Amakusa couldn't help but have such a question in his mind. In his memory, although there were people from all sides on Xianjin Island at this time, no one took the initiative to attack Nangong Nayue. Vatra was here just now , has already been sent away by Amakusa. Judging from the current situation, Vatra is not stupid enough to go to the point of troublesome Nangong that month. Yuma is also by his side. Akatsuki is still not awakened. If he wants to awaken, Matthew will smash the shield in front of him to stop him before he takes any action, and then Amakusa will get contacted by Matthew and immediately open a portal to say: Next, it is my war!

The Lion King agency?They will not go to trouble with Nangong Nayue. Although they can't see each other with Nangong Nayue, they still don't want to have an accident with Nangong Nayue. The defense of Xianshen Island and the guards of the prison barrier need Nangong Yue, no matter how hostile it is, Nangong Yue can be regarded as a national attacking magician belonging to Japan, not some wild attacking magician running around.

Witch?Yuma didn't contact other witches here.

So, who exactly stopped Nangong that month?

Amakusa couldn't figure it out, really couldn't figure it out, and was very confused.

But it doesn't matter if he can't figure it out, what he wants to do is not really fight Nangong Nayue, so there is no need to confront Nangong Nayue head-on, if Nangong Nayue is not around, then it would be great.

"Come on, let's go in."

"Don't worry about her?"

Amakusa's words made Yuma feel puzzled, the watchman is here, is it really okay?Don't worry about it?

"Don't worry about it, since her body hasn't woken up, we don't need to worry about her, just rescue her directly."

"I'll listen to you."

Youma thinks it's okay, her goal is to rescue Xiandumu Ah Ye, not to play real person PK with Nangong Nayue.

So according to Amakusa's intention, just go in and find Xiandumu Ah Ye.

The two walked around the Nangong Nayue in the center, and then walked to the inside of the prison.

There are many cells in the prison, and several people are detained in each of the outer cells. These are relatively good prisoners, that is, the kind of prisoners who have some skills, then kill people and set fire to them, so they are locked in.

These are all vegetables, useless vegetables, and it’s okay to use them as cannon fodder in wars, but they are really too good.

Amakusa and Yuma directly passed through this cell, which surprised the people in these cells, because they did not see Nangong Nayue, the owner of the prison barrier, which means that these two people were not captured by Nangong Nayue. Nor were they wounded in shackles and chains.

They were not the ones captured by Nangong that month, and they had no shackles or chains on their hands, which means they are free men!

"Hey, how did you get in here!"

There was a person with a more problematic mind who couldn't help but yelled at Amakusa. Unfortunately, Amakusa didn't intend to pay attention to them because these people were too good-for-nothing.

The two walked straight through the cell area and walked into the deepest part of the prison barrier, where the most dangerous criminals were held.

Xiandumu Aye was also classified as the most dangerous prisoner, so he was also imprisoned there, and was deliberately imprisoned by Nangong Nayue in the deepest part of the deepest layer.

The deepest cell where Xiandumu Yeye is imprisoned, it is called a prison cell, but in fact it is not like a prison cell at all, it is more like a luxury suite with everything in it, this is not the prison of Xiandumu Yeye at all , but to keep her here on vacation where she can't go out.

It has to be said that Nangong was very generous and not stingy at all when he treated his girlfriends that month.

"Is it here?"

Yuma looked at the prison door in front of her, and asked Amakusa.

"That's right, it's here. The most luxurious cell in the whole prison is the cell of your mother, Xiandumu Ahye."

While speaking, Amakusa Shiro drew out his Taidao, and slashed at the luxurious-looking prison door. The light blue light on the blade flickered, and the prison door disappeared immediately.

"Come on, come in."

Amakusa walked into the cell first, complaining inwardly about how ugly the cell was, while searching for Xiandumu Ahye, in the deepest part of the room, he found Xiandumu Ahye who was sitting on a chair reading a book.

"I didn't expect that the first person I saw was not Nangong Nayue, nor other witches, but a priest."

Xiandumu Yaye held the book in both hands, and didn't even look at Amakusa, but she was able to tell Amakusa's identity.

"The priest was the first one I saw, did you feel disappointed?"

"No, I didn't feel very disappointed, because I have never expected others, so no matter who I meet, I will not feel disappointed."

"That's really sad enough to have no expectations of other people, but only a very lonely person can do that."

Amakusa said, approaching Xiandumu Ahye again.

"Hmph, lonely?"

Xiandumu Ye put down the book in her hand and looked up at Amakusa.

"He's really a talking priest."

"We who pursue the truth are always lonely on the road of pursuing the truth. It is solitude that promotes our progress, solitude promotes our growth, and solitude makes us strong. The so-called solitude is nothing but our progress It's just motivation."

"Then you are really pitiful. You don't even have a trustworthy person."

"I used to think that others could be trusted, but unfortunately, the person I once trusted betrayed me with his own hands and locked me up here."

"She did it for your own good. If she hadn't locked you here, you would have been beaten to death by the True Ancestor."

