Now, Zhizi Yingyin can only focus on Tony on the church. The golden red full body armor has a huge backpack behind it. There are many things hanging on the backpack. Many of those things look like long swords. There are also some black ones, which Zhiziyingyin can recognize, they are weapons made of holmium metal.

Tony dug up a lot of holmium metal on Mt. Fuji, so it was no problem to get a few long swords made of holmium metal. He got two swords, and then he also got a lot of bullets to deal with gastrulation that may be very large.

On the surface of the sea, there was a new movement.

The first wave of gastritis is just the vanguard before the arrival of the zodiac. Each zodiac is invincible because of its huge size. There are many low-level gastritis who instinctively choose to follow them. With a certain ability, it can control other gastritis, and it is the ruler of the gastrulation.

On the surface of the sea, the sea surface that was originally calm due to the death of Pioneer Yuanchang Seafood became quiet again.

The sea water on the coast suddenly began to recede rapidly, and the undisturbed seafood that died on the shallows all of a sudden floated directly out of the water, looking as if they were collectively stranded on the beach.

"This is...."

Rentaro also woke up at this time, rubbing his head while looking at the sea in the east, where a large piece of gastrulation corpses really attracted his attention.

"Rentarou, you're awake."

Aihara Enju also woke up in good time, got up and hugged Rentaro's thigh.

"Student Rentaro, you finally woke up, but you woke up at just the right time, the disaster is just about to come, and we just happened to be able to witness the moment of the disaster together!"

Hiruko Yingyin noticed that Rentaro had woken up, and immediately welcomed him.

"What's wrong here, what happened, why are there so many..."

"Those are Gastrea killed by Mr. Stark and the others."

"Those guys killed?"

Rentaro couldn't believe it, those bastard demons killed so many?

"What's the matter with the sea water, why is it going backwards?"

"Because a tsunami is coming."


Rentaro was a little puzzled at first, but was soon stunned.

"What, a tsunami!!"

Rentaro stared wide-eyed at the sea in the east. Although it was night, the lightning flashed continuously in the sky, allowing Rentaro to see that a white line was rapidly growing longer and larger.

"That's right, the Zodiac is coming. If the Zodiac is too big to emerge from the sea, it will cause a huge tsunami."

"Student Rentaro, you may have to be careful next time, don't be drowned by the tsunami."

After Zhiziyingyin finished speaking, he jumped directly to the roof of the church, stood behind Tony, and looked at the sea in the east with Tony.

Because the tsunami is coming, before the sea water hits, the air is pushed first, Zhizi Yingyin can feel a gust of wind hitting his face.

"How to deal with such a big tsunami?"

Zhiziyingyin stared at Tony's back, waiting for Tony's next move. He was very excited and nervous, because if Tony couldn't stop the tsunami, he would be directly washed away by the tsunami, but there was a wave Intuition told him that Tony was able to stop it, just like Thor suddenly flew into the sky and released thunder against the sea just now.

Thor's operations exceeded the limits of human beings, and Tony must be able to do the same.

Rentaro on the ground watched Hiruko Yingyin jumping onto the roof, looking like he didn't intend to leave at all, he was very puzzled, the tsunami was coming, they didn't leave, what did they want to do?

Rentaro wanted to take Aihara Enju to leave, but unfortunately, because of his physical injury, he couldn't do strenuous exercise now, otherwise he would be easily injured again, so he couldn't do strenuous exercise at all, and he didn't have time to run away at all .

Seeing the white line getting closer, the wind getting stronger and more humid, Rentaro became desperate.

Just when Rentaro felt that he was going to die this time, the wind direction suddenly changed, and a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

Chapter 63. The Arrival of Ghidorah

The city of Tokyo became chaotic, and the Tokyo government received the news that LV5 was about to appear, the Zodiac was summoned, and the landing site was the coastline [-] kilometers east of Tokyo!

This news caused the city of Tokyo to explode in an instant. The news that should have been known only to the Tokyo City Government did not know who spread the news, but the entire city of Tokyo knew about it.

As a result, the city of Tokyo became chaotic, and ordinary Tokyo citizens began to riot, because Tokyo was about to be destroyed, because LV5 was coming, and no one in this world could confront LV5 head-on. In the past, human beings were unable to defeat LV5 with complete technology. Now that technology has fallen behind a lot due to the war, it is impossible to confront the sudden attack of LV5 head-on.

