"That's all I have to say. Now that I've finished speaking, who agrees and who opposes?"

Chapter 1. Nick Fury raised a Ghidorah

Marvel World, Base 0 of the Emperor Organization in Antarctica, where Ghidorah was originally frozen, formed a big pit because of Ghidorah's departure, but with the continuous efforts of the S.H.I.E.L.D. It has restored its original appearance again. Looking from the sky, it is the same as before. It is an ice field without any trace of human activities, but under this ice field, a huge base has been built.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded, Nick Fury took away almost all the technology, so although S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded, the important core technologies were all in the hands of Nick Fury. Nick Fury only needed to have enough resources , using these techniques, it is possible to re-establish a base.

As for resources, their S.H.I.E.L.D. bases are all over the world, and each base will have some special resources. Taking advantage of the chaos of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s disbandment, Nick Fury stole some of them, no problem at all, and then used this part of the resources to make Tools, and then use these tools to mine new resources, you can develop again.

S.H.I.E.L.D. disbanded?It is impossible to disband. Nick Fury just disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. on the surface, and then secretly reorganized it again. For the reorganization of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury can be said to be careful and careful!

And now, in addition to the huge base on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, in Antarctica, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. It's the same, there are relatively few satellites passing by the South Pole, and there will be no ships passing above. Once it comes to winter, there will not even be a ghost.

This is safety, even if it is only a little bit safer, Nick Fury should feel relieved, the Church of the Holy Church is really terrible, and Coulson belongs to the other party!

Today, Nick Fury, as usual, inspects the new base, which is different from just sitting in the office before. Now Nick Fury will come down from time to time to have a look and see the performance of these employees.

Using his racial advantage, he can easily lurk in the dark and observe the S.H.I.E.L.D. employees below.

The construction of the new base made these employees very tired. Each of them had to do it himself, and Nick Fury was constantly observing during the entire construction process.

You can see that person was very serious when building the base, decathlon, can do everything, and never slack off, then this person probably has a problem, secretly caught him, greeted with Veritaserum, and nothing happened after several consecutive greetings Afterwards, he was brainwashed and let go.

Look at that person, after a day of base construction, he was finally able to rest. He was not lazily playing with his mobile phone, but continued to work on documents. After nothing happened, he brainwashed and let go.

Look at that person, I didn't even play the game console I put there on purpose, I didn't have any interest in the game, it was very problematic, I secretly caught him, greeted him with Veritaserum, and after a few consecutive greetings, nothing happened, then Brainwash and let go.

In short, if any employee seems to have no desire and only knows to work hard, then greet a few times with Veritaserum!

Every time Nick Fury came down to inspect, he just hid in the dark, observed those SHIELD employees, and watched their daily life behavior.

"Director, I didn't find any problems today."

The black widow came to the side of the darkness, talking as if talking to herself, but only Nick Fury, who was hiding in the darkness, understood that this was talking to him.

"Very well, we have to make sure that there are no spies from the Templar Church in our new base, nor can Hydra."

"From the current situation, our place is very clean."

"That's not good enough."

Nick Fury emerges from the darkness, removing the dark glasses that cover the whites of his eyes.

"How's the research on Dr. Emma's side?"

"The research is going well. Dr. Emma has already developed a method to activate Ghidorah's intracellular regenerative properties. As long as the director nods, she will immediately start cultivating Ghidorah."

"Can she make sure Ghidorah obeys our orders?"

"She said that she can make sure that she has understood how to communicate with monsters by studying Godzilla, and she has also worked out a way to import the information of humans into the information, so that monsters can understand that it is not the one who communicates with them. Godzilla, but a very powerful monster that can make monsters fear."

"Ghidorah is also afraid?"

"If it's the original Ghidorah, it's probably impossible, but if it's not the original, it's fine."

"Ghidorah, who was raised from childhood?"

"That's right, according to your original idea, Director, start training from an early age."

Nick Fury frowned, closed his eyes and began to think, after thinking for a while.Nick Fury opened one eye.

"I agree, let Dr. Emma start the experiment. Remember, you must be careful. If the successfully bred Ghidorah doesn't obey the order, kill it immediately. We don't need a disobedient Ghidorah."


Black Widow turned and left immediately after getting the order, and Nick Fury also turned and left. The two walked in different directions. Black Widow walked towards the laboratory, where Dr. Emma studied Ghidorah cells, and Nick Fury was He walked towards a huge laboratory under construction next to the base.

That laboratory is a huge cage, with enough area to accommodate five space carriers side by side, and a height of [-] meters. This cage is used to hold Ghidorah who is about to be bred.

