This topic caught Shokuhou Misaki's attention.

"You said something happened to Misaka Mikoto?"

Ordinary people want to call Princess Misaka Mikoto Dengeki, but Shokuhou Misaki doesn't need it, she is the leader of the Queen's faction.

"Yes, Her Majesty Queen, Princess Dengeki was dragged out by the housekeeper early this morning, and she scolded her severely. I don't know what happened."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

As Misaka Mikoto's rival, Shokuhou Misaki knows Misaka Mikoto very well. In her opinion, Misaka Mikoto is a very disciplined guy in school. Even if she has many opportunities, she has never violated the rules in school. He is very safe in the student dormitory, and is even rated as a model student. What did such a model student do to be reprimanded by the dormitory supervisor?

"It's interesting. I have to go to her and ask her for clarification. How can you not tell me about such a sad thing?"

Pointing his lips with his right index finger, Shokuhou Misaki smiled cutely, and then walked towards the academy dormitory.

The dormitory supervisor's punishment is very severe, so Misaka Mikoto must still be in the dormitory at this time, and the dormitory supervisor has also arranged many punishment tasks.

Shokuhou Misaki intends to take a good look at Misaka Mikoto's embarrassing appearance.

Shokuhou Misaki walked all the way to the dormitory, and then began to look for Misaka Mikoto in the dormitory. When he came to a corner, Shokuhou Misaki finally heard Misaka Mikoto's voice.

"Ah, really, why are you so unlucky? It just happened that the dormitory supervisor came to check the dormitory last night, but it turned out like this now."

"Sister, you are the one. You came back late. What is going on? You didn't come back until midnight. You came back too late. How could the dormitory teacher not know, especially you are still coming back, sister?" I just bumped into the dormitory supervisor, it was like hitting the muzzle of a gun."

The other voice was Misaka Mikoto's roommate Shirai Kuroko.

The conversation between the two made Shokuhou Misaki understand that Misaka Mikoto was punished because she came home late last night.

"Ah, I can't help it. It's all because of that hedgehog head. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have come back so late."


Shokuhou Misaki was stunned for a moment, she just heard Hedgehog Head, Hedgehog Head... Why did she suddenly feel something wrong.

Chapter 91. Shokuhou Misaki's Sixth Sense

"That hedgehog head's movements are too slow, slow to death, just because I'm with him, I'm late when I come back, it's already late enough."

In the dormitory of Tokiwadai, Misaka Mikoto leaned against the wall and complained with a mop in her hand. After she was scolded by the dormitory supervisor, she was assigned punishment tasks, such as cleaning the entire dormitory now.

Originally, she was the one who should be punished, but as her mount, Shirai Kuroko naturally had the blessings and shared hardships. After seeing Misaka Mikoto being punished, she helped her clean up immediately.

It's just that Shirai Kuroko, who is absolutely loyal to Misaka Mikoto, can't tolerate one thing, that is, no man can appear by Misaka Mikoto's side!Not only men, women are also impossible, because Misaka Mikoto can only have one person by her side, and that is her Shirai Kuroko.

But what did she just hear?Hedgehog head?What kind of guy is that, and when Misaka Mikoto mentioned the hedgehog head, her voice and demeanor became different, could it be... Could it be...

"My lord, the hedgehog head is a man! It's the kind of man like a gorilla! Isn't it!"

Throwing away the mop in his hand, Shirai Kuroko rushed to Misaka Mikoto's side, hugging Misaka Mikoto with both hands.

"Why, my sis, why is she with a male gorilla? It's obvious that I'm all you need by my sis's side. That kind of male gorilla is simply unnecessary!"

"Ah! Heizi, what are you doing all of a sudden?"

Shirai Kuroko rushed over suddenly, making Misaka Mikoto unable to react for a while, and was caught straight away.

"Don't, my lord, don't leave me, I'm your best partner, there's no need for a male gorilla, my lord, don't leave me!!! Ahhhhhhh... Ah~~~hehehe~~~"

It's just that Shirai Kuroko was still holding Misaka Mikoto's waist and crying, but later she gradually showed a smile, and even the smile gradually became abnormal.

Misaka Mikoto, who has lived with Shirai Kuroko for so long, naturally knows why Shirai Kuroko became like this, because she has already felt with her body that Shirai Kuroko's hand has penetrated into her clothes and is on her back Constantly touch and touch.

