Oh no, it's Kevin!

Chapter 19. Have you seen the forty-meter beam sword?

Kevin is very comfortable, very comfortable. After leaving the Antarctic base, he has been flying over the Atlantic Ocean, looking for energy to allow himself to grow, but unfortunately, the Atlantic Ocean is a bit big, and his current body is still a bit small, so flying The speed is relatively slow, so it has been flying over the ocean all the time, and no suitable energy source can be found.

Until now, he met what he wanted.

The huge thundercloud is as big as a hurricane cloud, but it doesn't look like a hurricane cloud, it doesn't rotate forward, it just stays there, the clouds are full of lightning and thunder, and the lightning is full of energy, any one is enough for him He grew a lot, so he quickly rushed into the cloud layer and began to absorb the abundant energy in the cloud layer. It was even amazing that the energy in the cloud layer was concentrated together, and then violently bombarded him. twice.

The huge amount of energy was absorbed by Kevin, which made his body grow very exaggeratedly. He soon grew to a wingspan of 300 meters and a height of [-] to [-] meters. It's big, and it can be said to be at the same level as Raton in the volcano.

And now, Kevin has met a guy with more energy. Compared with monsters, he is very small, not even enough for Kevin to eat in one bite, but the energy in his body is higher than Kevin. Thor !

"Odin, what the hell is this?"

Just as Kevin was surprised by the energy in Thor's body when he saw Thor, Thor was stunned when he saw Kevin. He didn't remember that when he summoned Thundercloud, he summoned such a big guy , Moreover, this big guy looks like he still has a lot of hostility towards him!


Kevin can't speak, he can only yell at the enemy, so he yelled at Thor directly, and then the three heads bit at Thor together.

"damn it!"

Thor immediately flew up quickly and began to avoid Kevin's attack. When he was young, his movements were more flexible. When he grew up, Kevin's movements were obviously slower. This is very Newton, isn't it, but after all, Kevin is a titan As a beast, the flexibility of movement is still very high. Even though the size becomes larger and the weight increases, the overall speed is not slow.

The three heads kept opening their mouths and biting at Thor, trying to catch Thor, and then absorb the energy in Thor's body, but Thor's system was relatively small after all, all kinds of chaos, how could Kevin I can't catch it.

Thor, who scurried away from Kevin's capture, also pulled behind Kevin, looking at the huge three-headed dragon from above, Thor frowned.

"Although I don't know what you are, since you dare to attack Thor, you should know what will happen if you anger him."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, I will let you know!"

Thor raised his hammer high, and the lightning was gathered on his hammer, and then swung it down on Kevin below. A pillar of thunder with a diameter of at least one meter fell from the sky and struck Kevin directly. Wen's huge body perfectly caught the thunder beam falling from the sky, and the entire cloud layer was illuminated in a large area.

However, to Thor's bewilderment, after the Lei Guangzhu went down, not only was the three-headed monster not harmed, it even got bigger and bigger.

The original blue-white lightning was absorbed by Kevin's body, and then transformed into golden lightning and entwined around his body, burning the scales on his body continuously until finally, it turned into golden yellow, and Kevin was also finished. Transformed into a golden three-headed dragon, and the body became even bigger, directly exceeding a hundred meters in height, but this is still not the largest size he can achieve as Ghidorah.

But this tall body has already frightened Thor floating above him, and Thor's eyeballs almost popped out.

What kind of thing is this? You don’t even think about thunder. It’s fine if you’re not afraid of thunder. It’s getting bigger and bigger. Even lightning can be absorbed and used to grow. You’re going too far!


Gaining huge energy again, and having completed his growth, Kevin yelled at the sky comfortably, then turned his head to look at Thor behind him, very satisfied with Thor's behavior, and sent himself off if he was indecisive Energy, is a nice guy!In this case, there is no need to eat it, just let him release energy on himself.

So, Kevin flapped his wings and flew forward for a while, then his huge body turned in the sky, turned his head to face Thor, and faced Thor in the air like this.

Come on, little guy, that thing just now, come on more violently!Kevin waited enthusiastically, waiting for Thor to release another big move, and then replenish him with energy.

But Thor didn't make any moves. He was just like Kevin waiting for him to magnify his move. I've lost my big move once, and I understand why I didn't lose any thunder when I lost my big move twice before, so now it's Kevin's turn to throw his big move.

The next thing Thor has to do is to figure out what Kevin's big move is, and then hit it back, or hide it, or be killed directly. Thor thinks he can hit it back, just like his big move just now In the past, there was nothing the same on the opposite side. The other party must come over and take him down, but he is Thor.

Then, one person and one dragon confronted each other suspended in the clouds, and no one was willing to do it first, whether it was Thor or the three-headed dragon Kevin.

This scene has been deadlocked for ten minutes, and then both sides are a little impatient.

Why haven't you acted yet?

Such a question could not help appearing in Thor's mind, and similarly, such an idea also appeared in Kevin's mind.

Both sides waited a little impatiently, but they didn't dare to act rashly, so there was an inexplicable stalemate.

