Amakusa watched Akatsuki look up at the sky, followed by raising his head to look at the sky, then raised his left hand and clenched a fist at the sky, black and red light flashed on his left hand, Akatsuki glanced at Amakusa's left hand in surprise, and then immediately looked at the sky .

In the sky, a large dark cloud visible to the naked eye began to form. In just a few seconds, a cloud layer formed. The cloud was not big, but it just enveloped the private Caihai College, allowing the sun within the school to The light disappeared in an instant, and the temperature of the air also dropped in an instant. At the same time, a cool breeze began to blow. Xiao Gucheng jumped up from the ground in surprise and went out to look up.

"how did you do it?"

Seeing Amakusa's actions, Xiao Gucheng naturally understood that the cloud was made by Amakusa. He was very surprised. Although he knew that attacking magicians possessed strange magic and abilities, he had never heard of Hu Feng Huan. The ability of clouds can directly change the weather.

"It's just a small ability that I have mastered."

Amakusa also stood up from the ground, walked to Akatsuki's side, and looked up at the clouds in the sky just like Akatsuki.

"Xiao Gucheng, do you know who I am?"

"Um... what institution does the Holy Church belong to?"

"The leader of the eighth generation walker team of the burial organization affiliated to the Church of the Holy Church, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, this is my identity."

Amakusa gave a complete self-introduction to Akatsuki.

"So, do you know what my identity means?"

"Um... sorry, I don't know, I don't have religious beliefs, so I don't know much about the church."

"It's okay if you don't know. Let me tell you. You should know that a huge three-headed dragon suddenly appeared in the sky above String God Island during the holidays a few days ago."

"Well, I know that. The island was in chaos at the time, and I saw it from my balcony."

"That monster comes from outside the domain, and its name is Ghidorah, and our Church of the Holy Church is a church created to fight against this monster."

Amakusa, started his own flicker.

Chapter 55. Confessions from Amakusa

"Our philosophy is to maintain the security of the world and keep the world we live in free from alien monsters. At the same time, we also hope that human beings can rise up and become truly strong, instead of being oppressed by the demons and facing Weak and small groups whose lives are in danger."

"Eh... Humans aren't that weak, are they?"

"Indeed, there are many magicians in the human race, but compared with the huge base of the total number of human beings, the number of magicians is a bit small. Unlike the demons, everyone is a warrior, and everyone can become a warrior." Mage Attacker."

"For example, this school, Xiao Gucheng, how many people in this school do you think are attacking magicians?"

"Huh? Our school?"

Xiao Gucheng didn't know much about attacking magicians. As far as he knew, the attacking magicians included Nangong Nayue, Himeragi Yukina, and Amakusa Shiro.


"More than that."

Amakusa shook his head and denied it, which surprised Akatsuki. There are other attacking masters hidden in this school?

"But not many, no more than ten, and the number of official magicians on Xiangami Island will not exceed [-] at most. The total population of Xiangami Island is [-]. What do you think of this ratio? Is it more or less?"

"It should be considered a small number."

"That's right, it's rare, and very few. String Kamijima is a special zone of demons, and it's even more so in Tokyo, Japan. There are tens of millions of people in Tokyo, but the number of magicians is only a few hundred." That's all, besides that, although it is said that there is an anti-demon guard team, they are actually just ordinary people. Because the weapons in their hands have a certain targeting effect, they are called the guard team, but in fact they are really On the battlefield, the effects of those weapons are not so ideal. Facing high-level demons, they may be dealt with by the opponent's beasts before they meet. The guard team is also dealing with it. Demons like orcs who have to fight by themselves will have certain advantages."

"So, in this world, as humans, we are actually suppressed by the demons, especially the apex of the demons in this world, who has three true ancestors with the same physique as you."

"However, didn't the True Ancestor sign a peace agreement with humans? The Sanctuary Treaty was signed by the First True Ancestor on his own initiative."

Although Xiao Gucheng's grades are very good, he still has a bit of knowledge in the history of the demons. At least he knows what the sanctuary treaty is all about. Although he longs for a peaceful life, he still needs to know about the situation of the true ancestor. That thing is also directly posted on the Internet, and you can find it with just a search.

