"That's right, you helped me find the trident so quickly just now, your speed is very fast, you are a very good dodge T, because you are faster than her arrows, you can perfectly dodge her arrows, if If she attacks us, you can also rush to her to harass her, in short, as long as she does not attack us, so that we can solve Achilles in time."

Neptune stopped Barry's shoulder, looking like a good brother.

No way, after so many years of fighting against beatings, he suddenly found that his defense was not good enough, and his dodge and T became more powerful. He was also very helpless. This was a racial disadvantage. When he reached the shore, his leg was broken directly.

"That's the plan."

Batman, as the initiator, determined the test plan, yes, this is the test plan, they are going to fight Achilles, but the purpose is not to tear the face directly, but to test out the reason why these mythical characters appear, And their purpose in Gotham.

"Wait, we all have jobs, how about you?"

Batman suddenly made a final decision, and Aquaman was a little puzzled because he didn't know where Batman was.

Batman raised his finger and pointed to the Batfighter behind him.

"I'm in charge of supporting the entire field! Stop any terrible enemy reinforcements that may come over at any time."

Chapter 30. DC also plays with shields

The name of Batman's team was decided, called the Justice League. Although it was established much earlier, the name was chosen as the Justice League. The first thing after the establishment of the Justice League was to test the Thors, this very scary organization. What purpose does it have for Gotham, what purpose does it have for America, and what purpose does it have for the world.

Thus, the Justice League began its own actions.

As the most reckless gang organization in Gotham City, the Thors are already well-known. After all, they ruled the slums in a week, and then directly attacked those high-level gangs in the port area. This Thors are too reckless. The non-alignment of the peace talks is one word from the beginning to the end: do it!

This gang organization has no intention of cooperating with anyone from the beginning to the end. It just wants to overthrow the hostile organization. This is not in line with the survival mode of the underworld. It wants to eat all the cakes in one go. To be the emperor of the underworld!

Therefore, not only the Justice League is eyeing them, even the gangsters in Gotham City are also eyeing them. The alliance wants to test the Thors, and there is no need to lure them by themselves. Those gangsters will definitely not give up With such a big piece of cake in Gotham City, they will definitely go to the Thors. The Justice League only needs to stare at them, and stop them at the moment when the Thors are about to make a move.

Thus, the interception plan began.

The actions of the Thunder Gods are too easy to guess. They have almost no other ideas. If they need anything, they can go directly to A, and then deal with the enemy. No matter what the enemy says, unless they surrender and choose to be loyal to them, just like that Tony Same, otherwise give me die!

Therefore, the target of the Thunder Gods is almost doomed now, those gangsters who control the port!

The gangsters are also very reckless. Although the Thunder Gods are very powerful, they are tough heads. They have to touch the hammer of the Thunder Gods to see if the hammer can smash them to death!

Therefore, after the Thunder Gods cleared the gang members in the port, there were not many people in the Thunder Gods who were responsible for the defense. Although Tony brought his younger brother to join the Thors, there were not so many people under Tony, managing a poor area Forget it, it’s really impossible to manage the port. The port area of ​​Gotham City is not smaller than the slum area. There are really not enough people like Tony. If you want to manage it, you need to recruit people, and recruiting people It will take a while, and not everyone can join the gang, but there are many quality requirements.

Therefore, there are very few people guarding the port now, and those gangsters who have been beaten away can fight back, and this is the opportunity for the Justice League.

It’s still night. In the United States, the day belongs to the police, and the night belongs to the gangsters. Maybe night is more suitable for going out in black clothes, or night is suitable for other things, in short, it is night!

On the pier, the gangsters who want to get back the place gather their hands and prepare to get rid of the Thunder Gods. The shortcomings of the Thunder Gods are also obvious, that is, there are very few people at present. Although the upper-level thugs are very powerful, one person can defeat them. A gang, but it is easy to fight the country, but difficult to defend the country, and it is useless if you can't defend it.