So, Tokyo is over!

Although it was night, no one could fall asleep. Everyone was on the street, crying and screaming. Some people even started to take advantage of the chaos to rob and attack on the street.

The government forces also had to send troops to take control, but in the army, more voices wanted to escape.

"Why did it become like this, didn't the box have been found by Tony Stark, why did it become opened now, and the zodiac was even summoned?"

"It must have been opened by that Tony Stark. That guy is arrogant no matter what he does. We warned him not to open it. He must have absolutely nothing to do and then opened it."

"So all of this is caused by that Tony Stark!"

In the security hall, people from the military department were arguing, and some people even directly blamed Tony, the man who still had the title of Chief Technician of the Self-Defense Forces.

"To shut up!"

Tendo Kikunojo poked the ground hard with his own cane, and then yelled to silence them.

"The point now is not to ask who attracted the zodiac, but how to deal with the current predicament."

"Report, our satellites have detected movement. There is a tsunami in the western Pacific Ocean and it is hitting the east coast of the island."

"It's over, the Zodiac is coming, Tokyo is going to end!"

"Shut up! If you keep screaming, I will kill you now!"

Looking at the picture displayed by the satellite on the screen, the officers wailed for a while, looking chaotic, but fortunately Tendo Kikunojo calmed down the scene.

"It hasn't landed yet!"

After Tiantong Kikunojo glared at everyone, he turned his head to look at the screen, and Sheng Tianzi, who had always been a vase, was also looking at the screen beside him.She was very worried, worried that the city of Tokyo would be destroyed and wiped off the map by the monster of the zodiac.

"What's going on with Stark?"

Tendo Kikunojo began to ask the people around him. He usually doesn't ask some detailed questions, but now he has to ask in person.

"We checked. Mr. Stark called a few hours ago and said he got the box and asked us to pick it up."

"Then, our people haven't passed?"

"We... yes, our people did not pass, but people from other security companies passed."

Usually, people in the Self-Defense Force are used to making some small moves in private, but when it came to this incident, they still wanted to make some small moves, but it turned out to be a big deal.

"Stupid, you idiots, you know some petty profits all day long, a bunch of idiots!"

Tendo Kikunojo was so angry that he wanted to kill, but he couldn't do it for the time being. The situation in Tokyo is already chaotic enough. If he kills again, it will be really messed up.

I have to say that it was not easy for Tendo Kikunojo. In this post-apocalyptic environment, everyone in Tokyo is talented and messing around, but he, Tendo Kikunojo, pulled Tokyo up by himself. They are all dragging their feet, none of them can be used, even Sheng Tianzi is dragging his legs, although this old man is set as a villain, but it is really not easy, and he is really capable, give it to Amakusa, Amakusa is simply It is impossible to lead a group of dragging guys and develop Tokyo into the strongest of the five surviving districts in Japan.

In general, the old man is awesome.

"Contact Stark quickly and ask him what's going on now."

As Tony's partner, Tendo Kikunojo understands that although Tony is very perverted in dealing with the Cursed Son, he is good in other aspects, such as scientific research, research and development of weapons, and even created the Ark Reactor, which directly solved the problem of Tokyo. These are all great contributions to Tokyo, and Tendo Kikunojo does not believe that Tony will take the initiative to recruit Zodiac.

However, when Tong Kikunojo's subordinates were about to contact Tony, there was a new change on the screen.

"Look, the clouds suddenly moved."

The picture that the satellite can see is from top to bottom, so the thick cloud cover on the east coast makes them unable to see what happened on the ground under the cloud cover. They can only see the tsunami on the sea surface that is not covered by cloud cover. Heading towards the east coast, but now, the clouds suddenly changed.

The tsunami in the east continued to move towards the east coast, but the clouds on the land suddenly began to rotate. From the satellite image, it was clear that a vortex was forming. The entire cloud layer seemed calm at first, but now it Spinning up, it looks like a typhoon cloud that forms over the Pacific Ocean in summer.

However, it is impossible for Japan to form such a stormy cloud by itself. The cloud not only started to rotate, but also developed towards the direction of the typhoon cloud, and even grew larger. It really looked like a typhoon cloud.

However, unlike the typhoon cloud, this cloud not only did not move inland, but instead moved from land to sea, which looked very strange.

