"It's okay, if you become my master."

"I'll be your master, don't you already have a master?"

Tony looked at Lancelot suspiciously.

"Actually, I had some disagreements with my master."

"Oh? Let's talk about it."

Feeling that it might be something interesting, Tony instantly became interested.

"Tony, you must want to know why I'm here by your side to help you get back from Afghanistan."

"No, I can run out of nowhere without you, you should have seen it too, my armor is very strong."

Tony's immediate veto made Lancelot stunned for a moment, but soon he ignored Tony's words and continued to explain.

"Actually, this has something to do with my master. I am Lancelot, a knight of King Arthur! I am an upright and brave knight of the round table. I was summoned to serve my temporary master, to fight for him, and to win the Holy Grail for him. , but unexpectedly, he..."

"What's wrong with him! Tell me!"

Tony moved his face closer, curious.

"He has no interest in the Holy Grail War!"

Lancelot scowled.

"Anyone who is chosen by the Holy Grail to become a master has an extreme desire in his heart. Only when he is full of desire and has a strong desire can he be chosen by the Holy Grail and become a master, but he said that he doesn't care about the Holy Grail at all. After going to the church to register, he just left and ignored me. I asked him why, and his answer was: I was just interested in the Holy Grail and the servant, so I tried to summon it, and now the summoning has passed. It's over, and the servant has seen it, so it's fine, what do you do, if you have nowhere to go, you can stay in this church, this is the supervisor's territory, you'll be fine if you stay here."

"He actually explained it like this, and then left directly, giving up this Holy Grail War. The Saber team in this Holy Grail War is actually only me as a servant fighting alone."

"Oh, that's very poor, but what does it have to do with your coming to me?"

Tony feigned regret.

"It's the arrangement of the priest in the church, because he is a little short of money, and as a priest, he has the ability to see the revelation of the short future. He saw that you will be in danger, so let me come over. As for the design drawing , He provided it, which is why I came here."

"What? Is it true that I can see the future?"

Tony opened his mouth in surprise.

"Yes, this is a secret technique that only a few people can possess. His ability is enlightenment, and some people's ability is clairvoyance, and can even reach EX level."

"I don't understand any of the technical terms you mentioned. I only know that it must be a very powerful ability."

"Yes, that priest is very powerful, and after he saw the picture of you being kidnapped, Tony, he said to me: You are idle anyway, why don't you do me a favor."

"Then you are really free."

Tony couldn't help but complain.

"The Holy Grail War hadn't started at that time, so I was really idle. My master summoned me a long time in advance, and the essence was to save a person. As an upright knight, I was naturally willing to help."

"No, no, no, I'm sure you're not honest at all for going in and out of the bar with you!"

Lancelot's serious explanation made Tony couldn't help complaining again.

"But that's not important, the most important thing now is that you can help me participate in this Holy Grail War!"

"That's right, I just need a master who is passionate about the Holy Grail War, Tony, would you like to be my master?"

"No problem at all!"

"Great, Tony, no, master!"

Lancelot hugged Tony excitedly, and Tony also hugged Lancelot happily.

This scene happened to be seen by the little pepper who came in.

"Did I come in at the wrong time?"

Chapter 63. A heavy tragedy is about to take place

Amakusa is in a good mood today, because his script has become more perfect. Under Tony's accidental joining, you must know that Amakusa didn't consider letting him join, but he asked to join, which is a very good accident. In addition to the book of false ministers already given to Ilya, the book of false ministers to the little spider, and now to Tony, he has already given 3.

This made him feel that the number of books of false ministers was crazily implying him, 7! !

The Holy Grail War, the Holy Grail War that cannot be realized in this world, under the discussion between him and Shakespeare, because various elements are running perfectly.

Everything was a script developed by Amakusa and Shakespeare. No, to be precise, it was Amakusa who made the request, and then Shakespeare was responsible for writing these requests into a script according to Amakusa's will.

And what is Amakusa's will?It's about making the Holy Grail War work perfectly, and then... a disaster!A tragedy!This is exactly what Shakespeare is good at, tragedy writers understand?

