"After that, what should we do? Just now, Father Amakusa, you said that someone would help. Did you mean this monster?"

"That's right, the aircraft can't enter such a terrible storm, but Mr. Raton can. Mr. Raton's powerful body can make it fly in easily. Its tonnage makes the storm almost have no impact on it, and its maneuverability is even better. It makes it easy to steer in a storm."

Amakusa recommended Laton to Coulson as if introducing an airplane.

"The question is, how do we get it to carry us into the storm?"

Amakusa seemed very stable, and Coulson also became stable along with him.

"Of course, have a good talk with it. To be honest, if you have super-advanced pink eye disease, you can control it as if you just glared at it. After all, the titan can't resist illusions, and it's easy to be controlled by Xia Lenggan."

"Cold and dry? What is that?"

"It's okay, I'm just complaining."

Amakusa turned around and faced Mr. Raton with Coulson.

At this time, Raton was angry because his mouth was blocked by a magic shield. As a giant titan, it was actually blocked by a shield that didn't look too big.

It is impossible for a mere human being to be able to block his own big mouth!This is simply not right for Talaton!

The angry Raton began to peck at the magic shield in front of it with his huge beak like a woodpecker, trying to break the magic shield in this way.

So, Coulson and Amakusa stood under the magic shield together, watching a huge bird's beak continuously hit the magic shield above their heads.

It's a pity that because of the existence of Amakusa Shiro, the magic shield doesn't have to worry about being destroyed by Raton. Although Raton can fly and reminds him to be powerful, unfortunately, it can't attack with energy. At most, it can accelerate the charge, and then Drive the airflow to overturn the ground, or use the high temperature contained in its body to heat the surroundings.

So it doesn't have an energy attack method, and it can't break the shield at all.

"Okay, we've met in person, and then we need to have a good talk."

Amakusa clenched her right hand tightly, purple energy flickered on her right hand, then withdrew the magic shield, and at the same time as the huge bird's beak fell down again, she hammered it directly at the bird's beak.

Purple energy erupted from Amakusa's right hand, turned into a beam of light that became bigger and thicker, and hit Radon's head, knocking Radon's head back.

The first use of the power gem energy was very successful!

Chapter 21. You think I'm a priest, but I'm actually Godzilla!

The ability of the power gem is simple and rude, powerful and irritable energy. When someone destroys something, it may be aimed at the weakness of that thing, but the power gem is different. Come to break you!

However, Amakusa does not have a power gem. The power gem is on Gilgamesh's EA. Amakusa only has the power of the power gem, but this power is enough to strengthen Amakusa.

With pure magic power and the strengthening of the power gem, the energy ball shot out by Amakusa was like Godzilla's fist, hitting Mr. Raton's face directly, causing Mr. Raton to fall back and fall over. Into the magma that gave birth to it and nourished it.


Suddenly being knocked over by an unknown transparent sphere, Raton yelled angrily, jumped up from the magma, clasped his two paws on the edge of the crater again, and stared angrily at Amakusa, who knocked him over before, can see it very clearly. Just now, this little guy, Amakusa, suddenly threw a big energy ball and hit it on the face.

"Mr. Latton appears to be angry."

The way Laton frowned, like an enraged cock, made Amakusa couldn't help but want to laugh, although he was actually smirking now.

"Indeed, it looks angry, Father Amakusa, how are you going to communicate with it?"

Witnessing Amakusa punching Raton over with his own eyes, Coulson also relaxed a lot. He returned to the state of cooperating with Amakusa when he was still in S.H.I.E.L.D. He looked at Amakusa expectantly, waiting for Amakusa to take over. Come down and use some new moves.

"Well, considering that it doesn't have human language ability, and it can't understand human behavior patterns, the only way to communicate with it is for us to become what it can understand."

"We can become what it understands? What is that?"

"If a monster can understand it, it is naturally a monster."

Amakusa held his right hand again, and the power of the Infinity Gem was quoted again, but this time the gem energy quoted by the genius was not the Power Gem, but the Reality Gem.

Red and black light overflowed from Amakusa's body, wrapped Amakusa, and then began to expand rapidly.

"Father Amakusa?"

Coulson stood beside Amakusa, watching Amakusa suddenly being wrapped in a mass of black and red, and rapidly expanding and becoming bigger, panicked for a while.

"It doesn't matter, this is my ability to activate, Father Coulson, you can just stand still, try not to move, because I'm afraid you will accidentally fall."

