After all, the man with the shield is really strong.

Using the identity certificates of Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Emma, ​​the S.H.I.E.L.D. team quickly entered the base, and then took over everything in the base forcefully. The few left-behind children who were still here were stunned.

The few staff members who have been staying in Antarctica have no idea what happened. Their organization was suddenly incorporated by S.H.I.E.L.D. Ah, although this job is dangerous, the salary is high. SHIELD is a big organization. Although I heard something happened before, the salary will definitely not be low.

A few left-behind personnel became the leading party on the spot, and brought Nick Fury to the village, the laboratory at the lowest level of the base.

The bottom layer of the entire laboratory is a huge ice block. This is not the Hoover Dam. There is no need for many refrigeration equipment to prevent a big guy from escaping. This is the Antarctic, and it is still a few hundred meters below the Antarctic. It is summer, and the temperature cannot be higher than zero, so there is no need to worry about the ice melting.

The center of this huge ice cube is the frozen monster. Without detection equipment, the first time Nick Fury saw this ice cube, he saw the huge black shadow in the ice cube, and the thick Godzilla. The feeling is different, this black shadow looks very slender, just like what Emma said before, but the specific size is really as scary as what Emma said.

"This monster, you don't have any information so far, do you?"

"Yes, we just discovered that even the base has not been completed yet, and many things have not been arranged."

Because the emperor organization was incorporated, no one came to repair the base at all.

"It doesn't matter, we will be responsible for repairing this base, and then conduct experiments here."

Nick Fury waved his hand furiously, and Hill behind him immediately started calling the Helicarrier, asking the Helicarrier to send more Quin-jet fighters, along with more supplies and manpower, and prepare for the test.

Emma took the opportunity to come to Nick Fury's side.

"This is Antarctica, the temperature is extremely low, and the ice cubes here are extremely hard, no different from rocks. If you conduct experiments below, it will not have any impact on the above."

"If you think it's okay, I can test it now."

"You know what to do?"

Nick Fury is full of doubts about Emma. Emma has shown so far, like a fanatical researcher, the kind of person who can go home at all in order to research what she wants, which makes Nick Fury I don't think it's very good.

After all, this is a giant titan. If you study the giant titan, accidents will happen if you are not careful. If something happens, it will not be a simple matter.

For this kind of person, Nick Fury is very cautious, really very cautious, not careful!

"You can go to the experiment."

But in order to get the data he wanted, Nick Fury had to allow Emma to do it. After all, Emma is a member of the Emperor Organization, and she must be better at research than Banner who became a monk halfway through the research.

Of course, after allowing Emma to act, Nick Fury had other arrangements to let Hill watch her to prevent any accidents in her research. With Hill watching, Nick Fury would be more at ease.

Let Emma study how to use Godzilla's voice to communicate with the monsters under the ice, while Nick Fury is standing on the stairs, staring closely at the huge ice in front of him, or the one inside the ice. Huge shadow.

At Nick Fury's hand, there is also a display machine. This display machine is brought by the Emperor Organization. The screen of this machine is showing the shape of the big guy inside the ice cube. The appearance detected by the high-tech detection equipment is A big guy with three heads, but can't detect too many details, so it can only be seen that it is a big guy with three heads, with wings on the back, a tail, and two feet. It's very similar to the Wyvern in those Western fantasy movies.

Godzilla has appeared, and there seems to be no problem with dragons appearing. Maybe there really were creatures like dragons in ancient times?

So, how will this monster, which Serizawa judges to be the top predator of the Titans like Godzilla, behave when it communicates with Godzilla's voice?

If there is an accident, I'm afraid I can only rely on the members of the Avengers team to be tough, but when it's tough, Captain America's shield doesn't know if it can hold it.

Captain America, who can split [-]/[-] with everyone, can split [-]/[-] with this three-headed monster?this is a problem!

Chapter 13. We are going to release Ghidorah

The monster with three heads is naturally Godzilla's nemesis Ghidorah in the legendary monster movie universe. This monster with three heads came to the earth thousands of years ago, and then fought with Godzilla. After a PK, Ghidorah, an alien species, destroyed most of the earth's surface with his own powerful power, and was beaten by Godzilla, fell into the seabed and was frozen.

After being frozen, Ghidorah slowly came to the Antarctic over time. Because of the geographical location, Ghidorah was even more frozen, and there was no chance to break free from the ice. But a glacier hundreds of meters thick, solid!Ghidorah, who is not awake, can't move it!

As for how the Emperor Organization found Ghidorah, thanks to them, they were able to discover Ghidorah hidden in such a deep place. Even the satellites of S.H.I.E.L.D. What's the need for prospectors for things at a depth of several hundred meters below.

So the people from the Emperor Organization are cheating!Even better than the people from S.H.I.E.L.D.!

After all, it is the world I am thinking about, and I can think about everything, as long as I want to find it, I can find what they want where they want, such as those giant titan beasts, or the newly discovered Ghidorah.

