"Dude, do you have a gun?"

The little spider asked curiously. He was not worried that Thor would suddenly pull out a gun and shoot at him. He had encountered this many times, and he asked this question on purpose. The little spider took out his pistol and hit him, but with his spider sense, the little spider was sure that he could dodge the attack, and in this way he also confirmed the identity of the opponent's villain.

However, Thor didn't have a pistol on him, and he drew his own hammer from behind him.

"No, I don't have a gun, I only have my hammer, and my only weapon is a hammer."


The little spider looked at the hammer in Thor's hand, and was a little confused for a while, what's the matter?Is there anyone who brings a hammer to rob people these days?

"Is that your weapon?"

"Yes, I love my hammer the most."

"Uh... hammer or something, how did you manage to fight with a hammer? I don't mean anything else. I just want to know. After all, you know that the attack distance of a hammer is so short, especially if you are still small. A hammer seems to have a slightly longer attack distance than a fist, how can it attack others."

The little spider is full of doubts. His own attack method is spider silk, other than fists, he is often limited because the attack distance is not enough in close combat, but a hammer... what can it do.


Speaking of his hammer, Thor finally didn't find the spider annoying, and he was even happy, because his hammer was his favorite.


In front of the little spider, Thor spun his hammer a few times, and then threw it out. The hammer flew past the little spider's head, scaring the little spider to dodge sideways, but because he didn't feel the intention of attacking, So the little spider didn't fight back.

Then, in front of the little spider, Thor shook his right hand, and the hammer that had been flying out suddenly stopped suddenly, and then immediately accelerated to fly back, passing the little spider again, and returning to Thor's hand.


The little spider looked at the hammer held by Thor again, and directly raised his hands and yelled.

"How did you do it! It's so cool that you can throw it and then take it back, it looks like a boomerang, no, no, no boomerang, it's so much cooler! You're a hammer Is there a recovery device inside, like a magnet? Then put a button in the hand, as long as there is any movement of the hand, the hammer will be recovered? My spider silk is also launched in this way, as long as I press the thing under the glove , it will shoot out spider silk!"

The little spider's words made Thor very useful, but Thor didn't intend to explain in detail the operation of recovering the hammer, he just simply threw the hammer on the ground.

"Try it and see if you can lift the hammer."

Chapter 15. As a superhero, you can't wear stockings!

"This unscientific!"

Looking at the hammer in front of him, the little spider couldn't help holding his head and shouting.

"How could it be so heavy, I can't even lift it!"

"My hammer is so heavy that no one can lift it except me."

Thor crossed his arms, his face full of pride.

"No, it's absolutely impossible to be so heavy. If it was really heavy, the ground would have cracked because it couldn't bear the pressure. The ground in New York City is not that strong at all!"

The little spider pointed to the cracks on the ground. He tried his best to lift the hammer just now, but the hammer didn't lift up. Instead, the ground was stepped on by the little spider's feet. Some cracks were stepped on the ground. Where the hammer was, the ground was safe and sound. , nothing happened at all, obviously, this is not Newton!

"You must have installed something on the hammer, just like you can summon the hammer back just now, there must be some control device hidden in your hand that allows the hammer to be recovered, also on the ground, you must have used it What makes the hammer stick to the ground all the time, is it magnetism? There is a very strong magnetic ring inside, and there must be metal underneath, so it can be absorbed like this!"

"Uh... no, there is no magnetic ring inside."

"There must be something else that restricts the movement of the hammer, and this restriction is unlocked by you, so you can control the hammer freely, but I can't, but man, your technology is really amazing , Although my strength is not particularly strong, at least I can lift several tons of things. You can actually make a hammer have several tons of strength. This kind of energy utilization rate and effect are really too strong. You know, what all technology companies want most is to miniaturize and facilitate all devices, but except for Mr. Stark, no one else can do it, but now you have done it! If you apply for a patent, you You can make a fortune selling patents! You are a genius!"

The little spider used his cleverness to guess something, which surprised Thor. Indeed, the weight of the hammer is not that exaggerated. It is just that people with a certain strength or qualifications can lift it up. It can be said that it is There are certain restrictions, but it is not the magnetic ring that the little spider said.

