"that's it?"

Standing behind Ghidorah, Thor looked at the calm sea gradually, feeling a little puzzled.

"Yes, that's it."

After Tony finished speaking, he pulled out his two great swords from behind and merged them together. The beam greatsword appeared again, but it hadn't been activated immediately.

If you don't know what the opponent's ability is, don't use holmium metal to attack for the time being, and use the beam sword to test it first. What if this zodiac is a better type, or the weakness is different?

After Tony assembled the beam sword, the sea that had slowly returned to calm suddenly became choppy.

"Are you up now?"

Thor looked at the sea below in doubt. The sudden fluctuations in the sea clearly indicated that the zodiac was about to come out, but Ghidorah was flying on it before, and there was no movement even after shouting twice. Why did Tony come here? , Throwing a piece of meat down and it came out, could it be that it was hit by a piece of meat?Or does that thing like to eat meat?

"After the legacy of the Seven Stars, I made a bold guess. These so-called zodiac signs were all the original experimental subjects, and these experimental subjects were all little girls. They didn't know much, but they knew nothing about their own. The belongings and their companions must have a certain connection, or have a certain intuition, so there will be a corresponding connection between them, and these connections can make them appear."

After Tony finished speaking, he turned on his beam sword, and the [-]-meter-long beam sword appeared with the sound of hula la.

"It now appears that my inference is correct."

"Haven't you considered the possibility of failure before?"

Thor beside him couldn't help asking twitching corners of his mouth.

"Failure? Impossible."

Tony raised his chin confidently.

"My theory has never failed. Every one of my weapons will not be tested. The so-called tests are carried out directly on the battlefield."

"Um... the last time you killed that big guy?"

Thor couldn't help but asked another question. He felt that Tony was exaggerating too much. With such a terrifying weapon, you dare to take it to the battlefield without testing it?Are you not afraid that one will accidentally blow yourself up?

"Of course, I didn't test those swords after they were made."

What I got was a response from Tony with a look of reason.

Chapter 84. The Impenetrable Shell

The sea water is churning, as if it is about to be boiled, but in fact, there are huge objects floating up below, so the sea surface becomes unstable. Later, it directly turned into a huge wave, and the entire sea level has a kind of rise trend until eventually becoming a dome-shaped overall sea level rise.


In Thor's exclamation, the huge zodiac broke through from the sea surface, like a volcanic eruption. The dome of the sea that was originally caused by the huge body of the zodiac was directly broken from the middle, and the huge Roshan rushed out of the sea.

"Wow, this scene is really spectacular."

Thor jumped onto Ghidorah's middle head, looking down at the seawater splashing like an explosion.

"Would you like to come up with a preemptive strike, and give it a few ruthless blows before it comes out?"

And by the way, a very constructive comment for Tony.

"I think it's okay, you go."


"Well, didn't you say you were going to give it a few ruthless blows? You do what you said, go ahead, I'll watch from the side."

Tony raised his chin facing the sea below, signaling Thor to go down.

Thor has a bitter face, are you kidding me? I already knew it when I faced Scorpio last time. The skin of that thing is as hard as death. Besides, Thor simply doesn't have any means to hurt the Zodiac.

If Thor went to the Dwarf King and asked the Dwarf King to help him build the Storm Axe, then Thor would really do whatever he wanted at this time, and even Tony would have nothing to do with him, because the Storm Battle Ax, as the king's weapon, can help While Thor controls the power of thunder and lightning, he can also directly open the Rainbow Bridge. While the Rainbow Bridge can be a tactical and strategic prop, it is also a very powerful star-fighting weapon, which can directly cut and destroy a planet. Trifle.

It's a pity that Thor didn't. If he knew now, he would throw away the hammer angrily.

But now, without a tomahawk, Tony told him to go down, but he could only move, it was impossible to go down, how could he fight melee as Thor?I'm obviously a caster, isn't it good to stand in the distance and use the hammer in my hand to discharge electricity to the bottom?

