"Yes, I am English."

"Come to the United States to study? Or settle down?"

"Eh...studying abroad? According to common sense, it should be a short stay."

Aunt Mei nodded slightly, indicating that she already understood.

"That's studying abroad... What do you think of Peter?"

"Huh? Mr. Peter, he is great! Although we only met last night, he is great! I like him very much!"

Finally, he praised with a smile on his face, which stunned both Peter and Aunt Mei, and then Peter's face turned red immediately, and Aunt Mei opened her mouth in surprise.

Aunt Mei looked at Peter, and Peter shook his head as if he understood something.



"Well, I don't care about the affairs of you young people. In short, you just came here and met Peter, a kid. You'd better pay attention to your safety and don't let your parents worry."

Aunt Mei seemed to have seen through everything, and sighed slightly.

"Peter, there is an accident in your school today, so you won't be in class. You can take her out for a stroll. I want to calm down at home."

"Good Aunt May."

Peter and Ah Fu stood up together and watched Aunt Mei leave the restaurant and go to her room.

"Did I say something wrong just now?"

Ah Fu touched his head and asked Peter.

"Probably not, maybe Aunt Mei has misunderstood something."

Peter didn't know what happened to Aunt May, so he could only answer like this.

"But rider, let's go out now. Taking advantage of the school holiday, let's go to Mr. Stark at the address Mr. Stark gave us yesterday. I have a lot to say to him."


The two left the restaurant directly, and went out to find Tony with the caster in spirit form.

And because of the closure of Midtown High School, Little Spider lost the opportunity to meet with Liz and explain.

Chapter 74. Tony Keeping His Promise, Saber Exits

The purpose of Tony coming to New York is not to participate in the Holy Grail War, he is to promote his company's new policy, new energy, clean energy, civil development, these are the new directions of his company, these are the directions to make big money, On this planet where oil and coal are burned everywhere, new energy and clean energy represent a completely untapped market, which is a super big cake.

It's just that I didn't expect that the exhibition was not ready yet, and I got involved in this holy grail war first.

"Tell me, is what the baby in pajamas said true?"

"Baby in pajamas? You mean the young man you met last night?"

"That's right, it's him. He said how evil the Holy Grail has become. Weren't you there at the time? What do you think? You said that you fought for the Holy Grail yourself. Don't you know the situation of the Holy Grail? "

"I don't know, this is my first time participating in the Holy Grail War, so I really don't know much about the Holy Grail. I only know that it is a universal wishing cup that can fulfill wishes. I don't know the details of the Holy Grail. .”

Lancelot's answer made Tony frown slightly. The actual reason why he wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War was that he didn't believe that the Holy Grail was real.

Any wish can come true, the almighty wishing cup, this name seems fake no matter how you look at it, if any wish can be fulfilled, then can a wish that it can't be fulfilled?Even if Tony is not a theologian, he still understands something like the paradox of omnipotence.

So the focus of Tony's focus on this Holy Grail is magic power!

Why Tony can’t beat Lancelot all the time, of course, is because every time Lancelot grabs his armor, his armor loses control, and all this is because Lancelot uses some kind of magical means, Knights don't die with bare hands, Lancelot's resident treasure, but Tony doesn't know about it.

So he attributes it all to the magic's fault!When Lancelot revealed the Holy Grail War to Tony, he said that his magic power was supplied by the Holy Grail, so the question arises, if Tony has thoroughly studied the Holy Grail, does it mean that he can figure out what the magic power is? Does it mean that he knows the secret of Lancelot and what kind of existence a servant is.

Then, he can upgrade his armor to beat up servants, for example...Lancelot!

Yes, Tony, as a person who kept his promise, he still hasn't forgotten his original promise to beat Lancelot with his own hands!Although they were friends, it didn't stop Tony from wanting to beat Lancelot!Of course, it would be better to beat him one more time in the car, so that he can't even see the taillights!

So he's going to study that Holy Grail!Then study the magic power!As for the words about destroying the world, he didn't believe it either, just like what he said to the little spider: I said I could destroy the world, do you believe it?

As a scientist, especially a scientist in the physics department, or even a physics department scientist specializing in weapons, he doesn't think there is anything that can destroy the world in an instant, unless a certain two countries on the earth desperately throw away all their nuclear bombs Go out, that will probably make the human race extinct.

So his attitude is, let's see when the time comes!I have to say that Tony is not easy to fool, his knowledge is very powerful, and he is also very smart, and can easily judge some loopholes. Fortunately, Tony's attention is now on magic power, otherwise he may really be able to study Find some loopholes in the Holy Grail War.

Drop drop drop-

The phone in the room suddenly rang.

"what's the matter?"

After answering the phone, Tony asked directly and unceremoniously.

"Mr. Stark, there is a man named Peter Parker at the service desk who wants to see you, is he allowed to go up?"

"No, no, let him go back, just say I won't see him now."

"Okay, sir."

When he got a reply, Tony hung up the phone.