There are also those words in the back, which make Thor very embarrassed. He is just the holder and the user of this hammer, and the person who made this hammer is the dwarf king, and it is his father god who put restrictions on this hammer. Odin, so all the skills of this hammer have nothing to do with him. He is just a hammer player and doesn’t know anything. Otherwise, the last time he fell on the earth would not be so miserable. People are dying.

"Um, no, I don't plan to publicize it to the outside world. I can master this technology myself."

Thor feels very comfortable being called a genius by the little spider, but it is hard to say anything else, so he can only say that this is his own and not for others.

"Aren't you going to use it to make money?"

"Uh...no need."

"It seems that you are very rich, otherwise you wouldn't use such a genius invention to make money, just like Mr. Stark, his steel armor is so handsome, but he doesn't need to rely on steel armor to make money."

The little spider is very envious. He is a genius and rich, just like Stark, which is really good. Unlike himself, he has no money, and pocket money is all earned by working.

No, I really need money, really!

Thor picked up the hammer from the ground, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He really wanted to say that he was short of money, but he was blown to this person, and he couldn’t say that he was short of money. That would be too embarrassing, embarrassing in front of Gilgamesh Forget it, on Earth, he doesn't want to lose face in front of a passerby, that's embarrassing.

"By the way! I haven't asked your name yet, buddy, why do you come out wearing stockings? You don't look like a bad person, why are you wearing stockings?"


"Could it be that you also want to be a superhero! By the way, you are very strong, and you have this hammer, and you are dressed like this. You really want to be a superhero, right?"


The corner of Thor’s mouth twitched. He was going to use the stockings to do bad things and steal money. Now he’s better. Before the money was stolen, he was praised as a hero. Although it’s true that he is a hero in Asgard, Thor didn't dislike this at all, but now he wants to make money, this has been lifted up, and it can't come down.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it!"

Showing a silly smile, Thor nodded in response, no way, can't come down.

"Oh, that's so cool, I always feel that I am too tired to be alone, and it would be great if I have a partner, and I can form a superhero team with my friends, just like Mr. Stark's Iron Three Unfortunately, Mr. Stark is considered a superhero, but he doesn't intend to do such trivial things, so he doesn't want to form a team with me, and I can't join the Iron Trio, although I think the Iron Trio There's nothing wrong with having four in the group, just as the Four Heavenly Kings actually always have a hidden fifth."

No, something is wrong with this situation, I have never heard of it, Thor couldn't help complaining in his head.

"But now I met you, buddy. You should have just debuted, why don't we form a team! Don't look at me like this, I am very famous in New York City, and I was interviewed by a reporter just now!"

Little Spider also has his own pride. After all, as a good friend of New York citizens, he is still somewhat well-known, and he also cares about his own popularity.

"You must think so. You must be rich and have enough technology. What you lack is popularity. Just like Mr. Stark, what you need to care about is popularity. Although I am also very I'm famous, but I'm still much worse than Mr. Stark, if I am famous, maybe I can get some endorsements and become a rich man."

Visibility can get money?

Thor didn't think of this. Hearing what the little spider said now, it feels a little interesting. Before, he just wanted to play the bad guy to make some money, but now he didn't think that he could make money by doing this.

"Me too!"

Thor immediately agreed with Spider-Man.

"That's great, since you also want to be a superhero, let's form a team together!"

The little spider clapped his hands happily.

"But before that, I think you should do one thing first."


Thor was very curious.

"Change the stockings on your head. As a superhero, you can't just wear stockings. You should have a more handsome mask, just like me!"

Chapter 16. Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi, Don't Bully Thunder God!

Thor never thought that being a brave hero on earth, he just wanted a little money, and then went back to the bathing center to enjoy it. He was in Asgard before, because Odin watched and had hope. Fu stared at him, so basically Thor had never experienced such a happy thing. Now that he was on the earth, he discovered that this thing is much better than drinking and fighting!

