After shouting, Achilles threw the spear in his hand directly. The spear was not thrown very high, and soon fell to the ground. The place where it fell happened to be on a container next to it. A special energy emitted from the tip of the gun instantly enveloped the entire cargo ship, and the area where the cargo ship was located directly turned gray and white, just like a color photo suddenly turned into a black and white photo.

"This is my arena. Here, both time and space are static. Only the two of us fight each other as fighters. Here, all protections and treasures cannot be used. The two of us We are equal identities, we will fight with the purest instinct, and the arena will not be released until one person is defeated."

Achilles clenched his fists and slowly raised his hands, his eyes full of fighting intent.

"Come on, warrior named Sea King, let's fight to our heart's content!"

Achilles was full of fighting spirit, but Neptune was full of bewilderment.

Where is this?How is this going?Cut off from time and space?Fuck, how can The Flash save me in this way!

Chapter 50. Pancrasin!

The spear tip of the stars galloping across the sky.

This gun is a long spear given by Chiron, the teacher of Ma, when Achilles' parents got married. It is made of the same material as the bow and arrow used by Chiron. His main weapon, and because of Achilles' fighting habits, this spear has gradually become a treasure, a powerful treasure that forcibly separates the enemy and himself from time and space, and single-handedly fights in a world where everything is forbidden.

In this world, everyone can only rely on their own physical strength, and no treasure or protection can be used. This is very beneficial to Achilles, because in his era, being able to fight with Achilles There are almost no people who fight and defeat him in this kind of enchantment. Of course, a certain Hercules who is cheating is not counted, that is really abnormal.

But now, Neptune was pulled into this enchantment and became the one who was about to fight Achilles with physical combat.

"Ah Fu, can you hear me?"

"Hey Bruce, can you hear me, I need help."

"Is Barry going, I need help!"

"Diana, if you don't come, I will die!"

In the black-and-white world, facing Achilles who had already clenched his fists, Aquaman began to sweat on his nervous forehead. At the same time, he pressed his earphones and kept calling the members of the Justice League in a low voice. There was no way , It's too scary, Achilles' eyes are telling him: I will beat you to death next time!

Nima, this is impossible to play, it’s too scary to cut off space and time, Neptune’s job agent was frightened, he didn’t want to fight at all, he just thought about how to save his own life, those guys in the Justice League, can you Be more reliable!Even if you let me resist the pressure, at least come to a jungler to protect me, is it really a stocking?Be careful that I will be taken through directly on the road. If I have no money to buy equipment, the group will not be able to start!

"Are you ready, Aquaman!"

Although I have already asked once before, but now, Achilles still wants to ask again.


"I am coming!"

Neptune just wanted to say that he was not ready yet, and it would take some time to brew his feelings, but Achilles rushed over and interrupted his speech.

"what the fuck!"

Neptune immediately swears, turns the trident and sweeps away at Achilles.

Achilles' bare hands, in terms of deterrence, should be lower than the Aquaman holding a trident, but Achilles' speed is very fast, even if he can't use the treasure, Achilles' feet are still strong, in terms of speed Beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, as a warrior, before Achilles took up the spear, he also practiced a powerful martial arts because he studied under Chiron, which was inherited from Chiron's Pancrasin, and Heracles, the king of cheating. The same level of fighting skills, although not as rich in fighting experience as Hercules, after all, he died at the gate of Troy at a young age, but his fighting ability is still strong!Having been trained by Chiron since childhood, he is definitely strong enough in hand-to-hand combat!

Easily avoiding the sea king's sweep, Achilles retracted his arms to protect his head, stepped close to the sea king, and then quickly punched the sea king directly in the abdomen.

Powerful strength coupled with super fast punching speed, one punch directly makes Neptune's body bow up, curled up like a river prawn, Neptune's eyeballs stare directly at the boss, almost from The ellipse became a complete circle, and the whites of the eyes were directly exposed. At the same time, the mouth grew, and almost spit out all the wine he drank at night.

After the blow, it didn't stop. Achilles continued to punch. This time, he hit Haiwang directly on the chin. From bottom to top, Aquaman's face looks as if it has been squeezed and shortened. Even as an Atlantean, whose body density is many times that of ordinary humans, Aquaman's chin was directly punched by this punch. It was so compressed that the whole face was deformed.

And this is just the beginning. This bottom-up punch directly made Neptune leave the ground and enter a state of floating. In addition to being beaten back, his consciousness was a little unclear for an instant, and this was just the beginning. After Achilles got the result he wanted with two consecutive attacks, he directly turned on the combo mode. Facing the Neptune who was floating in the air, his fists fell crazily like raindrops, and the place where they fell Or the face of Neptune, Neptune's face is like facing a pile driver with overloaded power, constantly being beaten crazily, although it is hard, it is only a certain degree of hard Neptune. It was twisted crazily, and after twisting, it didn't look like a human head at all, with a big forehead, a crooked mouth, two front teeth disappeared, and the face became smaller as it was beaten, it looked the same as when it was fattened by Hercules A beaten and swollen Thor is almost indistinguishable, which looks pathetic, but it's not enough.

