It's been long enough. If we don't talk about business anymore, it's almost time for lunch. God knows how long their conversation will last. Although Tendo Kikunojo won't starve to death without eating a meal, but procrastinating is not an option. Say what you need to say, and then directly express your opinion, whether to go or stay, just give it a good time, and it is useless to be long-winded.

"Let me just say it directly, the whole world knows that a few days ago, a zodiac appeared on the east coast of Japan's main island, and it appeared very close to Tokyo, but after that, it can easily destroy a city Even the zodiac of a country not only did not destroy Tokyo, but died outside Tokyo's gate, I am very curious about this."

The purpose of Qiwu Xuanzong is to come to Tokyo to find Tony, but now there are two extra people beside him, it is difficult for him to talk to Tony about the content of the Wuxiang Club, so it is very important to talk about it, first talk about it, and both of them will leave , and then the real conversation between him and Tony.

While Qiwu Xuanzong was arguing with Tony and the others, Rentaro also started his own actions in the parking lot outside the airport.

He was not eligible to enter the airport, and even if he did, he would not be able to contact Tony at all, because there were many dignitaries around Tony, so it was unwise to go in.

The best way to get close to Tony is to follow Tony back to his residence, and the best way to follow Tony back to his residence is to get into Tony's car.

In Tokyo, no one knows where Tony lives. The Stark security company established in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo is just an empty shell. There is no one in it. Tony has never expected this Stark company to take any business. The last time he looked for Qixing's legacy was also the initiative of the Son of Heaven.

Therefore, only one who follows Tony can find Tony's location, for example, get into his black limousine!

Using his agility, Rentaro avoided the completely unreliable security guards in the airport parking lot, entered the parking lot, kept groping to avoid the camera, and then came to Tony's exclusive car.

The moment Rentaro approached Tony's car, Jarvis noticed it and reported it to Tony. Tony, who was listening to Qi Wuxuanzong and Tendo Kikunojo in the conference room, got the news and immediately came out of his pocket. He took out his mobile phone and started playing in front of several people, which made Qi Wu Xuanzong's face darken instantly.

It seemed to others that he was playing with his mobile phone, but in fact Tony was watching the satellite images transmitted by Jarvis through his mobile phone.

On the screen, Rentaro is squatting furtively outside the trunk of his car, reaching out to pry open his trunk.

"That's interesting."

Chapter 79. Cooperation with the Osaka Region

Tony's car is not an ordinary car. Although it is not a silicon-based life form from a certain planet, its intelligent system and defense system are very advanced. After all, the world is very chaotic. What if someone can't help but assassinate.

Therefore, it is completely impossible for people in this world to crack the security of Tony's car, because people in this world do not have the corresponding technology at all. If they crack it violently, they will only get one result, which is called by Jarvis. The armor that came over was given a direct second.

Rentaro has been staying in the trunk, trying to use his own method to break open the trunk, and then climb in by himself, but after working hard for a while, he found that no matter what he did, the trunk was still intact. This made him a little bit blind, and he couldn't get into the trunk. How could he follow Tony back, was he lying on the bottom of the car?

This car is not off-road, it's very low, lying on the bottom of the car, he has to be ready to kiss the ground at any time, and his face will really be ruined.

No, I have to find a way to follow the past, run behind the car?No, a locator?I don't have such advanced things.

What exactly?

Just as Rentaro was thinking about how to run with Tony, the trunk of the car suddenly popped open.


Rentaro was taken aback by the sudden movement, but immediately turned into a pleasant surprise. He really came to whatever he wanted, but is this okay?

The trunk popped open suddenly, it seemed that something was wrong. Rentaro squatted down and looked at the edge of the trunk, only to find that there was a small gap at the bayonet of the trunk, although it didn’t look very Obvious, but this bayonet is causing problems with the trunk, not keeping it closed.

Therefore, this is not something that happened, but a simple accident. It happened that there was something wrong with the trunk, and I also came to the back of the car at this time.

As for whether it is a prepared trap, Rentaro thinks it is impossible, because no one knows that he will come here today, and it is impossible for Tony Stark to care about him, an ordinary person, with this bayonet, and to lure him into it. Can't it be broken?

That's right, it was deliberately broken to lure him into being fooled. After Tony saw Rentaro's actions, he deliberately asked Jarvis to break the buckle of the trunk, so that the trunk bounced up, so that Rentaro could lurk go in.

As for directly opening the trunk, that's definitely not good. In case Rentaro becomes suspicious and doesn't go in, he simply breaks the bayonet, which seems to be an accident, not a thought.

And Rentaro was also very cooperative. After the trunk was opened, he jumped in and closed the trunk. Because of the broken bayonet, he could easily jump out of the trunk, which allowed him to I'm more at ease, I don't have to go in and I can't get out, unless someone outside opens the trunk.

After hiding in the trunk, Rentaro has never come out again. The trunk space of a luxury car is large enough, so there is no need to worry about stretching. Rentaro can even lie in it and play with his mobile phone, switching the mobile phone to silent mode, the vibration is also stopped, so that you can play with your phone with confidence.