"Heizi!!! Go to hell with me!!!"

Misaka Mikoto used the electric shock directly, and Shirai Kuroko trembled skillfully, then fell to the ground and hugged her shoulders and began to twitch, while twitching, she began to cum, yes, she just vomited.

"You bastard, how many times do you want me to tell you, don't touch me all of a sudden!"

"Oh, my lord's whipping of love, whipping of love~~"

Even though he was convulsed by the electric shock, Shirai Heizi still flushed with joy.

"Ala, Ala, Misaka Mikoto-san, the relationship between you and your roommate is surprisingly interesting."

Shokuhou Misaki, who had always been in the corner, stepped out at this time, looking like a villain.

"Shokuhou Misaki, why are you here?"

Misaka Mikoto stopped discharging, frowned and stared at Shokuhou Misaki, Shokuhou Misaki pointed her lower lip with her right index finger, smiling.

"I just heard that Princess Dengeki in the school was punished by the dormitory supervisor, so I came here to see why the famous Princess Dengeki was punished by the dormitory supervisor. The facts made me feel Surprisingly, Princess Dengeki, who has always followed the rules, will come home late at night."

"So, are you here to find fault?"

"No no no, how could I come to find fault, I just came to care about Misaka-san, but I heard something very interesting by accident, Misaka-san was hanging out with a man until late Come back, could it be that Misaka-san has a boyfriend outside of school?"

"Huh? How is it possible, who would like that hedgehog head."

"Oh? Hedgehog, is that man with Misaka-san a Hedgehog?"

Shokuhou Misaki squeezed her chin.

"So can I know the boy's name?"

"Hey, Shokuhou Misaki, what do you want to do?"

Misaka Mikoto tensed up.

"I'm warning you, don't use your ability on unrelated people, otherwise I will never let you go."

"Ah la la, you care so much about that boy. It seems that Misaka-san really likes that boy."

"Hey, don't add settings to me at will, I won't like that hedgehog head!"

"That's right, then...Misaka-san, take your time, I hope you can finish cleaning soon."

Shokuhou Misaki didn't say anything, just replied a word, then turned and left, such a very calm behavior made the tense Misaka Mikoto very confused. In her opinion, if it was normal, Shokuhou Misaki Qi has already started to use his abilities, so if he can't control himself, he has to mess with himself. Today is so peaceful, why?

Forget it, don't think about it, I still have a lot of hygiene to clean.

At the same time, Shokuhou Misaki, who left the dormitory, was not very happy. After leaving the dormitory, she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of her boyfriend Kamijou Touma.

"Moshi Moshi, this is Kamijou."

"Toma, it's me."

"Ah... Shi... Fuck, I'm sorry, I just woke up, I didn't see the caller clearly just now."

"I just woke up now, Dang Ma, did you go to bed very late last night?"

"Ah... yes, I went to bed late."

"What's the matter, I remember Dang Ma you went back very early, did you encounter something on the way?"

"No, it's nothing, it's just that I couldn't sleep last night, yes, I couldn't sleep, because... I was a little excited because I was dating my girlfriend for the first time, yes, that's how it is."

"That's right, I'm really happy, Touma values ​​my date so much."

"Hahaha, of course, I'm very happy to have a cute girl like you be my girlfriend."

"Then... I won't bother you for now, you can rest for a while, it just so happens that I have some things on my side."

"Oh well."

"Then, let's talk again."

"OK Bye Bye."

After a simple conversation, Shokuhou Misaki hung up the phone, saw that the communication displayed on the phone interface had been disconnected, and his face sank.

It’s suspicious, it’s too suspicious. Last night, Touma sent me back to school and went back to sleep late, and Misaka Mikoto also happened to come home late, and more importantly, Misaka Mikoto happened to be with a boy with a hedgehog head. All this is too coincidental up.

"I'm going to check it out!"

Chapter 92. The fire on the right is in action

My boyfriend has things full of me!

Shokuhou Misaki thought so!

Kamijou Touma is a person who is not good at lying. Although Shokuhou Misaki does not know Kamijou Touma very well, as his girlfriend, this can be seen. Kamijou Touma is a person who is not good at lying. A liar is not only a nice guy, but also a person who is easily deceived by lies.

