However, the thundercloud did not approach Australia, but gradually dissipated after flickering for a period of time, which made the humans in Australia breathe a sigh of relief.

On the other side of Japan, Tokyo is indeed in chaos.

The hero of Tokyo, accepted the invitation of Qiwu Xuanzong, the ruler of the Osaka area, and joined the Osaka area.

The hero of Tokyo left Tokyo, which shocked all the people in Tokyo. As a high-level person, Tendo Kikunojo couldn't understand why, why did Tony go to Osaka, and they were still making trouble when Emperor Qiwu Xuanzong came to Tokyo. They broke up badly, and Tony doesn't know what the hell Osaka looks like?

You know everything, so why go to Osaka?Is it because the privileges I gave you in Tokyo are not high enough?It’s still less money for Mi, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me, why did you leave for Osaka?

Also shocked was Tiantong Mugeng, because she only found out today that the employees of her company had disappeared!

Satomi Rentaro and Aihara Enju, the employees of these two companies have all disappeared, and the company has become the only president left, and she has directly become the polished commander!

She has been in the school all the time, and she doesn't know what happened in her home at all. She couldn't search everywhere in the company, and she finally found the letter left by Rentaro.

The letter clearly stated how Rentaro asked Aihara Enju to go to Tony's side to lurk, but Enju never returned, so he went to find Tony by himself, and then passed.

As a result, neither Enju Aihara nor Rentaro came back, and Tony left Tokyo for Osaka. How can this still be the case?Explode directly!Tiantong Security Company went bankrupt directly!

No no no, this is not a problem, the most serious problem is that my two friends are gone just like that!

After learning about this situation, Tendo became blackened directly. She wanted to go to Tony to avenge her friend, but unfortunately, Tony would not come to Tokyo anymore. Fortunately, the Ark reactor that Tony handed over to Tokyo can continue. The operation, so that Tokyo did not directly enter the energy crisis again because of Tony's departure.

At the same time, in Osaka, Amakusa and Tony, who came back from the Pacific Ocean, also started contact with Qi Wu Xuanzong.

The Osaka area is completely different from the Tokyo area. Tokyo looks like a very peaceful modern city that seems to be completely unaffected, while Osaka looks like a machine ready for war at any time. You can see it everywhere here. The factories and slums give Amakusa a steampunk feel, but the technology here is much higher than that of steampunk. However, steampunk does not mean that the technology is low. In that world background, there are often A lot of amazing black technology.

The whole city looks like a huge factory. The people living in Osaka seem to be all workers of this factory. Compared with the neighboring Tokyo, the living standard of the residents here is much lower, but the upper class Life is as extravagant as Tokyo.

dictator!This situation fully demonstrates that the leader of the city, Qi Wu Xuanzong, was a cruel dictator.

It is the style of a dictator to treat the people as a tool and act in their own interests.

But the concentration of power in the hands of one person is more suitable for Tony's actions, because he can get enough power from Qi Wu Xuanzong, which makes it more convenient for him to act in Tokyo.

Here, there is no need to act, he directly started a showdown with Qi Wu Xuanzong.

In Qiwu Xuanzong's reception room, Tony sat on the sofa opposite Qiwu Xuanzong, with his hands on both sides of the sofa, looking like I'm a dick.

"President Qi Wu, I have come here. If you want to cooperate, it is very simple. You help me collect the son of the curse, and I will give you the advanced weapons you need. If you want to rule Japan, then I will give you the weapons that can rule Japan. If you want to rule the world, I will give you the weapons that can rule the world. Don’t doubt me. I have that ability. The zodiac is in front of me. It’s just a prey that can be killed with a few strokes. I think everyone There shouldn’t be a weapon that can kill a Zodiac in just a few hits.”

"Hehehe, of course not, that's why I warmly invited Mr. Stark to Osaka. Mr. Stark really made the right choice."

Qi Wu Xuanzong smiled all over his face.

"However, I really want to know why Mr. Stark is so obsessed with those sons of the curse."

"Hehehe, as for me, I don't have any interests. The only two interests are to study some weapons that can easily kill gastroentera, and the other is to study those cursed children. Those cursed children are very cute, so cute I can't help but want to study them carefully."

"If that's the case, there's no problem at all. Mr. Stark likes to study Gastrea. I've heard about it in Osaka. When I come to Osaka, I will naturally help."

