"Wait, wait! Don't hit Mu Geng!"

Rentaro could only rush to the middle of the two to stop them. The two women fought as soon as they met, which was extremely fierce.

"Rentaro, don't stop me, this guy stole my one million! I'm going to cut her off!"

"Rentaro, let her come here, I want to see how this woman will kill me!"

Across Rentaro, the two of them kept moving their mouths and making provocations, which gave Rentaro a headache.

"Rentarou, it's bad!"

Just as the two were arguing around Rentaro, a third person appeared again, and Aihara Enju ran back from the outside, shouting while running.

"Yeonju, what's the matter, what happened?"

Rentaro quickly looked at Enju and asked about the situation.Aihara Enju ran into Rentaro's arms, raised his head and shouted.

"The elders and them are all gone!"

Chapter 43. Tony is the villain

In the outskirts of Tokyo, Satomi Rentaro followed Enju, heading towards the depths of the ruins, and behind them were Tendo Kisara and Sima Moori. Came here, looking for the son of the curse who lives here.

"Rentarou, I just came here to look for the elders, and wanted to see if Xiaohua and the others had returned, but this time not only Xiaohua, but even the elders are gone, not just the elders, everyone else is gone."

Because after the Tokyo government announced that Tony and the others were not alien invaders, Rentaro had nothing to do, and Aihara Enju had nothing to do. After they had nothing to do, they came back to the elders to ask if Xiaohua and the others had returned, because if Thor was Sima Heavy Industries If he is a person, then he should not do anything to Xiao Hua.

As a result, Xiaohua disappeared, and even the elder disappeared, so Enju hurried back to find Rentaro.

"How could this be? Where are the elders?"

Ren Taro followed Enju, and also found that Elder Matsuzaki had really disappeared.

"What's going on, the elders and the others have been hiding below, no one should know."

"Except...Except for that person last time, he took Xiaohua away, maybe he forced Xiaohua to speak out, and then they took away the elder and everyone else, it must be like this!"

Yeonju thought of Thor, the perverted cloaked man from last time.

The last time they didn't know what was going on with that perverted cloaked man, but this time they knew that he was from Sima Heavy Industries.

Yanzhu and Ren Taro went back together to find Sima Mozhi, and began to question Sima Mozhi.

"Sima Mozhi! You bastard, why did you take Xiaohua and the others away, and you also took away the elder, what do you want to do!"

As soon as Lanyuan Yanzhu came over, he rushed directly in front of Sima Mozhi, and then loudly questioned Sima Mozhi. He looked very fierce, his eyes were red and even glowing, like a rabbit ready to bite!

Ren Taro came over and grabbed her from behind to prevent her from jumping up and attacking Sima Mozhi. Although it is not clear what happened, it must be ensured that Lan Yuan Yanzhu could not attack Sima Mozhi, let alone Sima Mozhi Ordinary people will suffer if they attack her because of Zhizhi's identity. Aihara Enju is not even an ordinary person. One batch, once she attacks, she will definitely be arrested by the international initiator supervisory agency.

After stopping Aihara Enju, Rentaro looked at Sima Mozhi himself.

"Miss Sima, can you tell me why you went to Elder Matsuzaki and the others and took those children away."

Although Lanyuan Yanzhu was stopped, Rentaro himself wanted to ask, and he also wanted to know why Sima Mozhi wanted to take those children away.

"Rentaro, there is some misunderstanding in this."

Sima Mozhi shook his head helplessly.

"This matter has nothing to do with me."

"Why doesn't it matter, that person is from Sima Heavy Industry, so how could it not matter."

Tendo Kigeng next to him also joined in.

"They are not from Sima Heavy Industries."

"It's not from Sima Heavy Industry, so why did the government say it was from your Sima Heavy Industry? I don't remember that the government can let Sima Heavy Industry help take the blame at will, and you Sima Heavy Industry can't swallow this breath."

"Indeed, Sima Heavy Industry is not so easy to bully, and the government can't treat us like this."

