Demonstratively throwing such a sentence to Rudolph, Himeragi Yukina walked towards her junior high school dormitory, while Akatsuki Kojo glanced at Rudolph and walked silently to the high school dormitory. Longing for a peaceful life.

Akatsuki Kojo and Himeragi Yukina did not affect the other students of Caihai Academy. The other students were still full of fear or curiosity about the guard, and they went to school as usual. In the first few days after the long holiday, everyone was still very excited. of.

Upstairs in the high school dormitory, in the luxury office on the top floor, Nangong Nayue stood by the window with a cup of black tea and looked towards the school gate. She could see the attitudes and reactions of the students towards Rudolph clearly. She also saw the meeting between Dofu, Himeragi Yukina and Akatsuki Kojo very clearly. Seeing the reactions of these students, especially the reaction of Himeragi Yukina, she just wanted to laugh.

"Your students have arrived."

Still looking out of the window, Nangong Nayue spoke without looking back, towards Amakusa on the sofa behind her who was reaching for coffee from Astarut in maid outfit.

"Yes, she came quite early."

Amakusa was not in a hurry, still sitting on the sofa.

"You should go talk to her."

Nangong Nayue directly opened his mouth to chase away people.

"Yes, I'm going to talk to her."

"Then why don't you hurry over?"

"What's the rush? There's still a long time before class starts, and no teacher will call the students out before class starts in the morning."

"That's your business, I think you can do it."

"I think it's better to forget it, especially now that I still have a cup of freshly brewed coffee in my hand. I'm really sorry to drink it carelessly."

However, as soon as Amakusa finished speaking, the coffee in his hand disappeared, and a purple light flickered in his hand. It was obvious that this was Nangong Nayue who was causing trouble, Nangong Nayue who possessed space control magic , although it is not as convenient as Amakusa's portal in terms of teleportation, but it is very good at such trivial things as sneak attack to get things.

Amakusa turned her head to look at Na Yue, and found that Na Yue was looking out of the window with a proud face,

"It just so happens that it's very hot now, so I'll put it away for you first. Anyway, you don't have your class in the morning. I'll give you the coffee when you come back after talking to your students. Don't worry, the temperature of the coffee will not be too high by that time." Absolutely enough, you don't have to worry about your coffee getting cold."

"Are you Cao Cao?"


"Cao Cao pours wine for Guan Yu, Guan Yu warms the wine and kills Hua Xiong, you collect the coffee for me, is this asking me to warm the coffee and train Himeragi Xuecai?"

Amakusa stood up from the sofa helplessly.

"Although I know that the Lion King Agency is rival to the National Attacker Agency to which you belong, you really hate them. This rhythm is intolerable."

"Hmph, although I'm tolerant, I'm not tolerant enough to let a bitch dangle in front of me all the time."

The corner of Amakusa's mouth twitched. He really wanted to say that there is actually another person from the Lion King Agency in the private Caihai Academy, and that person is the current superficial boss of the Lion King Agency, Xian Guyong.

Chapter 16. Amakusa: Do you want to destroy String God Island!

Amakusa understands that Nangong Nayue looks down on the Lion King Agency, because the girls in the Lion King Agency have pretty good figures, even Himeragi Yukina, who is only in junior high school, has bigger breasts than her Nangong Nayue, after all, she is Nangong Nayue Just a legal loli, not a busty loli.

Therefore, almost every person in the Lion King organization has a better figure than Nangong that month.

Perhaps this is the reason why Nangong didn't like the Lion King office that month. After all, the people there are all in good shape and nice to speak, and men like it very much.

As for Nangong that month, his temper was bad and his figure was just like that. Except for some people with special hobbies, men rarely came here.

After being kicked out of the office by Nangong Nayue full of resentment, Amakusa reluctantly walked towards the junior high school dormitory, he wanted to talk to Himeragi Yukina.

In class C of the third year of junior high school, Amakusa heard voices coming from the classroom before he reached the door.

"Yuka Yukina, where did you go with Kojo-kun last night, and you didn't come back so late, Kojo-kun looked very tired after he came back, and when he came back, he just leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes and said he wanted to sleep. Could it be that the two of you went out on purpose last night to do some very exciting things? Although I agree with Yukina that you and Gucheng-kun are together, but you have only known each other for a day, if you are so anxious and go out at night together like this, isn’t it okay? That's great..."