Qiwu Xuanzong didn't care about the cursed son at all. He was more straightforward than Tiantong Kikunojo, and those children were just tools to him.

"However, besides that, I also want to introduce us to Mr. Stark."


"That's right, us including me, Qi Wu Xuanzong."

Qi Wu Xuanzong stroked his beard.

"We, Wuxiang Club."

Chapter 89. Negotiations to join the Wuxiang Club

Wuxiang Society, the organization where Qi Wu Xuanzong belongs, has traces of this organization all over the world. Almost all human gathering places have minions of Wuxiang Society. This allows Wuxiang Society to be able to do things in this world where humans are isolated from each other To the greatest extent understand the information from all over the world.

Moreover, the purpose of this organization is also very simple, that is to rule the world and become the ruler of mankind.

There are also many factions in this organization. One faction wants to use the new human creation plan, another faction wants to use the Black Swan project, and some factions have other ideas. In short, this is a world-wide influence. Organized, but rather chaotic.

Qiwu Xuanzong is in this organization, and according to the level, the level is not particularly high, but because he holds the Osaka area in his hands, he has a certain amount of capital.

"Our Wuxiang Association has the most resources in the world, the most human living areas, and the most talents. Mr. Stark, join us and let's change the world and rule the world together."

After briefly introducing the Wuxiang Club to Tony, Qi Wu Xuanzong immediately began to draw big cakes for Tony.

"I agree with you that you have the most resources, and I agree with you that you have the most human living areas, but I don't quite agree with you that you have the most talents. To be honest, in terms of technology, I agree. Those sages who I personally think of you are rubbish."

Dabing, Tony listened, but his personality prevented him from just listening quietly, and he just started to taunt.

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, those people are nothing compared to Stark. After all, only Mr. Stark can solve Zodiac head-on by himself."

"However, Mr. Stark, no matter how powerful you are, you are only one person, but we have many people. In terms of gastrulation, no one may be stronger than you, but in other things, it is different. , even Mr. Stark, you usually need some people to help you do things."

"That's right. So, what do you want to express when you tell me this? Do you want me to join your Wuxiang Club?"

"Yes, I hope that Mr. Stark can join our Wuxiang Association. In today's world, our Wuxiang Association is the largest organization in the world. Mr. Stark already knows the resources we have, and Mr. Stark, you With peerless talent, no one can match in the world, so joining the Wuxiang Club is the best choice for both us and Mr. Stark, and we can directly win-win."

"It sounds very good, and to be honest, I am moved."

Tony touched his chin, showing the wretched smile that he would only show when he saw a beautiful woman.

"But I think, if a worldwide organization like the Wuxiang Association wants me to join, there must be certain requirements. Both me and you will pay a certain price. It is impossible to let me join just because of one sentence. , and you don’t have to worry about it at all.”

"Hehehe, Mr. Stark is really a smart man, he immediately understood what I mean without me saying it."

Qi Wu Xuanzong touched his beard happily.

"We can give Mr. Stark a very high status in the organization, and correspondingly, Mr. Stark, you need to hand over the technology you have researched to the organization."

"Pay? Did I hear you right? Did you mean "Pay?"

Tony also pinched his chin, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Hehehe, that's right, it's handover. If Mr. Stark wanted to join our organization when the Wuxiang Association was first established, then we would welcome it, but now, our Wuxiang Association has grown stronger. Japan Several of the five human gathering areas in the world are controlled by our Wuxiang Club. Many of the human gathering areas in the world are our territories. In this case, if you want to join our Wuxiang Club, you will naturally need to pay There is a certain price, and the technology possessed by Mr. Stark is the best price."

"That's right, if I hand over some technology, how high will my status be?"

"I don't know about this, because I'm just a cadre in the organization, not the top person in the organization."

Qi Wu Xuanzong chose to throw the pot away.

"However, I think the cadres at the top will give you a salary that satisfies you."

"In that case, why don't I go directly to those upper-level cadres? It seems that there is no need to go to President Qi Wu."

Tony pinched his chin with one hand, and kept beating the sofa with the other, his smile became obscene again, which made Qi Wu Xuanzong's expression a little bit

"Let me analyze it. The Wuxiang Association is an organization distributed all over the world. If the organization is so large, then there must not be one person in power, and there will be many factions. In this case, I only need to Propose a deal to the upper echelons of one of the factions, and they will be very happy to trade with me, because as long as they trade with me and get my technology, they will be able to overwhelm the other factions inside, and then I can let them do it for me Some things, for example, let them order you, a lower-level cadre, as a high-level cadre to help me do things, it seems that there is no problem."

