"Yes, I sensed that you and Kevin were in some danger, so I opened the portal."

"That's really thankful, you know, I was almost crushed to death just now."

"By the way, Father Amakusa, where is this place?"

Thor remembered that their base should be on Mount Fuji, but this is a forest, and Mount Fuji was not seen.

"This is near Sendai. In fact, I was planning to find you too."

"Find me?"

"Yes, Stark is working on an antidote to the virus, and we're going to Sendai to play tricks."

"Huh? Pretending to be a wave?"

"Yes, Tony is planning to build a country."

Um? ? ? ?

A series of question marks popped up in Thor's head, what does Jianguo mean.

Chapter 101. Unifying the island

Tony is about to build a country, and this situation makes Thor feel confused. Isn't that guy a scientist? How can he want to build a country?

Thor doesn't understand, but Amakusa understands, because Amakusa is Tony's assistant and is responsible for many things Tony wants to do, so Amakusa knows what Tony wants to do.

The so-called nation-building is to establish a country to accommodate those lolitas. It is not suitable on land, but it is quite suitable on islands, such as the main island of Japan.

As a country that does not have contact with other countries and continents, it is very suitable to be established as a special case country, especially in the current situation.

Tony doesn't know how the world will develop next, but he can guarantee that after his technology is established, the country can survive in the current environment for at least several decades.

So Tony is going to help them prepare for these decades. As for what will happen in the future, it is caused by their own choices. It is impossible for Tony to be a nanny for a lifetime.

Therefore, it is also possible for this country to become the country of the son of the curse, but this requires the help of Amakusa.

"Where are we going?"

"Go to Sendai."


"Yes, to Sendai."

There are three human living areas in Japan, Osaka in the relationship, Tokyo in Kanto, and Sendai in the northeast of Honshu Island.

Compared with Tokyo and Osaka, the structure of Sendai City is much smaller, but Sendai, like Osaka, is led by people belonging to the Wuxiang Association, and the leaders here are also members of the Wuxiang Association, with the same level as Qiwu Xuanzong , all belong to the peripheral people of the Wuxiang Association, and their rank is not particularly high, they can be regarded as middle-level personnel.

Amakusa came here this time to control the people in Sendai. He is not familiar with Sendai, but with the information provided by Qi Wu Xuanzong, he can accurately find the leader of Sendai. As long as he controls this leader, Amakusa can Copy the operation in Osaka, use the list provided by the leader to directly control all the members of the Wuxiang Club in the Sendai area, and indirectly control Sendai.

After pulling Thor up from the ground, Amakusa turned his attention to the two monsters who were still entangled next to him. Kevin and the deep-sea octopus were still entangled. When Amakusa sent them over, the weather here was not very good. Okay, so for the time being, there are no satellites that can see the two monsters still tumbling below from above.

Although it looks like a stalemate, Amakusa can be sure that Kevin will win in the end.

As a giant titan that came to Earth from aliens, Kevin is famous for his persistence. The deep-sea octopus can’t last long, especially now on the shore. It’s okay to have dark clouds blocking the sun. After the clouds clear, the sun will come out Well, the deep-sea octopus is completely finished, it will be dried by the sun directly.

Speaking of dried octopus, Amakusa also began to think about whether to take this deep-sea octopus back to eat.

Although it is said to be a gastritis, but in fact the gastritis can be eaten, the infection of the gastroenterovirus is very strong, and it is also very deadly, but as long as the gastroenterovirus is not allowed to enter the body, it is actually harmless. Among the four sages, Tokyo When the sage in his hometown was studying gastroenteroviruses, he would occasionally make dishes with the corpses of gastroenteroviruses and then eat them himself.

Therefore, gastritis are edible, but ordinary people dare not eat them at all.

As long as you make sure it is cooked, you don't have to worry about the original enterovirus being able to enter your blood vessels and infect yourself.

"Such a big octopus can be eaten for a long time if it is frozen in the snow on Mount Fuji."

In this way, not only the problem of food is solved, but even the problem of preservation is solved. The low temperature on Mount Fuji is the most natural refrigerator. You can directly freeze this big octopus, and it will be fine to eat for a year. Ah, if I keep eating octopus for a long time, I'm afraid I will get bored, and then I don't want to eat octopus anymore.

"If it were me, I would never eat such a disgusting thing."

When Thor heard that Amakusa said that he wanted to eat octopus, he immediately looked disgusted, how could he eat such a disgusting thing.

Amakusa just glanced at Thor with a smile. Thor is famous for his delicious taste. Now he says he doesn’t know how to eat it. When he’s hungry, or he’s eaten a good octopus dish, he’ll definitely like it again. It will definitely be praised again when the time comes, and I don't remember what I said before.

"You tell Kevin, don't throw it away after killing the opponent, take it back to Mount Fuji, just throw it into the crater of Mount Fuji."