Originally, Amakusa did not intend to hold this Holy Grail War, and it was not so necessary. It was all because Lancelot accidentally slipped his mouth, and then exposed him directly to the S.H.I.E.L.D. If that guy Lancelot doesn't talk too much, there is absolutely no need for Amakusa to hold this broken cup war.

Therefore, in order to clarify the relationship between himself and Lancelot and the heroes, Amakusa temporarily revolted and held this so-called Holy Grail War, and even the script was discussed with Shakespeare not long ago.

There are several purposes for holding this Holy Grail War.

One is to cover up his identity and divert the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. from himself to the so-called Holy Grail War, so as to get rid of his focus.

The second is to let the servants I summon in the future have nothing to do with myself on the surface!

Yes, the second is the important point. The holding of the Holy Grail War made S.H.I.E.L.D. know one thing, that is, whether it is Lancelot, Hercules, or even Shakespeare, who was discovered not long ago, all It has nothing to do with Amakusa, they are completely unaware that Amakusa is their real master. In their view, it is a group of magicians hidden among ordinary people who are controlling this group of servants.

This is what Amakusa wants. Amakusa doesn't want to be found out that he controls several servants by himself. These are powerful thugs. After losing Hercules and Mash, Amakusa is not worried that they will pose a threat to his life, but Amakusa does not want to directly make things bigger and make himself an enemy of the world inexplicably.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an organization that wants to control you as long as it sees that you are scary, or similar organizations are all pissed off. If you don’t listen to him and fight him, you will become the enemy of the world. Amakusa doesn't want to be a big devil.You listen to him, sorry, wouldn't Amakusa be too aggrieved like that.

As long as Amakusa is not the person behind the scenes controlling these servants, but a supervisor, even a supervisor who can cooperate with SHIELD, then in the eyes of SHIELD, he has a good list, even at the current stage, but that is enough , what Amakusa wants is the current stage.

The ending of this Holy Grail War has already been written by Shakespeare and Amakusa. It is a doomed tragic ending, and this tragic ending will lead to this so-called fifth Holy Grail War and become the last Holy Grail War!But because of this tragic ending, some rules that bind servants will be disrupted. How these servants summoned in response to the Holy Grail will appear is not what they can predict, because something happened to the Great Holy Grail. As for What happened, the final interpretation right belongs to Amakusa.

In this way, in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D., the servants summoned by Amakusa in the future will not have an obvious master at all. Come to supervise and organize them, so Amakusa's identity will become the servant's supervisor.

You see, I'm not their master, I'm just watching them as a supervisor to keep them from causing trouble.Obviously he is behind everything, but on the surface, all the servants have nothing to do with him, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will not trouble Amakusa, and even trouble Amakusa to watch those servants, because they don't know what is behind Amakusa. The so-called Holy Church.

Amakusa even thought about the name of this independent department that supervises servants in the future.

Servant supervisory organization Chaldea, what a name!

With the joy that all the plans were properly arranged, Amakusa continued with her daily life, and at the same time continued to fool Coulson, who was in charge of the S.H.I.E.L.D. partnership next to the church, everything was going perfectly according to the script.

"Father Amakusa, how did you manage to let the investigators in New York's Central Park directly announce to the public that it was a gas explosion and that the street lamps were short-circuited due to aging wires as you said."

"It's very simple. It's just a very simple magic trick. We've always done this as a cover for magicians who might cause accidents."

"So those seemingly strange accidents in the past were actually done by magicians? Then you help cover it?"

"Yes, that's right. We, the Church of the Holy Church, do not have the duty to help with repairs. We only deal with the aftermath and are responsible for covering it up. And the Magician's Association will sometimes help with it."

As usual, Amakusa's words made Coulson believe that his previous judgment was correct. Those previous gas explosions must have been accidents caused by magicians!


As usual, Mash stayed by Amakusa's side all the time, and it seemed that there was something wrong, so he called Amakusa.