"Huh? Fall?"

As soon as the words were finished, the black and red light spread to the soles of Coulson's feet, lifting Coulson directly from the ground and off the ground.

Coulson's body shook violently when his feet left the ground. Fortunately, his years of fighting habits allowed him to stabilize his body and not fall.

Coulson, who was half squatting, looked at his feet in amazement. The black and red unknown object supported him and kept rising and getting bigger. It was like a high-speed elevator, allowing him to quickly surpass the previous Raton looked down at him.

After the height exceeded Raton, the black-red object began to solidify, and its shape began to become clear. The thick and long tail fell heavily on the volcano, shaking the volcano directly, and the heavy feet landed at the same time , and even directly stepped on the ground to a depth of one meter, but this meter depth is not enough for this huge body, and it can even be said to be negligible.


With its big mouth open, it uttered an angry roar directly at the shorter Raton in front of him, making Raton completely dumbfounded.

This body as high as [-] meters, the fat and strong body, the special dorsal fin from the shoulders to the tail, and the iconic roar, all the characteristics tell Ladon that the big guy in front of him is his current one. Big boss Godzilla.

But the question is, shouldn’t Godzilla be at the bottom of the sea? Shouldn’t it be two human claws in front of it just now, especially one of the hairless humans who is still standing on Godzilla’s shoulder and looking at it Well, just kidding!When did the Godzilla boss allow humans to stand on his shoulders, are you fucking kidding Rodan?

Also confused was Coulson. Coulson squatted on Godzilla's shoulders, grasping various bumps on Godzilla's body with both hands to ensure his stability.

"Oh my God, this is the first time in my life I've been standing in such a dangerous place."

"This monster is Godzilla, right? It must be Godzilla. What's going on? Father Amakusa, did you turn into Godzilla?"

Amakusa did not answer him, because Amakusa's attention was on Raton in front of him at this time. This huge Godzilla was transformed by Amakusa using the power of the Reality Gem. The power of the Reality Gem is really powerful. The modification shows Sometimes the ability is too strong.

Amakusa possesses the Reality Stone, and he can even modify the appearance of the entire planet, just like Thanos showed at the beginning.

It's just that he doesn't need to modify the earth, he just needs to fool around with this Raton in front of him now.

After the modification of the Reality Gem, there is a physical existence, so Amakusa does not need to use the power of the Power Gem at this time, just wave his claws directly at Raton.

Godzilla's claws swung down on Raton's head like a slap on the side of Radon's head, and the head of Radon's head was tilted out, and the whole body Also fell into the magma pool again.

"Oh, this picture is really shocking."

Unlike watching Raton being overturned from below, this time Coulson looked at Godzilla condescendingly, oh no, it was the Amakusa version of Godzilla who knocked Radon down with one paw.

"However, is this really okay?"

Coulson couldn't help but look behind him. The place they were standing on was a volcano, and there was a city below. Originally, there was no movement here. The residents of the city below were at most nervous because of the approaching storm clouds on the east sea. They put away the clothes they hang out in the morning.

But after the volcanic eruption, their attention was attracted by the volcano. After all, the storm didn't look as scary as the volcanic eruption, and after the eruption of the back mountain, there was a monster crawling out of it, and one monster was enough. And now there's a second monster, bigger and scarier!

The residents of the whole city, after seeing the two monsters, were frightened and ran away crazily.

Chapter 22. Damn Holy Church!

Godzilla has appeared again, and this time suddenly, in Mexico!

When Nick Fury on the Quinjet fighter jet received the news over the southern waters of the Atlantic Ocean, his eyes almost popped out.

What a mess!

Didn’t Shiro Amakusa and the magicians of the Templar Church deal with Ghidorah? Why did Godzilla pop out suddenly, and Godzilla wasn’t in the Pacific Ocean before? Why did he suddenly pop out from Mexico after disappearing? , and it's still in a crater, there is even a Raton there, what kind of situation is this, does this Godzilla also master the unknown magic!

The reality modified by the Reality Gem is not an illusion aimed at one person, but a modification of the entire world. Whether you are in it or not, as long as you look there, you can see what has been modified.

So when Godzilla appeared again, the satellites in the universe discovered Godzilla, and then the news was passed to Nick Fury.

"Damn it, this time things are even worse!"

