"So, beyond that, can I ask another question?"

"Please say."

Being suddenly choked by Amakusa, Fury also restrained himself a little, but his responsibilities and habits made him choose to continue speaking.

"These servants have various abilities, some are very powerful, some are very weird, I believe you can supervise and control them, but if you successfully supervise and control them, you will use their power to achieve certain purposes Is it?"

"of course!"

Fury's question is obvious, that is, with these powerful thugs in hand, will the Church of the Holy Church use them to do things, such as achieve some ulterior purposes, and Amakusa's answer is also very direct, without any shyness.

This made Fury's eyes widen.

"What are you so surprised for, do you expect me to answer no? Would you believe it then? As magicians, regulators of some extraordinary things, we do things all the time that don't affect you On the surface, the lives of ordinary people are related to the world of our magicians and the Church of the Holy Church, and we will naturally deal with it if we have the power."

"As for what you are worried about us using this power to threaten the ordinary world, sorry, if we wanted to occupy the ordinary world, we would have already ruled the world before technology was developed. You have no desire to possess the ordinary world, at most you just enjoy it, do you understand?"

Fury nodded to show that he understood.

Seeing Fury nodding, Amakusa nodded with a smile.

"In fact, all of this has nothing to do with you, but because of the accident, some information leaked, which led to the current situation, so I am looking forward to cooperating with you. After all, with the development of technology, all kinds of information spread There are avenues, and our blockade is not so absolutely guaranteed to be smooth sailing."

"Therefore, sometimes, when you encounter some special events, if you discover them first, you can also help us control them, and then notify us to deal with them."

"If we find out that's the case, yes."

Knowing the current situation of the servants and the attitude of the "Temple Church", Fury, who no longer needed to stay here, took Coulson and left.

After Fury and Coulson left the church, the servants in the basement rushed up.

"Master, the show is over, right? There's no need to act anymore, right?"

Cu Chulainn was carrying his long spear, looking foolish.

"Yeah, I don't need to act anymore, Lancer, how do you feel about the duel with Archer?"

"Heh~~ red archer, not bad guy."

"Yes, the blue lancer, is a nice guy."

Red A stood next to lancer, and gave each other a good evaluation with lancer.

"In the future, you don't need to call me master, you can just call me Father Amakusa. There is nothing else to do. You can do whatever you want. Although there is a basement, everyone should not be idle all the time. Let's all stay in the basement, let's all go out and have fun, anyway, you've all registered with S.H.I.E.L.D., just be careful not to reveal too much."

Saying that, Amakusa looked at Lancelot who was standing in the crowd.

"Especially you, Lancelot, I think you should know what Matthew will do if you make another mistake?"

"I...I see."

Although it has been troublesome in the past few days, but also because of Lancelot, now Amakusa can safely summon followers without worrying about being suspected, but a warning is still needed.

As for Ah Fu...that guy is not here at the moment, at the end of the Holy Grail War, he went with the little spider, and brought Liz with a face full of despair, they wanted to appease Liz.

Amakusa did not expect that in Shakespeare's script, Lancer Cu Chulainn's master turned out to be Liz, which led to such a situation, so in the end Shakespeare completed the tragedy he requested, yes, but it also made Little Spider's love tragedy After a while, Amakusa still doesn't know how the little spider's love will turn out.

"Okay, let's do what we are interested in, and pay attention to what I said before, and don't do anything that violates the rules!"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal!"

Basically, only lancer answered. Red A and Assassin left when Amakusa announced their disbandment. They went to find Illya, especially Red A. Recently, she directly took over the kitchen of the church and made it every day. Many desserts made Ilya and Matthew very happy.

As for Berserker, he never left Illya, and Shakespeare also went out with a happy face. If nothing else, he should go to find the little spider.

After all the servants left, Amakusa also breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed. In recent days, he has been running around with Coulson every day, and then confronted Shakespeare with various scripts at a long distance, but it was very tiring, okay. I didn't sleep well for several nights.