"A joke! Once our domain is expanded, even the True Ancestor can't help it!"

"That's the power of the True Ancestor that you have never seen before. Your domain is not enough for the True Ancestor to bomb from a long distance!"

Yuma, who came in behind Amakusa, was standing outside the room. She wanted to come in to see her mother earlier, but it was difficult for her to come in after hearing the conversation between Amakusa and Xiandu Yuma. Something is wrong.

You used to brag about my mother so much outside, why did you suddenly start arguing when we met? What about the way you licked the dog before?Didn't you always admire my mother? Now that we have finally met, you should give me a good compliment.

Youma was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether she should go in or not. If the two people inside started arguing, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her to jump in suddenly.

Let's wait outside first.

Chapter 73. Xiao Gucheng Pot Back

Xiao Gucheng felt that his luck was not very good today, or that he had recited it home.

My good friend didn't come to Xianjin Island, he was happy, and Yuma suddenly gave him a big benefit on the festival day, he was happy, and then passed out.

After waking up, I found that the girlfriend I just got was gone!Yes, the girlfriend is gone!

When Yuma kissed him, he felt that it should be a girlfriend, and he had no intention of falling in love, and he readily accepted it, but what if he fainted after a kiss?As a true ancestor, do you still have such a physique?

It's okay to faint, but the girlfriend I only got after waking up has disappeared!

What should I do if my girlfriend is missing?Of course I am looking for it!So Xiao Gucheng ran out of his house and looked for Youma everywhere. While searching, he thought, why did Youma leave when he was unconscious? Could it be that he found something?

No, according to Yuma's personality, it shouldn't be like this. She is a kind girl. Could it be that she felt guilty because she felt that she was the cause of her coma?It's also unlikely, I don't even know what happened when I suddenly fell into a coma.

Or did you go to the doctor?After all, Yuma is a very kind girl. When she found out that she just kissed her, she passed out directly. She must be very anxious and worried, so she called an ambulance, but now because it is a holiday, the people on the island Everyone was so busy that they didn't have time to take care of this kind of thing. The medical team was also watching the parade on the street to prevent accidents.

So, Yuma must have gone out to see a doctor.

Xiao Gucheng, who was looking for Youma everywhere on the street, went around for a long time but couldn't find Youma. Instead, he met Nangong Nayue at the end.

It's a pity that Nangong didn't greet him kindly that month, but scolded him when he came up, and then beat Xiao Gucheng on the head with her folding fan. If it was before, it was just A simple folding fan can cause a headache at most, but now that folding fan has a Godhead vibration wave drive technique, every blow can break the demon, constantly knocking on Xiao Gucheng's head, knocking Xiao Gucheng He was stunned and stunned, every blow hit the soul directly!

Xiao Gucheng was hit by this high-frequency demon-breaking attack and squatted down, holding his head and screaming for pain. Xiao Gucheng just wanted to say that he had never been beaten so painfully!But Xiao Gucheng didn't dare to resist or refute anything, so he ran out at night and was caught by Nangong Nayue.

"Xiao Gucheng, do you know what you did? How many times have I told you, why don't you listen!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that moon sauce, I really didn't mean it, I'll go back right away, I'll go back right away, and I won't run around again."

"You have said this sentence several times, have you followed it? Every time after you say it, you still continue to cause trouble. You used to be very disciplined, but since the woman from the Lion King agency came, you have been worse every day. !"

"I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose, that Yue-chan, I really won't run away from now on."

From Nangong's point of view, Xiao Gucheng admitted that he ran around outside, which led to a riot by the beasts, attacked the prison barrier, and scared away immediately after the prison barrier appeared. Catch it yourself.

From Akatsuki's point of view, he came out to wander around by himself, and was caught by Nangong Nayue. The last time he came out with Himeragi Yukina, he was caught by Nangong Nayue, and then he was lectured. Yaze Motoki knew I laughed at him for a long time afterwards.

Now he was caught by Nangong Nayue again. Judging from the fact that Nangong Nayue beat him with a fan just now, and beat him very painfully, it can be seen that Nangong Nayue was really angry. .

In short, the two chatted with each other on different channels, and the chat was quite good, at least they reached a consensus easily.

From Nangong's point of view, she found the reason why the prison barrier appeared this time, that is, Xiao Gucheng didn't escape!You see, this person immediately confessed to him as soon as he saw him, isn't that just a guilty conscience!Who else could it be?

"Anyway, don't run around for me!"

After Nangong beat Xiao Gucheng severely that month with a folding fan and driving the godhead vibration wave, he let Xiao Gucheng return to his home, and then his space shifted back to the prison barrier.

Looking at the gate of the prison barrier, which was intact as before, Nangong Nayue nodded reassuringly, and then moved out, driving his own magic power to make the prison barrier disappear again, and then the projection continued to patrol around Xianshen Island, There are still many people who are in trouble due to space transfer on Xianjin Island. Although she asked Amakusa to help, she also has to move around.

