"That's right, she's hiding. Is it because she didn't see us appear, or does she think it's a waste to use it on nobles?"

"But because of this, we can conclude that her ability is limited, otherwise, even if it is used on nobles, it can quickly resolve the battle, instead of wasting time like this."

"So Tony, what are you going to do?"

"Oh? You are the commander now, what do you want me to do?"

Tony looked at Tells with a smile, and Tells smiled like a fox.

"It's not necessary. You are a duke with the same status as me. This commander is just the king of war who asked me to be the commander. As long as you make military exploits, you will return to the position of commander soon."

"Then thank you, Duke Tells."

The two vampire dukes get along very harmoniously.


The Duke of Tells even reached out and made a gesture of friendship.

Duke Tony took a step forward, and the magic power on his body immediately began to surge.

"Come out, Sphinx."

The golden magic power was so much that it could be materialized, and then gushed out of Tony's body, fell to the ground, and turned into two huge beasts, they had the body of a lion, covered with long golden hair, huge There is a human face on the head, the eyes are very big, and there is a pair of huge wings behind their bodies.

It is almost exactly the same as the Sphinx in Egyptian mythology that Amakusa is familiar with, but this world does not seem to have Egyptian mythology, so don't worry about copyright issues.

The two huge beasts flapped their wings and flew straight into the sky, then pounced on Hidao and Himeragi Yukina who were surrounded by nobles in the distance.

Both Hidao and Himeragi Yukina felt the huge fluctuations in magic power. They looked up at the sky together and saw these two huge sphinxes.

At the same time that Himeragi Yukina and Hidao looked up at the Sphinx, the Sphinx also looked down at the two of them. Their bodies were suddenly pinned together at this moment, and their eyes could not be moved. Open, the body can not move.

This is the ability possessed by Tony's Beast, which locks the action of the person who is looking at him, and forces the other person to look at him without being able to take any action.

This is a very powerful ability, because while the enemy is controlled, the sphinx can maintain eye contact with the enemy while acting on its own, so that it can kill the enemy.

This is a very powerful control ability. It can be said to be very restrained to human attacking magicians, but it has little control over vampires, because vampires do not rely on themselves to fight, but rely on beasts. As long as there are enough beasts, you can control them. Live two, and the others will go up to fuck you. Apart from this ability, the Sphinx only has a strong body and has no other abilities.

However, now the enemy of the Sphinx is human beings!

Roar! !

Roaring, the two sphinxes flapped their wings and swooped down, waving their claws, ready to slap Hidao and Himeragi Yukina to death, and at this moment, Hidao finally couldn't help but activate her ability , the real breaker of silence, at the moment of launching the spell, she asked the control of the sphinx and launched an attack on the sphinx who was close to her. Directly punched the Sphinx's body, and then the spell ended, and Fei Dao returned to its original position.

The moment the spell ended, a Sphinx suddenly screamed and jumped out, its huge body hit another Sphinx, the two Sphinxes lost their balance together, their eyes moved away, As a result, the control over Himeragi Yukina and Hindao also lost its effect, and the two were finally able to act.

While the two were able to move, Nangong Nayue also appeared beside them, grabbed one with each hand, and directly transported them away together.

"Chase! Don't let them escape!"

Duke Tony yelled from behind, and all the nobles immediately rushed towards the depths of Isogami Island, but just after they rushed through an intersection, they saw Hidao and Himeragi Yukina at the corner. The leisurely, even looks like they are waiting for them.

"They're here..."

The leading nobleman shouted, but before he could finish speaking, his neck broke suddenly, and blood gushed out from the wound.

Chapter 106. Another Duke Died

They really ran away because they were surrounded, so the aristocratic vampires met a fake one, but what surprised them was that this woman who had been chased by them just now was so fierce that she was suddenly killed when they met A group of nobles were directly killed in seconds under completely incomprehensible circumstances. This situation is completely different from the situation of being surrounded just now!

In the vision of the noble vampires, Scarlet Rice Guyong maintained an indifferent expression, even holding a book in one hand and a small dagger in the other, walking towards them slowly, but she didn't take a step , a noble vampire would fall down, either with his throat cut or his heart pierced, some pierced from the front, some pierced from the back, in short, it was terrifying, and he was suddenly seriously injured and fell to the ground without knowing it After losing her combat power, Jieragi Yukina kept killing the undead vampires one by one with the spear in her hand.

This is wrong, didn't you still play very conservatively before, even if you activated the ability once, it was still a beast to Duke Tony, why now, it suddenly became so fierce, you were not like this before!

This is clearly because you didn't want to do your best if you didn't see the Duke coming out. As soon as the Duke came out, you started mowing the grass like crazy. You are deliberately pretending that you can't do it, and you are fishing!You are fishing law enforcement!