Helpless Thor squatted down and patted Kevin's head under his feet. Kevin also understood Thor's meaning and began to gather energy directly. The golden thunder and lightning appeared in the sky again, and the controlled water vapor was also concentrated on Ghidorah's body Around, a hurricane cloud began to unfold with Ghidorah as the center.

"Does it have to be like this every time I play? What a waste of time."

Tony watched Ghidorah start using scene magic cards again, and felt very strange. What's the use of summoning these clouds? I didn't feel any use at all.

Golden lightning flashed in the sky, and then gathered on Ghidorah's head, the man who held the hammer and was not afraid of death to accept the lightning.

Well, Tony understood what the cloud was for. It was charging his power bank, and then the power bank was charging it.

Although Kevin can control the clouds, he can't effectively obtain energy from nature. Its power lies in its own release of energy, but Thor is different. Thor can absorb the lightning in nature and then output it to the outside. After all, Thor is Thor, it's just different.

Unexpectedly, it was obviously just a monster, but it had a lot of brains, and it was okay, which surprised Tony.

The golden lightning was collected by Thor, and Thor was immediately surrounded by golden lightning, which looked like a god, and then the lightning gathered in Thor's left hand, pressed on Ghidorah's head, and the energy was instantly transmitted to Ghidorah. Kevin.


Kevin, who got the charge, roared, then lowered his head, and the three heads aimed at the rising zodiac below, and directly began to release gravitational rays.

The golden thunder pillar was continuously twisted and released, and hit the huge body of the zodiac. The huge body of the zodiac stopped for a while, but soon rose at a faster speed.


Thor was a little surprised by the performance, but he still raised his right hand and started lightning strikes on the zodiac with the hammer. Like before when he attacked Scorpio, he attacked the zodiac below, but the zodiac did not change at all. is accelerating.

In this case, no!

Tony looked at the rising zodiac, his expression under the mask became serious.

"Sir, apart from the impact caused by the initial energy collision, the lightning did not cause any damage."

Jarvis answered Tony's doubts at this time.

"No harm done?"

"Yes sir, when the last target was fighting, the lightning was able to cause enough damage with the high temperature, but this time it didn't."

While Jarvis explained, he also directly released the temperature change map of the skin of the zodiac below.

The picture shows that the temperature of the lightning is very high, and the temperature of the skin that the lightning touches is also very high due to the lightning, but there is no change.

"This thing is different from the last time, is it heat-resistant?"

Tony can only think of this. He can only withstand the temperature of lightning. He can only be a very heat-resistant guy.

"According to the current situation, this is the case."

"Heat resistant, how about physical shock?"

"Judging from the current situation, the resistance to physical impact is also very strong. If Mr. Milk proceeds according to the previous assault method, there is a high probability that the damage to the target will be 0."

The damage is 0, that is, there is no damage at all. In that case, his spiral sword is useless. Tony doesn't think his spiral sword can get in by himself.

It can't explode inside the body, and the damage will vary greatly. This is not good news. If it explodes outside, it may not even break the skin of the place.

What Tony thought was correct. The zodiac he was facing now was Libra. Among the current zodiacs on earth, Libra should be considered the most difficult to solve.

This Libra has the hardest shell, even a nuclear bomb can't blow a little gap. Other zodiac signs belong to the kind that rely on their own regeneration to support the scene, but Libra is different. It relies on its own defense. Of course, its The ability to regenerate is also very strong.

And its attack method does not rely on its own body to kill, its attack method is very terrifying, its body can produce tens of thousands of deadly viruses that can parasitize in humans or other animals, and spread them out, Directly transmitted through the air, it is more corrosive than ultraviolet rays, and can cause great damage, and the range of damage is extremely large!

And now, Libra, which has exposed many bodies, directly directed at Kevin and Thor who were constantly attacking it in the sky, and sprayed a black smoke.