"In other words, he is from your Sima Heavy Industry, that's right."

"No, they are not from Sima Heavy Industry."

Sima Mozhi shook his head helplessly.

"He is not from our Sima Heavy Industry, they are just our partners, but as partners, they have a certain status because of our Sima Heavy Industry, so the government will say that they are from our Sima Heavy Industry."

"Then do you know where they are, where they took Elder Matsuzaki and the others?"

Rentaro is very concerned about those children and Elder Matsuzaki, because they are all friends of Aihara Enju, and he himself is a partner of justice, so he really wants to protect those children.

"Sorry Rentaro, I don't know where they are."

"They're your partners and you don't know where they are?"

Tendoki questioned from the side.

"Yes, although they are our partners of Sima Heavy Industry, we don't know where they are, and we don't even know whether they are in Tokyo."

"Wait, you said you're not in Tokyo?"

"Yes, they have very advanced technology, they can open the space portal, and easily enter Tokyo from the outside, so no one knows whether they are in Tokyo now, I only know that they are in another place."

"Then your Sima Heavy Industry's cooperation is really rigorous enough."

Tentongmu couldn't help but sneer.

"Under normal circumstances, it is true that such a thing will not happen. Any partner, we will have all the information, so that we can take the initiative in our hands, but this time is different, the other party has our information, But we don’t know anything about each other’s news.”

Sima Mozhi didn't hide it either, because she really didn't know anything about Tony and the others.

"Rentaro, I can tell you that I know very little about them at present. I only know that they have the space gate technology and an iron armor technology. There are still many other technologies that I haven't mastered yet."

"Wait, this is not the same guy I met. The guy I met was a muscular guy wearing a red cape."

"I saw the guy you mentioned, but he didn't show any powerful new technology in front of me, Rentaro, do you know what technology he has?"

Sima Mozhi understood who Lian Taro met. The big man who followed Tony did not say a word from the beginning to the end. At that time, Sima Mozhi thought Thor was just in charge of security work, although he was dressed very Comedy, as for the show work, Amakusa is in charge.

Who knew that this reckless man was capable.

"Actually, I don't know too well. I only know that he has a hammer in his hand. Then he turned the hammer and threw it into the sky. Then he grabbed the noose behind the hammer and flew up with him. He flew away in front of me, and took Xiaohua and the others with him, so we have been looking for him, until just now we didn't know that he turned out to be from Sima Heavy Industry."

no, he is not!

Sima Mozhi didn't answer, but lowered his head to think.

Three people, one demonstrated space technology, the other showed armor technology for the first time, and the other flew directly in front of Rentaro.

How much technology do these guys have mastered?

Chapter 44. Uncle Tony will buy you candy

"what is this?"

"It's an excavator!"

"But it looks more like a robot."

"A robot-shaped excavator."

"Is that so?"

In the villa on Mount Fuji, Tony is making his excavating machine. Beside him, there is a group of loli, each with big red eyes, staring at the robot in front of Tony.

The so-called excavator, according to Tony's idea, naturally has to be handsome enough, so he simply built a robot like the battle robot he made to fight Lancer before, but this time the robot has various The equipment is all used for digging and collecting holes. In short, although it can fight, it is more suitable for engineering robots.

"Hey, kids, are you finished with today's class, and you are free to come to me so early to watch my work?"

While assembling, Tony smiled and asked the lolis.

"Today is Sunday, and the elder said we can take a day off."

"That's right, and Illya also said that she will take us out to play later."

"That's right, Ilya also said that she would introduce her good friend to us. She said that her good friend is tall and big, and her good friend also likes to play with us very much."

"Yes, that's great, you have new friends, but if it's that tall and big friend, you don't have to worry about danger when you go out to play, because that tall and big friend can solve all problems."

Tony installed a component in his hand casually, then smiled and said to the lolis.

"Yeah, why don't you hang out with us, Uncle Tony."