Amakusa told Thor, and then opened a portal.

"I'll go there first. After you've talked to Kevin, come here too. I need you to do something."

"Well, it's up to you anyway."

Thor watched Amakusa walk into the portal. The portal did not disappear immediately, but kept rotating there, that is, the state of opening the door. Obviously, it was waiting for Thor to finish the job.

Thor shook his head helplessly, then looked at Kevin who was entangled with the deep-sea octopus in the distance, turned his hammer, flew up and landed on Kevin's head, grabbed Kevin's horn with his left hand, Thor conveyed to Kevin The news made Kevin understand what he should do next, Thor didn't care what Kevin did next, he turned the hammer and flew away, and flew through the portal directly, and the portal was also rushed by Thor Moments later it was off.

Passing through the portal, Thor put away the hammer directly and slowed down, then landed on both feet, gliding all the way to the ground and stopped, and the stop position happened to be beside Amakusa.

"Okay, I've already talked to Kevin, what are we going to do next?"

"Next I'm going to the leaders of the city."

"what about me?"

"For His Highness Thor, just follow me later. We need to broadcast live later, and His Highness Thor needs to show his face at that time."

"Oh? Live broadcast?"

"That's right, for the live broadcast, there are a total of three human habitats on this island. As long as these three human habitats are collected, the island basically belongs to Tony."

"You already have the entire island in your hands?"

"No, not at all. At present, in the main island, Osaka belongs to us. Although Tokyo does not belong to us, as long as we control the puppet emperor, Tokyo can actually be said to be ours. Only this Sendai is not ours. Sendai It can be said that it has the same nature as Osaka, as long as it is controlled, when the three regions are merged, the two of us will get through the gastritis on the entire island, and the three regions will be directly connected, and the entire island will be safe gone."

And the internal leader of this country will be the Holy Son of Heaven. She doesn't need to do anything, just be responsible for being beautiful, and it's over when she becomes an idol and is worshiped. will be excluded.

Chapter 102. Controlling Sendai

The layout of Sendai is smaller than that of Tokyo and Osaka, and the area of ​​Sendai is also relatively small. After Amakusa and Thor came out of the small alley, they went straight to the center. This place is very similar to Osaka, because it is a member of the Wuxiang Club Rule here, so basically it belongs to militarized management, so it looks like a military factory here, which is smaller than Osaka.

The fringe areas of the city are full of relatively small buildings, but in the center of the city, there is a very tall building. It is obvious that it should be the place where the city ruler lives, even if it is not a residence, it is also a place for office. .

Amakusa took Thor into a car, and then quickly headed towards the city center. With the ability of the Mind Stone, Amakusa and Thor did not need to spend money to act during the whole process, but Amakusa would not let this person If you run for nothing, the money will still be given, even if it can be done without spending money.

The car drove all the way to the street next to the central building before stopping. If it is close to the central building, it will be monitored. Therefore, Amakusa does not need to ask the driver to drive the car directly to the door. It is enough to put it down in the next block. After putting it down, Amakusa took out some money to the other party, and then asked the other party to return to the place where he came before, and then took Thor to the central building.

Didn't come down from the front, but opened a portal to the top of the building, and then walked down from the top.

Under normal circumstances, the leader's floor is the top floor, even if it is not the top floor, it is at least the lower level above, because the leaders must have some arrogant emotions, even Amakusa knows that standing on a high place It's cool to watch other people, let alone these leaders.

Sure enough, after going down one floor, Amakusa saw the largest office, which must be the office of the leader of the Sendai area, and there happened to be a person inside, and it was directly facing the outside. I don't know what he was doing, but Amakusa It is certain that the other party is the ruler of Sendai, the cadre of the Wuxiang Association.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, the ruler is right, unless the double specially arranged by the other party stays in the office, or the other party has a twin.

But this is somewhat unlikely, other leaders may do this, but the leader of Sendai is not necessary, because he is a member of the Wuxiang Society, a member of the Wuxiang Society, if he is assassinated, then replace it with another People from the Wuxiang Club are fine, there is no need to cherish your own life so much, of course, this is for the upper echelons of the Wuxiang Club.

Amakusa didn't delay, walked in directly, and served a set of mind gem set meal to the surprised leader, making the other party stunned in place. Amakusa knelt down on one knee.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Well, the mind gem is so simple and straightforward. Loki still needs to use his own scepter to poke others. After Amakusa has mastered magic and gems, as long as the distance is enough, he doesn’t need to poke. He just needs to release the gem at the opponent. Energy will do.

"To prepare for the communication, the target of the communication is Tokyo and Osaka, and then call all the other members of the Wuxiang Club here in Sendai, I want to control them."


In front of the other party, he said to control, but the other party didn't complain at all, or even doubted at all, he got up and went out, and then the outside immediately started to run, Amakusa walked behind the table, facing the table directly Sit back.