The storm cloud heading towards the sea, what is this thing?And the direction of progress seems to be where the zodiac appears.

"How is this going?"

Tendo Kikunojo even forgot to contact Tony.

The old man's eyebrows were already thick, but now they seem to be directly connected horizontally.

"I don't know, it's never happened before."

"Quick, send a scout plane to check."

If the clouds move and cover the sea, they will completely lose their view on the sea, so in order to prevent this kind of accident from happening, they must send a plane to investigate.

People in Tokyo couldn't see what was going on inside, but under the clouds, Hiruko Kagenon and Rentaro stood there waiting with wide-eyed eyes. Their eyes could clearly see a huge monster with a whole body The golden three-headed dragon is flapping its wings, carrying Thor to the east sea, and the entire cloud layer is spinning with this three-headed dragon, looking like a king in a storm!

Chapter 64. I'm sorry, I can't fight, let me leave

Thor, according to this title, we can imagine that Thor's ability should be to release lightning, and at most he has a hammer.

After becoming a servant, Thor did still maintain the ability to release lightning, and also possessed a hammer, but after coming to this world, he also possessed an ability, that is, summoning.

Because they had a very friendly communication with Ghidorah in the Marvel world, the two of them had a bond inexplicably, and then Ghidorah became Thor's summoning object, just like the dragon witch can summon a dragon. , Thor, the dragon devil, can also summon the dragon Ghidorah.

Thor didn't actually know this, but Amakusa found out after checking Thor's information as a ruler. In order to deal with the zodiac, Amakusa told Thor this.

Thor, who was also ridiculed by Tony for a long time in this world, knew that he could still summon his own Alba Ghidorah, and immediately laughed happily. But now there is a common enemy to deal with, so I will not hate Tony for now, and I will talk about Tony later.

Seeing the tsunami on the sea getting closer and closer, Thor directly started to summon, all the magic power of the whole body gathered on his hammer, and then exploded to the clouds in the sky in the form of lightning, Ghidorah was directly summoned, and happened to Appeared in the clouds.

As a result, the original blue-white lightning in the cloud layer was instantly dyed golden, and the cloud layer began to revolve around Ghidorah as if it had changed its master, thus forming a huge typhoon cloud.

Ghidorah Kevin was a little confused when he was suddenly summoned. He didn't know what was going on. He was still fighting with a human before and suddenly went to another place. His instinct told him that he was no longer in the original place. , his body has also undergone some changes, and it seems to have become stronger.

Then, he felt that he had a little more connection with someone else, and that other person was Thor who had charged him up before.

Thor flew up and landed on Kevin's back, grabbed the scales on Ghidorah's back with his left hand, and held the hammer high in his right hand, gathering the thunder and lightning in the sky to gather on him.

Although the magic power supply has been transformed, how can the magic power supply be more direct and efficient than thunder and lightning, especially with so much energy in the sky, wouldn't it be a waste not to use it.

The golden lightning gathered on Thor's hammer, and then wrapped around Thor's body, making Thor look golden, which was more cool than his blue and white lightning before.

Thor said it was a great feeling!When we return to the world of Marvel, we must take Ghidorah out to act aggressively, not on the earth, but in the universe. This thing, the golden lightning, is as aggressive as that guy Gilgamesh , It's golden light overflowing at every turn.

Then, Hiruko Yingyin and Rentaro saw Thor standing behind Ghidorah, who was like a descendant of a god, flying towards the sea with a positive piece of clouds.

"Hahahaha, it's really wonderful, this is simply a miracle, oh no, this is simply a miracle!"

After looking at it for a while, Zhizi Yingyin suddenly burst out laughing.

"You can control such a monster with a human body, and even be able to withstand lightning to change the weather. Is this your trump card? It's so exciting!"

Hiruko Yingyin's sudden excitement made Rentaro next to him speechless for a moment, he didn't know how to evaluate the current situation, he could only be dryly surprised, this scene had too much impact on him, can he fly alone?He didn't even figure out the principle of how to fly, so that person directly summoned a huge monster. That monster seemed to have surpassed all the gastritis he had seen so far.

And he doesn't know what kind of monster it is, but in this world, at least he thinks it should be a gastritis, at least an LV4 gastroenterology.

The strong wind carried dark clouds towards the sea, suppressing it from the top down, while the sea water resisted from the bottom up.

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