Chapter 85. Thor died of poisoning

Libra, under the current circumstances, the zodiac, which has no resistance to human beings at all, can be said to be the greatest threat to human beings.

It produces a large number of deadly viruses in its body, and it is extremely corrosive, making it impossible for humans to deal with it. On the battlefield, it is impossible for humans to wear super protective clothing all over their bodies. When wearing protective clothing, war is still possible. No matter how you fight, the field of vision is not so high. The battle between humans and gastrulations can only be beyond the horizon, but gastrulations have no land to guard, and the entire earth is their battlefield. Don't give humans the chance to go beyond the horizon.

Now, Tony and Thor face off against the monster of monsters, Libra.

The attacks of Tony and Kevin were completely ineffective, and Libra, directly facing the attacks of Tony and Kevin, launched a counterattack.

Because Kevin's height is too high, Libra can't touch it, so it chose the large-scale indiscriminate range attack that it is best at.

He sprayed out many viruses produced in his body in one breath. After the original intestine war, Libra had no chance to spray these viruses for a long time. Now he finally met a guy who dared to attack it, and he didn't look like a human. It was a monster like it, so it directly sprayed out the virus that had been stored in its body for many years.

The virus was sprayed a bit too much, so that when it was spit out, it was like spit out a cloud of black mist. After the spout, it immediately dissipated with the hurricane controlled by Kevin.

"what is that?"

Thor looked at Libra suddenly protruding out of a cloud of black mist, and felt very puzzled. He and Kevin's attack seemed to have no damage at all, but they couldn't help but spit out a cloud of black mist. Could it be that the outside It didn't hurt, but it was actually roasted inside, so it couldn't help but spit out a cloud of black mist?No harm on the outside, but serious injury on the inside?That means your attack is useful!

However, when the black mist dissipated and floated in front of Tony, he took a deep breath, but found that there was no burnt smell, but a fishy smell instead.

Although I know that you have been hiding in the sea all the time, what is the situation with the smell of fish in your stomach? Don’t you still eat fish?With such a big body, you have to eat tens of thousands of tons of fish a day, even whales are not enough for you to eat, and the energy on the earth is simply not enough for you to consume, brother.

However, just after Thor finished complaining, he couldn't help but feel his throat tickle, and coughed violently.

"Cough cough~~"


While Thor was coughing, Kevin below suddenly raised his head and yelled, so that the attack was interrupted.

But after roaring, Kevin shook his head vigorously, opened his mouth again, and started attacking the Libra below. The golden lightning fell again and continued to hit the surface of Libra. It didn't help at all though.

Correspondingly, Thor's attack stopped. For some reason, Thor felt very uncomfortable in his body, and it became difficult to breathe.

"What's going on? I actually feel difficult to breathe."

The sudden deterioration of his body made Thor very incomprehensible. As the prince of Asgard, it doesn't matter if he has no air in space. Asgardians don't need oxygen!But now he feels uncomfortable, inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Cough cough~~~"

Unable to bear the uncomfortable situation in his chest, Thor couldn't help but coughed again. After coughing, Thor felt his arm was itchy again, so he reached out and grabbed his arm, but he grabbed it and found I directly grabbed a piece of skin from my arm, and my left arm was blurred, with blood spilling out directly, as if a piece of skin had rotted away.

what's going on?What do you mean this is?

Thor was stunned. Even if he was fighting Gilgamesh, it wasn't so strange. He was injured, and he was injured under inexplicable circumstances.

"You should be dying."

When Thor was puzzled, Tony next to him suddenly said something abruptly, which made Thor stunned for a moment.

"What, what did you say?"

"I said, you're going to die."

Tony said it again through the mask.

"What do you mean, what do you mean I'm about to die, although I don't know why I was suddenly injured, but it's not about to die, it's just a little...cough~~poof——"

Thor disagreed with the debate, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly couldn't help coughing violently, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

what's going on! ?

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