But now that he is being messed up by the little spider, he feels very uncomfortable. If he can't step down, it's not easy to steal money, but he can't hold back his own face, and feels that his face is more important, so he can only choose to follow the little spider. Suddenly, such a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky above New York. Behind the familiar Spider-Man, followed by a man in armor and a red cape, but with stockings on his head, holding a hammer in his hand. , you ask why everyone knows that they are stockings, there is a wave of robberies and gun battles on the streets of New York, especially Hell's Kitchen, it is too difficult to know, so everyone is familiar with stockings, oh, and gas explosions .

But I was just curious for a while, and soon the New York citizens should go about their business. They are very busy and have no time to care about the guy behind the little spider.

The little spider took Thor all the way to the center of Manhattan, yes, the top platform of Stark Tower.

The little spider turned over and landed lightly on the roof. He often comes here, and Jarvis is very familiar with him. The moment he landed, a camera turned around. Jarvis saw him through the camera, and then Thor, who was following him, landed heavier. He flew over with the hammer, and fell directly on the ground, kneeling on one knee to prevent landing. The red cloak behind him was blown by the impact of the landing airflow Floating high, looks very handsome.

"Where is this place?"

"This is the top of the Stark Tower. I usually like to look at the whole Manhattan here, because it is high enough, and Mr. Stark also allows me to stay here, so this can be said to be a little secret base of mine. You don’t have to worry about anyone coming up, Jarvis will stop everyone who wants to come up, except for Mr. Stark.”

"Oh, yes, but I didn't see anyone stopping me."

Thor opened his hands and turned around in a circle, showing himself to the surroundings, trying to find someone who would jump out and stop him.

"Probably because you followed me here."

Seeing this, the little spider explained.

"Maybe so."

"No, that's not the case, someone is coming."

Thor's intuition as a warrior told him that someone behind him was aiming a weapon at him. Turning around, Thor saw a man in iron armor floating in the air, which looked familiar and felt like he had seen it somewhere.

"Baby in pajamas, what do you mean by bringing this pervert in stockings here? Are you asking for my help? Is it a villain you can't deal with?"

Tony Stark's voice came from Iron Man, and Thor immediately remembered the voice.

"Hey! I remember you, you were the guy who dared to slander God last time!"

"Dude, have you met Mr. Stark?"

The little spider looked at Thor curiously.

Although he doesn't remember much about people on Earth, Thor remembers Tony Stark, because Tony was on this rooftop at the time, and he spoke rudely to him, and then he rushed up to have a fight with Tony, and was hacked hard Appeared and stopped directly.

This time is different, this time there is no black thick and hard, and there is no green thick and soft, this time it is only him and the other party, he Thor wants to find his place.

"Slandering God? Well, I was wrong, you are not a pervert, you are a crazy believer with a brain problem, but I am sorry, I do not believe in God, if there is a God, I will send him one as soon as possible Stark Industries' most advanced missile, although that missile is now an obsolete product a few years ago, for other arms manufacturers, it is still the most advanced technology that they cannot surpass."

Tony didn't care about his faith at all, and he just taunted him directly, which stunned the little spiders next to him. As expected of Mr. Stark, he will always be like this... different!

Thor, who was being ridiculed, couldn't bear it, so he raised his hammer and pointed at Tony.

"I'll warn you again, you are angering the gods, mortals, if you don't kneel down and apologize, I will let you know that there is a price to pay for angering the gods."

"Oh? I seem to have heard this sentence somewhere."

Tony didn't intend to apologize, and even ignored Thor's clamor, and started chatting with his smart assistant Jarvis.

"Jarvis, do you remember when was the last time I heard that?"

"Sir, the last time when the Rubik's Cube was here, a man who was dressed like this one but looked very fat said that his weapon was also a hammer."

"Oh, I remembered that last time the fat man was dressed quite similar to him. I remember there was a thin man next to him. Is it this guy?"

"Sir, judging from his body shape, he is not this person."

"That's right, the size doesn't match."

Tony chatted with Jarvis in front of Thor.

"That fat man looks like a tramp picking up trash, all dirty, and always talking about gods and gods."

"Mortal, you are looking for your own death!"

"Wait, wait! Dude, don't be impulsive, that's Mister Stark, that's Iron Man! You can't beat him!"

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