The previous call fully explained this problem. After Touma sent herself back last night, something must have happened when she went back, and Misaka Mikoto may have something to do with this matter, because Misaka Mikoto said that she met a hedgehog, and Kamijou Touma also happens to have a hedgehog hairstyle. Most importantly, Misaka Mikoto has met Kamijou Touma before. That time, Shokuhou Misaki saw it in the park. Misaka Mikoto was face to face with Kamijou Touma. That time, because of the appearance of Shokuhou Misaki, Kamijou Touma escaped in time, but this shows that Misaka Mikoto and Kamijou Touma knew each other, and there was a 99% chance that the spiked head was Kamijou Touma.

Therefore, the reason why my boyfriend stayed so late last night, and the reason why Misaka Mikoto was punished by the dorm supervisor for coming home late, is all because the two of them met and stayed outside together for a long time!

No, it shouldn't be like this, Kamijou Touma is a good old man, so Misaka Mikoto must be in charge of this matter, that guy Misaka Mikoto is looking for Kamijou Touma's trouble, the last time I saw him in the park was Misaka Mikoto was looking for trouble for Touma, and this time it must be the same.

Shokuhou Misaki decided to investigate carefully. Misaka Mikoto wants to find her boyfriend, so she just needs to wait by her boyfriend's side. Misaka Mikoto wants to find her own boyfriend. There is nothing left to do.

Shokuhou Misaki, who had made a decision, left the school and started walking towards Kamijou Touma's dormitory. Yesterday Kamijou Touma came to wait for him at his side, so today he will go to his side to wait for him at the other party's place, anyway. During the summer vacation, there is plenty of time to slowly date my boyfriend.

Kamijou Touma was still sleeping in his apartment at this time, completely unaware that his girlfriend was already on his way.

While Shokuhou Misaki was investigating whether there was a situation between her boyfriend and Misaka Mikoto, another group of people in Academy City were also acting.

"It's really troublesome. The roads in this place look the same anyway."

"No, I don't think it's the same, there are still some subtle differences, can't you see it?"

"Of course I can see it, but I don't want to remember those things. I just want to find the location of the Einzbern family and kill them."

"But we can't find it."

"That's right, because those guys are always running around, I can't find where they are at all!"

This group of people is the Right Fire and his servant, rider Martha.

Entered Academy City on the first day, and then was attracted by Lancer's magic power and joined the battle on the first night halfway, but in fact only the rider joined the battle, and the right fire as the master did not enter at all , the next day he also felt the fluctuation of magic power, and when he got there, there was nothing left. There is no contact with anyone other than the rider in the Holy Grail War, which is even more miserable than Tony Stark at the beginning.

It is now the third day of the Holy Grail War, and the fire on the right is very angry. He urgently wants to find the master of the Einzbern family, and then catch him, and ask him to find out about Einzbern. The address of the Lun family, and the whereabouts of the other two families, there must be a connection between the three major families. Through the connection between the three major families, he can find the addresses of the other two families, and then clear them all at once up.

Moreover, the rider also told him that the little girl from the Einzbern family was the little girl who invited him to participate in this Holy Grail War, the little girl who directly told his secret to threaten him, he would definitely not Let go!But now, he just couldn't find the little girl, where did she go, and where did the other Holy Grail War participants go.

The other Holy Grail War participants felt that they were seriously participating in the Holy Grail War. Only myself felt like they were running around, finding nothing, knowing nothing, completely in a dazed state.

This state makes him very unhappy, very unhappy, but this uncomfortable state cannot be easily changed, at least he wants to change now, but he can't make any change.

"If it wasn't for finding those families, I wouldn't have come to this city. Now is simply not the time to come."

The Fire on the Right wants to get angry, and he even wants to directly cause troubles in this city, such as directly opening up his magic power, killing all directions in this city, but at that time, let alone the Holy Grail War The participants would jump out, fearing that they would be surrounded and beaten by the people in the city.

The rules of the Holy Grail War cannot be known by outsiders. Once you make a big noise, the other participants of the Holy Grail War will immediately disappear, and you can't even find them.

"So, master, you have been chasing others before, how about we let others come to us this time?"

The rider next to him couldn't help but raise his opinion.

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