A huge arm emerged from behind the petite girl and grabbed Amakusa directly, but was blocked by a huge cross-shaped shield. Mash, who seemed to be slender, did not back down in the slightest when facing the huge arm.

"Are you the ones who claim to be from the Church of the Holy Church?"

The huge shield and the priest's costume on Amakusa also let Rudolph understand the identities of Amakusa and Mash. The people who appeared on Xianjin Island recently claimed to be the mysterious team of the Church of the Holy Church.

The news of Amakusa's three people is known to outside forces, and those who are interested can find out by themselves, while some people are the rumors that Nangong took the initiative to release that month.As a member of the Western European Church, Rudolph naturally knew it too, but he didn't know the details. Nangong wanted someone to investigate the identity of Amakusa and the others that month. After all, she couldn't leave Xianjin Island, and the investigation required outsiders. People came to carry it out, but she didn't release all the news, she just released the news that Amakusa and the three came from the Western European Holy Church, and those curious people need to check the rest.

"Oh? It seems that this priest knows our identities."

Standing behind Mash, Amakusa looked at Rudolph with a smile in his hand holding a dagger.

"Humph, Holy Church Church, the name is quite bold, but it's just a group of rats, guys hiding in the dark, who dare to call themselves the church, a group of hypocritical believers."

Rudolph, as a member of the world's local church and a fanatic, immediately began to mock.

"Originally, there was only one mission when I came to Xianjin Island, but now I meet you, then add an additional mission to clean up you heretics! Astarut!"

"The order is promised!"

The artificial girl who controlled the beast immediately started a new offensive, and the two big hands behind her were even more forceful, attacking Amakusa from left to right.

Just like when dealing with Xuecai before, Xuecai can only resist one direction, but not the second direction. Even if Matthew wants to resist, it is impossible to resist attacks from two directions.


"Don't think about it!"

Amakusa stood still on the spot, and Matthew next to him raised the shield high, and then slammed it to the ground. The bottom of the cross-shaped shield was directly inserted into the concrete ground.

A light blue light appeared from the shield, and in front of the shield, a light blue light curtain instantly appeared. It seemed to have many lines, like a wall made of bricks and stones. This wall directly erected a foot It was ten meters high and tens of meters wide, forming a wall that directly blocked all frontal attacks, making the attacks of the beasts controlled by Astarut in front directly ineffective.

The light blue wall directly made the beast's attack useless. Even if two big hands clenched into fists and slammed on the wall at the same time, the wall couldn't move at all. There was no vibration or ripple!

"Impossible, what is this defensive technique that can have such a strong defense!"

Rudolph looked at the motionless light curtain in surprise, and then frowned.

"It seems that there is no way to clean up you heretics today, but don't worry, I won't let you go."

After finishing speaking, Rudolph was about to retreat, because he knew that as long as there was this shield, Astarut's beasts would not be able to break through, which meant that his weapons would not be able to break through. If you go to Amakusa, you will only be in a stalemate. Once the special zone security team on Isogami Island comes over, he will be caught easily. The special zone security team has special weapons against beasts, and there are a lot of people. Now He didn't dare to say that he could beat all of them by himself.

"Astarut, retreat first today!"

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid that they will not be demolished and burned. If the situation is not good, you will retreat strategically, and I will come back to kill you after I live for a while!

Under normal circumstances, it will be like this, but Amakusa is not the kind of protagonist who will let people go. As a qualified black-skinned player, Amakusa is still getting deeper and deeper. The deep pass of the black-skinned team can kill you It will never let you have a second day, and if you can stab your heart with a knife, you will never cut your shoulder.

"I didn't say that you could leave."

In front of everyone, Amakusa suddenly squatted down and slapped his right hand on the ground. With his right hand as the center, the ground suddenly surged like a wave, and the surge quickly spread around, just like a wave, quickly It spread, passed through the shield erected by Mash, and included everyone including Akatsuki Kojo and Himeragi Yukina.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to become quiet, and Rudolph stopped retreating, and looked around his feet in doubt. Although there was no change, he could clearly feel that something had changed, but He couldn't find it.

No, he found it. The wave that overturned the ground didn't break the ground. This is a reinforced concrete ground. After rolling like a wave, there is no damage at all. This is obviously not right.

"What was that just now?"

Rudolph frowned and stared at Amakusa who was still squatting on the ground, and questioned.

You should always be careful when you don’t see the true face of things like spells, because you don’t know if the enemy will dig some traps for you. Rudolph thinks he’s reckless, but he doesn’t think he’s an idiot. It was obvious that Amakusa slapped something on the ground. If you were not careful, it was likely to be clouded by Amakusa.