Not only those nobles, but also Duke Tony behind him can see that the Scarlet Rice in front of him is not in the same state as the Scarlet Rice who was controlled by him before and had to use his ability.

I was a little tired from dealing with the attacks of many demons before. To put it bluntly, a single target output encountered a lot of people, but there was not enough AOE, so the pawn clearing was too slow, and the final end was to be killed by pawns.

But now this Feidao is different, she has the ability of AOE in an instant, and every level A is AOE, it is simply equipped with Hurricane and Endless!Even Star Mom can clear the line with Hurricane and Endless.

Standing behind the nobles, Duke Tony saw the flustered appearance of the nobles in front of him, and understood that Fei Dao had finally started to act.

But he has been waiting for Fei Dao to take action. Last time he was seriously injured by Fei Dao, this time he intends to avenge his shame!


Two huge sphinxes jumped up into the sky from behind, and then rushed towards "Red Rice" in front of them one after the other.

In order to prevent being dodged by Fei Dao, he did not let the beasts go together, but separately, one to control the front, and the other to attack from the rear and take control after the first control failed.

Moreover, as a duke, it is naturally impossible for Duke Tony to have only two beasts. He also has several beasts, and those beasts are also in a state of readiness. As long as there is a problem with the first two beasts, the following beasts will immediately He will rush up as a supplement, and Duke Tony is also ready for a circular battle. Once the beast in front is broken through, he will cancel the summoning, let the beast disappear, and then summon it from the body to be by his side. protect yourself.

Even in order to prevent Fei Dao from rushing directly to him, he hid directly behind himself, but did not step forward, trying to reduce contact with Fei Dao as much as possible, to prevent the other party from directly coming up to him, although he said he wanted revenge, but I'm also a little scared, if I accidentally get killed, it would be a pity, I am a majestic vampire duke, the highest level vampire under the true ancestor!

However, Tony just had a simple idea, but Amakusa didn't intend to dawdle slowly with him. The moment Tony summoned the beast, Amakusa locked his position, stopped the time directly, and rushed to the In front of Tony, he used his own little sword to stab at Tony's heart and throat. After poking it in, he stirred vigorously, smashing Duke Tony's neck and heart into fine pieces. Even if you are a duke, you can't recover anymore. The kind that makes you die suddenly, you don't even have time to suck blood!

After doing all this, Amakusa returned to the place where he started before, and then time flowed again, and everything resumed entering the arena. The noble vampires were still retreating, and while retreating, they summoned beasts to resist Amakusa's advance, but no one of them knew , far behind them, Earl Tony had already fallen with his head up, without any resistance. His chest was a huge penetrating hole, and in his throat, there was also a huge hole. A huge hole, the kind that could even break his neck.


A signal flare was suddenly fired from the distant pier. It was a signal flare for the demons to retreat. The noble vampires immediately began to retreat after seeing the signal flare, and quickly ran away.

"It's really easy."

Amakusa looked at the demons who ran away, and couldn't help but smile, and his indifferent expression finally changed.

"I don't think it's easy at all."

La Folia came behind Amakusa and killed a vampire who was clutching his throat and struggling.

"At the beginning, I thought it was interesting, but now, I don't think it's interesting at all."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Because I was bored, when I started killing demons before, I felt very comfortable, and finally I was able to kill demons openly, but after I started killing demons, especially after killing a lot of them now, I suddenly felt It’s a bit dull, the so-called demons, the so-called dukes seem to be like that, the vampire duke is like a toy to you, you can play with it at will, I follow you, I feel numb to the death of a vampire.”

Well, this is the period of burnout, and I have no interest in these ordinary vampires at all.

Now that you're tired of ordinary vampires, let's have an advanced vampire.

"It doesn't matter, there are only a few vampire dukes in total. One vampire duke died this time. In addition to Vatra before, the Warlord Domain lost two vampire dukes. The first true ancestor couldn't sit still at this time. Soon the First True Ancestor will come to String God Island, and then you can kill the First True Ancestor."

"Huh? The First True Ancestor is coming?"

La Folia regained her spirits immediately.

"That's right, the First True Ancestor is coming. There are two Dukes on the front line, and one Duke died in the early stage of the battle. If the First True Ancestor does not come, the face of the King of War Domain will be lost. At that time, it may even be killed." Japan counterattacks, he needs an absolutely strong appearance to suppress Japan's resistance."

However, at that time, Amakusa will not really let La Folia do it, but will directly take La Folia back to Europe, lead the army prepared in the Kingdom of Ardikia, and directly attack To the King of War field.

Chapter 107. I finally remembered that this is a card game

The vampire duke Tony died in battle in the field of the king of battle, and the Duke of Tells had to shrink the front line and retract the capture range to the southern wharf area of ​​​​Xiangami Island.

After the news spread, the human world boiled, the Lion King mechanism was awesome, and the ancient chant of Fei Dao was awesome!