"Now I don't have time to chat with a baby in pajamas. He comes here just to tell me some things. I don't have that leisure time."

As if explaining, Tony hung up the phone and told Lancelot next to him.

Lancelot was very helpless, and he couldn't say anything. After all, the little spider came to see Tony, not to find him, so Tony refused, and he had nothing to say, so let it be.

So, it's a pity that the little spider and Ah Fu who came all the way from Brooklyn were not able to meet Tony, although Tony asked the little spider to join his team as an idol last night, and then together Look at the last holy grail, but usually, he still won't meet the baby in pajamas in his mouth.

Tony's arrogance prevented him from letting the little spider around so easily. He might have forgotten what he said yesterday about inviting the little spider.

Tony stayed alone in the hotel with Lancelot until the evening.

As night came, Tony was sitting next to his seat in the house, staring at his computer screen, waiting for Jarvis to discover the place where the battle took place by monitoring the whole of New York. He had been pigeonholed for two consecutive days, so what did he say tonight? Have a good fight.

Lancelot, on the other hand, stood alone on the balcony, looking at the huge New York City outside, wondering what he was thinking, until a gun was pointed at the back of his head.

"Is it an assassin?"


Facing Lancelot's sure question, the people behind him didn't reply.

"Have you nothing to say?"

"The master wants you to die."

"Do you want me to die... Really, so it's time for me to leave the stage. I really didn't expect that I was the first to leave the stage."

Lancelot turned around slowly, looking at the masked man in red in front of him with a serious expression.

"In that case, let me, as a knight, fight until I exit!"

The helmet instantly covered Lancelot's head, and a great sword appeared in his hand. Lancelot swung the sword and smashed it at the opponent.

The red assassin's speed increased suddenly, and he opened the distance directly. The speed was so fast that it directly dragged out several phantoms.

"Saber, your attention is too focused on the person in front of you..."

At the same time, behind Lancelot, another red figure appeared, with two knives raised in his hands, he slashed directly at Lancelot's back.

Tony didn't notice all this. He was still sitting in his seat, wearing a Bluetooth headset, waiting for Jarvis' notification.

It wasn't until Jarvis informed him that there was a battle in New York City that he put on his armor and went to the balcony to prepare for takeoff. Then he saw Lancelot lying on the ground with two knives pierced behind him. At this scene, he was stunned. After a long while, he finally reacted and rushed forward.

"Lancelot! Boy! Lancelot!"

Chapter 75. Lighting, scene, music on!

On the balcony of the presidential suite at the top of the luxury hotel, the soft outdoor light shines from top to bottom, illuminating the two people hugging each other below, two...men in armor and iron armor, because it is a balcony, plus The floor is very high, there will even be some breeze blowing, and there is a warm bar opposite the balcony, so the music in the bar is also playing outside, which can be heard here.

"Lancelot, hey buddy, can you hear me, wake up, wake up!"


Under Tony's call, Lancelot finally opened his eyes.

"Hey man, you're finally awake."

Seeing Lancelot open his eyes, Tony was visibly more relaxed, and even smiled.

"Dude, you scared me to death just now. Suddenly there are two more knives behind your back, and you are still lying on the ground. Do you know what I thought of? I thought you were attacked from behind!"

"Yes, I was just attacked from behind, and there were still two people."

"You're kidding me, aren't you?"

"of course not."

The smile disappeared from Tony's face.

"Tony, it was the Assassin and Archer from this Holy Grail War that attacked me. They teamed up, just like us with the caster and rider. At first I thought that only the Assassin came to fight with me, but I didn't expect the Archer to be the real Assassin. , It was he who attacked me."

"You must be joking, right? Aren't archers all holding bows and arrows? Where are the two knives, right? So you must be joking with me, right?"

"No, that archer really used a knife. In short, Tony, you must be careful. I can't accompany you to see the Holy Grail. Although you don't have a servant, you can continue to survive in the Holy Grail War as a master. The Holy Grail It's up to you."

Lancelot finished the last sentence with difficulty, then tilted his head, narrowed his eyes, and lost his breath.

"Hey, man! Lancelot!"

No matter how Tony yelled, Lancelot didn't respond. Instead, his body began to disappear slowly, turning into blue light spots and disappearing.

Soon, there was nothing left in Tony's arms, only some blue light spots in the air, slowly spreading, and then disappeared.

Tony looked up at the air, but saw nothing but a dazed expression on his face.

"No... no... don't be like this buddy, now is not the time to joke, Jarvis has already found the place where the battle took place, we have to rush there! Hey buddy, you are not funny at all, you must Is it invisible like before, right? Just suspended animation, right! It must be like this!"

However, no one responded to him.


Punching on the ground, Tony cursed angrily.

"I haven't beaten you yet! Even if you die, you have to wait for me to study the Holy Grail, and then figure out the magic power and beat you up before you die! What do you mean! Are you releasing my pigeons like those guys! You let my pigeons go, right?"

"I tell you, those guys dare to let me go, don't even try to let me go!"

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