But in this counterattack, the thugs of the Thunder Gods didn't understand, but the gangsters did.

Tony Stark, as the boss of a subsidiary of the Thunder Gods, knows very well what the gangsters are like. He found Thor and told Thor what he thought. Thor knew there was still a fight to do. Naturally, he is also very happy. Beating up children is his favorite thing to do, especially with the group of people from Greek mythology staring at him. He wants to kill more people to consolidate his position as the boss. This organization is the Thor group. Besides him Thor, who else can be the boss?

Thor chooses to be the main force, while Achilles and Atalanta serve as support, because Thor said that he wants to kill all the enemies alone, as long as Thor releases lightning, then he can indeed do it together. Kill them instantly, but he didn't want to, because although it was pretentious, it was not passionate enough, so he decided to use his fists to kill those enemies in front of Achilles and Atalanta, after all, Achilles also I haven't lost my big move, I have always used fists, spears and my own jio!

But it also perfectly creates the conditions for the Justice League, that is, there is no need to worry about Thor suddenly appearing when they are fighting.

At night, Gotham Port was completely dark. Because of the battles in the past few days, not many street lights remained intact, so the lighting was seriously insufficient, and the government departments were too lazy to take care of the situation here. After all, the United States is notorious for its infrastructure. It was pitch black, and there were even fewer public cameras.

But this environment is the favorite of the gangsters. They wear black suits, black leather shoes, and hold black guns. Unfortunately, they cannot wear sunglasses because of the night, and some gang members are black, which is even more powerful. Yes, perfectly integrated into the darkness, entered the stealth state, making the enemy completely invisible. Well, breath cover A+!

The gangsters in black suits held Uzis one by one, and set off towards the pier in a mighty manner, just like when the slums surrounded and suppressed Thor. I have to say that the Uzi is really the favorite weapon of the gangsters. It has a fast rate of fire and is light in weight. , can quickly suppress the amount of projection in a short period of time, and there is no need to worry about lethality at close range. Gangster melees are basically close-range gunfights, and there are not many snipers at all.

All of this was seen by Achilles and Atalanta in the distance. Although they saw all this, they did not pass on the news to the enemy, because they were too lazy to help Thor. After such a long time, Amakusa also helped them introduce Thor to each other, but as orthodox servants, they were not very interested in a servant like Thor who became a monk halfway, especially if he was a fool, especially if the other party was an orthodox god .

"That guy, does he like to abuse food so much?"

Although Thor will not be notified, they don't think that Thor can't solve these gangsters. As a servant, even this person can't solve it, so they should commit suicide on the spot.

"It doesn't matter, we were just summoned and helped him by the way. Father Amakusa has already said that there are many dangerous enemies in this world. We are just laying down a territory in this way, and then using this The territory is used as a basis to fight against the enemies that will appear later."

Atalanta used the low-level clairvoyance of her archers to look at the gangsters in the distance, and then shifted her gaze to other aspects. Although she would not help Thor, it would be used as a control if the enemy had additional troops. As for the people in the overall situation, Atalanta is still responsible for cleaning up.

And just now, after she finished answering Achilles' question, the ears above her head heard a strange sound coming from the air.

"Something is approaching."

The pointy ears trembled from side to side, collecting sound information as much as possible and determining the location of the attacker, and quickly determined the enemy's position.

"There! Their target is....us!"

Atalanta quickly determined the location, and directly pulled the bowstring, aimed at a dark sky, and quickly shot an arrow into the darkness.

The arrow pierced the sky with a green light, ignoring Newton's cursing as he lifted the coffin board, crossed a distance of several kilometers in a second, and then slammed into metal shields one by one with a bang.

Chapter 31. Wonder Woman debuts (BGM!

A brass-colored round shield, a brass-colored dagger, two gold bracelets, and a Greek-style armor suit. The leading actress of the DC movie universe, Wonder Woman, is officially here!