Standing next to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Nick Fury watched many employees in the huge space manipulating various machines for secret transfer welding.

The battle between Ghidorah and Godzilla made Nick Fury understand that to fight against such a huge monster, it is necessary to use the same huge thing, for example, a huge steel gun with a length of 10 meters and a diameter of about [-] meters!

Missiles and cannons are useless. One shot is more effective than anything else. And there are ten such steel guns in this huge cage. If Ghidorah dares to resist, he dares to turn him into a hedgehog!

The head is pinned, the wings are pinned, the tail is pinned, what do you Ghidorah use to fight me!

Nick Fury is full of confidence this time, he wants to cultivate his own Ghidorah, and then ride Ghidorah to beat Godzilla of the Holy Church to the ground!must!

Chapter 2. Weekly free book

"Father Amakusa, where have you been during this time? You disappeared with Ms. Matthew. I searched for it for several days, and I almost couldn't help but call the police."

In Brooklyn, New York, it is still the small church hidden in the community. Coulson, who has successfully become a qualified priest, is complaining helplessly to Amakusa.

"I'm very sorry, I didn't expect it would take so long to go out."

"It's okay, as long as you come back, Father Amakusa, to be honest, I almost thought of calling the police, or contacting Chief Fury, but then I thought it was wrong. If even Father Amakusa disappeared, then the others must be I can't find anything, so I have been waiting in the church, and sure enough, Father Amakusa, you are back."

"Father Amakusa, you disappeared for a whole week. Could it be related to the internal affairs of the Holy Church?"

The helplessness disappeared on Coulson's face, and he began to look forward to it.

As a new priest of the Holy Church, Coulson knows a lot about the settings of the Holy Church, but only what Amakusa told him, and if Amakusa didn't tell him, he still doesn't know. Amakusa reserves all interpretation rights of the church.

"Yes, I went back to the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church and reported some recent work to the headquarters."

"Well, no wonder I can't contact you anyway."

"This is the rule of our church. It must be kept absolutely secret. No matter who it is, we can't disclose any information, so it's normal for you, Father Colson, to not know. When you can also take charge of a church in the future, You are qualified to know the secrets of the Holy Church."

Amakusa reached out and patted Coulson's shoulder to comfort him.

"Hehehe, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Although I am very interested in magic and I am very willing to learn magic, but I am already so old. It may be a bit difficult for me to manage a church. I will follow Father Amakusa. Stay behind, it's safe!"

Although it is very exciting to watch the gas explosion, you have to have the life to watch it. Ordinary people can't see the gas explosion, so following the thigh is the best choice. In Coulson's eyes, Amakusa is the thigh, which is very stable and stable. Strong thighs!

Doing things with Amakusa will be very simple. You only need to follow, then watch, and finally learn.

This is not only safe, but also very comfortable. You only need to lie down for the whole process. How could he enjoy such treatment when he was at Shengshiun Technology? To charge forward, I am so busy every time, there is no chance to fish like this. Coulson said that fishing is really comfortable, and he loves fishing the most!

Nothing is easier than fishing!Be a church manager, and then manage a church by yourself, wouldn't it be the same as when you were in S.H.I.E.L.D. Once something happens, you must be at the front again. It's terrible, Coulson doesn't want to be in the front anymore, wouldn't it be good to fish from the back?

"Father Coulson, if you think so, then I won't force you, just continue to follow me, and I will take good care of your safety."

It was originally intended to fool Coulson. Since Coulson is not interested in the Church of the Holy Church, it doesn't matter, and it has no effect on him.

After saying hello to Coulson, Amakusa began to think. He didn't expect that this time when he went to another world, he turned around by himself, instead of being a servant in the forbidden world like before. It is also a Servant, but it enters itself as a spirit body, which is very Chaldean.

But... because of the past of the main body, the security is not as high as before, and time will flow with it.

Fortunately, the flow of time is not particularly exaggerated. Amakusa has stayed in the world of Blood Devouring Attack for more than a month, but Marvel's time has only passed a week. I don't know how the time is converted. Is it a fixed week, or What about proportional consumption according to the flow rate between different worlds?

In short, this situation makes Amakusa feel very puzzled. It needs to be studied. What if I go to a world in the future and I have to stay in that world for a long time. What should I do when I come back? time.

This must be taken into consideration!Otherwise, if you don't pay attention in the future, it will be really troublesome.

Smiling and saying goodbye to Coulson, Amakusa entered her own small room at the back of the church alone, opened the system interface, and began to study the system.

