Amakusa looked indifferent.

"Besides Berserker, Illya has several attendants behind her."


Thor raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, although Ilya is an ordinary elementary school student, she is also the next patriarch of the Einzbern family. She is a very talented magician. There are many followers behind her. Berserker is a follower. In Berserker Besides, there are Archer, Assassin, and Saintess Caster."

"and many more!"

Thor raised his hand to stop Amakusa.

"There are four followers behind her?"

"Yes, four at the moment."


"Yes, according to Illya's talent as the next patriarch of the Einzbern family, I am afraid that more servants will be attracted by her and become her followers."

"That's wrong, why can a little girl attract so many powerful fighters!"

Thor was full of question marks. Although he didn't know what was going on with Berserker, Archer, Assassin, etc., he could tell from Berserker that each of these people was a very powerful fighter, and all these powerful fighters followed A little girl behind, no problem, right?Why?Don't they have the self-esteem of being strong?Is this little girl that powerful?

"Um, Your Highness Thor, I personally suggest that you don't ask why, because what you ask shows that you are questioning Illya, which is something her followers don't like to see."

"That's what she said, but she..."

Before Thor wanted to say something, he felt that his hand was being pulled, and there was something extra on his neck, and another thing was on his head.

Feeling something was wrong, Thor turned his head slowly, and found that the thick black hand that was holding him was grabbing his arm with one hand, while the other hand was already clenched into a fist and raised. Next to it, there are two guys in red clothes, one is holding a knife on his neck, the other is pointing a gun directly at his head, and behind Illya, there is another guy wearing a white dress and a mask The woman stared at him. Although he was wearing a mask, Thor's intuition told him that this woman was staring at him!

However, it doesn't matter whether she is staring at her now or not. The important thing is that, as Amakusa said, because in a word, these people are not happy!

Thor immediately understood that what Amakusa said was true, these guys really couldn't see anyone talking about this little girl!

Facing three big men and a young woman, Thor understood that it was time for him to perform again, so he immediately showed his white teeth and smiled silly.

"Of course, I'm just joking. How could Ilya not be worthy of your followers? What a talented child, I want to be her follower, but unfortunately she already has you group of outstanding fighters as her." Follower, I can't be ranked!"

Hearing what Thor said, the three big men put away their hostility. Even if they knew that Thor was just fooling them, they were just scaring Thor. They really wanted to beat Thor. Only Berserker, Ilya is his loli, and no one else is allowed to touch it.

"Yes, very talented, amazing talent!"

Although his arm had been let go, Thor continued to praise Illya very sincerely.

Seeing Thor's behavior like this, the three big men stopped talking, and disappeared in the spirit body directly in front of Thor. Irisviel, who was standing behind Illya, also disappeared with the spirit body.

Thor stared at the surroundings with wide eyes, and after making sure that the four people had disappeared just now, he turned to look at Amakusa.

"Where did they go?"

"They are just transformed into spirit bodies, that is, they have become invisible to us, and they are still here."

"Still here?"

Thor's body froze, he almost couldn't help but want to scold, anyway, they all left, who knew they didn't!

"Yes, the berserker is right behind you."

Thor was so frightened that he quickly turned around and looked behind him, only to find that there was nothing there. Thinking of what Amakusa said became a state that he could not see, a cold sweat broke out on his back.

"As for the others, they are all behind Illya."

Thor turned to look at Illya again. There were three people hiding behind this cute looking girl!

It's so scary, it's like the spirit behind it, and these three spirits behind it can jump out, the kind that really jump out and beat people!

"Okay, Your Highness Thor, you also know Illya. The room you just chose is just opposite to Illya's room. There will be a lot of time to meet in the future. Let me take you there now."

After Amakusa finished speaking with a smile, he walked towards the opposite door. Thor looked at Ilya who was looking at the opposite side curiously, and then looked at Amakusa who had gone far away. He quickly followed and held Amakusa's hand Leaning to Amakusa's ear.

I was about to say something just now, but when I remembered that there was still a big black guy standing behind me, I quickly changed the way I expressed it.