However, what Nangong didn't know that month was that there was one person missing in her prison barrier at this time. The friend Xiandumu she cared about the most was no longer in the prison at this time. Ah Ye, standing on the top platform of the keystone gate in the center of Xian Kami Island overlooking the entire Xian Kami Island.

During the period when Amakusa went out to trouble Akatsuki in that month of Nangong, he had already brought Xiandumu Ah Ye out of the prison barrier. It was cut off at once. At that time, Xiandumu Ah Ye thought that Amakusa was a member of the Lion King's agency. After all, things like the Godhead vibration wave driving the spell were too obvious.

But Amakusa doesn't look like someone from the Lion King Agency. The Lion King Agency doesn't believe in the church, and no one likes to dress up as priests. Even if they dress up, they will dress up as onmyojis or priests. It's a Japanese organization.

Therefore, Xiandumu Yaye was very curious about Amakusa's identity. A Japanese joined a church with an obvious Western European style, but the weapon was a specialty of the Lion King's agency. This kind of mix-and-match style is really rare.

After leaving the prison, Amakusa deliberately removed the modification of the Reality Gem to restore the prison barrier to its original state, so that Nangong couldn't see anything that month. Well, Amakusa still kept the good idea of ​​closing the door before leaving. Get used to, use the power of time gems, let the door go back in time and return to the situation where it has not been opened, the footprints will be erased for you, the dust stepped on by the shoes will be pulled back, and the magic circle on the door will be restored to its original state. I don't even know if anyone has been there!

Chapter 74. Let's Go, Let's Go Play with the True Ancestor

"Ten years have passed, String Kamijima, and it's bigger than it was ten years ago."

On the top platform of the Cornerstone Gate, the elderly witch lamented the vicissitudes of life. Ten years ago, she was an ordinary female high school student in the private Caihai Academy. She was arrested by Nangong Nayue because she wanted to do some experiments. After being locked in prison for ten years, she finally came out. You must know that the development of society is very fast. When a person is released after being locked up for ten years, he will be directly out of touch with society to a large extent. Sometimes it is even difficult. Integrate into this society, because the changes between ten years are too great.

"However, it doesn't matter if it's a little bigger. This size is just right for us. The area is too small, but it seems that our truth proof is not enough."

But Xiandumu Yeye has a good mentality. As a person who is used to loneliness, she doesn't feel sad about too many changes in the outside world. Moreover, she is not the kind of person who has nothing to eat when she comes out of prison. As a witch, especially a witch among witches, she will be welcomed wherever she goes, of course, provided she doesn't want to do some terrible experiments just because she has nothing to do.

Xiandumu Youma stood behind Xiandumu and Ye. Since they came out to now, neither of them said a word. The plan to strike up a conversation was because she asked Youma to rescue her, but Yuma messed it up directly. If it wasn't for Amakusa, she would even continue to read books and brush Weibo in the cell.

"Xiandumu, Ye, your experiment may not be possible."

Amakusa was behind Xiandumu Ahye, reminding her loudly.

"Why, since you rescued me, you should understand that my path is correct, otherwise what would you do to rescue me?"

Xiandumu Ahye turned her head to look at Amakusa, full of doubts.

The magic of Amakusa, Xiandumu Yeye has already seen it, first it is the name of Japan, then the church in Western Europe, then the secret technique of the Lion King mechanism, then the powerful space technique, and that very exaggerated illusion , the illusion that covers the periphery of the entire prison barrier, the most important thing is that it is obviously an illusion, but Xiandumu Ahye feels the reality, and can be turned into a real illusion. The most important thing is that those illusions are actually There is no magic power!

As an attacking magician and a witch, although she doubts the existence of magic power, this is the first time she has seen a spell that can be driven without magic power at all. Although Amakusa's space gate does not use her own magic power , It is also to communicate the magic power of the multiverse and then open the space node. There is still magic power fluctuation, but the power of the reality gem does not need magic power at all. For a magical world, this is a shocking discovery that can reshape the three views!

Therefore, in the face of Amakusa, Xiandumu and Ye didn't think it was stable enough. Any magic was driven by magic power. Amakusa could fight directly without consuming magic power, which would be very troublesome, especially It's Shiro Amakusa's sword that also has its own demon-destroyer, which is simply the nemesis for a witch like her.

Therefore, Amakusa dragged her here, and she had to listen, and now Amakusa directly said that her experiment could not be done, which made her a little uncomfortable. If you don't support my experiment, then you let me go What are you doing out there?Are you still here for my beauty?

Xiandumu Yeye was very puzzled, looking at Amakusa, hoping to get his answer.

"I saved you because I agree with your point of view in some respects."


"For example, should demons really exist in this world?"

Immediately after Amakusa's words were spoken, Xiandumu and Ye's eyes lit up, isn't this still the same kind!He also wants to be a demon!

"However, the difference between me and you is that before you are ready, you will never be the first to show your weapon. That will only make others notice you first, and you will be the first to defeat you before you can fight against the power of the whole world." !"

"For example, Nangong that month!"

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