Who would look for monsters hundreds of meters underground near the center of Antarctica? This place can freeze to death at any time, and it’s not true that someone conducted a scientific research here, because there are no monsters within hundreds of kilometers nearby. At a scientific research station, no one will go to such a place to drill.

In short, the Emperor Organization used shady means to detect Ghidorah, who was frozen here, and is now being used by SHIELD.

Nick Fury was wearing a thick Bosideng down jacket, sitting in the tent, drinking coffee that was constantly heated, and watching Ghidorah's 3D display on the screen.

At this time, Ghidorah on the screen is beginning to have some subtle reactions. It doesn’t move, but there are some subtle changes in its life characteristics. These subtle reactions are all because of Dr. Emma who is outside through the sound wave emission instrument. It is caused by the continuous release of Godzilla's mimic sound waves on Ghidorah.

Of course, you can’t stimulate directly when you come up, you have to start with a gentle one, and the gentle sound waves also attracted Ghidorah’s reaction, even if it is frozen and asleep, Ghidorah can still feel it. The frequency of the sound wave of Sla, the deadly enemy, and then respond accordingly, but because the body is really sealed too thoroughly, so it can only respond slightly from the vital signs.

But this reaction was enough to make Emma happy for a long time. Yes, she was very happy with Ghidorah's reaction.

She wants to see more reactions, how the monsters communicate, and especially how a king of the monsters like Godzilla controls them.

It's just that Ghidorah's response needs a considerable amount of time to analyze, analyze what this behavior means, and then use this response to make a corresponding sound release plan to study what kind of sound will eventually induce what kind of consequences.

Emma needs corresponding research on this, not to mention Hill who is in charge of monitoring her later.

As an agent, Hill is very qualified as a leader, but as a researcher, especially a Titan researcher, she doesn't know anything.

She could only watch as Emma kept using the equipment in front of her to test Ghidorah, and then data popped up on the computer, but unfortunately, she couldn't understand any of these data, because these data were all used by professional Notes on the nouns, Hill basically knows nothing about these professional terms, just like you talk about quantum mechanics with a college student majoring in Chinese, he will understand.

But one thing for sure is that Emma's research is really useful.

"How long are we going to continue like this?"

I can't read it all the time, but I have to watch it all the time. Hill will feel bored after a long time. When bored, he naturally needs to be reminded.

"Of course not. This is just a preliminary test. After the preliminary test, there are more tests that we need to study later, but the time is longer. My current test is to ensure that Godzilla's voice can This monster reacts, and after confirming that it can react, what I have to do is to study what these reactions represent, and at that time, I am afraid that you will need to take a risk from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Take a risk? What do you mean?"

Hill frowned.

"Research must have experimental subjects, not frozen sculptures, so at that time, we need to restore this monster to life, so that we can study whether this monster responds to Godzilla's voice, and in the end Can you obey Godzilla's orders?"

"I remember, Dr. Serizawa firmly opposed this, right?"

Hill thought of Dr. Serizawa's previous objection.

"That's right, Dr. Serizawa feels that the Titans cannot be easily studied, and the research may lead to terrible results."

Dr. Emma answered while nodding.

"But what Serizawa didn't expect was that if you just simply fear those monsters, you won't be able to make progress at all. It will only make humans become pets. There is no hope and future for humans to be reduced to pets. We must learn more about these titanic beasts before To be able to create a new future for humans and titans to live together in the future."

Hill stared at Dr. Emma, ​​did not speak for a while, and held back a sentence after thinking for a while.

"Your words...remind me of the Japanese."


Emma didn't quite understand, why did she suddenly become Japanese?

"However, I have to discuss with the director about letting the monster out as you said. This is not an easy matter."

"I know, so please discuss it with Director Fury, but my suggestion is that it is best to take this opportunity to get to know the Titans well. Those coping."

Emma didn't say anything tough, but just said something that seemed to be a suggestion. After she finished speaking, she didn't care what Hill thought, and continued to work, and kept sending Godzilla's sound waves to Ghidorah inside the ice cube. , the tiny and high-frequency sound waves made Ghidorah's life respond more and more frequently.

Hill at the back didn't understand, so she looked at the data on Hill's computer screen and then turned away. She was going to discuss with Fury about releasing Ghidorah, but she didn't see it because she turned her head away. Emma's eyes were shining with a strange light.

Chapter 14. Put the left head first!

"Release the monster?"

"Yes, that's what Dr. Emma said. She said that after enough experimental data, she has concluded that monsters will indeed respond to Godzilla's sound waves, but immobile monsters can't study what that reaction is at all. She needs moving monsters."

Nick Fury listened to Hill's report with a blank face, and with his dark old face, Hill had no idea what Nick Fury was thinking now.

"That's why she told us to come here to conduct experiments, she is a very fanatical guy."

Fanaticism, for Emma, ​​Nick Fury still has the previous evaluation, but he has to accept one thing, that is what Emma said, in order to be able to better deal with these monsters in the future, these studies are necessary, which is different from Nick Fury. Ray's habits were consistent.

Nick Fury, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., suffers from a severe lack of firepower syndrome. Of course, his lack of firepower does not mean that there are not enough guns in his hands, but that he does not have enough power in his hands.