Nick Fury wanted to swear, but Dr. Emma, ​​who was sitting opposite him, frowned, unable to believe it, while Dr. Serizawa, who was next to Dr. Emma, ​​had an expression of disbelief, but also vague expectations. Zilla's number one fan, after knowing that Godzilla appeared again, he was a little happy!

"Director Ferry, I think we can change our minds!"

Dr. Serizawa looked at Nick Fury with an excited expression, which made Nick Fury frown even tighter, because Dr. Serizawa actually had a smile on his face, and in this kind of thing, this guy can still smile !Something wrong!

"What do you want to say?"

"Director Fury, before you called out, you should be looking for support. Although I don't think anyone can stop Godzilla, since you made that call, Director Fury, you just wanted to find support, and that person is here Director Fury, you seem to be able to stop Ghidorah, but now that person has not appeared, but Godzilla has appeared, right?"

"That's right."

Nick Fury nodded, he felt that he understood a little bit what Serizawa wanted to say.

"Then can we imagine that the person you called is actually thinking about how to stop Ghidorah, and the way to stop Ghidorah is Godzilla!"

"From the perspective of biology, especially ecology, nature has always had its own way to adjust the balance. The appearance of Ghidorah is like a sudden change of species, causing the ecological circle to lose balance. In order to maintain If there is a balance, an adjustment will be made to allow another species to suppress the species that caused the ecological circle to lose balance, so as to achieve balance again."

"Ghidorah is now the point that breaks the balance, and Godzilla is the point that restrains Ghidorah. Godzilla will control Ghidorah and restore the balance of nature again. The person you are looking for is he Zilla found it, and while I'm curious about how he got Godzilla here, it's clear that Godzilla was found by him."

After Dr. Serizawa expressed his point of view, he looked at Nick Fury with a smile on his face.

As the number one fan of Godzilla, Serizawa adheres to the idea of ​​releasing Godzilla in case of indecision. As long as there is any problem on the earth, and it is related to monsters, then it is right to release Godzilla!He believes that Amakusa also thinks the same way, and even before we meet, he begins to have a good impression of Amakusa, the same Godzilla 'fan'. After all, in Serizawa's eyes, as long as you are a fan of Godzilla, we are brothers!

"Director, we have made a new discovery."

Just when Nick Fury wanted to say that Serizawa was a sand sculpture, the black widow in the co-pilot position suddenly turned her head and shouted, attracting Nick Fury's attention.

"what's the situation?"

"New satellite images show Godzilla has a human body."


Could it be that Father Amakusa really brought Godzilla here?

With doubts, Nick Fury looked at the display screen, and the Black Widow kept zooming in on the picture, so that Nick Fury finally saw who the person standing on Godzilla was.

Although he was wearing the same black standard priest costume as Amakusa, and he was also wearing the same red holy cloth as Amakusa, but this person was taller than Amakusa, and his hair was pitifully short, and his hairline was particularly high.

Moreover, Nick Fury is very familiar with this hairline!

"It's Coulson."

Black Widow is also very familiar with this person, and this person is Coulson standing on Godzilla's shoulders.

"I didn't expect it to be him!"

Nick Fury's expression was indifferent. Although he was surprised, he couldn't express his surprise in his current mood. He found that he had completely underestimated Coulson, a former subordinate.

Originally, Nick Fury thought that Coulson was just a spy of the Templar Church hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, it seems that Coulson has a very high status in the Templar Church. This time it is not Amakusa who came here , it turned out to be Coulson, and Coulson even hooked up with Godzilla!

When will humans be able to hang shoulders with titans like this? The last time Nick Fury saw this situation, it was a guy with a golden retriever, and that guy was King Arthur!Standing on Godzilla's shoulder with a [-]-meter sword and threatening Godzilla, that situation is completely different from now!

He was hostile to Godzilla before, but this time he stood directly on Godzilla's shoulders. Coulson can still threaten Godzilla!Apparently Godzilla and Coulson are on the same team!

In other words, Godzilla was subdued by the Church of the Holy Church and became a running dog of the Church of the Holy Church!And Coulson's appearance this time is to supervise and order Godzilla as the imperial envoy next to Godzilla!

"Damn Holy Church!!!"

Nick Fury couldn't help but curse directly.

He managed to think of something that could counter the Church of the Holy Church, but before he could figure out a reason, he broke out a big basket and released the three-headed monster Ghidorah, and the Church of the Holy Church over there was silent Get Godzilla!What a joke, this makes the research on my side so embarrassing!

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