"Then, here I am!"

The book does not need to be turned by hand, it is opened directly, and the quill falls directly on the blank paper when the book is opened, and begins to quickly describe.

"Well, first come a hero, then a strong force, then a quickness, then a skill, and finally! Another courage!"

Throwing the quill in his hand directly into the sky, the pages in Shakespeare's hand were directly separated from the book, and one by one they flew up and began to revolve around the little spider.

"Caster, what is this? What's going on with these pages?"

"Don't worry master, this is the power I give you! Use this power to fight!"

The pages of the book shone with light and wrapped Spider-Man's whole body, but the light disappeared in a flash, and only Spider-Man was left in the end.

The little spider who was forced to close his eyes by the bright light slowly opened his eyes, looking at the smiling Shakespeare in front of him, he felt some changes in his body, his strength seemed to have become stronger, and his body had also changed. It's more coordinated.

"Please, master, the road to the battlefield has been opened for you."

Shakespeare looked at the little spider, stepped aside, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Ok caster, I'm going!"

The excited little spider pulled down his mask, and ran directly from the ground to Hercules and Lancelot who were fighting in the distance. His speed was at least twice as fast as before, and his body was full of blood. sense of power.

In the SUV, Coulson witnessed Shakespeare's whole process through the camera, and then witnessed the changes in the little spider, and was very shocked by Shakespeare's operation.

"He is this?"

"It has been strengthened, and it has become much stronger than before. According to this situation, it has at least doubled. Considering that his body is very strong, he is even stronger now."

Amakusa explained in a timely manner.

"Is this the power of the so-called miracle!"

"No, it's not, it's just a simple grant of magic power. Although not everyone can do it, it's not a particularly rare thing."

"Then what miraculous power you mentioned earlier, isn't this miraculous power?"

"Of course not!"

Amakusa's serious look made Coulson frowned again.

"The power of miracles, what exactly is it?"

Chapter 59. Spinning Red Spider-Man!

Noble Phantasm, as the ultimate armament of servants.A materialized miracle, the proof of a hero held by a Servant.The crystallization of human beings' desire to pray for miracles, the strongest weapon called "noble fantasy", similar to magic.An armament built with human fantasy as its skeleton.It is an armament, a symbol, a unique move possessed by a Servant, and of course it is also an excellent weapon, or it may be some kind of skill.

This is the strongest trump card held by servants, the miraculous power they possess!

But so far, no one has shown this power in front of Coulson, because it is their hole card, and it is their most precious combat power. They will not easily show their treasures, because It's the first night of the Holy Grail War!

"Hi! I'm back again, you big black bastard!"

The little spider strengthened by Shakespeare returned to the battlefield again. This time he seemed to run directly instead of swinging over. He was full of strength and wanted to use it to vent, so he was endowed with courage by Shakespeare. , Directly choose to charge forward.

Lancelot, who was fighting Hercules, immediately spotted the rushing Spider-Man. Having read the script well, he immediately understood what he should do, and he dodged and left in front of Hercules, letting Spider The hero confronts Hercules.

Spider-Man didn't feel anything strange, but saw Hercules suddenly turned around to face him, thinking that he had drawn his hatred, so he rushed up excitedly.

"Big guy, I'm no longer who I used to be! This time I'll beat you to the ground!"

As soon as the excited little spider finished speaking, it directly dodged Hercules' fist. When Hercules' fist hit the ground directly, the little spider crawled along his arm and onto his arm. On the shoulders, Spider-Man's climbing ability is not just for fun, he easily climbed up Hercules' back, and even climbed up to Hercules' ears.

"Aha! You big guy, although you are fast, but I am also fast now, how could you catch it so easily, and I have played Monster Hunter anyway, facing big monsters Enemies, of course, have to hide in close proximity, the closer you get to them, the less you can hit them! This is the method I am most familiar with!"

Grabbing Hercules' hair, lying on Hercules' back like riding a horse, holding on and talking non-stop, which made Hercules very angry.

Backhand wanted to grab the little spider behind him, but he couldn't catch it no matter what. The little spider grabbed Hercules' hair with one hand, and bounced back and forth with both legs, avoiding Hercules' hand, letting He couldn't catch it anyway, while still punching Hercules on the back of the head.

"Hey! Big guy, your head is really hard. I beat you so hard and you didn't faint. Don't you have no brains, won't you faint? You know, I used the strength that feels like it can kill a cow I’m here to beat you! And your hair is so strong that it hasn’t been pulled off like this, and you don’t feel any pain at all. Don’t you worry about pain? When my hair is pulled, it hurts like hell Already!"

The crazy BB of the little spider completely enraged Hercules, he jumped up and leaned back fiercely, intending to rely on the ground to hit the little spider, thus killing him directly.

But the little spider reacted very quickly. He also understood what Hercules wanted to do. He grabbed Hercules' hair and swung it away from his back, ready to jump up.

However, after the little spider jumped up, Hercules didn't hit his back directly on the ground as he thought, but put his hands on the ground directly, his legs twirled in the air, and his body was raised high. The right foot directly kicked the little spider who had just vacated, and kicked him flying.

The little spider turned into a

Because of Shakespeare's reinforcement, although the little spider was knocked into the air several tens of meters away, he didn't suffer too much injury, just some skin scratches, but he couldn't help but lie on the ground and touch it. Then it feels a little sore.

"Oh, my God, is he a gymnast, or a B-boy? Why can he do that kind of movement? How does such a big body achieve such coordination? It's amazing!"

Although he was beaten and even hurt, the little spider couldn't help complaining.