It's just that the swelling of the head is not the ultimate goal of Achilles, he is still going to beat the Neptune out of shit! , After beating Aquaman's head, Achilles began to attack Aquaman's stomach, not just fists, but also elbows, knees, and even the soles of his feet. Achilles even ignored his right heel Maybe the injury caused him to lose his invincibility, and he was beaten to the sea king. In just a few seconds, the sea king had to bear at least five attacks per second on average, and each time was a heavy blow!

Achilles played very happily, and all the passion and blood that inspired him were brought into play. Aquaman was full of firepower. Aquaman never fell to the ground from the beginning to the end, and his feet were always in the air. It was thrown away during the second punch, and the whole person can almost touch an ace air combat action game series to be a thick-blooded miscellaneous soldier, the kind that can always float in the air.

After a punch, Achilles punched Aquaman's heart directly. His fist hit Aquaman's chest, but he didn't penetrate Aquaman's chest and crush his heart as expected, because Achilles Si has been fighting in close quarters all the time, and did not use his feet to sprint, but this punch still knocked out all the air in Neptune's lungs, and then flew upside down, flying a full dozen meters before landing. Then it rolled on the deck with a groan, rolled all the way to the edge of the deck, and fell into the sea water below.

Chapter 51. Don't worry, the king of the sea can't be drowned

The world regained its color again. On the deck of the freighter, the original two people faced each other face to face. Suddenly, one person punched the front with his right hand, but the other person disappeared immediately.

From the perspective of Batman and the others, this change is a sudden change within one frame, as if there is a gap in time and space. It seems that there should be many passages in the middle, but these passages just disappeared.

This situation made the Justice League who had been observing behind the scenes dumbfounded. What was the situation? What happened just now? What did I miss? What's going on?

Although it was said that Neptune brought a camera, the Justice League released a drone to ensure safety, and in order to prevent it from being dropped by Atta, the drone flew very high, thanks to Batman's men Wayne Technology can come up with such a technology, which can take very detailed shots on the ground at an altitude of several thousand meters, and it has achieved the ultimate level of anti-shake. Those camera manufacturers will be ashamed when they find out. collapse.

After just one frame, both images changed, one was pitch black, and the other disappeared, leaving only Achilles posing with a punching poss.

"What's going on? Where's Arthur!"

Batman slapped the table with one hand, stared at the two images on the screen, and shouted angrily. He was stunned by the sudden change in the image just now, but after reacting, he immediately understood, Something happened to Arthur. In this short frame time, something happened that he didn't know, and then Arthur's camera broke down, and the drone detected above also showed that Arthur disappeared directly!what happened!

Batman is in a hurry. Aquaman's sudden disappearance makes him very anxious. He is a member of the Justice League. Although he thinks that Aquaman's current role is to test the opponent, he must at least live to test and not die. What else is there in that case? Meaning, the Justice League does not need teammates to sacrifice in exchange for benefits. They are just a group of like-minded fighting partners, not businessmen who use each other for benefits!

"Mr. Wayne, should I go over and have a look?"

The Flash looked at the screen, and he reacted slowly. After Batman yelled out, he realized that Aquaman had an accident just a moment ago, and before Aquaman had an accident, he was ready to go to support Aquaman at any time. As a result, Aquaman It disappeared immediately, and the person who needed to support disappeared immediately. How can we support this? Is it to support the air?

"Bruce, do you understand what just happened?"

Wonder Woman is also frowning at the side. Even she can't figure out what happened just from the picture she sees in the camera. As someone who has fought Achilles before, Wonder Woman is also confused. Yes, why did Achilles suddenly change his position and put on a fighting posture, what about Aquaman?

"No, I don't understand. What happened just now happened so suddenly that I can't judge at all."

"But we have to make a judgment, what happened to Arthur? What happened to Arthur, why did he just disappear?"

Wonder Woman is also very anxious, directly facing Batman is a three-in-one.

"Wait, sir, I think I may know where Mr. Arthur is."

When the three members of the Justice League were nervous, Ah Fu next to him was busy all the time, and the keen Ah Fu discovered some details.

"Ah Fu, have you found Arthur?"

"It can't be regarded as finding it. To be precise, it should be guessed. Please read this paragraph."

Afu pointed at the screen, and then began to control the video to rewind. The time period of rewinding is the few seconds before Neptune disappears and the few seconds after disappearing. The rewinding picture is taken by the drone from above. picture.

"Master, have you found anything?"

Ah Fu put his finger on the keyboard, kept pressing left and right, and kept switching between the two screens, making the three of them a little dazzled, but they still found the difference.

"Indeed, I found it."

Batman nodded seriously.

"One second before Arthur disappeared, the level next to the freighter was calm. Although there were some waves, they were all normal water waves. There is no wind tonight, so the waves are not big."

"However, one second after Arthur disappeared, there were obvious waves beside the freighter, and the waves spread from the freighter to the ocean."

Wonder Woman picks up on Batman's corollary.

"So, Mr. Arthur fell into the sea? At what moment?"

The Flash also understood what the two of them meant, but he was still puzzled.