Every time Tony said a word, Qi Wu Xuanzong's face would turn black, and when Tony finished speaking and looked at him with a smile, Qi Wu Xuanzong's face had changed from an East Asian to a Filipino color.

"President Qi Wu, do you think I'm right?"

Tony folded his hands together and looked at Qi Wu Xuanzong with his chin resting. This old man is very bad, and he wants to hand over things for nothing. Is this possible?Do you really think that you are a novice and don't understand anything, and I will give you something as soon as you say it?

Although he usually doesn't care about the company's business operations, it's not that Tony doesn't know anything about this kind of company transactions. It's just that he usually relies on Stark Industries' technology. If you press the technology, it's over. If you want my stuff, just shut up and don't BB!

When Tony directly overturned the table, Qi Wu Xuanzong gritted his teeth and was very angry. As a cadre within the organization, he clearly knew that what Tony said was completely correct, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He, Qiwu Xuanzong, as a cadre of the Wuxiang Association, is only a fringe cadre responsible for managing the Osaka area. To put it bluntly, he is a governor in a country. I can obediently listen to Tony.

"Mr. Stark, you are really smart."

Chapter 90. A new round of farming begins

Qi Wu Xuanzong was in a bad mood, but facing Tony, he still had to smile.

Waving his hands stiffly, he applauded and complimented Tony.

"Mr. Stark, you are so smart, you immediately analyzed the situation of our Wuxiang Club."

"It's okay, I'm just doing a little analysis."

Tony pointed to his head with a look of dismay.

"Besides, the Wuxiang Society is an organization. I can probably guess what it is like from what you said."

"Hehehe, Mr. Stark's wisdom is really beyond my imagination, I am too stupid."

Qi Wu Xuanzong had a wry smile on his face.

"Then, Mr. Stark, it's time for us to revisit our cooperation."

"Yes, I imagine that President Qi Wu will come up with a very good cooperation plan."

Tony stood up from the sofa.

"Before President Qiwu gets along better with the cooperation plan, I will take a stroll in Osaka. I haven't been to Osaka yet. I am full of curiosity about this city under the rule of President Qiwu. I don't mind if I go shopping. Take a stroll and have some fun."

"Of course I don't mind. Does Mr. Stark need me to arrange a guide for you? After all, Mr. Stark is not familiar with Osaka."

"No, I personally don't like those so-called scenic spots. I just wander around wherever I go. Instead of arranging a tour guide for us, it's better to give us a car. We can just drive around and look around. If you want to find us If so, just find it directly, I think the people under President Qi Wu should have a way to locate a car."

"That's not a problem. I'll have someone arrange a car for Mr. Stark right away."

With a wave of Qi Wu Xuanzong's hand, he directly arranged a black limousine for Tony.

I don't know why, but this kind of limousine is always mostly black, probably because black looks more imposing, or more depressing?

Tony sat in the back row very skillfully, and then Amakusa, the bodyguard, got into the cab, started the car and left the presidential palace.

"Jarvis, scan the car."

"Okay sir, the scan has been completed. There is no signal transmission device or information storage device in the electronic components of the car."

"Very well, no bugs or audio-video devices."

After getting the report from Jarvis, Tony went straight back, then crossed his legs and looked at Amakusa ahead through the rearview mirror.

"Father Amakusa, what do you think?"

"How about what?"

"That guy's expression just now."

"Very rich and wonderful."

Amakusa laughed too.

"That guy thought I could be fooled by him and hand over all my things, and then he could take those things to that shit Wuxiang Club to claim credit."

"That's a good idea, isn't it?"

"That's right, it's very good, but it's too idiotic. Doesn't he even consider the abilities I have? They Wuxiang can't do anything about Zodiac, but I can easily kill Zodiac. Why do you think I will be weaker than their bullshit Wuxiang, or that I have to hand in technology when I join them, which makes me laugh more than the joke that Hammer Company developed the Ark reactor."

I know you look down on Hammer Company, but at least give him face. He has been acquired by the military, and they are all separated by a world. You will not let him go. Is it because he loves you deeply or you He loves deeply?

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