Because he didn't know how long Tony would be talking for, Rentaro could only wait. After all, these people would hold a meeting for a long time, and he decided that it wouldn't be interesting to wait here, so he might as well play with his mobile phone.

I just hope that the battery life of the mobile phone can last. Don't let Tony come back, the phone will run out of battery, it will be more embarrassing.

Rentaro successfully sneaked into Tony's car, and Tony was also in the airport hall, and started arguing with Qiwu Xuanzong.

After Qiwu Xuanzong had a conversation with Tiantong Kikuzhicheng, he asked to talk to Tony alone. The chat with Tiantong Kikuzhicheng was also a lie, and all kinds of falsehoods were said. When talking, it's different.

In the huge conference room, Qi Wu Xuanzong only had himself and his assistant, and sitting opposite was Tony and Amakusa who was Tony's assistant. Four people occupied this huge conference room.

"Mr. Stark, we can finally sit down and have a good talk."

Qi Wu Xuanzong stroked his big black beard, smiling all over his face.

"The conversation with Assistant Officer Tiantong really made me anxious."

"Oh? Are you so anxious to chat with me?"

Tony leaned back on the leather chair, crossed Erlang's legs directly, and shook his legs while talking.

"Of course, since you appeared in Tokyo, Mr. Stark, I have wanted to come and see you, but as the leader of the Osaka area, my time is very tight, so I am very helpless."

Qi Wu Xuanzong had a bitter face, showing a very helpless look.

"But it doesn't matter, I'm free to come here now, and I've been looking forward to my conversation with you, Mr. Stark, since I came here."

"Yes, then I am really honored. In fact, I am also very busy. I have to deal with a lot of things every day. I have a lot of things to study. I have researched such things and researched such things."

"Naturally, I also know the name of Mr. Stark. There are four sages in the world. Mr. Stark's contribution can be said to be the fifth sage."

Qiwu Xuanzong was completely different from when he was in front of Tiantong Juzhicheng before. In front of Tiantong Juzhicheng, his attitude towards Tony was much colder, but now, he directly started to praise Tony.

"To be honest, I think Mr. Stark's achievements have completely surpassed the so-called four sages. Although they are very powerful, none of them has been able to achieve the achievement of killing the zodiac head-on, so Stark Mr. Ke, you are an existence beyond those four people, you are the real sage, and those four people are not sages at all."

I have to say that Qiwu Xuanzong played very well, perfectly in line with Tony's inner thoughts. After Tony learned about this world, he disdained the four sages, and even being called a sage did not solve any problems in this world. None of the problems have been solved. The energy problem, the food problem, the virus problem, and the global communication problem have not been solved.

With this blow, Tony's mood obviously improved a lot. As a scientist, he was blown better than all other scientists, and everyone returned to a good mood.

Qiwu Xuanzong looked at Tony's expression and knew that he was right.

"So, I want to talk to Mr. Stark about cooperation. Mr. Stark, Tokyo is too small to be a stage for you to play at all. You shouldn't stay here. Come to Osaka, we can Let's work together to change the world!"

Qi Wu Xuanzong opened his hands, grinned, and extended an invitation to Tony.

"Okay, of course!"

And Tony readily agreed.

Chapter 80. Betray Tokyo and treat the bad guys to the end

Tony has never watched animation, so he doesn't know that Tokyo is where the protagonist is located in this world, and he never thought of staying in Tokyo all the time. He started in Tokyo first, just because Tokyo was the first place he went to. After that, there was no reason, and he didn't have any preference for Tokyo City.

Tony's main idea for this world is to develop an antidote to the original enterovirus, and then save all the cursed children in this world. Those children make Tony feel pitiful. As for ordinary people, Tony has no idea about those ordinary people. While normal people can be nasty to the Son of the Damned, Tony isn't arrogant enough to make himself a god and judge everyone.

Therefore, the ordinary Tony would not provoke them, but he would not shelter them too much, as long as he ensured that they did not die.

Now, the sons of the curse in Tokyo have almost been searched, and there are only a few fragments left. Those few are hidden deep, and Tony can't find them, and neither can the Tokyo citizens, so it's okay for Tony to keep them in Tokyo. It doesn't make much sense, the remaining few can be handed over to Amakusa to find them.

As for himself, he is about to leave Tokyo, go to other cities to develop, and collect the sons of the curse from other cities.

The son of the curse is not only used in Tokyo. Tokyo is just one of the five major regions in Japan. Outside of Japan, there are also the Eurasian continent, the American continent, and even the African continent. There are all people there, and they must be collected. If they can't be collected, we should try our best to help those sons of the curse to solve the virus problem.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Stark, I will wait for you in Osaka."

"It's a pleasant cooperation, and I will go to Osaka soon."

The conversation with Qi Wu Xuanzong went very smoothly. Tony needed to transfer his position, and Qi Wu Xuanzong wanted Tony to transfer his position, and the two reached an agreement.

