"I see. Is this your initial plan, Mr. Stark?"

"That's right, I can't do this plan alone, but Father Amakusa, you can help me do it very, very perfectly."

Tony had a smug smile on his face.

"Don't they hate the sons of the curse? Then I will help him reduce the number of sons of the curse, but when they find that the sons of the curse are not enough, it will not be that simple if they want to trouble me."

Creating false images, blinding others' eyes, and then taking advantage of the opportunity, this kind of thing is indeed the most suitable for Amakusa, especially his Reality Gem.

Chapter 47. The face of the villain Stark

Tony Stark is going to be the villain!

The best way to make other villains relax their vigilance is to join them!

With Amakusa as an assistant, Tony can easily join any camp. As long as Tony wants, Amakusa can help him do it. Isn't it just a show, when will Tony be weaker than others?

So, Tony Stark, the newly registered facilitator, starts being the villain today!

The three children brought back from the International Starter Supervisory Agency were washed for nothing and put on clean and beautiful clothes, then threw them into the loli pile and let them play by themselves. The three children were ignorant at first Forced, I don’t know what’s going on, I was beaten in various ways in the institution, and when I was selected, I even thought I was going to be beaten again, but it turned out not only that I was not beaten after I came out, but I could even take a bath and eat cake, It's a bit too blissful to change clothes and then play with a group of your own kind.

The three new lolis quickly integrated into the group with the help of a large group of lolis, and Tony and the others also started a new action.

After staying in the villa for a day, Amakusa opened the portal again, and the three came to Tokyo again, but behind them were three lolitas, yes, they were the three lolitas they brought back from the supervisory agency .

The three lolis created with the Reality Gem, according to the template Amakusa copied from the three lolis, look exactly the same as the three lolis. This is based on the request of the screenwriter Tony. Director Amakusa pinched it for a long time The face is pinched.

Tony is in charge of writing the story, while Amakusa is in charge of directing. After all, only he is in control of the Reality Gem, and Thor is a lonely actor.

"It's amazing that you have developed the Reality Gem to such an extent."

As the prince of Asgard, Thor naturally understands things like reality gems, which were called ether particles before.

"It's nothing, just developed some small due skills."

Amakusa responded with a smile.

"But what are these kids doing with the Reality Stone?"

"You'll know later, don't be surprised then."

"Hehehe, since I met Father Amakusa, there are very few things that can surprise me. Unless Gilgamesh appears in front of me now, there is nothing worthy of my surprise."

"Hopefully you'll still be able to do that when the time comes."

The three of them were still the same as last time, they appeared in an inconspicuous alley in Tokyo, and then walked to the street with three cloned Lolita.

The three of them walked on the street openly like this, and the three lolis behind them followed closely, but the three of them ignored the lolis at all, as if there were no these three people behind them, but The lolis also showed their red eyes directly, causing the passers-by to jump up and down in fright, either blurting out curses or staying away immediately, and some even wanted to pick up stones and throw them at them, what a pity The sanitation workers are quite capable, and there are no stones to throw on the road.

In short, the three sons of the curse immediately became a hot spot when they went to the street, and the street became lively all of a sudden.

And everyone on the street could tell that the three sons of the curse were following the three people in front. According to the current situation in Tokyo, those three people must be promoters and members of the security company.

Some people want to come up to Tony and them to reason, and want to reprimand them for bringing the son of the curse into Tokyo, but after seeing Thor, the strong man next to Thor, they are persuaded again. The hammer is not fake, although it is rare to see promoters using hammers as weapons, basically guns, but it is really scary.

Therefore, even though they were very upset, facing the three of Tony, they had no choice but to endure it. What else could they do if they couldn't bear it? It seems that he doesn't care much about the son of the curse behind him.

In this way, the three of Tony took three lolis and wandered around the streets of Tokyo, and soon attracted the attention of many people. Sima Mozhi, who followed Tony's news as soon as the three of Tony arrived in Tokyo, kept staring at him. Kikunojo, the Tendo of the Tokyo government, who is looking for Tony, and Rentaro Satomi, who is also looking for Tony, wants to know where the children are going.

Tiantong Kikunojo and Sima Mozhi both chose to monitor the actions of Tony and the others through remote monitoring, wanting to know what their purpose was, while Rentaro rushed out from where he lived immediately after knowing that Tony had appeared , He wanted to ask in person why Tony took those children away, and Elder Matsuzaki, where are those children now.

"Mr. Stark, they are all watching here."

After Amakusa got the news, she immediately reported it to Tony. This was the setting in Tony's screenwriter.

"Very well, then it's time for us to find a place for the next performance."

"In an instant, I suggest that it is best within ten minutes, because after ten minutes, an important actor, a righteous little partner will just pass by, and he will greatly increase your crime level, Mr. Stark."

"Oh, that would be wonderful."

Tony looked at the nearby shops through the sunglasses while walking, and then found a dessert shop.

"Just choose there, Father Amakusa, please cooperate with me."

"no problem."

Amakusa nodded slightly, followed behind Tony, and walked towards the dessert shop.

"Hey, get me a cone."

Tony, the boss, started his own show. He asked the waiter for a cone.

"OK, just a second."

The orderer smiled and nodded, then placed an order for a cone on the ordering machine, and the staff behind him immediately started making the cone, and soon a cone was handed to Tony.

"Thank you."

Tony paid, then turned around and licked the cone.

At this time, the three loli behind came to Tony under the control of Amakusa, reached out and tugged at Tony's clothes, then looked up at the cone in Tony's hand, looking very eager.

"You want to eat this?"

nod nod.

The dessert shop staff next to him and the passers-by all stopped to look at Tony, to see what Tony was going to do.