"Don't worry, I didn't set any trap, I just blocked it to prevent you from escaping."

Amakusa stood up from the ground and looked at Rudolph with a smile.

"Prevent me from escaping, enchantment, do you think your enchantment can stop me?"

"A barrier? Do you think it is a barrier? Unfortunately, what I used to intercept you was not a barrier."

Amakusa smiled and stuck the sword in his right hand on the ground, then raised his hands, and then slowly closed them. The moment his hands were closed, the world changed.

The ground that looked calm suddenly broke and rolled, and the sea surface of Xianjin Island, which was originally calm in the distance, suddenly stood upright, it looked like a piece of paper was folded, the sea surface, the land, the island, all All stood up.

Left and right, front and back, the ground and the sea are all folded up like this, the sky is replaced by the folded ocean, and this world has become a huge cage.

Amakusa let go of his merged hands, pulled out the dagger stuck in the ground, and pointed at Rudolph again.

"What I use to intercept you is the world!"

Chapter 12. This villain is a genius

The mirror space, whether it is used to keep people or exile, is very useful, because this world is controlled by mages, and everything here is in the hands of mages.

When Amakusa opened the mirror space, only six people including him were pulled in, so there are no other people here now, and these six people, Amakusa and Mash are the main combatants, as for Akatsuki Kojo and Himeragi Yukina, They are spectators, and Rudolph and Astarut, who are enemies, are enemies.

However, Amakusa does not intend to kill these two enemies. First of all, Astarut, this is a very good-looking loli, and it is a three-no loli. Considering this kind of three-no loli The beast in her body is the kind that can absorb magic power, so she is still a three-no loli with good fighting power, and the most important thing is that she is very obedient!

As for Rudolph, although he is said to be the first villain in the plot of Blood Devouring Strike, his own combat power is really not very good. He belongs to the kind of character that can be easily killed as long as he uses force, but Rudolph is a genius!

Why is he said to be a genius? It starts with his ability.

As the first villain boss of Blood Devouring Attack, Rudolph's force value is not high, but his IQ is very high, and his hands-on ability is MAX!

The purpose of his coming to Xiangami Island was not to kill the fourth true ancestor. It can only be said that he was unlucky to meet Xiao Gucheng, the fourth true ancestor. The right wrist of the saint at the core of the island material is the right hand of a saint in the church in this world.

I have to say that the saints in this world are really pitiful. After death, they are still used as building materials. It is worse than the death of a village chief who has been researched and revived several times and pulled out to work.

But he obviously can't stand against the magicians who may exist on Xianshen Island, and the special zone security team led by these magicians. In order to make himself have the capital to fight, he uses artificial life technology to cultivate Astaruth, the artificial loli.

After cultivating Astarut, he found a way to cultivate a beast, a beast that can grow. This beast was bred by himself, and it was implanted in Astral after hatching. Talut's body was powered by Astarut's life, and then he brought Astarut to Xianshen Island and began to hunt and kill those vampires. The vampire's beasts are a very high-quality source of magic power. The beasts in Astarut's body continued to grow by devouring the beasts released by the vampires.

As long as she is given enough time, and she has enough vitality to support it, Astaruth's beasts can even grow to the true ancestor level.

Of course, the premise is to have enough time and ability.

During this process, because Astarut fought with Himeragi Yukina, and confronted the ⑦-style demon assault gun in Yukina's hand, Rudolph saw the legendary godhead vibration wave drive technique, which can tear apart Any enchantment and powerful spells that cut off magic power.

After only touching it once, Rudolph directly copied and pasted this spell, and installed it on Astarut as a plug-in.

You know, before this, in the entire blood-eating mad attack on the world, only the Lion King Agency successfully researched the Godhead Vibration Drive Art, that is to say, this technique is actually a secret technique of the Lion King Agency, and it cooperates with Shangxue Xialang's gun can almost be regarded as the trump card of the Lion King mechanism, the kind that can kill even the true ancestor.

This legendary very powerful secret technique was just copied and pasted by Rudolph at a glance by himself. It was so strong that the Uchiha family could only shout 666.

So, this man is a genius. If he can do so many things by himself, can other people do it?Maybe he is not good at fighting on the surface, but as long as you give him time, he can even make you a true ancestor!

So Amakusa doesn't intend to kill him, Amakusa wants to keep him, and then make good use of it, he has now seen the godhead vibration wave drive technique possessed by Xuexia Wolf in Yukina's hand, Amakusa needs that technique.