However, as soon as he sat down, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

That was the previous event page, the Holy Grail War event was completed, and Amakusa had harvested a considerable amount of Saint Quartz, which were all rewards for completing the event, and he even got a call sign at the end.

After this light curtain appeared, the flame effect started to burn, the original subtitles were directly burned, and a new line of subtitles appeared.

Against the background of lightning special effects, the blue subtitle reads: Encounter between Man and God, Human Myth·Lightning Arrives!

With a click, the door of the church was opened, and Fury and Coulson, who had left earlier, reappeared.

"Father Amakusa, we have encountered something and may need your help, just like what you just said."

Chapter 89. My name is Tesla, I am a genius!

In the Marvel world, the protagonist is not just a simple earthling, but also a group of aliens, such as what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D. this time.

NASA observed a strange phenomenon, something fell in space, and the speed was so fast that they could not observe it, so the people from the New Mexico branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. went to observe the situation, and they found a strange phenomenon. ground pattern, and a hammer in the middle of a large pit.

After this situation was reported, Ferry and Coulson, who had just left the Amakusa Church, immediately turned their heads and walked back.

Because their intuition tells them that this is what Amakusa just said, the extraordinary event, the strange pattern, and the hammer, combined with the recent Holy Grail War that popped up in New York City and those servants, they have reason to suspect that it was created by a magician things.

So they immediately turned around and went back to the church, seeking Amakusa's help.

"Hammer? Pattern?"

Amakusa was a little surprised, because he saw the new system activity just now, and now he came to the matter directly.

As for this matter, he naturally knew about it. Wasn't it because Gotol the Hammer went to play with the Frost Giants on his own initiative, and was then punished to the earth by his father's sealing of his power.

The strange pattern on the ground is the teleportation pattern of the Rainbow Bridge. As for the hammer, it is naturally Thor's beloved hammer.

Therefore, the activities that suddenly started in the system also adapt to the new rhythm of this world, and the new rhythm is the coming of Thor.

"I probably know what's going on."

Amakusa, who understood the situation, laughed.

"That is indeed an extraordinary situation, and the nature of this extraordinary situation is, to some extent, very important, so important that it will affect the safety of the earth."


Even if it was the Holy Grail War before, or servants, magicians, at most they were some very ancient forces, but now why has it suddenly become the safety of the earth? Is this sudden increase in level a bit big?

"Generally speaking, this is a diplomatic incident. Well, to be precise, it is a planetary diplomatic incident in the same dimension world. The bosses above will not care about it, but you below, you have to pay attention to it."

Amakusa's misty explanation made Ferry and Coulson look confused.

"It's fine if you don't understand. In short, you go to work first, come to me later, and then I will go there with you, because this matter is a bit important, so I still need some preparations."

Amakusa did not explain the situation clearly immediately, but asked Ferry and Tony to go back to prepare first, which made Ferry feel a little confused, but seeing that Amakusa was relatively good at such things, he did not refute anything, nodded Then left.

As the director, Fury can't run around with nothing to do. The reason why he came to Amakusa is because the affairs of Amakusa are very important. In his opinion, this is a global organization that has only been established for less than a hundred years. Cooperating with a huge and ancient organization that has been established for 2000 years, if he handles the incident, he doesn't have to go there.

As a model worker of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson once again became the person in charge of this incident.

After asking the people from New Mexico to make some venue arrangements first, Coulson brought people to the church again, and picked him up as Amakusa said.

It's just that when Amakusa came out of the church this time, he brought another person with him.

This man is tall and tall, with disheveled hair, no, it is very messy, no, it is very long and a little natural curly, his temperament looks very cold, his head is held high, he is wearing a suit with a sense of the times, and there is a belt on his hand. Wearing gloves, the windbreaker on his body is so big that it can be used as a cloak.

"Father Amakusa, who is this?"

"New friend, don't worry about it, let's go first, and I will introduce the current situation to you on the way."