"But how did this happen? In such a short period of time, a person suddenly fell from the deck to the sea, and there was no time in between?"

"Could it be that our machine's signal was delayed? That's why we didn't see it for a while. That period may be very short, only a few seconds. Considering the speed displayed by Achilles, although we can't catch it. To Diana, but taking advantage of Arthur's unpreparedness, there is no problem in repelling Arthur."

Batman said his conjecture, looked at Ah Fu at the same time, and signaled Ah Fu to detect the signal of the equipment with his eyes, Ah Fu would also lower his head and start the detection, but soon the detection result told Ah Fu that their signal delay was not enough 10ms, basically real-time signal transmission, there is no problem, so Ah Fu can only shake his head at Batman.

Not a signal issue?So what's going on?

Because they have already guessed that the sea king fell into the sea, the three of them are not worried, because they all know that the sea king is an Atlantean, and the Atlantean may die of thirst in the desert. Being hit and killed by a super-heavy truck on the shore can be killed by aliens, but they will never fall into the sea and drown, because that is their home, and there will be absolutely no problem even if they sleep in the sea.

For a while, the three of them let go of their worries and began to think about Achilles' situation.

"If it's not an equipment problem, then what's going on?"

Batman seemed to be talking to himself, staring at Achilles who had started to move again on the screen, and began to think.

"In the mythology, did Achilles show any special abilities?"

"It seems that there is no special story. Achilles' performance is not particularly high. Although he is said to be a great hero after Hercules in name, the gap between the two is actually quite large. "

Wonder Woman answered Batman's question.

"Then, we can only know what happened just now after Arthur comes back."

Batman sighed helplessly, he always felt that the more he tried, the more messy things would come out.

Chapter 52. Are you here to help Neptune deliver the relic?

Aquaman is lying in the sea, no one cares about him, he can't die anyway, since he can't die, let him lie down for a while, unless a shark runs over to bite him, but there are no sharks in Gotham Port, so don't worry, whales are more No, even if there are sharks, according to the body density of Aquaman as an Atlantean, the teeth of the sharks cannot hurt him.

Therefore, the people of the Justice League are very relieved to start researching what Neptune has experienced. Although it will be clear as soon as Neptune returns, they are anxious before Neptune returns, and they have already started various speculations and researches.

"Ah Fu, do you have any clues?"

"No, master, there is nothing. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the signal in the middle has been skipped, but our equipment, no matter how I check, the result is that everything is normal, and there is no signal problem. It can only be said that it is either Something happened that I didn't understand, or something happened that the equipment couldn't detect."

This is a dead end, no problem can be found on the machine, but some problems did occur in reality, they can only guess wildly now.

"I really can't think of any ability that Achilles will have, which can end the battle in such a short time, and even rewrite reality. There is nothing similar in mythology."

That’s right, it’s not a myth at all. The Achilles in front of me is far from the Achilles in the myths she knows. Let’s not talk about the fighting ability, his emerald green hair is amazing No matter how fashionable the ancient people on the earth were, they would never let their hair turn green. The Greeks have never heard of a race with green hair, and neither have the gods. The estimated color is golden. Even in northern Europe, the hair color of nobles is silvery white at most. What's the situation with this green?

And that Atalanta, why does it have ears and a tail, is that an orc?The style of painting is very strange, okay.

You said that they are characters in Greek mythology. Wonder Woman didn’t believe it at first. You can’t say that they are, but I believe they are. But if not, where did such a powerful person come from? It doesn't look like it should have been created out of nothing, so powerful, and it is a character that belongs to the earth alone. It is not a character in mythology, and where did it come from? It can only be said to be a character in mythology.

But how do these weird abilities come about? That's not a myth at all. It's completely different from Wonder Woman, a character from orthodox Greek mythology.

"Why don't I go search in the sea over there and see if I can find Mr. Arthur?"

As a kind child, Barry the Flash was still a little bit sorry after all, so he opened his mouth and wanted to find Aquaman.

"Barry, can you go that fast underwater?"

"Um... I haven't tried it, but when I ran before, I couldn't enter the water because the speed was too fast, so I usually ran directly over the water when I encountered the water surface. I haven't tried it."

"Because the speed is too fast, it is too late to sink?"

Batman would ask a question.


Got the answer from the Flash in the affirmative.

Why don't you run faster, break through the first cosmic speed, and then fly around the earth without stopping?

Batman wanted to complain very much, but he held back in the end. There was no way, this Flash is now a very important teammate, so he couldn’t complain. He was still counting on some danger, so he called Paris for help in time. He couldn’t offend, he couldn’t offend.

"Then we really can only wait like this."

There is no way, you can't find it, so you can only wait, wait first.

Hold your breath and continue to wait!Ah Fu even walked out of the Bat Cave and went to the Wayne Manor above to play around. When he came back, there was an extra trolley beside him. There were a lot of black tea, coffee, and many refreshments and snacks on the trolley, such as Say the steak that Bruce likes to eat, for example, the bread that Wonder Woman likes to eat, and the high-calorie pizza that The Flash likes to eat.

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