Xiao Nagisa is worthy of being Xiao Nagisa, the sister of the protagonist, she is actually a relative of Peter Parker, she is really super talkative, super good at talking, she can talk about a small matter for a long time, when she came to class on the first day After Amakusa finished introducing herself, she immediately babbled a lot of questions, which made Amakusa feel a little overwhelmed.

But Amakusa can't say anything about her yet, she can only answer one by one with a smile on her face, but later it becomes unnecessary to answer, because she can ask and answer by herself, turning into a perpetual motion machine, infinite Going through the cycle, I have to say, this is a talent!

But Amakusa couldn't just stand outside the classroom and listen to the girl spout dirty jokes, Himeragi Yukina's face had already turned into a tomato.

"Himeragi Yukina, come out and follow me to the office!"

As an upright priest, Amakusa can only stand up at this time to save the poor girl from the fire and water.

Hearing someone call her name suddenly, Himeragi Yukina felt a lot more relaxed instantly, being pestered by Xiao Nagisa to tell dirty jokes all the time, and still saying dirty jokes in front of so many people in the class, Himeragi Yukina felt herself It's about to collapse.

After looking up and seeing Amakusa at the door, Himeragi Yukina was stunned for a moment, but soon remembered that Amakusa said that he was a teacher at the school yesterday, so she understood that she really came to trouble her, but now her identity He is a student of the private Caihai Academy, so he still has to act according to the teacher's face in the school.

Following Amakusa and leaving the class, and listening to Akatsuki Nagisa's voice fading behind her, Himeragi Yukina breathed a sigh of relief to a certain extent.

Walking in front of Himeragi Yukina, Amakusa felt the relaxation of Himeragi Yukina behind her, and turned her head to comfort her.

"It's very hard to deal with a guy like Xiao Nagisa. Once her mouth moves, it's not easy for her to stop."


Himeragi Yukina looked at Amakusa in surprise.

"Are you surprised that I know you're thinking about Nagisa?"

Hiiragi Yukina nodded.

"That's because of what happened to you just now. Almost everyone in that class has experienced it. For example, as the teacher of that class, I was baptized by Xiao Nagisa on the first day."

Amakusa's explanation made Himeragi Yukina couldn't help showing a wry smile, she also understood that the horror of Xiao Nagisa's mouth was simply super annoying, super annoying Xiao Nagisa!

The two didn't say anything, and went directly to Amakusa's office in the junior high school.

"Then, let's talk about it, Himeragi Yukina, the sword shaman of the Lion King facility."

Amakusa who walked into the office sat directly on his seat, looked at Himeragi Yukina standing across the table, and got straight to the point.

"Sure enough, the teacher already knows my identity."

"No, you don't need to do much research to find out your identity, because your weapon is unique to the Lion King Agency, and its recognition is too high. As long as you see that weapon, you can basically be sure that you are from the Lion King Agency. "

The ⑦-type demon assault gun is a unique technology of the Lion King mechanism, because the inner core is one of the three legendary holy guns that can kill the true ancestor, but the divine shock wave driving the spell outside the holy gun , it is no longer unique to the Lion King agency.

"It seems that I rely too much on Xuexia wolf. I should try my best to fight without revealing my identity."

Himeragi Yukina was annoyed that her identity had been exposed.

"Then, as a teacher who is a magician, after knowing my identity, what do you want to say to me?"

"I don't intend to say anything to you. I came to you just to tell you that you should do what you should do."

"What does it mean?"

Himeragi Yukina was a little confused, but Amakusa smiled.

"Himeragi Yukina, what did the Lion King Agency send you to Ishikami Island for?"

"Sorry, this is a secret of our Lion King agency, so I can't tell you."

"Is it a secret? Is it a secret to come to Xianshen Island to monitor the ancient city of Akatsuki?"

"How did you know!"

Himeragi Yukina stared wide-eyed.

"How do I know? In fact, the world of attacking magicians knows about it. Well, everyone knows that the Lion King Agency sent you, Himeragi Yukina, to monitor the fourth primogenitor Akatsuki."

Amakusa smiled and spread out her hands, looking very natural, making Himeragi Yukina's eyes widen.