"That's right, the First True Ancestor took the lead in choosing to sign a peace treaty with humans, but that was just the idea of ​​their higher-ups. Do you think their vampires will stop discriminating against humans?"


"On the street, there may be a dispute over a trivial matter, and the demons will be furious because of this, and then attack you. You are a magician, and you may take advantage of it, but if you are not a magician, you are just a What about ordinary people? Or maybe you are an attacking magician, but the other party is actually an elder-level old-time vampire with powerful magic power, how will you be treated?"


"You may say that there will be a security team to deal with it, but when the security team is dealing with this matter, what should I do if such a situation occurs on the other side? Human beings are weak, and there is no need to quibble or refute, human beings It's the weak."


Xiao Gucheng had nothing to say, he had never considered these things before.

"You should still remember the kidnapping of Lan Yu Qiancong a few days ago."

"Ah...I know it very well. At that time, Qian Cong happened to call me and was kidnapped by the orcs."

Speaking of Lanyu Qiansong, Xiao Gucheng's mood fluctuated greatly.

"Lan Yu Qiancong is a very standard ordinary person. She is just an ordinary female high school student, but when facing the demons, she has no resistance at all. If Teacher Nangong didn't go in and rescue her, then she is very It may be killed by orcs, this is the powerlessness of ordinary people in the face of demons."

Amakusa walked to the edge of the roof while talking, Xiao Gucheng also walked to the edge together, and then looked down at the playground together.

Amakusa pointed to Aiba Asagi who was running on the playground.

"Lanyu Asagi is lucky, she happens to be in this school, and Teacher Nangong and I are there, if she is in another school, it is not in Xiangami Island, but was kidnapped by the demons in other places, no Teacher Nangong has such a convenient space control magic, so what if she can't be rescued in time?"

"I won't let this happen! I will definitely save Asagi!"

"That's not a problem. The problem is that even if you rescued Lan Yu Qian Cong, what would the others do?"

How to say Xiao Gucheng's character, because it is the relationship between the hero of the harem, so there is a bit of a virgin, who wants to live a peaceful life, but she can't help but come forward to help when encountering some things, even if she meets a vampire If it's unlucky, he can't help but help, even if the vampire is not a beautiful girl. For example, in the original plot, he helped the vampire and orc who were beaten by Himeragi Yukina in the street.

"You might be able to help Lan Yu Asagi, so what about the next time a green feather comes and gets kidnapped? What about the next time a red feather comes and gets kidnapped?"


Xiao Gucheng looked at Amakusa speechlessly, he really wanted to complain about the names Amakusa said, they were too targeted, why are they all light green onions, they just changed the color.

"In short, for human beings, even if the true ancestor said that he wanted peace, it is impossible to really achieve peace. There will still be some demons who will maintain a condescending attitude towards human beings. The vampire duke who invited you to the banquet looks aloof , don't you see it?"

"The vampires even use the feudal hierarchy. In the eyes of the vampires, the lives of the lower classes are worthless."

Amakusa turned his head to look at Kojo Akatsuki.

"And, do you know how the True Ancestor came here? Why did the True Ancestor sign a peace agreement with humans?"

"Uh, I don't know..."

"That's because they need to gather strength to execute a huge plan, and human beings are one of the important pawns. The reason why they are willing to live in peace with human beings is because they need to use human beings. If they don't need to use them, then The True Ancestors simply don’t pay attention to humans, in fact, they have always been looking down on humans.”

"And your fourth true ancestor is another chess piece created by the three great ancestors."

"It turned out to be so?"

Xiao Gucheng was very surprised. He didn't know the demons, and naturally he didn't know what his identity as the fourth true ancestor was.

Shocked by Akatsuki Kojou, Amakusa looked into the distance.

"I have a dream."

"That is, as a human being, I am here to change this world. I want human beings to live in this world without worrying about fear, without worrying about being targeted by vampires because of their excellent blood, and without worrying about being provoked by their own behavior." From violent orcs, human beings can walk freely in any corner of this world."

"It's a great dream."

"And to realize this dream, I need strength."

Turning his head again, he looked at Xiao Gucheng.

"Xiao Gucheng, are you willing to lend me your strength?"