After the Justice League detected the mobilization of gang members through satellites, all members came out directly in Batman's Bat Fighter, and the Bat Fighter was detected by Atalanta when the Bat Fighter was five kilometers away from the battlefield, although the Bat Fighter relied on With her dark hiding color and silent flight, no one in Gotham City could detect it, but Atalanta discovered the movement. As a hunter, she has excellent detection ability.

Especially after she scouted for a second, she found that the enemy was heading in a straight line towards her. In other words, she and Achilles had been discovered, and now the enemy was heading directly towards her. Came here, so Atalanta chose to shoot directly, and shot an arrow at the bat fighter.

As an archer who can shoot an arrow several kilometers away and can penetrate metal walls, if the arrow hits, the bat fighter will be scrapped directly.

But this arrow was dropped by the crotch, and was blocked by Wonder Woman, the female superhero of the DC world.

The shimmering divine round shield was obviously only a few seconds thick, but it completely blocked Atalanta's arrows. After the arrows collided, sparks of energy collisions were emitted, and then lost power and fell to the ground. Wonder Woman , but slowly put down the shield. She, who also has super vision, looked straight at Atalanta. At this time, there should be a BGM sounding.

Is she with you?

Wonder Woman's exclusive debut music is even cooler than a red tin man. Unfortunately, without Jarvis, Batman doesn't know how to force it.

Putting away the shield, Wonder Woman pulled out her own Vulcan sword from behind, and the blade flickered with light, turning the brass-colored short sword into a large LED light, emitting a gentle light in the night sky .

"I'll go down to block those arrows first, and you guys take the opportunity to get closer."

Without turning her head, she explained to the back, Wonder Woman jumped with both feet, her body jumped out of the bat fighter, broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and flew towards Atalanta's position with the shield on her head.

"What! She can fly!"

Aquaman, who watched Wonder Woman fly away in the cabin, immediately yelled.

"Didn't she say that?"

Batman asked nonchalantly.

"Did she ever say that?"

Neptune asked back.

"She did."

"Yes, she did."

Batman is sure, Barry is sure, and of course Wonder Woman said it, but she didn't say it in front of Aquaman, but this doesn't affect their use to tease Aquaman.

"Well, maybe I didn't pay attention."

The line of sight shifted to the front, and Wonder Woman was flying in the air, moving quickly towards Atalanta, and Atalanta also saw Wonder Woman, and both of them could see each other clearly in the dark, so an empty battle The middle sniper battle has begun.

Atta shot three arrows directly at Wonder Woman. The three arrows were shot at different angles, and because of the magic power, the three arrows were constantly changing angles in the air. Atta can guarantee that, No matter how Wonder Woman's shield is blocked, it can only block two of them at most, and the third one can definitely hit.

However, to Atta's surprise, Wonder Woman's shield did only block two arrows, but the third arrow was directly cut off by Wonder Woman with the Vulcan sword, cutting the arrow from front to back. In two very smooth halves!

"This woman!"

Atta was shocked. As an archer, she was very confident in her arrows, which were fast, powerful, and very accurate, but now, someone actually cut her arrows open, and used a shield to shoot the arrows. It's fine if you block it, after all, the other party's dress doesn't look like an ordinary person, but if you split such a fast arrow from the middle with a sword, it's even more outrageous than splitting a bullet with a sword, and bullets can't do it Kilometers per second.

"Elder Sister? Did you meet someone in trouble?"

Achilles has also been paying attention. Although he doesn't have the clairvoyance that comes with Archer, he can still see far away. He also sees the eye-catching LED lightsaber in the distant sky, and he knows that Tarante was fighting with the light source, but Ata shot several arrows in a row, but the LED lightsaber did not fall, indicating that the enemy blocked Atta's arrow, or even shot down Ata's arrow directly.

Obviously, it is the latter that can make Atta grit his teeth.

