in person? Also, the door lock of Touma’s house was changed, why did Touma change the lock? This situation makes me have to get another key. The key to Dang Ma's house is for the convenience of being able to enter Dang Ma's room at critical moments.

But Tsuchimikado Motoharu hadn't figured out what happened in Touma's house here, and a new situation happened.

"What, send an extra team over, and then you need my help to monitor Miss Kanzaki?"

The archbishop of the Puritan Church, Motoharu Motoharu's immediate superior, Laura, personally called him and told him that he, the spy who had been hiding all along, had been awakened and began to serve the Puritan Church in England, and his first task was to meet the necessary The battle team of the Evil Church quietly entered Academy City, and then monitored Kanzaki Kaori.

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