"Father Amakusa, that... can you just... just do that."

Chapter 6. Thor's Night

Thor would never have thought that he would find a place to live by himself, and live opposite a bunch of ruthless people. It was so cruel, how could it make people sleep.

Moreover, if you usually exist, there is no problem, but you usually don’t exist. There are so many people, but everyone can be invisible, and you can’t see them at all. You don’t know if there will be people behind you. Some people may even be behind you when you go to the toilet, which is too scary!

When Thor thought of going to the toilet, the three big men behind him would just stare at him like that, feeling like he couldn't pee, or just like when he was lying on the bed now, the three big men beside the bed Staring there, how could it be possible to fall asleep!

But since there are always people around, it is not good for Thor to tell Amakusa that he wants to change rooms. I can only accept it first.

So, lying on the bed, Thor's mood is very complicated now. Although he is lying on the bed and the door is closed, Thor still feels that something is wrong. He still feels that Berserker is just like what Amakusa said when he was outside. Behind him, because of this black rough feeling to him is too strange.

Therefore, even though the door was closed, Thor still felt that Berserker might have followed him, entered his room, and even stood by the bed now. Although this sounds very unscientific, he I just thought it was possible that when I was lying on the bed, there was a person standing beside my bed.

With this thought in mind, although Thor was lying on the bed, his eyes were kept wide open. He just opened his eyes and looked at the air next to the bed, as if he wanted to see through everything in the air and see the transparent berserker.

But it's not the same thing to look at it like this all the time, you can't keep looking at that thick and tough guy affectionately like this.

"Hey buddy, are you there?"

So Thor, who couldn't help it, chose to communicate with Berserker.

"Well, speaking of which, we have met so many times, but we have never spoken properly. My name is Thor, Thor Odinson, the Thor of Asgard, the king of the gods. Ding's son."

"When I was young, my father said that I would become the god of thunder in the future, because only I have that qualification, and I also became the god of thunder as my father expected, and became the strongest fighter in Asgard."

In order to have a good communication with Berserker, Thor started to introduce himself, and then began to tell his own story, hoping to let Berserker know himself, and then the two became friends. After all, Berserker is a very powerful fighter. Soldiers become friends, which is a great thing for Thor.

However, what Thor didn't know was that Berserker didn't follow him in at all. After Thor entered the room, Berserker turned and left. Not Lolicon!Thor is not a loli.

Therefore, Thor is really talking to the air, and it is the kind of soliloquy that thinks someone is there.

One night, Thor was talking to the air. He desperately wanted to get closer to Berserker, so he basically never stopped. Fortunately, Thor, as an Asgardian, especially Thor, has excellent physical fitness , don’t worry about staying up late and dying suddenly.

Even in the morning, after Thor got up, he continued to speak to the air.

"Brother, do you know that Surtur turned into a giant more than ten meters high at that time! He held a big flaming sword and walked towards me step by step. He wanted to kill me with the big flaming sword, and I There is magma all behind him, I have no place to hide, but I didn't let him succeed, I blocked his big sword with my hammer, and then directly hit him on the head with the hammer, killing him , his crown also fell directly on the ground and became my trophy, to be honest, it was the ugliest trophy I have ever gotten, but compared to others, although it is ugly, it is the most advanced trophy !"

While talking, Thor walked to the bathroom, even doing the morning excretion work, and continued talking there until finally he came to the dining room behind the church and saw the berserker who was serving breakfast for Illya. stunned.

Shouldn't Hei Hougang follow behind him?Why is it with little loli?So... there's actually no one behind me?

Thor's expression stiffened.

For one breakfast, Thor ate enough for five people, and then he left the church when he was full. He would stay in the church at night, but he didn't want to stay here during the day, and he and Berserker kept going. He can't handle the stress of being together, so he needs to get out and relax during the day and see if he can find something to do.

After saying hello to Amakusa, Thor left the church and started wandering the streets of New York.