In front of everyone, Tony sneered, then let go of his hand, and the cone fell directly to the ground.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, eat it."

With his arms folded, Tony said to the three lolis with the face of a villain.

And this appearance happened to be noticed by Satomi Rentaro who felt it in time.

Chapter 48

"Eat, I have already given it to you, you pick it up and eat it yourself, do you still want me to feed you with my hands?"

The villain Tony Stark was wearing sunglasses, with his arms crossed and his face staring indifferently at the three lolis in front of him.

"Eat, don't you want to eat? Then eat!"

When other passers-by saw Tony treating the three lolis like this, they were all stunned, and then the expressions on their faces gradually became ferocious.

Originally they thought that the three of Tony were the kind of heretics who sheltered the son of the curse, but now it seems that Tony is the same as them, except that Tony's rank is higher, and he doesn't seem to have any actions on the surface, but in fact he is more serious. can play.

"Yes, eat! Eat!"

"eat fast!"

"Hurry up and eat!"

The onlookers laughed and shouted one by one.

The eyes under the sunglasses of Tony glanced indifferently at the clamoring passers-by around him, and snorted coldly, feeling disgusted by the behavior of these people, but the play still had to continue.

Lowering his head, Tony looked at the three lolis.


Under the control of Amakusa, the three loli squatted tremblingly, and one of them reached out to touch the cone on the ground.

But when her hand was about to touch the cone, Tony suddenly raised his leg and stepped on her hand, directly pressing her hand to the ground.


Amakusa controlled Lori to let out a pitiful scream, her hand was stepped on the ground, how could it not hurt, she had to behave more miserable, and screamed more miserable.

"Oh, that looks like it hurts."

Thor looked at the side and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, stepping on his fingers or something, it hurts just looking at it, Tony is really cruel, even if he knows it was created by display gems, but he really sees this kind of Cruel treatment still hurts.

This picture made the passers-by around very satisfied, but Sima Mozhi and Tiantong Juzhicheng, who were watching here from a distance, showed different expressions.

Tendo Kikunojo is very satisfied with Tony's behavior. As a person who hates and even hates the son of the curse, he has been targeting the son of the curse. He even wishes that all the sons of the curse will die and go to the battlefield as a weapon to fight gastritis, and then fight the original It's best for intestinal animals to lose both.

Sima Mozhi, on the other hand, doesn't like Tony's behavior very much. As a businessman, Sima Mozhi is very neutral towards the son of the curse. She doesn't hate the son of the curse, but she doesn't like the son of the curse either. She is even more neutral. Or, the interests of the Sima family are given priority in everything, and unless there is something that can make her voluntarily give up her interests, she will never end up meddling in other people's affairs.

It's just that she really doesn't like Tony's behavior of abusing the son of the curse in the street, but this is Tony Stark's own business, and she can't get involved. The trampled loli is the international initiator In the supervisory agency, outsiders are not qualified to participate in the contradiction between the initiators selected by Tony, the promoters and the initiators, and those initiators do not have corresponding human rights.

In the crowd, Satomi Rentaro saw this scene and wanted to rush out to stop Tony, but the surrounding wall of people stopped him, and everyone was laughing. It was obvious that all the people around agreed with Tony's approach. Rentaro didn't dare to push through the crowd and go in to help them.

Because Rentaro is also a person living in Tokyo. Although he is a partner of justice, he does not have the courage of justice, especially when so many people around him are targeting the son of the curse, he is even more afraid to stand up, because he is now only Just an ordinary person living in Tokyo.

Therefore, Rentaro could only clenched his fist, gritted his teeth fiercely, and watched Tony continue to step on that little hand of Lolita.

Amakusa saw that the scene was almost done, especially Rentaro stared there, and could proceed to the next step, so he controlled the second loli to pounce on Tony.

"Let go of Mei!"

The second loli jumped to Tony's leg, hugging Tony's thigh with both hands, trying to lift Tony's leg up, while Tony stood there motionless.

Amakusa took the opportunity to tap Thor's arm.

"Your Highness Thor, it's your turn."

"Huh? It's my turn?"

Thor was a little puzzled, he had never read the script, and basically relied on Amakusa's reminders to act, and now Amakusa suddenly asked him to do it, he didn't know what to do.

"Yes, go up, beat that child, remember to use more force, with a ferocious expression, no, according to your characteristics, you only need to be expressionless, I will control that child to resist, and even attack you, and then you have to All I had to do was smash her to death with a hammer."


Thor looked at Amakusa dumbfounded.

Hitting people with a hammer, he has done this kind of thing for thousands of years, but the problem is, he has never done such a thing as killing a loli with a hammer, even if this loli is not real, but in front of him Isn't it a little...too much to smash so many people's faces to death with a hammer?

"Go ahead, just smash it."

Thor couldn't understand Japanese, and didn't know what those people were shouting before, but instinctively, he felt that something was wrong.

"Go, otherwise Stark will not be able to continue acting."

Urged by Amakusa like this, Thor couldn't continue to be embarrassed, walked quickly to Tony's side, grabbed Loli's neck with his left hand, and lifted Loli from the ground. The hand that was still holding Tony's thigh , also let go because of the suffocation and pain, and turned into grabbing Thor's arm to make her neck more comfortable, but Thor's big hand choked her neck tightly, making her breathless, For a while, her face flushed red.

"It really surprises me that you dare to resist me. Do you know what you are? You are just a bunch of monsters, a bunch of damned monsters. Letting you live now is just that you still have a little use. Do you really think that What qualifications do you have?"

Tony looked at Loli who was being lifted up by Thor, and opened his mouth badly, instantly resonating with the people around him.

"Yes, they are monsters!"

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