“So easy?”

Thor was very surprised.

"Have you developed the Mind Stone to this extent?"

Thor naturally knew that Amakusa had the Soul Gem, but he never expected that Amakusa's control over the Soul Stone had reached such a level that there was no need for dialogue or contact, and he directly controlled the other party, and the other party directly became a The puppet doesn't care about anything, it just acts according to the order.

"Well, in fact, if I fully deploy it, I can still control a large area, but the effect is relatively poor, and the controlled ones can only be said to be complete puppets, and it has no effect on people who are too powerful , so under normal circumstances I would not use this ability."

Large-scale field control ability, and it can only be used on miscellaneous fish. This ability is actually not very effective, so Amakusa is not interested in this thing, which is why Amakusa basically does not have any particularly powerful and easy-to-use AOE skills. But basically he doesn't need very powerful AOE skills, as long as the people around him are enough, although Amakusa is a light cannon, he can also be a support and assassin.

"The situation in Sendai is very simple. Now we just need to wait for him to summon all the people from the Wuxiang Association and then control them all. Then we wait for the completion of the communication link and announce the establishment of a three-party coalition government to Osaka and Tokyo. , if anyone refuses to accept it, His Highness Thor, you need to appear on the stage."

"Oh! Is it finally my turn to play? What am I going to do then??"

"Your Highness Thor, if there are rebels at that time, you only need to use your hammer to blow the opponent's dog's head."

"That's fighting, right?"

"No, it's to blow the opponent's dog's head off."

"Isn't that just fighting?"

"No, in this world, no one is qualified to fight your Highness Thor. They are not your opponents at all, so all you have to do is blow the opponent's head."


Although this sounds like a compliment to him, Thor always feels that something is weird, it doesn't sound right.

"In short, I just need to blow their dog's head off, right?"

"Yes, that's it."

Amakusa nodded with a smile, making Thor scratch his short hair a little depressed, a little confused.

It didn't take much time to prepare the communication, everything was ready in less than half an hour, but the people who called the Wuxiang meeting spent a lot of time. Although Sendai is not big, it is not small, and Japan is famous The roads are narrow and dense, so it took quite a while to gather all the people from the Wuxiang Club, and then they were all controlled by an AOE from Amakusa. Compared with the super-large control, this small control is very effective Obviously, although these people are controlled by Amakusa, they should have a lot of abilities outside of Amakusa's control, so they are still very convenient and easy-to-use talents.

As a result, all the leaders of Sendai became Amakusa's subordinates. Surrounded by this group of people, Amakusa took Thor and started communicating with Osaka and Tokyo.

Chapter 103. Miss Shengtianzi, in order to save Tokyo, go to become...

The war between Osaka and Tokyo is still going on. Although Tokyo had an advantage at the beginning, after entering the stage of street fighting, the advantage is not much. There is no difference between the weapons held by the troops in Tokyo and those in Osaka, because Tony gave them the basic They are all kinds of high-tech missiles and long-range weapons. To put it bluntly, they are beyond visual range combat. Now in the Marvel world, Stark Industries has always taken the high-end route. Although there are some basic individual weapon products below, as long as Tony Those who do it themselves must be high-end products, because high-end products make money!A missile worth hundreds of thousands of dollars is worth hundreds of dollars more than a gun. Doesn’t it make money?

Therefore, Stark Industries is really making huge profits by selling arms. Anyway, the US military and S.H.I.E.L.D. are basically the ones who buy his arms. , All the tax money of the rich in the United States has gone to Tony's hands, isn't this very good.

After the street fighting started, the Tokyo side didn't know the layout of the Osaka side, so the progress was slow for a while, and sometimes they were even pushed back by the Osaka side, which led to a stalemate in the war.

Then, the war in this stalemate stopped because of a wide-area communication from Amakusa.

"It is announced that from now on, the three major cities of Osaka, Tokyo and Sendai on Japan's main island will gather together to form a coalition government, and the main island will usher in unification."

The sudden announcement stunned both Osaka and Tokyo. Qiwu Xuanzong was okay, because it was Amakusa who showed his face in the communication. He is basically a member of Amakusa and Tony now. As a partner, Amakusa announced this way, let He understood that his cooperation with Tony was right.

Unexpectedly, this guy Tony went to do research, and quietly got Sendai, and Tokyo was also got.

Qiwu Xuanzong understood that Tendo Kikunojo must be in Osaka now, because this old guy must be in command at the front line. The Tokyo Self-Defense Forces are a bunch of rubbish. There is not even a decent officer in it. Let these Self-Defense Forces come over by themselves, I am afraid that there will be no scum left.

Therefore, the acquisition of Tokyo means that during the period when Tendo Kikunojo came to Osaka, Tokyo was taken advantage of!

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