"Well, a guy who can fly, and his speed is very fast, and his fighting instinct is very good, he cut off all my arrows."

"Oh? That would be interesting."

Achilles squeezed his chin with his left hand, and turned the spear with his right hand.

"If eldest sister finds it troublesome, how about leaving it to me?"

"The other party should be a character from the Saber job agency. If it is yours, it should be more suitable. I will support you later."

Although Atta was very angry at Wonder Woman cutting off her own arrow, she also understood that she was an archer. Guys, it's better to hand it over to Achilles, who is also more suitable for melee combat.


Achilles took over the fighting initiative from Atta, jumped forward a step, and the moment his right foot hit the ground, he stepped on a small piece of the roof they were on and jumped into the sky at the same time .

"Come on! The undead chariot of the raging wind!"

A flash of thunder fell, and three horses appeared out of thin air. Behind the three horses, they pulled an ancient Greek chariot that could accommodate several people standing. The three horses pulled the chariot up to the highest point on Achilles and began to fall. At that time, Achilles was caught perfectly.

I don’t know what’s going on, it seems that even a rider can fly, even a chariot can fly, for example, the emperor in FZ, Medusa in FSN, Achilles in FA, they are obviously riders, but they can all be used as flyer.

Achilles landed on the chariot, held the reins with his left hand, and the moment he held the reins, the magic power from Achilles was directed to the chariot, and the entire battlefield burst into a dazzling green light, just like Achilles. as green as her hair.

The entire chariot was activated at this moment, and Achilles laughed.

"Hahahaha, I haven't summoned a chariot for a long time, let me have a good fight!"

The chariot bursting with green light and dragging its long tail, like a shooting star, rushed towards the LED lightsaber Wonder Woman in the distance.

ServantVSDC demigod, the battle is about to begin!

Chapter 32. Batman was shot

Have you ever seen a flying horse?In film and television works, it is not that there are flying horses, but the prerequisite for flying is that the other party has wings. For example, Pegasus can fly because it has wings, but if it does not have wings, it can still fly, which is a bit magical.

Wonder Woman is very interested in the three horses in front of her right now. They have no wings but can fly. They are cute and I want to ride them!

After staying in Paradise Island for so many years, she has ridden many war horses, but none of them can fly. If she can, she must try it. Although she can fly herself, the Amazon women on Paradise Island can’t. , she can send these horses to Amazon, and let her mother ride them for fun.

But the current situation is that these three horses must be snatched over first!And if you want to snatch these horses, you need to defeat this Achilles first.

No, no, my purpose is not to snatch a horse, but to find out what the other party wants to do.

Putting up the divine shield and raising the Vulcan sword, Wonder Woman is ready to fight.

The BGM is still ringing in the void, although no one can hear it, but it is ringing!Don't ask, just ask!

Braving the green light, Achilles, who was all green all over, was driving a chariot and rushed over with a long gun in his hand. It was obviously a chariot, but it rushed like a meteorite with astonishing momentum.

"This is not something that can be blocked directly."

Although Wonder Woman's divine power shield is very strong, she hasn't been able to fight everyone [-]-[-] with a shield like Captain America. Her shield still has an upper limit, at least for impact. She can't absorb it like Captain America, and relies entirely on her own strength as a support.

Wonder Woman twisted her body and quickly performed Z-shaped maneuvers in the air to ensure that she would not hit the carriage head-on, but did not deviate too far, so that she could fight Achilles head-on, rather than simply chasing in the air .

The three war horses rushed towards Wonder Woman dragging the chariot, but Wonder Woman easily twisted away. While twisting away, she also waved the shield of her left hand and performed a shield slam on the outermost war horse. Hit, although she is very interested in these horses that can run to the sky, it doesn't mean that she will not hurt them at all. To tame this kind of fierce horse, it naturally needs a certain majesty, not just being used to it, so come first A shield slams.

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