This stalemate was seen by Tony Stark who had also come in. He was also very baffled. At first Tony planned to wait below, but it took too long for Thor to come. Tony below also heard some terrifying roars. Tony heard Kevin's two voices.

"It seems that our perverted friend has encountered some troubles. Such a big guy, Jarvis, do you have any information?"

"Mr. Some, when you traveled to Europe last time, there was a terrible storm in the Gulf of Mexico. It was later confirmed that the cause of the storm was a huge monster with three heads. Its appearance and characteristics were similar to this monster. It fits perfectly, but there are some discrepancies in size.”

Tony stared at Kevin and asked Jarvis, and Jarvis responded immediately.

"In other words, this big guy is not a good thing."

"Yes sir, S.H.I.E.L.D. defines it as a vicious monster that threatens the earth very much."

"Since it's a vicious monster, it shouldn't be a problem to chop it off."

Tony put the two swords back into the bayonet at his waist, and then pulled out two very long half-swords from the thruster on the back, and merged them together to become a super big sword with a socket in the middle.

"Jarvis, start overloading."

"Okay sir, start overloading."

The two reactors started working at the same time, and the super sword turned red along with Tony's armor, and then burst into a violent light, turning into a super beam saber with a length of [-] meters. Holding this super beam saber, Tony He charged at Kevin directly from behind, and when Kevin didn't react at all, he cut off three of Kevin's heads at the same time with a sword!

The long neck was cut off directly, Thor stared dumbfounded as the huge heads were cut off one by one, and then fell to the sea below, Kevin's huge body also fell downwards.When all the heads fell off, Thor saw Tony who was exposed because of Kevin's body fall. At this time, Tony was emitting red light all over his body, and he was holding a radiant super big sword in his hand. That sword was forty meters long!Thor can feel the energy of violent vibrations from that sword, it is a super energy weapon!

Thinking that he was still fighting with Tony before, Thor couldn't help swallowing.

Chapter 20. Thor and Ghidorah have formed an alliance!

Tony's powerful sword cut off three of Kevin's heads, and Thor was stunned. He just attacked Kevin with his strongest thunder column, but Kevin was fine. When he came to Tony, he was directly killed by a sword Well, this is really a bit too strong, of course, this strong refers to the big sword, Thor has never seen such an exaggerated weapon, even Surtur's flaming sword over there is not so big , and there is no such an exaggerated shape, the energy fluctuations on it make Thor feel palpitations, just kidding, how far the earth people have developed, why energy weapons have come out, didn’t they play magic last time, why? This time it suddenly became technologically advanced?

Is this still the earth where people knelt and shouted God when he came over and let off lightning?Why has it become so strange.

"Okay, I've dealt with this big-looking guy, and it's you next."

Tony pointed the super big sword in his hand at Thor. The [-]-meter-long light beam blade just stopped less than one meter in front of Thor. Thor could clearly feel the heat coming from his face. After all, the blade still releases energy, and the easiest way to release energy is extreme light and heat, so Thor felt the heat that made him very palpitate.

"I think there is some misunderstanding between us."

Thor grinned broadly, showing a bright smile.


"Yes, there should be some misunderstandings between us. We can sit down and have a good chat, instead of causing some conflicts because of misunderstandings here, don't you think?"

It’s okay to be cowardly, anyway, it’s not the first time, I’ve come to this earth so many times to suffer, it’s okay, I’ll get used to it if I bear it, even if I get a powerful body, there’s still nothing I can do about it.

Thor's heart is sad, but for the sake of his life, he has to persuade him, at least the other party is not an enemy of Asgard, not someone who wants to destroy Asgard, so, at least Asgard is There will be no problem, since Asgard has no problem, why not give in now.

Moreover, if this guy dares to belittle Asgard, it might be nothing when Odin was still there, but now the boss of Asgard is Gilgamesh, which is different from the amiable Odin before. A ruthless person, now with Asgard, he has been domineering everywhere in the universe. Although Hela is unhappy that she can't beat Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh's universe expansion policy is very much to her liking , that's why she willingly worked under Gilgamesh.

So, now you can be cowardly, and then go to Gilgamesh to sue, and then let Gilgamesh get back the place!

What a great way, Thor gave a thumbs up for his wit, before Loki always said he was a fool, this time he used his brain, no problem at all!

However, while Thor was still secretly happy, Tony on the opposite side suddenly withdrew the big sword in his hand and rushed to the sky. This sudden move made Thor a little confused. What do you mean?

Looking up at the sky, Tony was flying too fast, and the clouds were too thick, and he didn't know where Tony flew.

But soon Thor understood why Tony wanted to fly into the sky, because a big guy rushed up from below.


The three heads poked out from the clouds, directly knocked over Thor who was floating in the distance, and then rushed into the sky with Thor with their huge wings, Thor understood what was going on at this moment.

"This guy is not dead!"

Three heads were chopped off, but they won't die, this... speedy regeneration.

Thor looked at the three writhing necks, trying to find the scars, but he didn't see any traces. This guy has completely grown three heads.

That's right, Kevin is back!Although three heads were chopped off, the energy in the body is still sufficient because of Thor's previous lightning strikes, and it is not a problem to grow three heads.