While lying on the ground complaining, the little spider felt that his right leg was suddenly grabbed. He looked up and saw Hercules who had rushed over and grabbed his right leg.

"Oh, no!"

The little spider was full of despair, and Hercules picked it up from the ground and lifted it upside down, bringing it in front of him.

Seeing the big face turned upside down in front of him, grinning, the little spider didn't feel scared, but continued to complain.

"Oh, your face is really big, and it looks really scary. I feel that your mouth is bigger than that big lizard's mouth. You can even bite my head off in one bite. Come on, open your mouth and give it to me. Look, let me see your sharp teeth and see if you can bite my head off in one bite, it must look scary!"

As Spider-Man said, Hercules opened his mouth and yelled at the little spider, as if expressing his anger.

"Right, that is it!"

Seizing the opportunity, the little spider frantically spun silk directly at Hercules' face, covering Hercules' face all at once.

However, the situation that the little spider expected Hercules to go crazy because his face was caught in the web did not happen. Instead, he stood there motionless, as if waiting for the little spider to finish spraying.

When the little spider finished spraying, Hercules slowly pulled the spider web off his face with his other free hand, staring at the replaced little spider with angry eyes.

"Um... I seem to have done something very bad."

"Big man, I said I didn't mean it just now, do you believe me?"

Hercules didn't speak, just stared at him quietly.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry!"

However, it was too late to apologize at this time, and Hercules swung his arm vigorously, spinning Spider-Man like a turntable.

"Caster, help!!!"

The little spider only felt that his world was spinning crazily, everything was dragged out of long shadows, he couldn't see anything clearly, and his whole body turned into a patch of red wheels.

After spinning many times, Hercules directly threw the little spider towards the sky, and the completely dizzy little spider turned into a red disc and flew towards the sky. If he didn't, he might be seriously injured when he landed.

However, a red light spot with a long tail in the sky just caught him.

With the little spider in a coma, the red light spot fell on the ground of the park. The little spider was thrown directly on the ground, and the mask was opened, revealing a frivolous smile under the mask.

"Hello, everyone, I just came to New York, and my satellite told me that Central Park in New York is very lively, even my friends are here, can you tell me what you are all playing here?"

Iron Man Tony Stark Appears!


Chapter 60. This is a gas explosion!

"I didn't expect an outsider to appear. It seems that tonight is not suitable for fighting. Anyway, Berserker has played with everyone for a while, and it is completely enough. Then we will evacuate tonight. Good night everyone."

"Yes, yes, the battle tonight was very exciting. I couldn't help but want to record it with a pen, but since someone left the field early, this battle can no longer continue. Although it is a pity, I can only leave temporarily, see you next time."

One on the left and one on the right, people on both sides left the stage in turn, making Tony, who had just arrived at the scene ready to have a good time, look confused, what's going on?You just came here by yourself, why did you just leave when you were playing well just now?What is the situation!

"What? Are you kidding me? I just came here, and you actually told me you were leaving!?"

Tony opened his hands and spoke to the darkness on the left and right, but no one answered him, both sides had already left, and even the little spider he picked up by passing by just now was taken away by Shakespeare, although it was impossible to fight , but Shakespeare can still run against the little spider, and no one will stop him anyway, right?

Lancelot, the only one left, looked at Tony in amazement.

"How did you come?"

"You suddenly told me that you have something to leave for a while, and then Jarvis told me that there was a gang fight in Central Park and you were in it, so I came over to see if you need anything Help, after all, you are my friend, and this is very lively, isn't it?"

"Is that so, but the battle will be over as soon as you come."

"So why? Don't they look down on me? Huh? Believe it or not, I found out their homes one by one, drove over to their door and demolished their houses."

It was directly ignored before, which made Tony a little angry.

"No, they don't look down on you, it's just that you are not a participant in the Holy Grail War, so they won't stand in front of you or involve you in it."

"Isn't this just ignoring me!"

Lancelot's explanation did not satisfy Tony, but Amakusa, who was watching with Coulson from a distance, was very satisfied.

Originally, this was the script he wrote himself, and then told a few followers to have an exhibition match. The little spider was the only outsider, and everything was fake. After Shakespeare enchanted the little spider, Amakusa began to think How will today's first exhibition match end? Tony, who happened to be in New York at this time, discovered the situation here and flew over to provide Amakusa with the conditions to end the game. An outsider is like a bullock cart that fell from the sky. The perfect step to end the game, isn't it?

"Let's go, we're going to clean up the aftermath."

Patting Coulson on the shoulder, Amakusa got out of the SUV first and walked towards the park.

Coulson glanced at the surveillance camera, and got out of the car together, beckoned a few agents to follow behind Amakusa, and walked into the park.

In the park, Tony was still complaining to Lancelot that he didn't take him with him when he came out to play, leaving him at home alone. The satellite found that Jarvis notified him before following him.

"Good evening, Mister Stark."

Coulson, as the first person from S.H.I.E.L.D. to contact Tony, immediately went up to say hello.

"Oh, it's you, Agent Coulson."

"It's Coulson, Mister Stark, my name is Coulson."

"Well, I didn't remember, sorry."

Coulson was not surprised by Tony's insincere apology, but smiled instead.

"Mr. Stark, can you tell me why you came here? If I remember correctly, this area should have been under martial law."

"Oh? That's right, why didn't I know that martial law is here, I just saw my friend here, so I followed here."

"Mr. Stark, as someone who knows the Holy Grail War, you should know what I mean by martial law. Please don't embarrass us like this."

"No, no, no, I don't know what kind of cup war you're fighting here, really, I don't know at all."

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