Amakusa understood and immediately understood what Matthew meant, and said goodbye to Coulson.

"Agent Coulson, I have to leave first."


Coulson was also planning to write a new report, so he turned his head and left cooperatively, and Amakusa followed Matthew to the back hall of the church.

"Senior, there is an activity refresh in the system, senior, please go and have a look."

"Oh? The system has been refreshed?"

After hearing what Mash said, Amakusa immediately opened the system interface.

On the system interface, the last time the Knight of the Round Table Lancelot came, the picture has changed, and it has become a new picture.

A gold cup is drawn in the center of the screen, surrounded by 7 card backs with different pictures, corresponding to saber, archer, lancer, rider, caster, assassin, berserker.

The title is a series of subtitles with flame effects: The Holy Grail War is coming, full-time mediators are coming!


Chapter 64. Evaporation of Rationality EX

From the last time Illya and Hercules appeared, Amakusa understood that the servants that this summoning system can summon are all based on the rhythm of this world. For example, because the Hulk will appear, so Hercules appears. s.

But this time the event made Amakusa a little confused, because there was no Holy Grail War in this world, but there was an activity of the Holy Grail War, and now the Holy Grail War on the surface is actually a tragedy led by himself, so , Will the rhythm of this summoning system adapt, even his own mode of action?

"Senior, this is because you have now integrated into this world and changed some of the world's trends, so what you have done, such as this Holy Grail War, is also recognized as a Holy Grail War in this world. That's why the system adapts to the rhythm to give the activity."

The explanation given by Matthew made Amakusa understand the reason for this activity in the system.

"So, the system is acquiescing that the Holy Grail War created by me is a big event in this world, and then it adapts to my rhythm, right?"

"Yes, senior, this event just helped senior solve his urgent needs. This event has no dresses, and it is a full-time Servant UP. Senior, you can't get any dresses, and all the ones you get will be UP. They are all servants, so seniors can perfectly execute the script of the Holy Grail War."

This news is the best news, and this is what you want.

Hearing that it is a Servant UP, and will not get the dress, Amakusa is so happy that he wants to jump up. Finally, he doesn’t have to worry about getting the black key again. Chen Zhishu is simply a perfect pavement for the rhythm behind this.

But after thinking about it, although the system agreed with the rhythm, I still don't have enough stones to smoke, and it's useless to stare at the pool.

"Senior, for the update of this event, as compensation, the system gave senior ten Saint Quartz."

"What is this? Maintenance compensation?"

"It can be said that although the seniors basically don't open this system very much, the system is still very user-friendly."

Looking at the dozen or so stones on the screen, Amakusa nodded seriously.

Now there are a total of 3 servants in the hand for the Holy Grail War exhibition competition, and 4 job agents are still missing. Next, 4 job agents will be drawn out. Obviously, a dozen stones in hand cannot be used for ten consecutive rounds, so just Can only draw one by one.

Draw servants by single draw, anyway, from this UP, you won’t get dresses, you can draw followers casually, right? Then just single draw will be fine.

"Mash, let's get started."

"Good senior."

Following Amakusa's order, Matthew took out his shield and put it on the ground. There was Coulson playing with his mobile phone in the vestibule, so their summoning had to be carried out in the back hall.

Selecting the summon from the system, more than a dozen Saint Quartz appeared in Amakusa's hands. With excitement, Amakusa took out three Saint Quartz from them, and then threw them at the shield. The three Saint Quartz sank into the shield, and then burst out A strong light, and this light is golden.

Oh! !This is a single draw gold card!Amakusa watched excitedly as the golden halo spread out and then gathered together to form a human shape.

As the light gradually faded, Amakusa saw the appearance of this person clearly.

Her long pink hair is tied into braids on her chest, with black bows on her ears, a faint smile on her cute face, a black tights on her upper body, a white cloak on her back, and the same lower body. The black short skirt is paired with black knee-length suspenders, revealing a little skin on the middle thigh, and the whole person looks like a very cute and beautiful girl.

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