Kevin didn't care about Thor at all. Thor was just a power bank that would discharge to recharge it, while Tony was the enemy who attacked it from behind and cut off his head directly!So he's going to trouble Tony!

The reason why Tony flew up suddenly was because Jarvis detected the movement below, so he chose to fly up. The enemy could not be seen clearly in the clouds, so he was easily confused, and when he flew down, he was looking for the grass. behavior, so Tony chose to fly upwards, directly above the clouds, and fight the enemy there.


Roaring, Kevin dragged Thor out of the clouds and saw Tony who had been waiting in the sky for a long time.

"You didn't die. You won't die even if your head falls off. You are such a long-lasting creature. I'm starting to have a little interest in you."

Tony watched Kevin rush out without any panic. He held the super big sword in his hands with both hands. This 40-meter super big sword gave him extremely powerful confidence. This is a real beam sword!Inspired by a certain blond holy sword user.

The thrusters on Tony's back started to accelerate, and he waved the beam sword with both hands to slash at Kevin directly, while Kevin opened his mouth directly, and a golden thunder light shot out from his mouth, three thunder lights blocked the beam together Zhanjian Dao, the other two slashed directly on Tony's body, and Tony was repelled all of a sudden.

"Alarm, alarm, serious energy overflow, sir, the reactor is about to explode."

"Throw away the reactor."

During the repelling process, Jarvis issued an alarm to Tony, and Tony responded immediately. The two reaction furnaces that had been operating in overload behind them were ejected directly, falling downward, and Jarvis immediately sent Tony Two spare reactors behind him escaped and installed them, and then continued to overload, allowing Tony's beam saber to maintain its output.


The two reactors exploded directly after falling into the cloud layer, forming two huge balls of light, like a small nuclear bomb, directly blasting two huge holes in the middle of the cloud layer. From space, it is Suddenly two pieces were vacated in the middle of a huge hurricane cloud.

Thor looked at Tony who flew upside down and threw two terrorist bombs, and couldn't help opening his mouth, but soon, he realized that his eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

This big guy seems to be stronger than the guy in the iron skin. If I use this big guy to beat that iron skin to the ground, I don't need to go back to Asgard to rescue soldiers, and I don't have to be ashamed anymore. Except for the beginning, this big guy didn't seem to have any intention of attacking me later.

Thinking of this, the smile on Thor's face became even brighter, and his right hand grabbed the spikes on Kevin's back, and then gathered lightning with his right hand, continuously outputting to Kevin's back.

As for Kevin, he also felt the energy input from his back, and the three heads turned around, looking at Thor who was discharging electricity on his back, surprised for a while.

Thor nodded to Kevin with a flattering smile on his face, and Kevin nodded humanely, then turned his head to look at Tony in the distance.

The Kevin Thor Alliance, established here!Enemy - Tony Stark!

Chapter 21. Beam weapons cannot break through the GN position!

The Kevin Thor Alliance is a cross-planet and cross-species alliance established with the goal of fighting against the brutal Earthman Tony Stark. They are all deeply persecuted by Earthman Tony Stark and rose up to fight against Tony Stark. Revolt, thus forming such a coalition.

And they, now facing the evil Earthling Tony Stark, prepare for the final battle!Make it or break it!


One of Kevin's heads opened its mouth wide and released a gravitational ray at Tony. The golden lightning instantly cut through the air and came to Tony's side, but Tony also used his overload three reds to drag a long afterimage Dodging this attack, if it is a servant, now Tony's agility has at least reached the level of A, and his rapid movement in a small area is already comparable to that of Lancer, so as long as he wants to run, Kevin can't catch him. live him.

However, Tony couldn't attack Kevin either. The golden lightning field was always around Kevin, and his super beam sword couldn't cut Kevin at all.

The big sword is an energy weapon after all, and the opponent of an energy weapon is naturally an energy weapon. Although Kevin does not have an energy weapon, he has a gravitational ray!

With a Thor brand power bank on his back, Kevin doesn't need to worry about his battery life at all, and can directly keep the gravitational rays released at full power.

The energy of the gravitational ray is also very powerful, and it can be used against Tony's super energy sword. Whenever Tony swings the sword and looks at Kevin, Kevin will come, Jin Chidori, and Tony's energy will be greatly increased. The sword cannot attack, unexpectedly, the beam weapon cannot break through the GN position!

Tony is also aware of this, no matter how much he increases his output power, he can't break through the lightning field covering Kevin's body, because energy and energy cancel each other out.

Therefore, after being blocked several times in a row, Tony gave up the idea of ​​beheading Kevin with the beam sword.

"Since the energy weapon is useless to you, then I'll change it to something else."

Separated the super great sword, the beam great sword was disbanded because of the separation of the super great sword, and then Tony put it back in the thruster behind him, and then pulled out the two solid swords at his waist. Although the GN position is strong, but It's not impossible to break through, the physical sword can break through, or the design of the physical sword of Angel and 00 is to deal with the GN position that the enemy may appear, or energy weapons, the kind of particularly powerful energy weapons that can directly break through GN position.

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