There are so many superheroes popping up on the earth, but he has only the Avengers squad, and many superpowers are not mastered, especially the church organization represented by Amakusa, which originally existed for 2000 years. Trouble enough, after the outbreak of the Holy Grail War in New York, heroic spirits began to appear continuously, and those heroic spirits all possessed very powerful power, which made Nick Fury feel even more troublesome!

strength!strength!Nick Fury wants to hold all these dangerous powers in his hands, but he can't do it, so now he is very eager to have the power in his hands, and looking for Godzilla to study is also for the power of monsters.

So, after listening to what Hill relayed from Emma, ​​Nick Fury thought about it, and after a short thought, Nick Fury agreed to Emma's request.

"Let this monster come out, but when it comes out, it must be restricted to prevent the monster from causing huge damage."


It is necessary to release the monsters, and subsequent experiments cannot be carried out without releasing them. However, SHIELD must be careful when releasing the monsters, because no one knows what abilities the monsters have.

Of the three known monsters so far, the strongest Godzilla can resist nuclear bombs, and then emits a very terrifying atomic breath. He has the strongest body and can be said to be the embodiment of power. Although they are not the strongest in terms of strength, their males can fly and their females can crawl, and both of them can release EMP positions to directly disable electronic products within a certain range. This ability is simply fatal to the current human technology. , followed by Raton, this big bird does not have too exaggerated ability, it can fly, and has the ability of flames, I don't know if it can breathe fire, but it has fire all over its body.

In short, these monsters have more or less strange abilities, no matter which one of these abilities is, they are extremely lethal to humans, so Nick Fury thinks that this three-headed monster probably also has something. Strange abilities, in order to prevent these strange abilities from affecting the equipment, they need to do some research first to study what kind of abilities these monsters will have.

"First of all, this monster is frozen in Antarctica, which means that its ability has absolutely nothing to do with ice. Judging from the current data of giant titans, these monsters will not have the same ability, unless they are of the same race, this monster It is not the same race as other monsters that have shown power so far, so it should not have the same ability as other races."

There will be no flame ability, no emp attack, and no atomic breath. In the absence of these kinds of abilities, what kind of ability will this monster have? ?

"It can't be deduced from the situation of being frozen for the time being, and the energy reaction in the opponent's body is almost zero, so it is impossible to use the energy reaction to judge the monster's ability."

"Then release one of its heads, and prepare enough anesthetic next to that head.

The anesthetic that was prepared to bring Godzilla down was now prepared for Ghidorah.

The people from S.H.I.E.L.D. acted very quickly, and the Quin-jet fighter jets sent from the space carrier behind also arrived, which just made up for the lack of machines in the base of the Emperor Organization, allowing them to start work quickly.

S.H.I.E.L.D. worked very efficiently. After the Quinjet fighter jets supporting the rear arrived with supplementary personnel and tools, they immediately started ice-breaking work.

Powerful technology allows them to easily break through the hard glaciers, instead of blasting with explosives, which would cause too much movement and impact, and might wake up the entire monster.

They chose to release the leftmost head of the monster first, because this head is the closest to the edge and is far away from the other two heads. Affects the other two heads.

Ice-breaking work also needs to be careful. The staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. worked hard for a whole week before slowly clearing the ice around their heads. It is the ice that turns into water, and it will freeze soon. In order to have enough space, the ice must be transported out while breaking the ice, otherwise there will not be enough space for experiments.

A week of hard work was worth it. The special head on the far left, which is far away from the other two heads, was released from the ice. The huge head is the size of a yacht, and the big mouth can even swallow it easily. A tank car.

This huge head reacted immediately after the ice was completely broken. The head that was originally frozen and stiff began to rise with the support of the long neck, as if it was doing a stretching movement.

The staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately became nervous when they saw this situation, and the anesthesia machine next to it was also ready to give the big head a hard injection at any time, so that the big head would be frozen again.

Nick Fury and Hill stood in the command room, watching the action of this head through the thick glass, and their hearts were actually nervous. This was the first time they had come into contact with the giant titan so closely.

And at the place closest to this head, Dr. Emma is carrying a generator on his back, with an adjustment button in his hand, ready to have a dialogue with the other party. This dialogue is a real communication experiment with the titan.

After the huge head was raised, it slowly straightened, as if the neck was stiff after sleeping for a long time, so it stretched, and after the stretch was completed, it slowly fell down and opened its eyes, golden like the dragon in Western fantasy novels Vertical pupils are displayed in front of everyone.

Then he stretched out his snake-like tongue and licked the ice in front of him.

Chapter 15. Ultra-speed regeneration plus gravitational rays

According to ancient oriental myths and legends, the dragon-like head with a snake-like forked tongue is the head of Ghidorah.

The leftmost head of Ghidorah, who was liberated, couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking the ice in front of him immediately after he came out. For a moment on the ice, it was frozen together with the water that had just melted before.

So, the staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Dr. Emma just watched a giant titan with its neck tilted awkwardly because of the icicle on its tongue.

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