The First True Ancestor really could not sit still as Amakusa said. Vatra was the strongest player under him, but he died suddenly. At that time, he said he was attacked by surprise, but now he died again One, and still died in a frontal battle.

According to common sense, the Three Saints of the Lion King should be commanding from the rear, and they should not end easily. Is it really okay for you, the leader of the Three Saints, to be so active on the battlefield?Is it really okay not to give you the juniors of the Lion King Agency a chance to make contributions?

The First True Ancestor didn't know what Xian Guyong was thinking, he only knew that he had to act, otherwise, his other duke would die too.

Therefore, the First True Ancestor left his Warlord Domain very rarely, took their military airship, and began to head towards Xianshen Island.

The army of the King of War set out, although only half of the fighters were mobilized, but those fighters were all demons, and the ordinary soldiers were werewolves whose physical fitness far surpassed that of humans, not to mention that there were many soldiers in each team. The vampire summoner is here, this kind of powerful force has not even occupied half of the island of the gods, and even killed a duke, it is just a joke, no matter how strong the Lion King mechanism is, it is impossible to be so strong !

Therefore, the First True Ancestor is going to personally suppress the arrogance of the Lion King agency.

At this time, Amakusa still opened the portal and brought La Folia back to the Kingdom of Ardikia.

During the few days when Amakusa came to Itogami Island, all preparations were still going on in the Kingdom of Ardikia. Kensei Haase continued to transform the members of the Royal Palace Knights, turning them into angels. That's all. The members of the Knights are basically burly men, so after turning into angels, they will look a little weird, muscular angels, and the painting style is a bit spicy.

The strengthening of the god-killing weapons has also been completed. Naturally, there are god-killing weapons in Xianshen Island, and they are also used in the battle against the demons, but it is a pity that those god-killing weapons have not been obtained enough. Growth, so the current effect is not so ideal, and it will take some time to adapt to the effect when it becomes ideal, but it is not clear whether the First True Ancestor will adapt to them.

With the army of angels and the preheating of the god-killing weapon, only the general of this army is left.

Xiandu wood ah night!

This woman who wants to subvert the entire world setting, now it's her turn to play.

"Is it finally time to act?"

Xiandumu Ahye came to the Kingdom of Ardikia under the instructions of Amakusa, and then stayed in the palace for research, waiting for Amakusa to come and tell her that she can act.

After waiting for such a long time, Amakusa finally came.

"That's right, it's time to act. The First True Ancestor has still left the Battle King Domain. Now there is only one Vampire Duke in the Battle King Domain. A mere Duke is nothing to be afraid of. It only takes two knives to end his life."

"Then let's go now, let's go to Xiangami Island first and take back the dark oath."

"No need, I've already settled the matter, you don't need to go to String God Island again."

"You took back the dark oath?"

"That's right, I helped you take back the dark oath."

"Nangong said that she had written down all the contents of the dark oath, and then dealt with the dark oath, that is to say, she is the only one in this world who knows the content of the dark oath, you take back the dark oath , Did you kill her? Or took her memory?"

"I didn't kill her, nor did I take away her memory, I just used some abilities to acquire her mind."


"Her memory is still in her mind, and her time still exists, and I, with a little trick, can know everything she thinks, so naturally, through some simple guidance, I can get I have read all the contents of the dark oath, and now I will transfer the contents of the dark oath to you."

To inquire about intelligence or something, the Mind Gem can easily do it, and Amakusa uses the power of the Mind Gem to do it, and it is easy to get information about the dark oath. Very good, unpopular but useful knowledge has increased!

Using the power of the mind gem, Amakusa instilled the content of the dark oath into Xiandumu Ahye's mind, allowing Xiandumu Ahye to understand everything about the dark oath technique.

Having obtained the knowledge she wanted, Xiandumu Ahye smiled rarely.

"Yes, this is the knowledge of the dark oath."

"So now, are you ready?"

"I'm ready, hurry up and let me begin."

Finally, he was able to really do the experiment, and he was still doing the experiment on the territory of the demons, which made Xiandumu Ye very excited.

"Then now, let's go to the base camp of the demons."

Amakusa opened the portal, this time the portal was bigger than ever before, because this time it was not just them, but also the army of the Kingdom of Ardikia behind, these kingdom angel knights will pass a part, from the inside Cooperate with the army on the border line to carry out an internal and external attack on the Battle King's Domain, while Xiandumu Ah Ye will release the magic on the dark oath in the center of the Battle King's Domain, the old nest of the First True Ancestor, and wipe out the entire battle king's domain. The king's domain has become a magic-forbidden area!

A group of people stepped through the portal and came to the land of the demons. Looking at the demon city not far away, they all became excited, especially La Folia, who kept picking heads compared to when he was in Xiangami Island. , Here, she can be much more comfortable!

"Do you want to continue transforming this time?"

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