However, what Thor didn't know was that the moment he left Amakusa Church, he was discovered by an agent from S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Although Nick Fury is in Antarctica, he has always been thinking about Amakusa in his heart. Once there is any trouble in Amakusa's church, he will immediately grasp it in a short time. This time, the appearance of Thor, the God of Thunder, was also discovered by Nick Fury. .

After all, it is too difficult not to notice such a big movement on the Rainbow Bridge, but the citizens of New York are used to gas explosions, so they don't care about this situation at all. Of course, the New York Temple also knows about the Rainbow Bridge, but although Strange has become the supreme mage, he knows that there is still a strange priest in New York, and the Rainbow Bridge fell next to Amakusa's church, so he didn't bother Nevermind, it looks like he's here to find Amakusa.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. will not ignore it. Nick Fury keeps his subordinates watching very closely. He feels that there must be some big conspiracy behind the aliens suddenly coming to Earth to find Amakusa, so we must always be careful!

Therefore, the moment Thor left the church, he followed several tails behind him. Several S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury in Antarctica reports.

Then, they just followed Thor and walked into a bathing center.

Yes, when Thor came out of the church, the first thing he wanted to do was to find a place outside to take a bath, because in the church, he had nothing to do except for going to the toilet in the morning. Went to the bathroom once because he was worried that the berserker would suddenly appear behind him while he was taking a shower.

Chapter 7. Thor came to Earth to prostitute?

After Thor came to the earth, he first went to Amakusa's church, then went out for a while, then came back to Amakusa's church, stayed in the church for one night, and went to a bathing center after coming out.

In this way, Thor's action record appeared directly in front of Nick Fury.

"Bath center?"

"Yes Chief, Thor went to the bathing center."

Black Widow is responsible for reporting.

"And that bathing center is not a simple bathing center."

"Why, is there a problem with that bathing center?"

"Uh, that bathing center actually has illegal transactions inside."


Nick Fury was a little speechless. He thought that the black widow would say that the bathing center was the place of the Church of the Holy Church, but it turned out that it was a place for sale.

"What does Thor, the god of thunder, want to do when he goes to this kind of place? Could it be that Thor has nothing to do in Asgard, so he came to earth to prostitute?"

"Perhaps this is possible, and we have received information that when Thor arrived on Earth yesterday, he left the church to find his girlfriend on Earth, but because his girlfriend hadn't seen him for a long time, so Angrily broke up with him, in short, he was kicked."

"So he went to whoring? What on earth did he come to earth for, just to see his girlfriend? He couldn't see his girlfriend and no one would go to bed with him, so he went to whoring by himself?"

Nick Fury looked at the report and frowned. Originally, there was a Holy Church on Earth, which gave him a headache, but now there is another Prince of Asgard. What a trouble!As the S.H.I.E.L.D. that protects the Earth, Nick Fury feels that this world is really troublesome.

"Continue to send people to watch him."

Thor is an unstable factor, but there is no corresponding countermeasure now, so I can only watch first, and take measures after discovering the other party's actions. Before that, Nick Fury has to care about other things.

"How's the situation with Dr. Emma?"

"Dr. Emma's experiment was very successful, or in other words, the experiment was beyond imagination. I went over to take a look just now. You can never imagine the situation in the laboratory."

"What's the matter? What else can happen in the laboratory?"

Nick Fury black question mark.

"Director, I think you'd better go and have a look by yourself. No matter what I say, it's better than you to go and have a look by yourself."

Black Widow still chooses to keep it secret.

"Okay, I'll go take a look now and see what's going on in the lab."

After receiving the report, Nick Fury could only choose to follow the black widow to see the situation in the laboratory.

Dr. Emma was solely responsible for cultivating artificial Ghidorah, and her experiment was also very successful. According to Nick Fury's idea, Ghidorah was bred.

When Nick Fury approached the laboratory, he saw Ghidorah locked in the cage in the middle of the laboratory at first sight. Although it looked only the size of an eagle, the three heads and the spread bat wings told Nick Fury, that's Ghidorah.

"Already raised?"

Nick Fury was very surprised, but immediately his expression turned cold.

"Dr. Emma, ​​before you reported to me, did you start cultivating secretly?"

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