On the system interface, there was indeed a completed dungeon display, and the Blood Devouring Strike was included, and Amakusa also saw the catalog of forbidden books of magic that was enforced as a dungeon of the plot before, and the forbidden world was also included in it, and It's still the first one, which is the same as the Fuyuki Holy Grail War in the game. It is a must-pass storyline, which fits the game's settings very well.

However, Amakusa cares more about the setting of time flow.

Click on the dungeon entry of the blood-devouring attack on the world, and some details appeared in front of Amakusa, just like the level introduction of the copy. It is marked out in detail. For example, the three major ancestors and the fourth ancestor look like an encyclopedia. I am afraid that Amakusa will not know the situation inside.

And in the lower right corner of the entry, a line of small characters caught Amakusa's attention.

"It takes a week to enter the copy every time?"

Well, this line of words solves Amakusa's problem. Time does not travel in proportion, but it takes a week at a time.

This made Amakusa very happy. After understanding the time-consuming principle of traveling through the world, he could make corresponding countermeasures.

The fixed time is beneficial, that is, dealing with some worlds that take a long time will reduce the impact on the Marvel world, but there are also some disadvantages, that is, if Amakusa wants to go to a world for a short time to do one thing , and then come back immediately, and this trip will take a week, and the impact on the real world will be relatively large. In short, there are advantages and disadvantages.


Just when Amakusa was thinking about how to use this time limit, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky and directly hit the door of Amakusa Church. Anyone who has seen Thor can recognize that this is a teleportation from Asgard Gate Rainbow Bridge.

"The Rainbow Bridge is here? It seems that there are guests coming."

Amakusa understood the situation outside the church through perception, arranged her clothes, and walked out with a smile on her face.

Chapter 3. Thor ran away from home

As Asgard's tactical and even strategic equipment, the Rainbow Bridge can allow Asgard's fighters to reach any corner of the universe in an instant. As long as Heimdall can see it, as long as Odin can see it, the Rainbow Bridge can reach it , Asgard used the characteristics of the Rainbow Bridge to complete an unknown number of surprise attacks.

In wars between other planets, all kinds of starships attack and land. Starships often crash on the local planet after success. A series of repairs are required before they can be used again. Unscathed landings are rare. .

And Asgard is different, we don't need a spaceship, we just need a rainbow bridge, directly send soldiers from our home to your home, ignore your defensive towers, and directly blow up your base crystal!

But now the Rainbow Bridge is not used to transport troops, because Asgard will not be idle to fight against the earth, and it is still outside the church in Amakusa.

Amakusa walked all the way to the church hall and pushed open the door of the church. Coulson was already waiting outside the door. As a former S.H.I.E.L.D. It was the Asgardians who came over, so they came out of the church the moment the beam of light came down.

"Father Amakusa."

Seeing Amakusa coming out, Coulson nodded in greeting, and Amakusa also nodded in response, and the two looked at the Rainbow Bridge in front of them one after the other.

The light of the Rainbow Bridge gradually faded, allowing Amakusa and Coulson to see the people in the middle of the Rainbow Bridge.

A very square hammer made them understand that the person who came was Thor!Well, it's just that the hair is different from before. His flowing natural curls are gone, and now he has a small cut.

Walking out of the teleportation array on the Rainbow Bridge, Thor immediately greeted Amakusa with a smile.

"Hey, Father Amakusa, long time no see!"

"Your Highness Thor, long time no see, why are you free to come to Earth today?"

"Ah, I'm relatively free recently, so I don't have anything to do, so I came to the earth to take a look. It happened that Jane was also in New York, but I'm not very familiar with New York, so I first located your church, and then teleported over."

"Oh, they didn't come to me on purpose, I thought they came to me on purpose."

Amakusa showed a bit of pity, and Thor noticed it immediately, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Hahaha, are you looking forward to my coming here to find you? It doesn't matter. Although I didn't come to you on purpose this time, I might come to you next time. After all, you are my best friend, aren't you? "

"Yes, His Highness Thor is my best friend, but His Highness Thor, as your best friend, I have a little doubt."

"Huh? What are you wondering about? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Thor patted himself on the chest first, very proudly, and then patted Amakusa on the shoulder, as if we were with each other.

"It's actually nothing."

Amakusa smiled.

"I just want to know why His Highness Thor is relatively idle. As far as I know, after occupying Asgard, Gilgamesh wanted to enter the depths of the universe, wanting to rule the entire universe and become the leader of the universe. Great Emperor Gilgamesh, Asgard should be fighting everywhere at this time, Your Highness Thor, as a powerful warrior, you should lead the soldiers to fight on the front line as a general at this time, right?"

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