"Then, my trip to Tokyo this time has been completed."

Qi Wu Xuanzong stood up and stretched out his right hand to Tony, and Tony also stood up and held Qi Wu Xuanzong's right hand.

"Yes, I am also looking forward to our future cooperation."

After Tony finished speaking with a smile, he retracted his right hand, and Qi Wu Xuanzong also retracted his right hand, then turned around and left with his assistant.

He is still on the territory of Tokyo now, so he can't be too arrogant. If he is too arrogant, it will be over if that guy Tendo Kikunojo jumps over the wall in a hurry. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, so he doesn't need to be so anxious. It's not too late to laugh when he gets on the plane.

After leaving the meeting room, he walked out in front of Tendo Kikunojo and Setenko, and when he walked out, he gave Tendo a very ugly look, pretending to be very angry.

Sheng Tianzi and Tiantong Juzhicheng looked at Qi Wu Xuanzong's angry expression, but heaved a sigh of relief, at least instinctively felt a little relieved.

Qi Wu Xuanzong and his assistant walked very quickly. When they walked over, they directly left the airport and got on the plane. They didn't even say goodbye to Tiantong Kikuzhicheng.

From Tendo Kikunojo's point of view, he was so angry that he lost face and ran away.

After Qiwu Xuanzong left, Tony came out of the conference room with Amakusa. Tony came out of the conference room with a bright smile on his face. It looked like he had won a tens of billions of lottery tickets. After all, Tony was very rich. Probably laughed because of the millions, who couldn't afford a single glove for his armor.

"Mr. Stark, you seem to have had a pleasant conversation."

Seeing Tony's face and speaking, Tendo Kikunojo felt that their conversation should be pleasant, at least for Tony.

"Yes, our conversation was very pleasant, very pleasant, you see, he was so happy and anxious to go back."

Tony still had a bright smile on his face, and he said exactly the right things, but these words were overheard by Tiantong Juzhicheng. Qi Wu Xuanzong threw things directly and went home.

"Just be happy."

In this regard, Tendo Kikunojo could only throw out such a sentence.

"Since there is nothing else to do, let's go back first. I still have new research to do."

"Mr. Stark, please go slowly."

From the beginning to the end, it was Tendo Kikunojo who spoke. The emperor didn't want to talk to Tony, so he let Tendo speak. Due to Tony's current status, Tendo had to be polite.

After Tony nodded, he took Amakusa and left. Looking at Tony's back, Sheng Tianzi could only sigh.

For Tony, she was very helpless. She watched Tony continue to kill the cursed sons in the street before, and she hurriedly introduced the original intestine law to protect the cursed sons. As a result, the bill has not been passed, and all the cursed sons in Tokyo have been solved by Tony. , and she has absolutely no excuse to blame Tony.

If Tony didn't update the equipment of the Tokyo Self-Defense Force, then she could use the son of the curse as the power to protect Tokyo to condemn Tony, but not now, Tony not only updated the equipment of the Tokyo Self-Defense Force, gave Tokyo unlimited energy, and even single-player Solo dropped scorpio, so the son of the curse is useless, and there is no excuse for dying.

Therefore, the Holy Son of Heaven can only lament for his own powerlessness, and then he can't do anything.

"Son of Heaven, let's go back too. Qi Wu Xuanzong has already left, and there is no need for us to stay at the airport."

Tony is gone, and Tendo doesn't want to stay here any longer. He still has a lot of things to do. As an assistant officer, he manages all the affairs in Tokyo. The Son of Heaven is completely different.


Shengtianzi responded, and then left behind Tiantong Juzhicheng. At this time, she was completely a vase who could do nothing.

Outside the airport, Tony and Amakusa got into the car. Jarvis immediately controlled the car and drove to the outer area of ​​Tokyo. In the trunk of the car, Rentaro also put down his cell phone when the car started, and was ready to act, in order to prevent the car from being triggered. He has been clasping the trunk lid with his hand, resisting the thought of opening the trunk to observe the situation outside, quietly lurking.

Until Tony's car passed through the portal and returned to Mount Fuji, the sudden drop in temperature made him shiver, and he couldn't help lifting a slit to look outside.

Then, what he saw was a piece of silver, with snow everywhere, and Tony's car was driving directly in the snow.

This situation stunned him instantly, just like Tina who came here before, she was still in Tokyo just now, why did she suddenly come to a place full of snow?What's the matter?

Chapter 81. Catch the Thief

Mount Fuji!

Although Rentaro didn't know where he was at the first time, after observing for a period of time, he still determined his location, which is Mount Fuji, which is called the symbol of Japan.

When he was in Tokyo, he could see Mount Fuji as long as he looked up to the northwest, but now, Rentaro found himself looking east, and he could see Tokyo, especially the huge holmium metal steles surrounding Tokyo.

Is it possible to drive directly to Mount Fuji from Tokyo in such a short time?

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