"Although Uncle Tony wants to hang out with you very much, but Uncle Tony has more important things to do. Uncle Tony is going to buy you new clothes, as well as cakes and some toys. Those are rewards for being very cute. !"

"Wow! Uncle Tony is so nice!"

"Long live Uncle Tony!"

"Uncle Tony, can I have a pink dress, the kind worn by Dzi Bead girls!"

"Okay, no problem, just tell Uncle Tony what you want, and Uncle Tony will buy it for you."

Tony reached out and touched the little heads of the lolis one by one, and agreed one by one.

Tony is also a little older. Although he is still a young man, his hair is also a little gray, and his beard is also a little gray. To be honest, according to his age, according to normal people, his children should be in high school now, but He is not married yet, even though Little Pepper has agreed to be with him.

These lolis are very obedient, well-behaved, and cute. After being taken to the villa by Tony, they have always been very well-behaved and did everything according to Tony's instructions. This made Tony feel very sorry for them, because at this age Children are generally at the age of ignorance and running around, but they are extraordinarily sensible and never cause trouble for Tony, so Tony also loves them, obedient and cute children, everyone will like them.

Tony even wondered if he would have a daughter with Pepper if he returned to his own world, a cute and obedient daughter like these children.

After installing the digging robot, Tony took the children away from the laboratory, and then sent the children to the child king Illya, who wanted to take them out to play in the snow, um, wearing that snow city suit, Looks more like a princess.

Ilya wants to introduce a good friend to the children and also likes the children. Naturally, it is the famous lolicon berserker in the servant. An Ilya is already great, but now a group of red-eyed lolitas are here, so cool! Berserker howled happily.

With the existence of Berserker, safety is not a problem at all. What's more, there are two other guys with white hair, black leather and red clothes who are always in charge of guarding the periphery. Don't even think about flying close to Ilya and the others. If they dare to come over, they will be served by nuclear bombs.

Watching a group of loli leave the villa to play in the snow under the leadership of Illya, Tony turned around and found Amakusa and Thor. They were going to Tokyo again, and this time they went to Tokyo as legal residents.

The spark-splashing portal appeared again in Tokyo. In a remote alley, the three of them walked out of the portal and walked out of the alley, perfectly blending into the pedestrians on the street. Although the faces of foreigners looked strange, they This time it did not cause too much commotion, and the alarm in Tokyo has been lifted.

The three came to a coffee shop, ordered a cup of coffee, and then began to drink coffee while waiting for someone, and soon a man in a black suit came over and gave Tony a credit card.

Before coming to Tokyo, Tony asked Jarvis to send a message to Sima Mozhi, saying that he came to Tokyo, remember to send him some yen, and then the man in the suit came to send money.

After getting the credit card, Tony can start shopping. Tony is very satisfied with Sima Mozhi's actions, because he gave the credit card instead of the storage card. Although he has to pay back the credit card after swiping it, Tony will not pay it back. People are naturally Sima Mozhi, which means to use it casually.

With Amakusa and Thor, and the younger brother who apparently came to serve but actually came to monitor, Tony came to the department store, and then began to clean a bunch of things for the children living in the villa. I bought clothes, daily necessities, toys I might like, snacks and cakes to eat, and even the children’s underwear, under the weird eyes of the shopping guide.

These actions were carefully recorded by the Sima Heavy Industry employees who were in charge of monitoring, and then reported to Sima Mozhi.

After completing a batch of shopping, the three of Tony headed to the next destination - the International Starter Oversight Agency.

"Mr. Stark, what are you doing here? This is the place responsible for training the sons of the curse. Are you interested in the sons of the curse?"

Under the instruction of Sima Mozhi, who received the news remotely, the suit staff stepped forward to ask Tony's intention to come here. He didn't know why Tony bought so many children's clothes before, and Sima Mozhi didn't take Tony away. He told the subordinates many things about the curse, so he could only guess, but as a subordinate, he knew what to say and what not to say.

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