Amakusa did not introduce anything to Coulson, but urged Coulson to go on the road.

"Okay, let's go to the nearby hidden airfield, the Quinjet fighter is ready."

Amakusa didn't want to say anything, and Coulson didn't ask any more questions, but directly took Amakusa into the car, and the three of them drove to a nearby hidden airport, and then boarded the Quinjet fighter that had been parked there waiting, and flew directly to New Mexico .

"Father Amakusa, I will take full responsibility this time. This is the real-time situation at the scene."

On the back seat of the Quinjet fighter jet, Coulson handed over the tablet computer in his hand to Amakusa, and the situation in New Mexico was being played on the tablet computer.

It looks very western there, the ground is full of stones, soil and sand, so it looks extremely barren. On this barren ground, a group of people are building tents around a large pit, preparing to give the pit to Enclosed, there is a hammer in the center of the pit, because it is seen from a high altitude, so it is not very clear to see the shape of the hammer, but zooming in can show that it is the shape of a hammer.

"Colson, do you know Norse mythology?"

"You mean the Norse myth of Ragnarok?"

"Yes, in Norse mythology, there is a god of thunder named Thor, and his weapon is a hammer named Mjolnir. This is that hammer."

Amakusa pointed to the hammer on the screen and introduced.

"So, this is the weapon of the gods?"

"You can say that, but you can't say that, because they are not so much gods, but powerful aliens. If there are magicians on the earth, then there are other powerful aliens in the universe. Humans, some of them have come to the earth, in that ancient era, the powerful aliens were gods in the eyes of the earthlings, and this Thor is one of them."

"However, these so-called gods are not to be feared at all!"

The haughty man who had been silent and sitting next to Amakusa suddenly spoke, his voice was very loud, as if he was performing a drama.

"Myths, only the myths of humans themselves are the strongest. Those gods will be pulled down from the altar by humans sooner or later!"

The seemingly arrogant speech caught Coulson's attention, and Amakusa smiled helplessly.

If you want to talk about the distinctive features of the servants in the FGO game, it must be one of them that they are not very friendly to gods. Divinity can be said to be a powerful debuff. For example, a certain Nobunaga who specializes in cycling, A certain purple girl with a special attack on gods, although this one said that she didn't have an obvious special attack on gods, but his pride also made him think of gods not so well.

And this is also the focus of this event, the encounter between man and God, and the myth of man to the gods!

"Father Amakusa, you didn't introduce him before, who is this..."

Facing Coulson's question, Amakusa didn't answer, and the proud man answered by himself.

"My name is Nikola Tesla and I'm a genius!!"

Chapter 90. Thor's Hammer Actually Has No Power!

Nikola Tesla, in the history of mankind, is a genius, a genius in the true sense.

Just as Tony is a genius in this world now, he was also a genius in the era of Nikola Tesla. He was not only a genius, but also a peerless handsome man in that era. With his own wisdom , allowing human beings to perfectly control electromagnetism!He even pulled the God of Thunder down from the altar through his own efforts.

This genius scientist of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries became a Heroic Spirit because of his achievements, and he also became a pioneer of the stars because of his breakthrough support for human progress.

This scientist who has mastered the power of thunder and lightning that only the gods in mythology can control is now going to meet the gods in the mythology of this world. This is the theme of this event: the encounter between man and god, to show The myth of man!

Amakusa asked Coulson and Fury to go back to prepare first, and then came to pick him up. He was the one who drew the five-star boss. Because the last Holy Grail War event was completed and sent a call sign, Amakusa tried a single draw. Then it was perfect, as soon as it was sent out, this big guy who is now admiring the UP because of the rhythm of the Marvel world.

It's just that, before meeting the god, the big guy's self-introduction made the SHIELD staff very confused.

Because of the Holy Grail War, the reason why servants appeared, SHIELD began to have some understanding of those celebrities in history. Simply put, those in SHIELD who are in charge of contacting Amakusa specially formed a job The group has been frantically studying legends from all over the world recently.

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