"How is it possible! Everyone knows that I'm here to monitor the seniors. This... the task that the Three Saints entrusted to me, where did I do it, so that the news leaked out!"

Himeragi Yukina blamed herself very much. In her opinion, it was because of her that the mission was leaked this time.

Amakusa's expression began to brighten.

"So, your mission is to monitor Akatsuki, not run around with Akatsuki on Ishigami Island. I'm right about that."

"Indeed, my task is to monitor the seniors, but the reason why I went there last night was because of that person..."

"That's not something you should be in charge of. On this island, there are special zone guards responsible for protecting the safety of citizens, and there are also magic attack masters who fight against those people. They will be responsible for handling these things, not you, a trainee sword witch who hasn't graduated yet. Come to intervene, especially if you are pulling the Fourth True Ancestor to intervene, are you monitoring the Fourth True Ancestor, or are you trying to use the Fourth True Ancestor?"


The simple Himeragi Yukina, who could spare Amakusa, immediately panicked.

"You fell into a disadvantage in the battle with Rudolph, so Akatsuki had to save you, and if he wanted to save you, he had to attack Rudolph. That was an attack from a true ancestor. You wanted to sink Xianjin Island, kill Are these hundreds of thousands of people on Death String God Island!"

"No! I'm not, I'm not!"

Himeragi Yukina shook her head in panic and denied it.

"No, you have! It's impossible for the Lion King agency not to teach you the most basic discrimination."

Amakusa stood up and slapped the table.

"As a monitor, you don't perform your own surveillance tasks well, but you deliberately take the surveillance target to a dangerous place to lure the other party to attack. You want to use the power of the fourth primogenitor to destroy String God Island, Then you have a legitimate reason to kill the Fourth Primogenitor in the name of a watcher, am I right! The sword shaman of the Lion King agency!"

Himeragi Yukina couldn't argue with each other in an instant.

Chapter 17. Self-closing becomes stronger, secondary school can also become stronger

I have to say that the characters in this episode of Blood Devouring Strike are really templates. One is yelling and spying on the other party all day long, but in the end, he is crazy and gives back all kinds of troubles. The other says all day long that I want to live a peaceful life. , As a result, he was brought into various things, all kinds of meddling.

For this kind of people, it is right to fool you to death, because they are very easy to be fooled.

Amakusa's operation of righteous words caused Himeragi Yukina to fall into deep self-doubt. She suspected that she had really done something wrong, because according to what Amakusa said, if it really happened, Xian Kamijima would suffer very badly. Huge loss. There are [-] people on Xian Kami Island. Once Xian Kami Island sinks due to the destruction of the Fourth True Ancestor, then the Fourth True Ancestor will be charged with endangering mankind. Akatsuki Kojou who is the fourth primogenitor is really going to be killed.

Although she said she was a watcher on the surface, Himeragi Yukina had no intention of killing Kojo Akatsuki. The contact with Kojo Akatsuki on the first day made her feel that Kojo Akatsuki was not some bad guy who wanted to destroy everywhere.

Leaving Himeragi Yukina alone in the office, Amakusa left with a happy smile. He was going to drink coffee at Nayue Nangong, and hoped that the cup of coffee hadn't gone cold. The task of warming up the coffee and training Yukina was for him. Already done.

Back at Nangong Nayue's office, Amakusa unexpectedly discovered that there were not only Nangong Nayue and Astarut, but also another person, the protagonist Xiao Gucheng in the high school.

"It seems that when I was looking for the junior high school, you were not idle and found something to do."

Amakusa walked into the office, closed the door casually, walked to the sofa and sat down naturally, then looked at Xiao Gucheng standing in the center of the office with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Nangong, my coffee."

"Give you."

Nangong Nayue shook the folding fan in her right hand, the purple light flickered, and a cup of coffee appeared on the tea table in front of Amakusa.

"Thank you."

Amakusa picked up the coffee cup and found that the coffee was still a little hot. She didn't know whether it was because she came back too soon, or Nangong put the coffee in some warm place that month.

Astarut walked to Amakusa's side, looked at the cup in Amakusa's hand expressionlessly, as if asking something with his eyes.

Amakusa was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood what Astarut meant.

"The coffee is still hot, there is no need to pour it again, Astarut, go and rest."

"Command accepted, master."

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