The current development of science and technology has researched the material that can replace the right wrist of the saint as the pillar of Xian Kamishima, so Rudolph does not need to die, he only needs to use a little diplomatic means, and then use public opinion to make Xian Kamishima Return the right arm of the saint.

But this matter cannot be done by Rudolph, Amakusa has to do it himself!Only in this way can Rudolph willingly share his knowledge with himself. After all, in the eyes of such fanatics, the saint's right wrist is more important than other things, otherwise he would not kill him alone. Kamishima came to die.

It's a good deal to exchange a building material for a godhead shock wave driving technique!

Godhead vibration wave drives the technique. As long as Amakusa has mastered this technique, it is equivalent to mastering a magic-breaking technique. If he is equipped with a Taidao, the Taidao will become a demon-breaking blade!In addition to the various spells possessed by Amakusa, Amakusa is a father to a magician!

Therefore, Rudolph must be kept, and Astarut must be kept too!

Tachi pointed at Rudolph, and Amakusa smiled heart-warmingly.

"Magekiller of the Church of Western Europe, you have to stay in this world."

"This world? What did you do? Is this an illusion?"

Rudolph couldn't believe the changes in the world in front of him. He didn't know that the sea surface could be reversed to the sky and turned upside down!In such a miraculous situation, he could only treat it as an illusion.

"With this level of illusion, and that powerful shield, it seems that you heretics have abilities beyond imagination."

"Is it an illusion? It's a pity that it's not an illusion, but you probably can't accept this reality now, so I will try to persuade you to accept the reality in front of you."

The magic power was instilled into the legs, the strengthened magic was blessed on the legs, and the magic release was turned on at the same time, Amakusa's momentum rose a lot in an instant, his feet hit the ground, and a cobweb crack was stepped on the cement floor, and Amakusa had already recovered from the original Disappeared and rushed behind Rudolph.


Rudolph also felt the movement behind him, and he was very surprised. In just a moment, Amakusa came behind him from a distance of ten meters in front of him.

"So that's it, use illusion to delay time, and then move to sneak behind me!"

Combat experience and persistence in illusions made him more certain that the world was full of illusions, so he immediately activated the defensive spells on his clothes, and for a while the originally pitch-black robes turned golden.

However, the target of Amakusa's attack is not his body, but his head exposed outside the clothes!

The strengthened sword turned into an afterimage and slashed down!

Chapter 13. This loli is worth adopting

In the factory area of ​​the East Island of Xianshen Island, the previous explosion made no living person willing to stay here, because there are raging flames everywhere, and the safety of life standing here cannot be guaranteed at all.

In an empty alley, a circle of sparks suddenly appeared, and the circle of fire slowly solidified and expanded, and then several figures rushed out from it.

These people are exactly the Amakusa Shiro who came out of the mirror space.

Unlike the six people who went in, only five people came out now, and the genius Rudolph was left inside.

Although Amakusa's knife cut on Rudolph's head, he used the back of the knife instead of the blade, so Rudolph did not die, but was hit hard on the back of the head and fainted.

The entire mirror space was left by Amakusa as a prison for Rudolph. Unless Rudolph woke up and chose to commit suicide inside, he could not escape or do anything.

And before Rudolph woke up, Amakusa had almost dealt with the outside affairs, went to find him, and he had no chance to commit suicide.

"Is it really okay to put him there by himself?"

Xiao Gucheng, who came out of the portal, looked at the disappearing circle of fire behind him, and turned to ask Amica.

"No problem, I've stunned him and blocked his limbs. Coupled with the blockade of the mirror space, unless he can use my portal, he won't be able to come out at all."

"What about her, if she says, will she follow us like this?"

Xiao Gucheng looked at the blue-haired loli next to Amakusa. This loli was only covered with a piece of cloth, and there was nothing underneath.

"Wrong, she wants to follow me. I need to deal with the beast in her body. She is an artificial life body. If the artificial life body is still in her body, she will be swallowed by the beast and die."

"Are you going to save her?"

"That's right, according to the current situation, her previous master has been defeated by me, so now I am her master, what do you say, Astarut."

While talking, Amakusa looked down at Astarut beside him, and Astarut also looked up at Amakusa in cooperation.

"Command accepted, master."

"Very well, Astarut, you're looking good."

After complimenting Astarut, Amakusa looked at Kojo Akatsuki.

"In short, I will be responsible for controlling the beasts in her body so that she will not be affected by the beasts in her body. Other matters will be handled by Nangong Nayue."


Himeragi Yukina wanted to say something more, but Amakusa directly raised her hand and stopped her.

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