Chapter 56. Then Amakusa was rejected

I, Amakusa Shiro, have a showdown, and today I will be a great sage who cares about all mankind!

Don’t you know that the ancient city has the character of the Virgin, then I will accompany you the Virgin, and you can’t help but help when you encounter problems. I will directly start the Virgin before things happen. I want to help all human beings. What do you say?

I will tell you directly, I want to hate the demons and help all mankind, what about you, what do you think?

Do you continue to want to be an ordinary person and express your approval as a human being, or do you express your opposition as your fourth true ancestor?Or how about giving full play to the ambiguous expressions that the male lead in the harem is best at?

"Well, your dream is great, but I... I don't have any power to lend you. You see, I don't have the power of any true ancestors at all. I just want to live like an ordinary person. It's just a life."

As the male protagonist of the harem, Xiao Gucheng chose the standard answer of a male protagonist of the harem, changing the subject, being ambiguous, and not directly giving you an accurate answer.

"No, you have power. Although you haven't grasped the power given to you by the previous fourth true ancestor, those powers really exist in your body. That's right. Each of those beasts has powerful fighting power. very forceful means."

"But, I didn't master them."

Listening to Amakusa's answer, Akatsuki scratched the back of his head to express his helplessness.

"Because you don't want to master them, you just want to live a normal life don't you?"

"Yeah, I want to live a normal life, but with those guys inside me and my constitution, I can't live a normal life at all."

"Xiao Gucheng, do you still remember what I told you before?"

"What did you tell me before?"

Akatsuki grabbed his white hair and thought about it.

"You mean, you told me last time that you can make me return to an ordinary person?"

"That's right, I still say the same thing, I can help you change back to an ordinary person, and the way I make you return to an ordinary person is to pull out the beast in your body and make you lose the beast. There will be a desire to suck blood, and part of it is caused by the restlessness of the beast in your body, after losing the beast, your desire to suck blood will be much reduced, and it will not become uncontrollable."

"That is to say, I still want to drink blood? Then I am still a vampire?"

"Why do you think you can become the fourth true ancestor?"

"Uh...I don't know very well, I can't recall the memory of this incident."

"Can't remember, then let me tell you, ordinary people can't become true ancestors, because ordinary people's bodies will be sucked up and die directly because they can't bear the huge magic power of true ancestors. So being able to become the Fourth True Ancestor is because your body has been transformed into a vampire's physique."

"What? I've been transformed, why don't I know?"

Xiao Gucheng was very surprised.

"Because you have died once before, and what brought you back to life is the physique of a vampire, and what gave you the physique of a vampire was a rib from the previous fourth primogenitor, and that rib was transplanted into your body. In your body, you now have the physique of a vampire, and based on this, you will be resurrected, and then the beast will be transferred into your body, making you the current Fourth True Ancestor."

"Therefore, I can help you get rid of the blood-sucking urge, but I can't help you change your physique. If you want to change your physique, you must take out that rib, and because you inherited the beast of the fourth primogenitor , your body has been transformed, and taking out the ribs is useless. But don’t worry, you won’t just want to suck blood, because the ribs simply changed your physique, not made you become The culprit who wants to suck blood, before you became the Fourth Primogenitor, you didn't learn how to suck blood, did you?"

"it seems to be like this."

Akatsuki kept scratching his head, thinking back on his previous experience, and found that before he became the fourth primogenitor, he really had never sucked blood, and he didn't feel any urge to suck blood, so what Amakusa said should be true , There is really nothing wrong with his physique.

"That is to say, in fact, as long as I transfer all the beasts out, I won't have the blood-sucking urge?"

"It can be said that the reason why you have the blood-sucking urge is because the beasts in your body need a psychic. From the perspective of a vampire, the excellent blood supplied by an excellent psychic can awaken an excellent beast. The previous vampires were all Using humans as psychic mediums to awaken beasts."

Amakusa looked sad.

"Even now, it is still the case. In order to awaken the powerful beasts, the powerful vampires live in peace with humans on the surface, but secretly they are still capturing humans to supply blood. Otherwise, where do vampires usually get blood for them to suck."

"That's why I have the idea to change the world."

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